In The Work Domain Pt. 15


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I pulled away and Hannah sobbed again, the shivers and tremors continuing to run through her body. I rested next to her, still not touching her, just close enough for any electricity to pass from body hair to body hair. Hannah still had her eyes closed and mouth open. She would jerk, tremble and groan with every breath, even though there was no contact. Yet.

The sheen of sweat over Hannah's body looked amazing as the light crept into the room from a gap in the curtains on one side and the open door on the other, the summer sun still flooding into the flat. I circled Hannah's navel and felt the wetness on the tip of my finger as she continued to tremble. The water parted as the finger drifted down and then stroked along the outer edge of her labia and to the end of her torso. She let out a little sob as I raised the finger up, but groaned as I touched it to her body on the other side, this time moving up against the outer labia and over the top of her vulva, which she was moving up and down, desperate for a touch. I gently circled around the top, the softest of touch over her clitoris bringing a loud cry from Hannah, I watched her chest rise and fall as she gasped, but at times I dared not breath, not wanting more than the smallest of touch, skin or air, on her body.

I breathed in quietly and then moved my finger to the top of her vulva and made a little circle on the skin as she groaned. Then I let my hand drift down and my fingernail grazed over the shaft of her clitoral hood. Hannah's hands gripped the bed sheet tight as she cried out. The soft pad of my fingertip stroked over the hard tip of her clitoris and she sobbed with pleasure as her body writhed, trying to get more contact. The finger dipped between her inner lips and ran against the skin deep in her groove, the labia soft, hot and wet against my finger as I stroked down. I rested the tip against her hole, feeling the muscles pulse and squeeze on the pad, her juice running onto the finger to lubricate it. Hannah's eyes were still closed and she was trembling constantly, her entire body vibrating. I moved my finger so the length of it slotted between her inner lips and then slid it up so it rubbed over her clitoris, the knuckle bumping onto the exposed tip to cause Hannah to cry out, something she did as I moved the finger back and the hard knuckle hit the tip again.

The rhythm started, slow and deliberate, the finger moving between the wet fleshy folds of her inner labia, sliding down, the underside over the tip of her clitoris until the end of my finger pressed against her throbbing hole and then up again, the hard knuckle rubbing over her sensitive skin, sometimes lightly, but she was pushing up to grind harder. It was a steady movement and Hannah's groans accompanied it, a louder one as the finger went down to nudge her wanting hole and a slightly softer one as I moved back up and the tip rested on her clitoris. The moans were accompanied by the soft wet noise of her lips parting with each stroke.

Hannah was hovering, teetering on the edge, like a wave on the shore, her body writhing with each stroke, her groans loud and constant as her body quivered. I looked at her and she was in another world, eyes closed, mouth wide, a ripple of movement from her shoulders to her pelvis and then back again in time with the movement of my finger along the length pf her soaked slit. I increased the speed a little and her groans and shivers matched the pace.

"Colours" Hannah mumbled, "Lovely colours." Her eyes opened and looked through me, then they closed again and the groaning continued. I had no idea what she meant, so just carried on with the same rhythm of my finger sliding along and between her splayed inner lips, the tip going from clitoris to hole and back as her body undulated with the touch. I wanted to be inside her, but I also didn't want to stop, even if my arm was now hurting. I sped up a little and her movements matched mine.

Whatever speed my hand moved, Hannah's groans and movements matched it, my finger was controlling her. I went faster and her breathing became ragged and she waved a hand as if to say 'slow'. so I did. She opened her eyes again and looked somewhere and smiled. Maybe she saw me, I couldn't tell. "Beautiful" she mumbled, "Colours" she followed that with, then closed her eyes again. I still had no idea of what she meant or what to do, Hannah seemed to be floating in her own world, a world full of pleasure, judging by her sounds and movements.

I increased the speed a little again and Hannah's groans followed, her moans now higher pitched as little cries filled the air. My arm was sore, but I was loving the sight and sound of Hannah like this, her body coated with sweat, undulating as I stroked her, the sounds of pleasure coming from her open mouth. I was so hard, but didn't want to stop stroking her as she was in such pleasure. I pressed a little bit harder, my hard knuckles grinding on her sensitive clitoris and she responded by pressing up to me. The cries were constant and her body was shaking fast. I let out a little gasp with pain from my arm and Hannah's eyes flicked open.

"Beautiful colours." she mumbled again and then her eyes focussed on me. "Oh fuckkkkkkk...." she let out a long groan and her body shook more and her eyes shut again. Another groan, rising in pitch and she stared at me once again. "Inside" she gasped.

I didn't question her this time, just slid my legs over hers and she lifted her feet to wrap around me. I held myself at her entrance, trying to get in as she shook. She was tight, her hole pulsing. I pressed, but she was too tight, even with the lubricant flowing from her. Hannah was cumming and, possibly, had been for a while, which might explain her actions. I pressed to her again and the head of my cock popped into her and she screamed out, her eyes wide staring at me. "Yes" she muttered and I tried to get deeper, but she was so tight as she pulsed around the end of my cock. I thrust up and Hannah screamed again and her body opened and then gripped tight. "Oh fuck" she said and her head went back as her eyes closed. I held myself deep in her as her cunt convulsed around my cock, my hips nudging up now and then to move and try to get even deeper.

There was another long groan as I lowered myself onto Hannah's writhing body. There was no point trying to kiss her lips, her mouth was wide and gasping, so I put my lips to her neck and she cried out again and her legs, arms and cunt gripped me even tighter. I wasn't going to last long now, although not being able to move much was helping delay me. I pushed up and got deep and there was another little scream and Hannah mumbled "oh love, love love, love you." into my ear before she trembled and the words and her movements were enough to cause my cock to swell and release deep into her womb. I was groaning now as Hannah sobbed against my neck. My hips still jerked against Hannah even when I was spent, they were matching her movements as she was still having her orgasm.

I tried to stay still, but Hannah was still vibrating around me, her legs trembling on my back, her chest shuddering to mine, arms holding me tight, her mouth gasping as it pressed to my neck. We stayed locked together until she could speak. "Wow." It was all she said for quite some time. I lifted my head and kissed her face and she trembled again, any touch causing her to shake.

It was many minutes later that Hannah's arms fell away from my neck and down to her side. Her feet were still hooked across my back and she hadn't opened her eyes yet. I kissed her cheek and she shivered and sighed. "You ok?" I foolishly asked. There was a soft groan.

"Yes. Maybe. Think so." she muttered, her breathing still fast. "Just... alive." I had no idea what this meant, so just kissed her face gently as she shivered.

Hannah opened her eyes and looked at me, then up and around then back to me. "Where did the colours come from?" she whispered.

"What colours? You mentioned colours before." I was still none the wiser.

"There were colours, the room was full of colour. Like... the aurora, I guess. Beautiful colours." I looked at her and she sensed my confusion. "There were colours, really." She closed her eyes and let out a big sigh then looked at me again and smiled. "Wow" she mouthed and then nuzzled up to me and I held her tight. and kissed her nose.

Hannah unhooked her feet and they slid from me and bounced on the bed as she groaned. "Oh wow, everything is... alive." she muttered and then turned to me again. "You didn't see colours?" she whispered and I shook my head. "Wow" she said and then giggled.

"There is a song about 'she comes in colours', maybe that is what they mean." I said as she continued to nuzzle her nose against my neck. "I am assuming you did cum." I added and she laughed.

"For about a fucking hour!" she snorted. I looked at her. "I was having one, slow, and FUCKING HUGE orgasm" she laughed and then blushed and put her face against my neck. I stroked her back.

I held her tight as she still trembled now and then. Her words ringing around my head. It wasn't the first time she had said the L word during sex, but never mentioned it, or tried to explain it away, so I was unsure if she was aware. I stroked her face and she started to purr, she was coming back.

"You are staying tonight, yes?" She mumbled against my neck.

"Yes. Yes sweetheart." and she snuggled closer.

"Can you get me a drink of water please? I am not sure I can walk yet." She sniggered and I tried to move, but realised I was still inside her, Hannah's legs had moved, but one had now stretched over the back of mine.

"Hmmm, I need to get out of you then." Hannah sighed.

"It can wait a few more minutes." She mumbled and we continued to cuddle up.

I reluctantly moved and slid from her body, the cooler air on my skin felt weird after so long pressed to Hannah. She mumbled and moaned at me as I untangled myself and headed off to the kitchen. I staggered there, my legs wobbly and my arm aching. I poured two glasses of water, then decided a third might be needed and headed back. Hannah hadn't moved, she was on her back, legs splayed awkwardly and a very wet and messy smear was covering her groin. "We might need a shower." I said as I looked down at her and she lifted her head a little, giggled and slumped back.

I held the water to her mouth and lifted her head up and she glugged the whole glass down and then let out a big "Ahhhhhh" She laughed. "Fuck I needed that." I handed her another glass and she took a long gulp and half of that was gone. "Jeez, what did you do to me?" she giggled. I took a sip and then Hannah reached for it and downed the rest of the glass. It was a wise move to bring three.

"So, the colours were around you." She explained as we rested back on the bed, my hand now able to stroke her belly gently without causing another bout of shakes. "As if there were disco lights in the room, red mostly, bright and shining." She looked as me as if to see me disbelieving, but I nodded.

"Wow, must have been intense." I added and she nodded.

"I started to cum before you even kissed my nipples, Really, I was gone early on I was so turned on." She sighed in a happy way, "I mean, I don't even remember most of it, just the colours and feeling incredible. I got scared I wouldn't stop, it was just a continuous orgasm wave," Her hand wafted in the air to demonstrate the ups and downs. "Even when you went fast, it didn't stop!" she snorted a little "I remember you were going fast and it was too much, really, just unbearable, a high speed and intense orgasm, but it wasn't stopping." She gulped more water. "Also, I knew it was you, but could only see colours. So odd. Beautiful, but..." she sighed again. "I was pleased when I could see you, I felt safe and then... BOOM!" she laughed a bit of water dribbled from her mouth. "Fuck, I was gone when you went inside, just exploded, it was beautiful, so good. Fuck, I love you in me." She sighed and slumped down again. "You broke me." she laughed and I moved my face over hers and she reached up to pull me down and we kissed for several more minutes.

"All that water..." Hannah mumbled. I looked at her and she laughed. "Want to go to the shower?"

"Can you walk yet?" I stood and even my legs were wobbling, then held a hand out for Hannah who managed to sit on the edge of the bed, but that was it. "Maybe I should bring a bowl" I suggested and she laughed and then gasped.

"Don't make me laugh!" she stared up at me as her hand cupped her vulva. "Seriously!" I helped her up and then she held onto me as she staggered to the bathroom.

I helped Hannah climb into the bath and went to turn the shower on. "Darling" she whispered and I turned as she pulled me close. I looked into her eyes and held her as she moved to kneel, her legs still shaky. I sat at the end of the tub and she moved her legs over mine and her arms went around my neck as she leaned onto me. and her lips touched mine. I felt the warmth flowing over me as Hannah trembled in my arms and released over me. "Oh god" she sighed, "I love this" her lips went to my ear, "Love you" she whispered and then she began to sob in my arms as I pulled her close to feel her running out directly onto my skin. I held her tight, my hands stroking her back, too stunned to talk. Several minutes later she lifted her head and looked at me, that awkward smile on her face.

Hannah reached up to start the shower and then rinsed me off as I stood and she knelt. She looked up and smiled and I nodded. "Good" she said and then sat back and I breathed out and released my stream over her, the liquid running over her breasts as she held them up and then she sat up and put her arms around my hips and her face to my groin. I knelt down when I had finished and we kissed softly before I took the shower and rinsed Hannah off.

"This had been an amazing day." She said as I put the gel on her breasts and lathered it up. We washed each other's bodies kissing the fresh skin as we knelt in the tub. Hannah tried to stand, but needed help to get up, but then was ok and I ran the shower over her entire body. I stepped out of the tub and held my hand out for Hannah and wrapped her in a towel and held her. I was still too shocked to say anything, so just carried on as Hannah kept blushing for no reason. She put her arms around my neck and kissed my ear, "I meant it, but..." there was a soft sigh. "I don't know how yet." I held her tight it was my turn to sob a little. "Don't do anything differently, please." She mumbled as she held me. "just keep on...." her voice faded.

"Loving you?" I replied and she kissed me.

"Yes please."

We fumbled around rather awkwardly for a while, then went to the kitchen and devoured some potato salad and baguette. Nothing more was said about the conversation earlier, instead we tried to make a plan for Sunday.

"How about a boat trip, maybe to Greenwich?" Hannah suggested.

"Good idea. Or even to Richmond."

"Perilously close to your place." Hannah laughed and I nodded. "Will the idiot be around?"

"Don't think so, he told the landlady he was away until Tuesday evening, then again, he may have said that as she wants to see him."

"Is she going to kick him out?" Hannah looked at me seriously.

I sighed, "Think so. So I'll have to do the whole advertising and seeing people again and it's always at weekends."

"Bummer!" She said and munched some bread.

"I have an idea" I said and went to get my phone. Hannah watched as I sent a message and a few minutes later the reply came and I smiled.

"What have you done, mister smartypants?" she giggled.

"Asked him if he could take in a parcel tomorrow, but he replied that he's out until Tuesday." I smiled at Hannah, "So the place will be idiot free. Well, apart from me."

"Wait, why would there be a delivery on Sunday?" Hannah stared at me.

"I told you, he's an idiot." and she laughed

We looked up boat trips and found the timetable for Richmond and another day was, almost, planned. I washed up and Hannah stumbled to the sofa and by the time I had joined her, she was sleeping. I pulled a chair close and sat in it to watch her until I drifted away.

It was late, or early, depends on the perspective, when I woke. Hannah was still asleep on the sofa, but I had to wake her and caressed her cheek until she stirred and blinked her eyes open at me. "Hi darling." She whispered and then looked around. "Oh!" and then giggled. I helped her up and she stood on the sofa laughing. I moved in front of her and she put her arms around my neck and then hooked a leg up around my waist. "Ready?" she giggled and I nodded and moved forward as she hooked the other leg up. We staggered around and Hannah shrieked with laughter as I carried her on my back to the bedroom where we fell onto the bed in a cloud of cackling laughter.

We cuddled up and I remember Hannah mumbling goodnight after I had said it to her, but that was all as a perfect day ended.

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orangecuriousorangecurious5 months agoAuthor

you could always try reading. I don't look for stories by tags

HemmingswayHemmingsway5 months ago

Disappointing that this series has no story tags. I might have read it if I had any idea what it was about.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


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