In The Work Domain Pt. 15


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"Jerk" She mumbled as she did up one of the buttons and then looked down, shrugged and took my hand again as I peered at her beautifully rounded cleavage, the soft swell as the breast curved underneath visible as I looked down. My cock twitched and it was my turn to pull her to me and I quickly bent my head to kiss the side of each breast as Hannah purred.

The cafe wasn't far away, but we had walked slowly for the last part, stopping frequently to kiss. We strolled in and Hannah spied a table in the corner and scooted over as I grabbed some menus. She leaned forward as we discussed what to get, her smile back as I stared down at her breasts, the dark areolas visible. I tried not to think of how much I wanted to be inside her and, instead, went to order two grilled sandwiches, coffees and a fizzy drink to quench our thirst. We sat and held hands across the table until the food arrived and then we ate our own sandwich and swapped bits with each other, drinking the sparkling flavoured water from one glass. Luckily the cafe was quiet as lunchtime was almost over, so no one got outraged.

The afternoon lingered, the heat batting away the ocean breeze as we walked back into the town centre and up the cobbled street, stopping frequently to look in shops, not really interested, just wanting a break. We went into a record shop and flicked at the albums, Hannah gasping when she saw the prices "Jeez, I had this when I was younger and doodled all over the sleeve." she mumbled at one, quite expensive, album. We wandered into a camera shop, Hannah trying to distract me when we were near it as she feared the worst, but the staff just ignored us, so I walked out as Hannah followed and giggled.

We looked in some art shops and other funky places, being unimpressed by most until we found a small staircase to walk up, just out of curiosity and then had no idea where we were. We walked down more cobbled streets and around a churchyard, not paying much attention, just happy to be with each other, hand in hand, arm in arm and, quite frequently, lip to lip. We would sit if we found a bench and we spent a while looking out over the harbour from the edge of the town above.

"Let's go down and look at the harbour bit again and then find somewhere to get chips." Hannah said. "Then we can go home and bed." This was the best plan today.

I walked in front down the twisty and bumpy stairs. They had started off smooth, but, after a corner, had turned quite tricky so I led the way, prepared to break Hannah's fall if she toppled forward. "Hey, this would be a better view if we were going up." she laughed from behind me. I stopped and she bumped into me with a laugh and I turned to catch her in my arms. The walls were high around us and I looked down. Hannah looked behind me and I looked up the stairs, then smiled at her as she moved back and unbuttoned her dress and pulled it open. I lowered my head and took each nipple into my mouth, loving the hard feel on my tongue as I quickly licked them. "Oh fuck" she mumbled and, when my lips were on hers, she pushed her tongue into me.

"I really needed to do that." I said and she smiled and opened her dress again as my hands went to her breasts.

"I really wanted you to." She said quietly as she did up one button, the curve of her breasts clear now to everyone. "Still not bored then." she laughed and took my hand to lift it to her mouth to kiss the palm.

The harbour was busier now as more restaurants and bars opened. Big screens showed any sport that was on, one with tennis, the other cricket. Groups of girls wandered around, dressed up and giggling as groups of boys watched and elbowed each other and made comments. We strolled to the lighthouse hand in hand, tables and chairs scattered in front of it now as people drank and ate. I took some more photos as Hannah posed in the softer light. A gaggle of young men walked past and looked at her as she leaned over the railing, two of them walking backwards to carry on checking her out as they went towards the bar area, She was unaware and just wandered back to me, smiling her cute smile, her cleavage looking so inviting.

As I had been unaware earlier, so was Hannah now as numerous men, young and old, cast their eyes her way as we passed, her red dress, hat and collar glowing in the afternoon sun, her beauty shining. We walked over the bridge, taking photos of the boats bobbing in the water either side and the flowers rising from the beds where the tracks had once been. We walked under an arch and saw a chip shop and looked at each other and smiled. Hannah looked at the menu, "Hey, they do vegan sausages and chips and vegan sausage roll and chips. This looks like the place!" So it was. We ordered, Hannah getting the sausage roll and me the sausages and then argued over who would pay, Hannah saying it was her turn as I got lunch and the train tickets before telling the woman not to accept my money under any circumstances. "He's a villain and a thief" she laughed as the woman tried not to.

"Has he stolen your heart, dear?" She giggled at Hannah.

Hannah laughed and mumbled something quietly as she nodded and then thanked her for the food as it was handed it over.

We found a bench next to the harbour, the quiet clank of rigging as the boats wobbled in the waved masking the loud chatter of people on the other side. We looked around and there were no gulls. We started to eat and no birds came. I took a bite of the sausage and then Hannah took one and we made 'yum' noises as we chewed and then Hannah offered me some of her sausage roll and we did the scene all over again. Only then did a large gull waddle down the cobbles to stand in front of us.

"Not very menacing." Hannah said as it looked at us. "More like, 'hello, I'll be your gull for the evening if you need anything' type of bird." It stood there and looked at us as if to confirm that. We carried on eating and it watched us. Hannah dropped some of the pastry and its eyes went to it and then it hunkered down and walked around to check out the situation before running over, picking up the food and running back. Hannah giggled. "Nope, still not scary." We finished most of the chips, but decided we needed to leave a 'tip' for our new friend and dropped bits as we neared the end. The gull would run over and grab them before walking back out of touching distance. It got bolder each time, but still was well behaved and we said thank you as we left and it cried out its own thanks as it pecked at the last of our chips in the cracks of the cobbles.

The toilets had a queue now, so there was no chance of sneaking in together, but I kissed Hannah's fingers and she did the same to mine before we went into separate cubicles and then we walked back up into the centre, the shops now closing, restaurants the only lighted windows as the shifts changed in the seaside town. We didn't have any train times, just decided to turn up at the station and we passed the time by holding each other and kissing.

The train sighed as it stopped and the cooler air rushed over us as the doors opened. We found a quiet carriage and cuddled up, Hannah with her back to me as my hand slipped into her dress to hold a breast. The scenery droned past us as we drifted, her heart beating against my palm.

"Tickets, any tickets from Folkestone." I jerked awake and yanked at Hannah's dress as I tried to get my hand out The train guard stood nearby, his eyes flicking at Hannah, but also trying to look away as we fumbled around to find our tickets whilst trying to act as if I hadn't been holding her bare breast. Hannah leaned forward to pick up her little handbag and she almost fell from her dress and she quickly wrapped an arm over her chest and blushed. I held out my ticket over her head to distract the guard and his eyes went to that as he scanned it and the machine beeped. "Thank you, sir" he said and Hannah waved her ticket up towards him, trying to hide as she blushed deep red. "Thank you, miss, thank you." he said and then walked away slowly, smiling as he looked back at us. We giggled and then cuddled up again, Hannah draping an arm over her chest as my hand held her again.

We stumbled off the train in London and headed to the tube, slightly dazed as we had slept most of the way home. We were in a bubble now, holding hands as much as possible, Hannah resting back against me as I held her while we waited for the tube. The rest of London buzzed around us on a Saturday evening and we didn't care. I saw the occasional glance at Hannah's chest, the dress still open, but only her cleavage visible to passers by. She didn't care and shrugged if I mentioned that someone was checking her out. "I'm yours" she whispered back and my heart did loops in my body.

The air felt stale as we reached the street, hot and thick as it rose up from the baked pavement. The fresher smell from the seaside long gone from our lungs now. We walked silently as others shouted and clattered around, returning from the shops or preparing to go out for the night. We were heading to our little world to be alone together. Hannah opened the door and we stepped into the stairwell and sighed and then embraced and kissed deeply. At the top of the stairs I took Hannah into my arms and kissed her face, starting with her nose and moving around until our lips were together and she gasped into my mouth. I wanted her naked now and I began to slide the zip down, but she asked me to stop.

Hannah walked to the front door and then turned to smile. Her hands went to the last few buttons on the front of the dress and then she slid the straps off and let it fall open and gave a push on her hips to free herself from it. She stepped to me and reached for my t-shirt and lifted it up and I bent to help her pull it off and we kissed, her hard nipples pressed to my chest as her hands undid my shorts and then fell around my ankles. She reached into my boxers and gripped my penis and then her hands moved the material over my hips. "I want you inside." she said softly and my cock rose.

The door closed and we were safe again. Hannah took my hand and led me to the bedroom and we continued to kiss and caress each other as we stood by the bed and then moved onto it, first kneeling, then lying together.

I moved my lips from Hannah's and kissed her chin, then continued down, pausing only to skip over the red and white collar, the only thing she was now wearing. I sucked on her delicate throat as she gulped and then licked into the hollow at the base. My lips went over a shoulder and down her arm, kissing the tips of every finger before I repeated the actions on the other side. My tongue slid down her side to her hips and then across to the other and up as I slowly kissed my way around her body, tasting the ocean on skin from earlier. I opened my mouth wide on her belly and flicked my tongue into her navel as she laughed and sighed, her hand stroking my head as she murmured and moaned in the still evening air.

There was a louder groan as my mouth touched the underside of a breast, I had kissed over Hannah's chest and belly as she undulated against my mouth as her desire increased. I let my tongue lick up the firm curve of her breast and Hannah shivered. The tip of my tongue reached the edge of the areola and then ran down, the pattern repeated as I moved around her breast before kissing between then and doing the same with the other one. Hannah was moaning and moving her body, trying to get her nipples to my mouth, but I stayed away for now.

I poked my tongue out and ran it around the edge of the dark areola, my nose intentionally nudging the hard nipple as Hannah groaned and pushed her chest up. The circle got smaller, licking in a spiral until she was shuddering as my tongue ran around the hard nipple for a second and then moved away. There was another groan, one of disappointment until my tongue touched the other areola and Hannah sighed again. I repeated this several times, each parting of our bodies was met with a cry of loss from her until the contact was made on the other breast. I glanced down her body as I licked around the right nipple and saw her belly and hips undulating as if she was grinding against something, desperate to be touched, her legs open wide and the light glistening on her wet lips. Neither of us had said anything since we had entered the bedroom,

My tongue flicked up over Hannah's right nipple and then moved to the left to give it one, slow, long lick as she arched her back and groaned loudly. I sat up and looked down at her, she was coated in a sheen of sweat and was breathing deeply, her eyes were only just open and she had a sweet smile on her face. I moved up to kiss her on the mouth, my tongue pushing into her lips as hers did the same and then I pulled away as she moaned with frustration.

My next stop was her belly button, my lips around it as my tongue ran around inside. She half giggled, half groaned as I licked her, but then only did the latter as I moved away. My lips went across to her hip and then down kissing over her right leg and down to suck on the tender skin of her ankle, feeling her pulse against my lips. I kissed each toe and then moved over to the other foot and began to move up her left leg.

Hannah was groaning and her body would push up to get my mouth to her as I reached her thighs. She spread her legs open and I kissed up inside each one, moving from leg to leg and Hannah pushed her hips up to try and get my mouth onto her vulva, the inner lips soaked and flushed with blood, the outer ones wide, her whole mound shining with her lubricant. I blew out onto her labia and she cried out, but then I moved away and put my lips to the shaved area just above her vulva and there was a gentle sob from her. I started to kiss up again and licked her navel, this time there were no giggles, just the moaning of someone who wanted more.

I looked up at Hannah and she smiled again, her hips were still moving, wanting my touch and I ran a finger down the crease of her skin as it went from inside her hip to under her leg. There was another groan and she pushed up again. Her eyes were half open, but I could see the shine. She didn't say anything, just smiled. She didn't have to say anything, she knew I wanted her and she wanted me. Today had shown that. I ran a finger across to her belly button and then down, the nail on her skin until just above where her lips started and she writhed to try and get my touch on her, but I moved away and up to the underside of a breast, following the curve until the finger circled the areola and then across to the other one, circle and then down and back to her navel. There was a gentle sobbing noise from Hannah.

The evening had taken hold now, the air thicker as the heat of the day refused to move over. Hannah's body glistered in the light from the sweat and I bent to taste her, licking below her right breast and then up the underside of it. Hannah groaned again, her body moving up to meet my mouth and I held myself over her nipple and blew out onto it as she shivered and groaned. I had lost track of time, but Hannah wasn't the only one desperate to have my lips on her nipples, I had kissed everywhere on the front of her body now, except for her nipples and vulva. I held myself away so I wasn't touching her and looked up. Her eyes were closed now, mouth open as she gasped in air and moaned with each exhalation. I opened my mouth wide and placed my lips to her areola and she cried out with pleasure at the touch.

I took the hard nipple between my lips and held it tight as I ran my tongue slowly up and down. Hannah shuddered and groaned, her body pushing up to me. I held myself up, my mouth the only thing touching her and I pulled the hard teat up as it stretched from her breast and then fell as I opened my mouth. She shivered and moaned, mumbling words that were in no language I knew and, I suspect, neither did she, it was just random sounds that didn't make sense. I moved over and opened my lips just over the other nipple and took it into my mouth as she cried out and her whole body jerked underneath my mouth. I pressed the tip of my tongue to the captive nipple and she thrust her chest up at me as she shook and sobbed. I couldn't get enough of her delicious breasts, they tasted of her sweat and the scent of the sea, so I sucked on each one for several minutes, making sure it was only my lips on her as I did so and then I pulled up again and released and Hannah let out a long groan and her body writhed on the bed and I put my lips gently to her belly button again.

Hannah was shaking and emitting a mix of groans and sobs. There were still no words. As much as I wanted to be inside her, I was loving just kissing and touching her and her response showed she was enjoying it. I figured that she hadn't asked me to stop, so I should just keep going. Besides, there was one area left to explore.

I slowly began to kiss down again, holding myself up, my lips the only thing in contact with Hannah. I placed small kisses on her, my mouth stopping just above her mound and I opened my lips so the lower one ran over the skin as it rose and Hannah groaned louder than before. I lifted my head and looked at her body, the outer lips were open, the tip of her clitoris was visible as it poked up, the skin around it swollen and dark pink. Below her inner lips rose up, dark and soaked, the edge almost black in contrast to her pale outer lips. The left lip was slightly bigger and fell onto the outer one as the right lip stayed upright. Hannah was moving her hips as I breathed onto her and the lips would part as she writhed, the soft wet sound clear in the quiet of our world. I put my lips together and rested them on the top her vulva and she cried out and pushed up to meet my touch.

Hannah gave a loud groan each time I touched her now and I slowly moved my mouth down her exposed pussy, little licks across the hood of her clitoris as it rose up before I paused and blew onto the exposed tip and it shivered with Hannah's anticipation. I tried to be as soft as possible and parted my lips around the very tip of the swollen clitoris and there was a small scream of pleasure as I made contact and then Hannah's entire body shook violently as I licked. "Oh Jesus fuck" were the first words spoken for some time.

The lips were soft against mine as I kissed down, my mouth sometimes closed, sometimes open on Hannah's labia, tasting her with an occasional suck or lick. She was shaking a lot now, her legs quivering as they opened wider to try and get me to touch her more. I put my tongue to her inner lips and licked to part her, then kissed each one in turn as she was fully open to me now. The air was thick with her scent and I could see her lips shining with juice. I licked over an inner lip to taste her and she cried and shook some more. My lips went down her puffy outer ones, licking over the shaved skin and taking the soft mound into my mouth as she shuddered and groaned. Even if I stopped kissing she was still moving, tremors running through her and groans with every breath. I put my lips together and pressed my mouth to her parted inner lips and felt the soft, wet flesh on the side of my mouth as I kissed the bright pink skin of her body inside.

I moved back slightly and shifted so I was between Hannah's open legs and she drew her knees up to try and get even wider for my touch, I let a breath out onto her and she cried out and shivered and then there was a small scream as my lips touched her. Her legs went up and back and she bent up as I kissed and my mouth went to where the heat and juice was coming from and I tasted the liquid direct from her as she cried out and shuddered against me. "God, yes." she muttered and then just tried to catch her breath. I lifted my head and looked at her, looked into her, the deep red of her open body, the juice running from her. I put my tongue out and lapped at it and her hips thrust to get me inside, her muscles spreading to welcome the tip of my tongue into her.