Levi's Microscopic World


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End of report, 8/13/2021, A. Maxwell (#52521), recorded on MS-WordVoice v.9.25, task force Id. 21-670, archive AS-21-0032166.


"Thank you for coming, Dr. Channing," Levi said sitting at the conference table across from her. "I want to start a weekly dialog with you about the progress of the BOT-16 project and want to get your opinion on how best to go about it. I know you already submit a lengthy monthly status report but I was thinking of a very short, maybe 30-minute at the most, meeting on a weekly basis to get what isn't in the report. I don't want to interfere with your work, just understand more about it. How does that sound to you?"

"Well, okay, I don't see any problem with that," she said a bit reluctantly. "I think I can squeeze another 30 minutes into my day."

For the next 20 minutes they talked about BOT-16 development and what the project team members were doing. What Linda didn't know was that while she sat on the conference room chair 13 modified BOT-16 microbots had infiltrated her body and were making their way to take up their stations. It would be about two hours before they were all in place so nothing would happen for a while.

A special transmitter/receiver BOT would wait in Linda's body near the surface for a signal from the other BOTs that she was in REM sleep and in physical contact with another person, the assumption being the other person would be her boyfriend. At that point the transmitter/receiver BOT would move from her body into his. Its purpose was to send a signal to the BOTs in Linda's body whenever he was near.

The day before Levi had injected a single transmitter/receiver BOT into his own body that gave off a particular signal on a different frequency than that of her boyfriend's BOT. It would signal the BOTs in Linda's body that he was near.

Levi smiled as Linda left the room knowing that everything was going exactly as he had planned.

After lunch Levi checked the window on his computer showing the status of the microbots in Linda's body. Every one was in place and standing by for programming. After downloading their instruction set Levi set about an experiment. One microbot was to increase her heart rate when he passed by so Levi walked into the lab and passed by Linda, smiling down at her working away at her station. She smiled back, at first, but then looked concerned and then hurriedly went back to work. When Levi got back to his computer the telemetry readouts showed that she did have an increased heart rate while he was there but quickly went back to normal when he left.

"Excellent," Levi said sitting back with a smug expression on his face.

Levi had planned a series of hormone adjustments and an increase in the stimulation to the labial regions to supplement the increased heart rate already taking place. The new microbot activities were to be phased in over the several days. The object was to simulate a sense of arousal in Linda that would feel exactly like just the beginnings of sexual intercourse or more specifically the arousal just before starting coitus. If everything worked out she should be uncomfortable and distracted during next week's status meeting. She was but never broke with her professional demeanor and let on.

Levi was happy after he reviewed his telemetry results and concluded that there were a couple minor hormone adjustments to be made and then all that needed to happen was to be in Linda's presence as much as possible. Whenever he was in her presence she would become aroused. After a while she would make an unconscious note and eventually her thinking would be pliable and impressionable.

"I do have one strange thing to report," she said seriously. "Mr. Tobias has reported the disappearance of 14 BOT-16's. We don't know where they are and have no record of anybody accessing the repository. It's almost like they walked away. Someone speculated that some errant telemetry reception triggered instructions to move to a particular location in the body and they took off and continued moving until they ran out of power. They're probably somewhere in or around the repository but we can't find them now that they're dead. I would suggest we add a location signal safeguard to the software to prevent commands that weren't meant for them. Maybe even some sort of security protocols. We can easily manufacture new BOT-16s to replace the missing ones but it's worrisome that we lost track of some in the first place."

Levi thought how he could cover up what he did. "Did you check with security to see if anybody was in the lab that shouldn't have been, an outsider maybe?"

"That's the first place I checked. They reviewed the video for the last three weeks and found nothing."

"Well then Dr. Channing I wouldn't worry about it too much. More than likely it was an errant telemetry instruction as you said. Just go ahead and create replacements and I'll take care of designing the software for security protocols, and tracking them once they run out of power."

Levi went back to work confident that his plan would not be discovered.

At the fourth weekly status meeting Levi noticed that she wasn't herself.

"What's wrong Dr. Channing? I can see that something's bothering you, so spit it out. Tell me."

"I don't know sir, it's kind of personal."

"Well in that case if you would feel better talking to one of your friends, I'd understand. I just don't want one of my best employees feeling down."

"Well sir, it's not that I don't think of you as a friend it's just that I've got a problem at home."

"Linda, I won't say a word to anyone and I certainly won't judge you. Go ahead and say whatever's on your mind."

"Well, it's my boyfriend sir. Every time we start to, well, you know, be intimate, I get nauseated and sick all over. It's almost as though I have a physical reaction to him whenever he touches me. It's starting to wear on him, and us. I've tried to ignore it but it just gets worse and worse. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Maybe you should go down to the clinic and get checked out."

"I can't do that sir. If they don't find anything physically wrong with me then they might suspect a mental problem. I can't afford to have that in my employment file. The next time promotions are announced someone will see that and think I'm some sort of nut and I'd be passed over. No, I can't risk it."

"Well how about taking a little time off and go away with your boyfriend. Maybe it's just the stress of work and maintaining your relationship that's wearing on you. I'm no psychologist but I do know that stress will do all sorts of strange things to you. Think about it and let me know tomorrow."

As she reported about the BOT-16 project, and seemed to be wiggling in her seat the whole time, Levi smiled knowing that the microbot destined for her boyfriend made to its target. It will only be a matter of time before he's out of the picture.

Linda did take off a week and go away with her boyfriend. Things would be different when she got back, she didn't know it yet.


Federal Bureau of Investigation
Supplemental Report
Subject: Levi Howard Stussman
Task Force: 21-670
September 14, 2021
Author: Special Agent Aaron Maxwell

Dr. Stussman has made considerable progress in the seduction of Dr. Channing. The microbots are in place in her body and she is experiencing discomfort, probably vaginal stimulation and wetness, raised heart rate, and other hormonal changes, whenever Dr. Stussman is around. He has also increased the amount of time he spends with her. Also of note, Dr. Channing's live-in boyfriend has found himself another girlfriend at his workplace and has been spending a lot of time with her of late. The thinking of the team is that this development is just another component of Dr. Stussman's planned seduction. We continue to monitor for any signs of trouble but as of yet we haven't found anything to worry about. DOD-NWA has requested copies of all the tapes of Dr. Stussman and Dr. Channing's interactions for their analysis. The Director has authorized it and technicians are now forwarding copies to them.

End of report, 9/14/2021, A. Maxwell (#52521), recorded on MS-WordVoice v.9.25, task force Id. 21-670, archive AS-21-0060133.


"Good morning sir," Linda practically purred as she entered Levi's office for their weekly status meeting. "How are you today?"

"My, you're chipper this morning," Levi retorted with his quirky little smile. "Your little vacation must have worked out all the cobwebs. How'd it go? And please, you don't have to go into details."

"Yes, I do think the cobwebs are gone. When Jason and I got back Friday night he packed up his stuff and moved out. It seems he had another girlfriend ready, willing, and able to take my place. At first I wasn't too happy but the more I thought about it the more I'm glad he's gone. I'm ready for someone new, maybe someone already close to me."

Levi just peered out of the corner of his eye at her. She was sitting across the table from him with her hands under her chin propping up her head. And she had that beautiful smile on her face too. Levi quietly celebrated the success of that part of his plan. He had to be careful not to undo all the progress made so far by pushing too hard, too fast. Patience was still the watchword.

"I'm sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend," Levi offered. "If there's anything I can do for you just let me know."

"Well, there is one thing," Linda said softly. "A while back you asked me out to dinner to celebrate something or another and I told you I couldn't because of Jason. Well, I'm free of him now and want to take you up on your offer, if it's still open of course."

"Uh, well, yes of course," Levi stuttered quite convincingly. "I'd be delighted to go out to dinner with you sometime. When is a convenient time for you?"

Linda just stared dreamily across the table and murmured, "Anytime Dr. Stussman, anytime."

"Good, how about this Saturday? I've heard talk of a nice little Italian restaurant on the corner of Figueroa and 8th. I haven't been there but I hear only good things about it. I assume you like Italian food Dr. Channing."

"I love Italian. And if we're going out then you should call me Linda."

"Well Linda, at the office I think Dr. Channing is appropriate but away from here I would be glad to call you Linda. It's such a pretty name. Linda. Ahem, now, to the task at hand. Tell me about the latest upgrades to BOT-16."

She quickly sat straight in the chair and droned on about this enhancement and that development until the half-hour was over, squirming occasionally from the irritation and wetness between her legs. Levi never heard a word; he already knew everything she was going to say anyway. He was too busy looking into her deep brown eyes and planning what to wear on Saturday.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Email
From: Claire Hartman
To: Aaron Maxwell
Subject: Levi Stussman
Date: October 29, 2021

Did you know that Linda Channing keeps a diary on her computer at home? Yesterday we downloaded all the changes to her memory drive and found some new entries referring to Dr. Stussman. It seems that ever since her boyfriend moved out Dr. Channing has been writing about Dr. Stussman in very erotic terms. Here's a fairly tame example.

"He finally asked me out again today, or did I ask him out. I don't remember but it doesn't matter because this Saturday we're going to Leoni's ON A DATE. I can't wait. Maybe if I'm lucky I can convince him to come back to my place and maybe jump his bones. Every time I'm near him my heart races and my pussy gets all wet. Ever since old what's-his-name left I can't stop thinking about Levi. I'm getting all wet right now thinking about doing the nasty. I've got to stop and take care of business. LOL - I've never masturbated this much in my life. I can't wait to see how he is in bed. And God I hope I don't get nauseated when he touches me like I did with Jerkwad."

It would seem that Dr. Stussman's physical manipulation has affected her exactly as he wanted. She's one horny little gal now. The office pool has her spreading for him on their first date, but there are a few of us that are betting on the second. Whenever it happens we will be recording every second of it. Do you think we should label it 'Secret – Viewing by Authority of Director' or just upload it to the internet? As you can tell I'm not a big fan of sitting idly by and watching an innocent woman get manipulated and seduced. I'll do my job and report on their intimate encounters as they happen, but I won't be happy about it.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Email
From: Aaron Maxwell
To: Claire Hartman
Subject: RE: Levi Stussman
Date: October 29, 2021

Professional decorum Agent Hartman! I don't like this any more than you but it's been authorized by the Director and we will do as ordered. Maybe you and I should have a little talk about the proper content of email messages sent using Agency computers. Prying eyes and all that. Check my schedule and carve out an hour next week to talk.

Oh, and see if we can get video inside Leoni's before Saturday. Why not see if we can use one of the new Urban 'Fly-on-the-wall' Hover Spy Cams?


"Linda, you look beautiful," Levi gushed as she closed her condo door.

"Thank you Mr. Stuss... uh, Levi. You look, uh, nice too." She looked at Levi's suit, his best suit, and saw that it was years out of date. Checks and wide ties had gone out years ago. And those brown shoes – ugh. She's never seen Levi in a suit before. Usually he wears comfortable jeans or khaki pants and a pullover shirt with some sort of superhero logo or design on the front; something like everybody wore in high school. She made a mental note to take him shopping for something more up to date, more chic.

When they got out to the car Levi started to get in, leaving her standing by the passenger side door. After realizing his faux pas he ran around to her side and opened the door. She just looked at the old car wondering what museum it came out of. "This was my mother's car. It's been in the garage ever since she died and since I don't drive much it doesn't get a lot of use. Yesterday I got a neighbor's kid to get it out and wash it and make sure it runs okay. It's one of the first generation hybrid cars so it's not as fuel efficient as a new one but it's good enough for what I need."

Linda made another mental note – car shopping.

The trip to Leoni's was uneventful: Slow, but uneventful. It was painfully obvious that Levi didn't drive much because he spent the entire time in the slow lane, stopped at the traffic lights very cautiously, and took off after looking every way possible, even up, for oncoming traffic. Both of his hands were plastered to the wheel at the ten and two positions and never left except when making a u-turn, which he had to do twice because the GPS was so out of date there were buildings now where roads used to be. More than one time other commuters gave Levi the one finger salute but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. Linda just scrunched down in the seat and let Levi drive. Eventually they made it to the restaurant.

All the time Linda was with Levi her heart beat faster and there was an irritable dampness between her legs. She thought early on that she should have brought a change of panties along, but she didn't and was worried that before long the wetness would be evident to everybody around her. After ordering dinner, and listening to a brief lecture from Levi about the virtues of Northern Italian versus Southern Italian cuisine, she sat back and relaxed into the evening.

"You know Dr. St... Levi, we've been working together for almost five years now and I don't know that much about you, heck nobody knows that much about you. You're an enigma. I help build the things you think up and see beauty and simplicity in every aspect of the designs, but I've never had the opportunity to get to know you as a person, to see inside that mind of yours and see what makes you tick. Ever since we've been meeting weekly to go over the status of BOT-16 development I've gotten to know you a little bit, but not as much as I want. I hope we can spend more time together so we can get to know each other better."

"That was my thought too," Levi said smiling. "I'm a bit new to this dating thing so I don't exactly know the protocol. I think we just agreed to have another date after tonight but I'm not sure. Maybe we'd better make sure tonight is a success first before planning any more. But I do want to know everything about you, so talk, tell me everything."

Linda talked through the salad and the entrée courses all about her family, her education, the boyfriends she's had over the years, her dreams for advancement in her field, and even about what traits she wanted in the ideal husband. Levi listened intently knowing that he would need a lot of this information later on in their relationship. When the waiter poured her third glass of red wine, she stopped talking and started giggling.

"What's wrong," Levi asked, not knowing what she thought was so funny.

"Hee hee, I just remembered what my mother told me before I went on my first date. She said Linda, that's what she called me, Linda, just shut your pie hole and let your gentleman friend do all the talking. You might need to know something that he says one day, like his bank account number or his shoe size. Just shut up and listen. So Levi, I'm going to shut my pie hole and listen to you. Tell me e v e r y t h i n g about you. Hee hee." Her words were beginning to slur a bit.

Levi wrinkled his brow wondering if the implanted microbots had any affect on her obvious beginnings of inebriation. Maybe the hormone adjustment and increased heart rate was making the alcohol work faster than it would normally. Maybe more food would offset the alcohol.

"Waitress," Levi spoke raising his hand to get her attention. "Can we order dessert now? What would you like Linda?"

"Chocolate, anything chocolate. I l o v e chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate."

"Okay," Levi whispered to the waitress. "Please bring us one death by chocolate and a bowl of chocolate ice cream."

Linda was slurping her wine when Levi started prattling off about his background. He didn't think it was anything exciting or abnormal but Linda just stared transfixed, hanging on his every word. She also drank a lot. They ate their chocolate mega-calorie desserts as he droned on and on about being a boy genius and how many fascinating innovations he'd made in the field of microrobotics.

"Thas intrsting, Lev-I," she said hiccupping in the middle of his name. "Oops, sorrrrrry. Tha was'n nise. I thing I'm a bit drunk."

"Uh, maybe I should take you home. Waitress, check please."

With his arm around her waist, Levi was able to guide the very unstable woman out to the car. Once she was seated and belted in he got in and started the car to drive off. Before he could get out of the parking space Linda unbuckled her belt and turned throwing her arms around Levi's neck, kissing and nibbling on his ear.

"Oh Levi, take me hom and mak sweet lov toooooooo me," she whispered between bites. "I wan - 'hic' - you."

Levi froze. First, his mind was going over all the possible side affects the alcohol and heavy dose of sugar was having on her hormones and trying to figure out what level of toxicity would be harmful because of her microbot enhanced physiology. Second, he was totally frightened out of his skull because this was the first time he'd ever kissed a woman, or more correctly a woman was kissing him. For that he didn't know what to do.

"Com on babeeee, please?" she purred moving her hand down into his lap.