Levi's Microscopic World


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"Merry Christmas, my love," she said folding her body into his.

As they kissed she peeled his pajamas down and found his now erect cock. Continually looking into Levi's eyes Linda slowly lowered herself to her knees and wrapped her ruby red lips around his shaft. She pulled him into her mouth plunging the shaft deeper and deeper until her lips wrapped tightly around the base. With gentle tongue lashes she caressed and fondled the engorged head until he was on the verge of exploding. That's when she reached underneath and gently fondled the dangling sack. He couldn't take it any more and exploded deep into her mouth filling it completely with his semen. His knees were so weak from her exquisite mouth that he fell into a heap onto the bed.

Linda stood and waited for him to regain his composure. A minute or so later he opened his eyes and looked at her standing at his feet unlacing the crimson bustier. Slowly her hands moved to each lace and untied it with a sensual touch allowing the ends to fall to her sides. When it was completely untied she reached up and slid the two spaghetti straps off her shoulders. The satiny undergarment slipped slowly over her hips and down to her feet. Removing one foot and then the other she stood proudly displaying her body naked from the waist up. With slow cat-like movements she turned around to face away from Levi as she pulled the thong panties down to her ankles showing him a close up of her now naked bottom. Linda smiled over her shoulder at her lover and turned back to show the now hairless mound that awaited his attention.

Stepping forward and out of her shoes Linda settled her body down over Levi's and reached for his softened cock. With a few strokes the tool came alive again and started its climb upward. She moved her hand up and down the hot shaft making him very aware of how much he wanted to be inside her. Lowering her body onto her back on the bed beside him and prodding him to move on top of her she took his cock deep inside with a single thrust. He started the piston motion of pulling out and pushing in with the ultimate goal of showing the woman below just how much he loved her. She wrapped her stocking clad legs around his back and pulled with each downward thrust guiding him deeper and closer to a release. The sounds of their bodies slapping together heightened the intensity of their lovemaking. Soon they were both on the verge. They sped up their movements crashing into each other with enhanced vigor. All at once they both tensed and exploded into a single mind-blowing orgasm. Neither stopped shaking and quivering until Linda passed out from the pleasure. Now Levi looked down at the unconscious woman and smiled. Her pleasure was not microbot induced. She really, really must love him. He held her gently allowing her face to rest against his, feeling his softening cock fall out of her body.

Levi was in love and the object of his love was asleep in his arms softly snoring. She would awaken in a few minutes but in the meantime he held her gently and told the top of her head over and over again how much he loved her.

Christmas was not done. He still had to give her his gift. It was a gift that they could enjoy together, a weekend reservation at the famous Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. at Valentines Day. Maybe it wasn't as good as the pleasure they just enjoyed together but it was going to have to do. But he would have to wait until she woke up.

He smiled as she gradually opened her eyes and looked up into his face and whispered "I love you."

Their love was not a trick of technology. It was real.

Levi immediately thought of a better Christmas present, but it would have to wait until New Years.

"I love you too," he whispered back.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Email
To: Stussman Observation Team
From: Special Agent Aaron Maxwell
Subject: Thanks for all the hard work
Date: December 30, 2021

I just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the Task Force for their hard work and dedication. I know that a couple of you have volunteered to continue surveillance of Dr. Stussman and Dr. Channing over the New Year's break and for that you have my deepest gratitude. (Note: Bonuses are against Agency policy.) Just remember that everything you see, hear, or read has the highest confidentiality rating. Don't even tell your significant others.

I have it on good authority that our work will be ending soon. DOD-NWA is scheduled to come to a decision regarding Dr. Stussman some time in the new year. Hang in there and thanks for all your hard work.


Levi and Linda returned to work on January 4th different people and everyone they said good morning to could see it immediately. Over the New Year's break, the two of them spent the long weekend alone in a small log cabin in the hills just outside Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania. The sex was wonderful as usual but just sitting together on the deck holding hands and watching the sun set was more romantic than they could ever imagine. So much so that one evening with the sky painted a myriad of oranges and reds and grays, Levi got down on one knee and asked Linda to marry him. He held out his mother's engagement ring. Linda immediately said yes, launching into his arms and crying on his shoulder for the rest of the night.

Linda was all smiles as she opened up her email box and started sorting out the junk from the important stuff. Right in the middle of the mass of messages was one from an address she didn't recognize. She knew that a virus could come from innocent looking email addresses and should be deleted unopened, but something about the address looked familiar. It was close to her sister's email address but it wasn't exactly the same, just one digit off. Out of curiosity she went against her better judgment and opened it.

To: Linda Channing
From: Anonymous
Subject: Something Important For You To Know
Date: January 1, 2022

Did you ever find out where the missing BOT-16's went? Try scanning your own body. Afterwards have a little talk with your lovely Dr. Stussman. He knows a lot more than he's telling you.

She just looked at the screen and reread the message three times.

"Scan my body? What in the hell's going on?"

She didn't know what to do but instinctively reached for the scan wand and thumbed the button turning it on. Moving it up and down in front of her chest she heard the telltale beep of a located microbot. Moving further down another beep sounded around her groin and another near her appendix. Moving the wand to her head she scanned and heard several distinct beeps where microbots were found. She just sat there stunned after turning it off. "How did microbots get inside me?" She thought about what could have happened and then went back and reread the email. "Afterwards have a little talk with your lovely Dr. Stussman. He knows a lot more than he's telling you." Levi? What's he got to do...

"Oh my God no!"

She ran into Levi's office and stood frozen in place at the edge of his desk. "Explain to me how microbots got inside me!" she demanded staring bullets at him.

Levi immediately felt a familiar emotion – fear. His mind froze and his decision making facilities abandoned him. He couldn't lie and make it worse so his mind gave up and the truth came out. "I wanted you to love me."

Turning to the door she went over and slammed it shut. Returning to stand in front of him she screamed, "YOU WHAT?"

"There are 12 modified BOT-16's in your body that influence your hormones, heartbeat, and electrodermal response. I put them there so I could modify what your body felt when you were around me. They didn't make you do anything just nudged you in a certain direction, that's all. I'm sorry. I was being selfish. I just wanted you to notice me and to be with me, desperately. I didn't mean to do anything to hurt you but I know now that I did. I'm sorry, but to you I was just another piece of furniture around here. You never saw me or talked to me or anything. I saw you every day and have been in love with you since the day we first met. But nothing would ever happen between us unless I did something. What I did was to reprogram a dozen BOT-16's and introduce them to you. You saw me differently and felt slight elevations of bodily functions when we were together. Initially I did it because I wanted you to love me and to be with me but after a while something happened that I never expected, I realized what love really is. I understood it from a clinical and technical perspective before, and even knew what sex was from a biological standpoint, but when we were together I cared about you more than myself. I know now that what I feel for you is bigger, more important than anything else in the whole world. When I realized just what love really meant I turned the microbots off. They're not active now, just lying dormant where they were placed. I don't know why but I haven't removed them yet. I didn't know you when all this started but I do now and know that I've hurt you a lot. I'm really sorry. What can I do to make it right?"

She just stood there taut with anger processing what he said waiting to explode. Then she did.

"You can get the fuck out of my life. I never want to see you again." Taking off the engagement ring Linda threw it in his face and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Levi just stared at the empty space in front of the desk. Moments before the woman he loved so desperately stood there. But now she hated him and was gone. She took with him his heart, his soul, his very reason for living. For the first time since the death of his mother he cried.


Cell Phone Voice Message & Text Message
January 4, 2010, 10:14 A.M.
From: S.A. Aaron Maxwell

Surveillance team we have a problem.

Someone sent an email to Dr. Channing telling her about the microbots in her body. I want total, personal, around the clock surveillance on both Dr. Channing and Dr. Stussman starting immediately. Don't anyone let Dr. Channing out of their sight. She angrily confronted Dr. Stussman and broke off their engagement. She's pretty hurt and mad right now so she might do something rash. If necessary you are authorized to step in and control the situation to prevent harm to either individual.

I want Agent DaShields to find out who sent the email in the first place. Let me know as soon as you find out.

Keep your fingers crossed team. This one just got out of control.


When Levi was all cried out he went to find Linda.

He found Barry Tobias and asked about her. "I'm sorry Dr. Stussman, she said that she wasn't feeling well and left for the day. She didn't say what was wrong, just ran out the building."

Levi tried calling her but there was no answer. The only solution was to find her and talk to her, if she would listen.

She wasn't at her condo. Her car wasn't in the lot and no one answered her door. He called her mother who said that she hadn't talked to Linda for a while but would call him if she heard from her. Levi just sat on the curb and tried to figure out where she would go. He came up empty. And he started crying again.

Eventually Levi dragged himself home.

There were no sugar plums that night; just restless, fragmented sleep.

The next morning Levi's phone rang and it was the secretary to the Director of Princemont. Levi had a meeting that morning with the director but since he wasn't at work she was calling to see if everything was all right and to reschedule. All he said was that he would be on leave until further notice and hung up. He couldn't be bothered with work when Linda was out there somewhere, hurt by what he did. And he couldn't find her. He needed to talk to her to make sure that he didn't completely destroy her. He created one hell of a mess and if he couldn't get her back then at least he would make sure that she would be okay without him.

Levi didn't leave his house for two days. He was trying every means to find her but she just seemed to have vanished. There was nothing. She was really and truly gone.

That evening there was knock at his door. He ran to it hoping beyond hope that it was Linda coming back to him. It wasn't.

"What in the hell have you done?" Sue pushed her way in the door screaming and punching Levi until he fell flat on the floor covering his head with his hands. Sue kicked him in the side doing her best to break a rib or two. "ANSWER ME ASSHOLE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?" Another kick to the ribs.


Everything became silent as the two combatants stood silently thinking about the mess they found themselves in. Levi was curled up on the floor fearing for his life and Sue stood above him ready, willing, and able to put him out of his misery, permanently. Neither one moved for a long time. It wasn't until Sue reached down with an extended hand and said, "Stand up Levi. I'm not going to hit you any more."

Levi stood up but still cowered away from the irate woman. "Come on Levi," Sue said calmly. "Offer me something to drink and we can talk about the shit storm you started."

They both sat at the kitchen table sipping a cup of herb tea, neither wanting to start talking. Levi constantly rubbed his aching ribs.

"She said you put some tiny robots in her body to control her?" Sue said quizzically. "I don't understand how that's possible."

Levi looked over his cup and tried to size up the woman's intelligence. He opted to tell her in the simplest, third grade manner. "The science is pretty straight forward really. I programmed several little robots smaller than the diameter of a human hair whose jobs were to modify certain hormones and bodily functions whenever we were together. I have a transmitter in my body that sends out a signal that tells the little robots to start doing their thing when I'm within range and to stop when I go out of range. None of the changes were permanent or physically harmful. All they did was to make her feel better when we were together and normal when we were apart. I was trying to get her to see that I existed. Ultimately, my goal was for us to have sex. See, I've never been with a woman before and felt something that I couldn't explain whenever I saw her. We did have sex, a lot, and I realized that what we did physically in bed was only a part of the way I felt about her. When I told you at Thanksgiving that I loved her I hadn't fully understood what love was, I just knew that I felt something wonderful when we were together. But our conversation also spurred a changed in the way I looked at our relationship. Shortly before Christmas I turned the robots off completely. We were still in love without the robot influence. Nothing changed in the way we felt about each other, that is until someone told her what I did. I still can't figure out who knew about this other than me. At no time was she ever in any danger from the robots. I never set out to hurt her, but I did in a very big way. I love her and always will. If she doesn't love me anymore then I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life, but I'll never get over her. Maybe I was just trying to prove how smart I was but never thought about the emotional impact of what I did, both to her and me. I want to apologize to her but I can't find her. Do you know where she is?"

"She's at my house. We've been talking ever since she showed up a couple days ago and right now she's a complete basket case. She's been going back and forth between bouts of sobbing and crazy rage. She even broke an old lava lamp I had in the spare room. I've since packed up everything breakable because her temper can be as bad as mine. You will replace my lava lamp some day Levi."

They sat without talking for a few minutes, sipping the remnants of their tea.

"Would you take her a message for me?" Levi asked.

"I'll take it, but I can't guarantee she'll listen. Maybe if you write it down. At least I'll try."

Levi went into the living room and came back 15 minutes later with an envelope handing it to Sue. "Just leave me a message when she reads it. I'm going back to work on Monday so you can call or email me there."

They walked to the door, looked uncomfortably at each other, and said goodbye.


Cell Phone Voice Message
January 7, 2022, 9:02 P.M.
To: S. A. Aaron Maxwell
From: S. A. Paul Bova
Subject: Dr. Channing

There have been no developments with Dr. Channing ever since she moved in with her sister. We have listening devices throughout the house and everything we hear says she's still upset and angry but there's no hint of suicide or murder or anything drastic. We'll keep monitoring the situation but I think she's stable for now. Our location is only three minutes away should anything happen.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Email
From: Theresa DaShields
To: Aaron Maxwell - FOR YOUR EYES ONLY
Subject: Linda Channing's Anonymous Email
Date: January 7, 2022

I had to have resources at NSA trace down the source of the anonymous email Dr. Channing received the other day. It originated at a computer at the public library in Sioux Falls South Dakota. Do we know anybody there who might have a grudge against someone? I don't have fingerprints but the guys in Forensic Data Analysis says the undertone in Dr. Channing's message has an 85% match with the ones you received about the office pool guessing what date Dr. Channing and Dr. Stussman would have sex.


Levi went back to work on Monday. Linda requested a leave of absence for an undetermined amount of time and was conspicuously absent. Everybody stared at Levi, a lot more than they usually did, and the rumor going around was that Levi and Linda had a falling out three days after they got engaged. Nobody knew what to do or say. Everybody just tried to avoid any contact with Levi. And he wanted it that way too. He kept his door closed while he was there and did his work.

Concentrating on anything was a problem.

Thursday Levi received an email from Sue saying that she gave Linda Levi's letter but she still hasn't opened it. She's crying less and hasn't broken anything since last week.

All he could do was his work when he was at Princemont and build his little German E-boat squadron when at home. 50% of his brain concentrated on his work and the other 50% on Linda. Even half of Levi was better than 10 other scientists. But the giant hole where she used to be followed him everywhere.

Sunday morning Levi was sitting on the couch feeling sorry for himself when his phone rang.

"Levi, its Sue, listen, she's gone. I woke up this morning and Linda's gone. No note, no nothing. All her clothes and stuff are still here but her pocketbook and her car are gone. I haven't a clue..."

There was a knock at the front door.

Levi listened to Sue ramble on about her missing sister as he opened the door and there stood Linda.

"Uh, Sue, hold on a minute," Levi said interrupting. "She's here. She's standing on the porch right in front of me. I'll call you back."

Putting his phone in his pocket Levi looked at Linda standing there. "Hi Linda, how are you?"

"Can I come in?"

"Of course," he said stepping aside to let her pass. He closed the door and started to turn around but didn't react quickly enough. Her hand flew across his face knocking him against the wall.

"I hate you," she spit at him. "I want to rip your heart out and stomp on it right here in the hall. What made you think you could get away with doing that to me?"

Rubbing his cheek reddened by the sting of her hand, Levi stood up straight and looked her straight in the eye and said, "Because I felt something for you and thought I was smarter than everybody else and could do whatever I wanted. I didn't know it until much later what love really is and how much I really loved you. I've always loved you. But now all you want to do is cut my heart out and I can't blame you. What I did was tantamount to rape. I wanted you and didn't think about the consequences of my action. I'm guilty as hell and will accept anything you want to do to me. Linda, I can't apologize enough. I'm sorry; a thousand times I'm sorry. I still love you and will even after you leave me."