Levi's Microscopic World


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Levi learned a lot Saturday night and Sunday morning. Primarily he learned what it felt like when he had an orgasm. He was totally beside himself and wanted to do it again and again. Unfortunately his cock needed to take the occasional break so there was some down time. In between their joining Linda introduced him to the joys of oral stimulation. He learned where and how to lick her and once he got past the smell he quite enjoyed himself. She enjoyed the actions of his tongue to several orgasms too. He also learned that she could do some absolutely amazing things with her mouth on his cock. By the time they decided to get out of bed and have something to eat they were both weak as kittens and walked a bit bowlegged.

They ate and talked and snuggled together on the couch. The bedroom was a wreck so they opted for one more make-out session on the couch, which led to an oral sex session, which led to a maximum intensity intercourse session. By the time dinnertime rolled around again they were too exhausted to do anything more than nibble on some vegetables from the refrigerator and drink copious amounts of water to rehydrate.

Levi had learned a lot in the last 48 hours.

Linda was so totally in love that she couldn't see straight or was the reason she couldn't see straight because of all the sex? It didn't matter because she had decided that this was the man of her dreams and she was his to do whatever he wanted for the rest of her life. Besides, she loved gargantuan orgasms that caused her to pass out.

Levi finally made it home around 10 o'clock Sunday night, tired, sore, and extremely happy.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Email
To: Stussman Observation Team
From: Claire Hartman
Subject: HE SCORES!
Date: October 18, 2021

Check out the video in file Stussman-21-670-0001233. The good doctor's perverted little plan succeeded to rave reviews. For those that had the second date in the office pool you can see Agent Mosgrove for your money.


Monday was all giggles and sighs for Linda. She had found the man of her dreams, both emotionally and sexually, and nothing she tried to do could pull her mind away from the weekend she had spent in bed with Dr. Stussman, or Dr. Studman as she was now calling him in her diary. Whenever she walked by his office the tingling between her legs started and her thoughts wandered to memories of incredible, mind-blowing ecstasy. She even considered sneaking off to the third floor bathroom and taking care of her itch privately. She didn't, but the possibility was there if her feelings became too intense.

Neither one said anything to the other. But there were several times that a smile or a glance or even a nod caused a stoppage in their work. Even Levi was having trouble concentrating completely but somehow he had enough mental strength to document his design for security protocols in the downloadable microbot software. With the other 90% of his brain he thought about Linda's amazing mouth talents. All in all Princemont probably got only a fraction of a day's work from the two lovers.

When time came for their weekly BOT-16 status meeting Linda sat across the table from Levi enjoying the tingling between her legs. They tried to keep from smiling too much but couldn't suppress every grin.

"Can you come over tomorrow night?" Linda whispered.

"No, sorry, tomorrow's the night I teach my Theoretical Nanotechnology and Quantum Mechanical Nanomaterial's class at the University. It's all done from my study but I've got to be there from 7 to 9:30 pm. How about Wednesday?"

"Okay, if I have to wait I'll wait, but don't you dare stand me up. I don't think I can handle being without you for more than a couple days in a row. Be at my place at 7 for dinner and refreshments. I'm the refreshments."

After the usual mundane status report Linda looked longingly at Levi's backside as he turned and went back to his desk. She didn't want to leave the office because she knew that the tingling sensation between her legs would cease. She found it addicting. Whenever she felt it she knew Levi was around. She so much wanted to feel those crashing orgasms from last weekend. Her heart pounded until she was back to her desk. She had been in love before and this was the strongest, most powerful intoxication she'd ever felt. Wednesday night her itch would be scratched again.

She just smiled and went back to work.


Federal Bureau of Investigation
Monthly Report
Subject: Levi Howard Stussman
Task Force: 21-670
November 13, 2021
Author: Special Agent Aaron Maxwell

Special Agent Claire Hartman was removed from the surveillance team due to inappropriate distribution of secure project material and communications in violation of Agency guidelines. She has been reassigned to the Bismarck South Dakota office.

Continued surveillance of Dr. Stussman shows that he has successfully seduced and had sex with his subordinate Dr. Linda Channing. Using the microbots implanted in her body to make her susceptible to mind control, or at least deep suggestion, was very successful. DOD-NWA is very impressed with the results and is attempting to duplicate the results with volunteer test subjects. Dr. Stussman's implementation of microbot technology in the area of mind control has moved the research being done by DOD-NWA ahead by years.

We are continuing to monitor Dr. Stussman's work and interactions with Dr. Channing to insure her continued safety. The Agency Director concurs with our decision to intervene should any harm be threatened or suspected.

End of report, 11/13/2021, A. Maxwell (#52521), recorded on MS-WordVoice v.9.25, task force Id. 21-670, archive AS-21-0062009.


Wednesday night was a repeat of the weekend activities except they didn't waste time eating dinner. They went right to the bedroom, got naked, and started in. By midnight they were both exhausted. Linda had passed out three times from the extreme orgasms and the more she had the more she wanted. Levi was learning how to control the pace of what they did so he could prolong their passion. He was becoming a better and better lover under her tutelage. She would tell him what she wanted and he would do it bringing her to previously unknown levels of ecstasy. Together they made love daring the other to say 'uncle.' Neither did.

Every other day they met at her condo and made mad passionate love. After a particularly strenuous session Linda sat up on the bed cross legged and looked over at Levi. She looked worried.

"Levi, I've got to go to my parents for Thanksgiving," she said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "I'm going to be gone for a whole week. Can you possibly come with me? I don't want to be apart from you that long."

Levi perused his schedule in his mind. There was only one semi-important meeting that week and his usual Tuesday night grad class to teach. The grad class he could do from anywhere including Linda's parent's home. He would have to check to see if he could reschedule the one semi-important meeting at work until after Thanksgiving. He looked at her sitting there and smiled his quirky little smile. "I think I may be able to get away. I've got to see if I can reschedule a meeting with the Director on Monday and if I can then I'll be there with you."

She jumped into his arms kissing him all over his face and neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much and couldn't bear to be without you for that long. You can meet my parents and my sister and my grandparents too. Maybe if they approve of you then I'll keep you."

After he got home that night he realized that he was thinking more and more about something Linda said that hadn't been important to him before but was now. She said that she loved him. On a clinical and theoretical level Levi understood about love but on a personal and purely physical level he was still at a loss. He thought about how he felt when they were together and how he felt when they were apart. Together was much better than apart. But was it the sex or was it something else, something from inside himself that he hadn't felt since his mother died? And could there be just the hint of guilt for what he was doing to Linda, how he was manipulating and using her mind and body for his own pleasure. For a moment he felt ashamed of his plan to seduce her. There were a lot of strange and new emotions running around in his head. He had to think a lot more about these developments.

He fell into his bed without even taking his clothes off, a first for him, and faded off to sleep. More sugar plums danced drunkenly around in his head.


The week before they were scheduled to drive up to New York State to visit Linda's parents Levi decided to cut back the intensity of the microbots by 25%. He thought that Linda was becoming too intense lately and maybe the little guys were doing their work too well. A trial period of less intensity might prevent her addictive behavior from being set in stone.

As they drove Linda didn't squirm in her seat. She sat and drove comfortably for the six hour journey. She seemed calmer and less intense. When they stopped at a rest stop they walked and talked and held hands and even snuck off behind a building for a little kissing. The heat was still there and that was all that was important.

When they arrived at her parent's house everybody greeted the couple with open arms, all except for Sue, Linda's older and quite a bit odder sister. She kept looking at Levi out of the corner of her eye whenever they were in the same room. Something about Levi made the hackles on the back of her neck stand up. Something was wrong with him but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

Thanksgiving dinner was not a dinner but an all day feast. Levi had never experienced anything quite like it before. He felt welcomed and helped out whenever he could and when he wasn't doing something he was telling anybody that would listen about the fascinating and wonderful things he knew. Most of it went way over everybody's head but Linda just stood there holding his hand or stroking his hair like an enamored little puppy dog. Everybody could see that they were very much in love, but Sue was still skeptical. Something just wasn't right.

They slept in separate rooms out of respect for her parents but took off for a few hours to satisfy their needs in private: One time in a nearby motel and another time down by the lake in the backseat of her car. Linda had several of her extreme orgasms where she passed out afterwards even with the reduced microbot activity. Levi began to think that another reduction may not hurt but that would have to wait until they returned to work. Until then the two lovers would make love and be together in love.

Friday after Thanksgiving Sue found Levi sitting alone at his computer in the den.

"Hi there, Levi," she said approaching from behind. He turned and smiled that quirky little smile at her. "What are you up to?"

"Not much, just checking my email. I teach a class at the University and even on the holidays some of the students need questions answered. I'm also reading the latest journal of Nanotechnology Illustrated. It's like Sports Illustrated but for technology geeks like me."

"Linda tells me that you two work together. You're her supervisor or something like that?"

"Exactly like that. Linda leads a team of implementers on one of my projects and I supervise their work. Well actually I don't do much supervising because they're a pretty independent group and Linda does most if not all of the supervising and administrative stuff. She's a lot better at that side of things than I am."

"She looks like she's in love again," Sue offered. "I've seen that expression before and it looks like she's got it bad for you. How do you feel about her?"

"That's easy. I've loved her from the first time I set eyes on her. She didn't even know I existed but I've always felt something deep inside whenever she was around. About the time she broke up with her last boyfriend she started to notice me. I've, no, we've been very happy ever since."

"I'm glad to hear that," Sue said with her first smile toward Levi. "I care very much for my little sister and only want to see her happy. And anybody that does anything to hurt her will have me in their face in a heartbeat. You'd better be careful if you don't want me coming down on you like a ton of bricks. Frankly, you aren't like any of the other guys she dated. She always goes for the jock type: The shallow, self-centered guys that always take advantage of her and leave her hurting in the end. She's very vulnerable and easily hurt. Please remember that."

Levi became lost in his thoughts for a moment. The seed was just planted that he would hurt Linda if she ever found out about his microbot manipulation. A scowl replaced his normal expression as he looked over at Sue and said, "I would never hurt her and if that's part of being in love then I love her very much. I promise that I won't do anything."

Sue patted Levi on the shoulder as she left to go to bed.

Levi's scowl stayed on his face all the while he thought about the ramifications of his plan. He was feeling pretty low by the time Linda came in, jumped into his lap and planting a big wet kiss on his lips. From the response she got she knew that something was wrong.

"Baby, what's up? You seem kinda down."

With a little ache in his heart he opened his mouth to confess his sins but thought that the truth would create as much pain as any lie. He sat quietly and held the woman he loved. Right then he knew just how much he loved her. He said nothing to her except the truth. "I love you," he said into her neck.

"I love you too Levi."

They held each other silently until it was time to go to bed. With a gentle loving kiss in the hallway outside their bedrooms they parted and went their separate ways.

Levi had a lot of sugar plums dancing in his head that night.


Federal Bureau of Investigation
Supplemental Report
Subject: Levi Howard Stussman
Task Force: 21-670
November 30, 2021
Author: Special Agent Aaron Maxwell

Dr. Stussman confessed his love for Dr. Channing while visiting her parent's home for Thanksgiving. We sent a tape of their conversation to Voice Analysis and they said that there was a 95% chance that he was telling the truth. They continue to have frequent and intense sex and now it looks like that Dr. Stussman had fallen in love. At this point the psychologist on the team believes that he wouldn't hurt Dr. Channing by deed. Only if she finds out what he did with the microbots would he hurt her.

As an aside, Dr. Channing's sister Sue Miller has a file with the Agency for radical activities and subversive tendencies. She is a member of a several groups that believe in world unification and racial harmony. Doctors Without Borders and Habitat for Humanity are two of the groups in question. We will continue to monitor her and report to Task Force 15-666 any significant findings according to their surveillance guidelines.

End of report, 11/30/2021, A. Maxwell (#52521), recorded on MS-WordVoice v.9.25, task force Id. 21-670, archive AS-21-0062123.


Over the next two weeks Levi gradually stepped down the microbot activity by another 50%. Now they were working at 25% of the capacity of when they were first introduced. So far Linda hasn't experienced any diminished physical manifestations. She still feels tingly and wet between her legs and her heartbeat is still elevated whenever she's around Levi. Even the mind-numbing orgasms where she passes out afterwards are still there. Nothing had reduced the way she loved Levi.

But now he couldn't tell her the truth. If he did then surely he would lose her. He loved her and losing her would destroy him. For all of his superior intellect and unmatched problem solving abilities he couldn't find a way out of this dilemma. Tell the truth and risk losing her or continue the course and feel guilty about what he'd done. And if she somehow finds out on her own the consequences could be even worse. It could destroy her. This might be a problem without a solution.

It was the week before Christmas and Levi was without a clue for what to get Linda for a present. Her sister suggested a big diamond engagement ring. The more Levi thought about that the more he knew that the time wasn't right yet. He wanted to get her something special but what. Then it came to him, as if in one of his dreams. Turn off the microbots completely and see what happens. If she truly loved him then there would be no change in their relationship. If she only loved him because of the physical nudge she got from the microbots then maybe it would be best if they parted ways. It would be extremely painful to lose her now that he had come to understand his feelings but maybe the best present he could give her was her freedom.

Five days before Christmas Levi put the microbots in Linda's body to sleep.

Then he waited, and worried.

On the morning of Christmas Eve Linda came to Levi's house for the first time. She wanted to surprise him with his gift. She also wanted to see where and how he lived because if she was going to spend the rest of her life with him then she needed to know everything about him – his hobbies as well as his funny little quirks.

"Surprise," Linda yelled as he opened the door dressed in his Star Trek pajamas.

"Who... How... What are you doing here?" he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Surprise? What part of surprise don't you get?" She walked past him into the house mostly to get out of the cold but she was determined to see inside. When he closed the door she ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck giving him a giant wet kiss that curled all ten of his toes.

"Wow, what a Christmas present!" Levi panted. "Kiss me like that again as an early New Year's present too."

"No silly this is only part of your present," she held her hands in front of herself pointing at her body. "Show me to your bedroom and you can unwrap it. I really think you'll love what's underneath the wrapping."

Levi hesitated for just a moment. There has never been another woman in his bedroom except for his mother. He almost felt like Linda was invading his territory by wanting to see his innermost sanctuary. But he loved her and trusted that she wouldn't mess up one of his treasures so he kissed her on the forehead and led her to his bedroom.

One wall was wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling awards and diplomas. Another wall had shelf after shelf of model trains and cars. A third was completely a white board covered with unimaginable equations and esoteric formulas. Linda couldn't make heads or tales of any of them. The bed had a flower print quilt over dark blue sheets. Linda had expected to see Batman or Superman sheets but was pleased, and a little curious to see the flower print quilt.

"Ta Da!" she said standing in the middle of the room with the biggest smile. "Well silly, start unwrapping."

Levi started unbuttoning her coat as she stood there looking into his eyes. When the coat came open in front and pulled wide Levi's eyes bulged at the site underneath. After shedding the heavy coat Linda struck a pose. Now standing in the middle of the room was a beauty right off the website of Victoria's Secret. Her hair was longer now and falling over her shoulders in a way that framed her beautiful face perfectly. Her breasts were pushed up by a vivid purplish red satin bustier closed in the front with black laces. Black thong panties covered the mound between her legs. And her legs were resplendent with black thigh high stockings held at the top with a black garter and below clad with black four inch stiletto heels. Around her neck she wore a beaded pendant with an ankh at the bottom nestling softly between her ample breasts. To say she was breathtaking would be an injustice. She was a giant slice of heaven and the joy on her face brought heaven into the room.