Megan's Summer Education Ch. 07a


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"Hit your buzzer if your dad is in the audience," Kasey hit her buzzer, smiling at Granderson, who sat in the second row. "That's me!"

"Looks like we're all set," Walters said. "OK, first question. A student is a size 4. What size clothes should she wear?"

Kasey buzzed in, "Four!"

"Sorry, incorrect," Walters said.

Megan buzzed, "Two!"

"Correct," Walters said. "We would have accepted two or zero as correct answers. Sluts should always wear clothes one or two sizes too small."

Both girls understood the nature of the questions now. "Math" was being used loosely to indicate that all the questions would deal with numbers or calculations in some manner. Quigley marked Megan for the first point and the contest continued.

"How many seconds after a man asks you to suck his cock should it take for you to have his cock in your mouth?"

Kasey stared blankly. Megan thought for a moment, then smiled and answered. "Trick question. I should have offered to suck his cock before he ever asked. So the answer is zero."

"Well done," Walters nodded. "Next question. Pencils and paper are on your desk for this one. Your rent is $1,000 a month. It is December 5. You still owe $500 for last month's rent, plus the December rent. Your landlord is willing to let you pay it by doing what you do best. He will pay you $25 per blowjob, $30 to fuck your pussy and $40 to fuck your ass. If only fucks your ass once a week, fucks you pussy once a day and gets two blowjobs per day, how many days will it take to cover the rent?"

The girls scribbled frantically. Kasey answered first, "19 days."

"That's correct," Walters said. "Pretty good way to live rent-free, wouldn't you say?"

"That answer is wrong," Quigley interjected.

"No ..." Walters started.

"The answer is infinity," Quigley laughed. "No man would give up that deal. He would just keep raising the rent!"

"Yes, I would like to offer my house for rent under that payment structure," Hanson said.

Everyone laughed, including the girls. The score was now 2-1 in favor of Megan.

"Some basic math here," Walters said. "Your man has a nine-inch cock. It's five inches from your lips to your tonsils. How many inches of cock are left?"

"Four," Megan answered first.

"Sorry, incorrect," Walters said, looking at Kasey. She stared blankly, then a light bulb went off in her head.

"Zero," Kasey smiled. "I relax my throat and take all nine inches, like a good little cocksucker."


The questions and answers continued until the score was 9-9 and there was one question left.

"This is it," Walters said. "Last question, winner take all."

"Actually, they are both going to take it all," Quigley laughed.

"Good point," Walters chuckled. "Ready ladies?" They both nodded they were. "Your heels are 7 inches. Your man's cock is 8 inches. What is the length, within one inch, of your mini skirt?"

This question really wasn't fair. It was information that Megan had learned in her initial clothing training. Kasey had not been formally taught these things. Her only chance was to make an educated guess. She buzzed in, preparing to guess 8 inches, but Megan beat her to it.

"Maximum of six inches," Megan said.

"Correct," Walters said. "Your skirt length should be at least one inch shorter than the length of your heels. The length of the cock was just meant to confuse you. Megan, you are the winner."

"Winner, winner, cock for dinner!" Quigley laughed.

Megan and Kasey hugged, Megan whispering to her to relax and remember no one was going to hurt her. Meanwhile, the guys flipped a coin and Walters ended up with Megan while Quigley drew Kasey. The guys took seats in simple hard back chairs, side by side, in the front of the room while the girls threw out their suckers.

Both girls were instructed to bend over at the waist while they performed their blowjobs. Walters wagged his semi-erect cock in front of Megan's face, then grabbed her ponytail and pushed her mouth to him. Once he was fully hard, he stopped her and handed her a tube of red lipstick. "Write 1 on the head, 2 just pass the head, 4 halfway down and 7 at the base."

Megan had no idea what was going on, but complied with his direction and wrote the numbers in lipstick on his cock as best she could. Moments later, Quigley had Kasey do the same thing.

"Pop quiz time," Walters said. "Can you focus on your task and still do math? Multi-tasking is part of slut's job. Here's an example of how this will work. If I ask you what 6 minus 5 is, instead of answering "1", you put your lips at the one on my cock. Instead of saying the answer, your mouth will touch the answer and stay on that answer until the next question. Wrong or delayed answers result in your nose being plugged until the next question. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Megan said, smiling. She was amazed at how these guys would take the time and effort to create all these situations. You would think they would just want to fuck them a few times today and be done with it. Instead, there were games, contests, twists and turns. It made it fun and Megan appreciated that. It was, after all, just sex. These little games took some of the intensity out of it and loosened her up. She felt like Kasey was warming up to this too. Kasey's smile was a nervous one, but a smile nonetheless.

"Yes, sir," Kasey said.

"Good," Quigley said, playing with Kasey's breasts. "Gentlemen, please line up in two equal lines behind Kasey. Go through and slap her ass cheek, then switch lines and get the other one. Keep rotating through as many times as you like."

"First question," Walters said. "We'll start easy. 1 minus 0."

Both girls bent over at the waist and put their lips to the heads of the cocks they were servicing. Megan pursed her lips around Walters' cock and sucked on the juicy mushroom head. Kasey did the same for Quigley, even as the first hands smacked against her ass cheeks simultaneously. It stung, but she focused on her two tasks: sucking cock and answering questions. Everything else was a distraction to be blocked out. The slaps, the taunts, the laughter, the sucking noises Megan was making -- all of it was white noise. As a tennis player, she had prided herself on focusing in big moments. She could block out the pain, the fatigue, the crowd, and even a bad call by the umpire. None of that mattered at the end of the match. All that mattered was the win or the loss. That was the case here. All that mattered was sucking Quigley's cock in the manner required by the questions, pleasing him and taking each and every drop of cum into her mouth. It was much simpler when you blocked everything else out.

"Two times two," Walters said.

Four, Kasey thought, instantly going about halfway down Quigley's shaft to where the number was written. Per instruction, she didn't bob her head like she would normally do. Instead, she stayed in place, simply sucking on his cock, hollowing her cheeks while her tongue slid along the underside. Hands continued to slap her ass. She knew one of those was her dad's and she wondered what he thought about that. Did he like it? Had he wanted to do that before? Would she have liked it if he did? She was pretty sure there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for him and, if it gave him pleasure, then it would please her too.

The spanking didn't really hurt, it was just a steady sting that was often accompanied by a pinch or squeeze. She heard the words of appreciation for the tightness and firmness. She appreciated the compliments, but didn't focus on them.

"70 divided by 10," Walters said.

Seven, Megan calculated. She went all the way down on Walters, chin to balls. She stayed there, mouth and throat full of cock, listening for the next question. Walters' hand rested on the back of her head, but was not holding her there. All she heard were the voices of the men and the slapping of skin that she knew was Kasey's poor little ass. Megan felt bad that Kasey had to take this spanking, but she knew how many men were there, how many "classes" awaited. There was little doubt in her mind that she would get her own dose of punishment, sooner or later.

Little did she realize how soon. She was thinking about Kasey and hadn't heard the last question. She only heard "10" but missed the rest. She guessed four and moved her head.

"Wrong, slut," Walters hissed. "One, bitch." Megan moved her mouth to his head while his fingers pinched her nose shut. All she could breathe in was his cock, which added to the suction and made it all the more enjoyable for him. Walters was in no rush to let her breathe.

"Inhale my cock, you little cunt," Walters jeered. "Breathe it in, bitch."

Megan was struggling, her face turning red, her eyes watering. She fought the urge to push away, knowing she could free herself quite easily. She wasn't being trapped or imprisoned. She was being tested. She didn't struggle. She sucked. She focused. And finally she inhaled deeply when he let go of her nose even as he asked the next question. The answer was two. Megan wanted to take another breath, but didn't dare be punished for a tardy answer. She wrapped her lips around him again, thankful for a correct answer.

As all this was going on, Granderson had gone through the line, spanking his daughter a couple of times. When he saw her ass and long legs, he just saw sex, a perfect female form and he enjoyed the view and the feel of her firm ass against his hand. But then as he passed by to switch lines, he saw her with her mouth full of Quigley's cock. He saw the joy on Quigley's face as he held Kasey's ponytail. He wasn't sure how he felt about seeing that. She wasn't a victim. She wasn't being harmed. But still, it was his girl. He excused himself from the spanking line and sat down. The real question spun in his head: Did he not like seeing Kasey like this because he didn't want her to be hurt and taken advantage of? Or did he not like it because he wanted to be where Quigley was, receiving the pleasure of her sweet cocksucking? He told himself he only wanted to fuck Megan today, but in this one quiet moment, he didn't know if that was true or not. It wasn't easy to know when you were lying to yourself. One thing he knew was he was ready for someone to suck his cock. He was horny and one of these girls was going to help him with that soon enough.

His head perked up when he heard Yelton ask if anyone would mind if he held up the line long enough to pull Kasey's butt plug out of her reddened ass. Of course, no one objected. They all gathered around and Granderson joined them, unable to resist the sight of the lovely gaping hole, so inviting, so accessible. Fuck, this was insane.

"All right, for this question, if you miss, you get face-fucked," Walters said. He then rattled of a long series of numbers and divisions and multiplications. He had no idea what the answer was. Neither did the girls. Both hesitated, which was the goal. They were both wrong and Walters and Quigley both took hold of the handles on the back of the girls' heads and began fucking their mouths and throats furiously.

Both Megan and Kasey knew to just relax, keep their mouths open and focus on breathing. Their mouths were just holes now. Their sucking and kissing skills were no longer needed. All they had to do was keep their mouths open, keep their teeth out of the way and try not to choke or gag, nor neither of the latter would actually stop these cocks at this point.

"Throat fuck those pretty faces," one of the guys encouraged.

"Make them gag on your cocks," another said.

The men had reached the point of no return. There was no stopping. The cocks started spurting almost simultaneously, both girls swallowing as fast as they could, making sure that no drops spilled out of their mouths. They stayed bent over at the waist, milking those throbbing cocks until finally their heads were released and the cocks dropped out of their mouths. They both stood up slowly, backs stiff, mouths sore. Kasey's hands went to her ass. They had put the butt plug back in, but her focus was on her ass cheeks, which stung, not incredibly painful, but definitely tender.

Everyone agreed that the girls had demonstrated adequate slut-level math skills but that additional training was absolutely necessary to help them reach their full potential. "For less than a week of classes, I would say they are quite advanced," Quigley summarized. "But I think we can all see that they have certain apprehension and hesitation that signals that they are not yet thinking 100 percent like a slut. Their minds require more training to match the skills and appearance of their already slut-level bodies."

"Along those lines, we're ready for the next class," Mick said. "Ten minute break, then everyone can go to room 14 for Science.

Megan and Kasey hurried to the restroom where they brushed their teeth, fixed their hair and makeup and tended to Kasey's tender ass. They also compared notes, able to speak privately for the first time since they were back at the house.

"Are you OK?" Megan asked, gently rubbing lotion on Kasey's red ass cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kasey laughed. "That was pretty intense. Crazy what they come up with, isn't it?"

"It sure is," Megan said. "That's why older men are so much better than young boys, though, I think. They put more thought into it. It's not about just fucking. It's an event with these guys."

"They sure are creative," Kasey nodded. "What do you think Science will be like?"

"I have no idea," Megan said. "But it will probably be just as crazy in its own way."


The girls headed to the next class where they found everyone waiting for them. The teachers for this class were Meeks, the plastic surgeon, and Pierce, the self-defense instructor. They stood at the head of the class with lab coats on. Beakers and Bunsen burners were on the lab tables throughout the room. The men all sat on high stools, hoping this would be another opportunity for some class participation.

"Welcome to Science for Sluts," Meeks began. "As a doctor, science was always one of my favorite subjects. I was fascinated by conducting experiments, collecting data and supporting or rejecting hypotheses. There are so many discoveries to make, even in our everyday world. It's our duties as scientists to test boundaries, explore new topics, and challenge old conventions."

"So one of the questions we are exploring in this school is what makes a young woman embrace being a slut," Pierce picked up. "Is there something innate in their makeup that simply must be brought out? Can a woman simply be trained to be slut? How much of it is natural, and how much of it is learned?"

"We know our two prize pupils here will give the right answers if we ask them if they enjoy sucking cock or showing off their bodies in public," Meeks said. "But are they telling the truth? We know they both want to be here -- they aren't being forced. Hell, this week was initially Megan's idea. But what are they really thinking and feeling? Learning those answers will help us determine the effectiveness of our training and whether there is such a thing as a natural-born slut."

"How do we get those answers?" Pierce said. "We will take a scientific approach, naturally. I have some connections with the local police force and they were kind of enough to lend us a lie detector. We are going to ask the girls a series of questions, record their answers and form a hypothesis as to what factors are most important in the development of a perfect slut."

"We will begin the tests with some basic questions to develop a baseline, then move into the questions that we don't really know the answers to," Meeks said. "We have a good list for both girls, but if you have suggestions, please feel free to write them down and pass them forward."

"To keep the girls from being influenced by each other's answers or even body language, we will put noise-canceling head phones and a blindfold on the one not in the chair," Pierce said. "Feel free to enjoy them. No fucking, but you can grope or play with them while you listen to the questions and answers."

"Since Megan started all this, she will be in the chair first," Meeks said. He led her to the chair and started attaching the sensors while Pierce proceeded to blindfold and put the headphones on Kasey. They hadn't told the girls they would do this, but he then added a ball gag and fuzzy-handled handcuffs. Minutes later she was laid across the laps of Jim, Darrell and Tom, who quickly began groping her breasts and thighs and ass. Jim, the nice guy who had won Megan the prize at the carnival, now claimed his own prize, squeezing Kasey's firm, round breasts. Darrell the pizza guy had one hand on her ass while the other stroked her bare tummy. Tom, the friendly realtor who rode the Tilt-A-Whirl with Megan, stroked the insides of Kasey's thighs, his fingers edging closer and closer to her pussy.

"Now this is what I call a lap cat," Tom chuckled.

Kasey didn't know what she expected science class to be like, but it definitely wasn't this. She couldn't see, hear or speak. All she could do was feel. She felt strong hands. She felt bulging crotches. She felt helpless, but not afraid. She was reminded of a time she was floating down a river back in Tennessee one summer. She fell off her tube. The current wasn't strong, but it carried her along. The next thing she knew, it pulled her under as she was swept past a rock. She couldn't fight the power pulling her down. She was helpless, but she wasn't afraid. She remembered letting her body go limp. She didn't fight the water and as quickly as it had pulled her under the rock, it lifted her back up to safety. That's what she did now. She went limp. She was powerless in their control, but she was also safe. Kasey had learned from her parents long ago not to worry about things you can't control. She supposed that's why she wasn't worried now. Control had been stripped away from her at the moment, but it would be returned soon enough. And she would still have her pride, her dignity and her self-worth. This was a game, a distraction, a ride down the river. You could fight it or relax and go along for the ride, trusting that the river was just having fun with her body, demonstrating its power, controlling but not harming.

After a while, she felt herself passed to other hands and realized that all the men were having their time with her. She wondered if her dad was participating. She would never know. The thought made her tingle all over and she wondered if any of the hands on her body belonged to him. She felt like she should be able to recognize his touch, but then he had never touched her like this. Would he?

While that question rang in Kasey's head, Megan settled into her seat. She was a bit on edge. She had always liked tests, but couldn't stand pop quizzes. Tests were OK because she had time to prepare and she always prepared for everything. She learned to understand what questions teachers would ask, which ones would try to trick her and which ones would be straight forward. Being unprepared was uncomfortable for her. She wanted time to study, to think about her answers, to look for the tricks and traps. Intellectually she knew the only right answer in a lie detector test was the honest answer, but she couldn't help feeling like might answer something incorrectly, say something she didn't mean and get caught in a lie. She didn't mind being wrong, but she didn't want to disappoint Mick and Harry. She wanted to answer every question in a way that showed they had trained her well. She believed they had, so any answers that proved her sluttiness had to be truthful, right? She bit her lip nervously, an innocent but sexy move that caught every eye in the room.

"OK, Pierce, you ready?" Meeks asked.
