My Coming Out - "Date Night"


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Doug laughed, "The first time that Karen and I went to bed, I thought she was going spend the entire time examining them. All she could say was that my balls belonged on a horse and not a man. Honest to God, by the time that we left the motel, I thought she was going to trace an outline of them."

I giggled, "I can't say that I blame her." My hand left his balls and I gently passed my fingernails over the flaccid, but still thick shaft.

Doug rolled me over onto my back and nuzzled again my neck. In a deep whisper, he said, "You know, I'd really like to fuck you again. I really need to get my cock back into that hot little pussy of yours.'

Whoa! Doug's "dirty talk" was clearly not a one time thing! Had Gary tipped him off that I liked to hear it in the bedroom? I thought about it for all of two seconds and came up with the answer; I couldn't care less!

"Oh yeah?" I murmured. What makes you think that I'm going to let you fuck me again? Do you think I want your big cock in my pussy?"

"You know you want me to fuck you again; you know you want it."

"OK, I might let you." I slid over on top of him and pushed myself down. I ran my lips all the way down his torso, pausing only briefly for an occasional kiss or teasing bite. In seconds, I had my lips pressed against his cock head. I wrapped my hand around the shaft.

Doug pushed himself up on his elbows and I could see the leer beginning to come over his face. "Lick around the head. Lick around it. That's it. Now put the head in your mouth." Looking up at him, I did exactly what he ordered. I could feel the big rod growing in my hand. Doug continued with his talk, "It tastes good doesn't? You like sucking my cock don't you?"

With the big tool almost fully erect, I nodded up at him. I hadn't closed my eyes since I had started and this clearly turned him on. I began to draw my tongue back and forth across the head (which was no easy task, given the size of both the head and shaft). Doug's head began to bob back and forth. I thought (and hoped) for a moment that he was about to pop. However, he regained his composure, murmuring, "OK baby, further down, further down," He urged, putting his hand on the back of my head, "Just a little more. Come on."

It seemed like my eyes were about to pop out as I contemplated both the girth and length of Doug's tool. I was already at my limit; I mean my lips were impossibly stretched and the head seemed to completely fill my mouth. I let out a muffled groan and I knew that I was very close to gagging.

Thankfully, Doug realized that I was at my absolute limit and pushed me back off his now swollen rod. With one motion he rolled me over so that I was squarely on my back and he was between my outstretched legs. As he had done earlier, he moved the big head up and down; between my labia. I began to moan softly. My pussy was still impossibly sensitive (and a little sore) from the first session and I knew that I didn't want him to go as long as he had then.

I pushed myself up on elbows, looking down at our genitals and then back up at him, "Don't hold back this time. Just give it to me. Give it to me. Come ON!" This time it was me that was giving the orders and Doug certainly wasn't going to argue. With two pushes, he was entirely inside me.

I leaned back and gritted my teeth. A low moan escaped from my throat. It seemed like I could feel every inch of his pole and even though I was well lubricated from his orgasm, I was still struggling to accommodate all of it. And then the most marvelous thing happened; Doug began to cum!

I was delighted. I didn't care if I had an orgasm or not; I just wanted to feel that big tool go off inside me again. I arched my back and murmured up at him, "That's it. That's it. It's OK. Let me have it." Doug's face contorted and he began to gasp, "Damn! Oh Yeah! Yeah! YEAH!"

I dug my fingernails into Doug's back and closed my eyes. This time, I was careful to count the number of convulsions that the big pole made inside me. One, Two, Three, Four, and then finally, violently, Five! Again, I could feel his fluids seeping out of me.

Totally delicious! I murmured up at him, "Leave it in. Leave it in. Don't you dare pull out!"

Doug looked down at me and we smiled at each other. "You know, you did pretty good tonight." I said.

"Oh, you weren't bad yourself", was his reply. He rolled off me and we quietly lay next to each other for the next ten minutes. I was in a daze; half asleep and half awake when the sound of our room's telephone jarred me to my senses. "What; Who in the world is that?" I asked Doug. I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the receiver.

"Room 418, this is Hotel Security. We've had several reports of loud noises from your room." My face turned red as the feminine nasal voice on the other end continued, "Would you like us to send someone up there?"

"Uh, Uh, I, no," I stammered. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of Karen's belly laugh. "Gotcha!" she screamed, laughing even louder.

Now, it was my turn to scream, "You bitch! Don't you have anything better to do?"

Karen continued, "Hey, I couldn't help myself. What do you think? Is it time for a prisoner exchange?"

I turned to Doug, blew him a kiss, and replied, "I guess we can release our prisoners. I think they've probably learned their lesson."

Karen giggled, "I know mine has. Ten minutes?"

I agreed and hung up the phone. I lay back down on the bed and Doug and I shared a long kiss. "Hey," he said, "When are we getting back together again?"

I looked down at him and replied with mock disdain, "Oh, I don't know. That's up to your wife and me. We'll let you know when we're good and ready."

Doug put his hands under his head, "Bullshit. Do you think that Gary and I are just a couple of cocks that you and Karen can play with?"

I was ready with my reply, "Well, now that you mention it..."

Doug snorted and pushed me off the bed. Giggling, I got up and began to dress. I quickly hooked my bra and reached into my purse for my panties. Taking a quick glance to where Doug was dressing, I hurriedly pushed the panty liner into position and pulled my panties up. I took a moment to feel the sensation. Doug had emptied his gigantic balls into me twice and I hoped the panty liner would hold until I got home. Pulling my dress back over my head, I straightened it as Doug came over to zip me up. "You know, I've always liked pulling your zipper down a lot more." he said.

I turned around and smiled up at him, "Yeah, I feel the same way."

I stepped over to the mirror and broke out laughing. My fine, expensive hairdo looked like it had run into a South Georgia tornado. As for my makeup; forget it. I reached into my purse for my comb and realized that it wasn't going to make any difference. I looked every bit like the proverbial woman who has been ridden hard and put away wet! Getting the feeling that I was forgetting something, I retrieved my shoes from either side of the bed. Not feeling like putting them on, I held them over one shoulder as I headed for the door.

Doug walked me to the door and smiled down at me, "I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

I looked up at his handsome face and winked, "You mean, you're looking forward to fucking me again."

Doug laughed loudly, "OK, so you caught me." He moved forward and gently pushed his hands across my breasts, "But then, that's not bad is it?"

"No, that's not all bad", I replied, "See you soon." We kissed again and I stepped into the hallway. I walked to the elevators and laughed again as I saw my reflection in the big brass doors. I was a complete, total mess!

I rode up to Gary and Karen's floor. As I stepped off the elevator, I could see Karen stepping out of their room. As Karen strolled toward me, I broke out laughing. Although she had remembered to put her shoes on, the combination of the stiletto heels and her pained, pigeon-toed stride made her look like an adolescent girl on heels for the first time. Obviously, Gary had also been in a "take charge" mode! As we got closer, I laughed even more. Her hair and makeup were in even worse shape than mine!

"Hey honey, you look like hell", were her first words to me.

I was quick to reply, "You look like hell yourself. Who did you fuck? The football team or the band?"

Her reply was equally quick, "I'll never tell." In the same breath, she blurted out, "Was this a GREAT idea or what?"

Laughing, I reached forward and hugged her, "Yeah, I have to admit; this was one of your better ones. Three o'clock tomorrow?"

"You bet." Since Karen and I began "sharing husbands", it's been our habit to meet on the following day and "compare notes" on how our hubbies did the previous evening. It was clear that tomorrow we would have a lot to talk about!

As Karen began her elevator ride down, I walked up to Gary's room. I knocked on the door and when Gary opened it up, he began to laugh. I ignored the laugh and smiled up at him, "Hiya sailor. Did you order room service?"

"As a matter of fact", he replied, "I was thinking more along the lines of some home cooking."

"Oh, OK by me", I responded. Gary stepped to the bed and retrieved his jacket. Arm in arm, we left the hotel and walked to our car. A light rain had started and the wet pavement felt good on my bare feet. Maneuvering out of the parking lot, we quickly got onto I75 North.

As Gary drove up Interstate, his right hand moved over to my knee and up my thigh. I leaned my head back on the headrest and looked out the passenger window. Well, it looked like Karen hadn't used up all he had. It's not that often that Gary goes three times in one night but it was evident that tonight was going to be one of those times.

I looked out into the darkness as we approached our exit. Off in the distance but clearly visible was the steeple of the Baptist "megachurch" that we attend. I was just congratulating myself on having my Sunday lesson ready for the following day when it hit me: Sweet little Lisa, erstwhile teacher of the "Young Crusaders" Sunday School class was on her way home, where she would be nailed for the third time that evening; this time by her husband. I chuckled to myself and murmured, "Praise the Lord".

"What did you say?" Gary asked.

"Oh, nothing honey. I was just thinking out loud", was my reply.

Ten minutes later, we pulled into our garage. As the automatic door was still coming down, Gary was out of the car and opening up my door. "OK, let's go", he said, his voice sounding more like a policeman than a husband. He reached in and took my elbow practically pulling me out of the car. I was glad that I had put my pumps back on while we were driving home.

We stepped from the garage into the living room. Gary was roughly, insistently, guiding me toward the bedroom. "Oh honey, just give me a second to go to the bathroom and I'll be right with you."

Gary snorted with more than a little derision, "The only place you're going is flat on your back."

"Oh, OK," I replied in a small, compliant voice. If he didn't mind the mess, then neither did I!

I threw my purse on the dresser, walked up to the bed, and with my back still turned toward him, raised my arms into the air. Without a word, Gary unzipped me and lifted the dress over my head. I turned to face my husband. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed passionately; our tongues going deeply into each other's mouth. His hands went behind me and unhooked my bra. I pushed my stiff nipples into his chest with all the force I could muster.

Escaping my embrace, Gary stepped back and gently pushed me back onto the bed. I looked up at him as he quickly undressed. As he stripped down to his dark blue briefs, I admired the body that I had fallen in love with over twelve years before.

Now Gary stood straight, leering down at me with the same lust that Doug had demonstrated only hours before. I could see the huge bulge in his briefs. He quickly pushed the briefs down and stood before me. With one hand, he cradled his balls and then with the other hand began to slide it back and forth on the stiffening shaft. Was I excited? MY GOD, YES!

I looked from Gary's fully erect cock up to his eyes. Then, lifting my ass, I slowly pushed my panties down to my ankles and kicked them off. I looked back up at Gary with my sexiest gaze when I saw his look go from one of lust to humor. Looking down at my crotch, I saw with ABSOLUTE horror that my panty liner was firmly stuck to my pussy! "OH MY GOD", I screamed to myself, "I AM SUCH A FUCKING DORK!"

My face burned as Gary laughed, "Hey baby, is that a new fashion fad?"

I looked up at him and made a face, "Very funny. Very fucking funny." Still looking at him, I reached down and gently peeled the liner off. I flipped it over to the floor and began to concentrate on regaining my composure. I believed that I knew exactly how to do it and I was absolutely right.

I spread my legs and looked back at him. "If that's the way that you're going to be, I just think that I'm not going to let you fuck me tonight. What do you think of that?"

Gary's lustful look returned in a heartbeat. He moved to the side of the bed and reaching over, moved my head close to his stiff cock. "No. I'm going to fuck you and you're going to like it and there's not a fucking thing that you can do about it."

I looked up at him. Now we were back in sync. "Oh, OK."

I moved my head closer to him, parted my lips and began to gently lick the head of his cock. Not surprisingly, I was able to readily detect Karen's essence and taste. I took a closer look. There was still a blotch of Karen's lipstick close to the base. "Oh yeah. Oh yeah." Gary began to murmur.

Now Gary moved around to the foot of the bed and clambered on, spreading my legs and pushing my legs back. With my ankles firmly on his shoulders, he began massaging the folds of my sloppy wet vagina with his cock head. "Oh Yeah", he continued, "You have the greatest pussy in the world. I love fucking you. I love fucking you so much."

"Hmmm", I thought to myself, "So, two guys are hot for my pussy and love to fuck me? Any more of this, and I'll be tempted to break out into a couple of bars of 'It's Hard To Be Humble!"

But Gary wasn't finished with his 'dirty talk', "Your pussy is so fucking wet. So wet. I think it's time to get her even wetter." With that, and with one violent, savage move he buried the stiff cock in me.

"OH, WHOA! SHIT! MY GOD!", I yelled out. If my pussy hadn't been so full of Doug's love juices, it would have probably really hurt. As it was, it was still a shock.

After that first hard thrust, Gary really began to nail me. Completely disregarding my yelps of, "Oh! Wait! Honey! Honey!" he continued to relentlessly pound me until my cries were replaced by a continuous moan.

For awhile, Gary slowed his total ravaging of me, "Um, you're so great. You're so fucking great. You know you're great, don't you?"

Through half closed eyes, I leered back at him, "Yeah, I know I'm great. I know. You're not going to stop are you?"

Gary face was one of pure, unadulterated lust. I mean, he wasn't a bit concerned about anything but pounding me into complete submission. "No, I'm never going to stop" he gasped.

Maybe he was totally in charge but that didn't stop me from a little more "dirty talk" on my part. "Oh baby, don't come inside me. Doug already came inside me twice and I don't think I want anymore tonight."

Gary's face became even more lustful, "You're going to take every drop and you're going to love every drop. UNDERSTAND?"

"Oh, baby. Oh Baby." I again arched my back so that I could accommodate every inch of him. The "dirty talk" was exciting me as much as it did Gary. I looked up at him, "I'm almost there honey. Almost there. Almost there."

Gary is no slouch when it comes to getting me off and tonight he was at the absolute top of his game. With my ankles still on his shoulders, he placed his hands on the tops of my thighs, pulling me even closer to him. His pounding didn't lesson, but now he would only pull back two or three inches before slamming his cock back home. I luxuriated in my helplessness as I grabbed handfuls of the sheets. I gritted my teeth and looked up at the ceiling through teary eyes, "Yeeeesssss! NOW! OH GOD, YES!"

Taking his cue, Gary stopped his thrusting. My body seemed as if it were on "autopilot", with my butt coming completely off the bed, time and time again. Gary, bless his heart (and fantastic cock!), remained motionless as the waves from my orgasm swept over me and gradually subsided. I looked up at him through glazed eyes and murmured, "You wonderful fantastic bastard."

Gary smiled down at me and brushed one of his hands over my swollen nipples. At that point, I was so totally satiated that he could have probably hung me from the ceiling fan but now he had one, and only one, thing on his mind.

He quickly reached over and pinned my hands over my head. With my ankles still on his shoulders, he had me exactly where he wanted me. Again, he resumed his relentless pounding. I moaned in a continuous tone, which was interrupted with each of Gary's hard thrusts. Although Karen and I have always joked about "having our brains fucked out", this was one of those times that the phrase was turning into reality; at least in the figurative sense.

Gary must have pounded me for another five minutes when, thankfully, I felt his body tense and his breathing become labored. I smiled up at the ceiling and murmured, "That's it lover. That's it. That's it."

With one final brutal thrust, Gary stopped, "Oh, Sweet Jesus! Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!" I remained motionless and tried to concentrate on the convulsions from his thick cock. It took me a few moments that I realized that I couldn't feel anything! My poor little coochie was almost totally numb! I broke out with a wild giggle. What had these guys done to me? Gary looked down at me with a totally satisfied smile.

As Gary withdrew from me, I could feel the sticky liquid, again running down the crack in my butt. At least I could still feel that! Gary laid back and I snuggled next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. As I lay there, I took a quick "inventory" of my body. My jaw still had a slight ache from trying to accommodate Doug's huge prick. My shoulders still ached from his pulling on my arms when he had been slamming me from behind. The insides of my thighs still ached from their extended spreading from both Doug and Gary. But, what about the "ache" and "itch" that I had felt all day long? Hey, totally, completely, deliciously, GONE! I giggled, this time to myself, as I realized that, instead of "aching" and "itching" my tender little "lady parts" felt like boiled macaroni!

I moved my head around to look up at Gary's face. He was asleep. Well, I couldn't hold that against him, I thought lewdly, after going three times in the space of a few hours, maybe he deserved his rest.

I looked up at the window. Outside, it had begun to rain again, and I could see flashes of lightning. It was the perfect ending to a fantastic day. I looked back at Gary and thought about how our lives were going and where we had been. I hearkened back to my days at the University of Georgia. It seems incredible now but, at times, I really thought that I knew all there was to know about sex and love. Now, I realize that I didn't know a damn thing. And now? Well, let's just say that I now know more and it's been a great trip. And, what's next? I don't know but whatever it is, Gary and I will be up for it!

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26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

A real Atlanta whore, which figures.

terrivonlottterrivonlottabout 10 years ago
Another great read!

You write like a real Southern Lady, with such zeal and passion! I feel as if I am you enjoying all the wonderful sights, sounds and smells of hot passionate sex. You also mention places I know and feelings I have. Wonderful stories!!! Whether fantasy or true, they make me "tingle and itch down there" as you say and then flood with pleasure and juices. Thank you for the lovely ride!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

once you have something try to keep that before you hae nothing. TK U MLJ LV NV

hannaperversehannaperverseover 12 years ago

Intelligent, well written, & so sexy!!

kiss Hanna

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
diatribe aside

wanna be cucks that post as 'anonymous' or 'cuckme' or 'dickless' are still anonymous. because you post as 'atlantagirl' doesn't mean I know who you are; stil anonymous to me. i could work at the same office, get coffee from same starbucks, etc but we are still anonymous to each other. biggest peeve with these cucks-in-waiting is the absolute failure to judge the writing; plot, character, pace, dialogue, etc.

vomiting bile and vitriol in fits of self-loathing is cathartic for these guys who desire to be cucked, just don't see the value of leaving the comments up. guess they can't separate the subject from the writing quality (which is good). would be like trashing the godfather books/movies because i dislike crime - makes no sense.

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