My Mother, The Stripper Pt. 04


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"No, Raye, nothing like that. actually, all of the women have left. Everyone remaining, well, their here to see you all!" he said, as he smiled.

We were all surprised, I don't believe any of us, were prepared for that! "Really Mark," I said. "Wow, I can't believe all these men, are here, just to see us!" I looked at the girls, they both smiled. Bethany started jumping up and down.

"Yes Raye, we have a house full tonight. I've been trying to figure out how we can accommodate everyone. I believe, I've come up with an agreeable solution. If it's acceptable to the three of you."

"And, what's that, Mark?" I ask, still wondering how all of these men, could possibly fit, into the meeting hall.

Mark continued. "Well, because of the fire codes, I'll have to divide the men into two groups, there are just too many for one show.

The first group, will come to the main hall, as soon as you ladies are ready. You will each, take you turn, dancing an undressing. After all three of you have finished your routines, we'll have you go to the floor, and continue to entertain the fella's, while there still seated, up until around eleven.

Then, we'll bring the second group of gentlemen in, a little after eleven. That way, we can accommodate, all the men present. I'm sorry, but you all will have to preform twice. I hope that's agreeable, ladies?"

Bethany blurted out, "It sounds like fun to me." Janie and I laughed.

"Sure Mark, that should work, It sounds acceptable." We all smiled, and nodded.

Mark said, "Thanks girls, let me see if I can find an agreeable way to divide these eager gentlemen." He smiled, as he left the room. I look at the two of them, "well ladies, we apparently are highly sought after strippers. Let's not disappoint them." I said, as I laughed.

I could tell, both Janie and Beth, were both getting excited, So was I. I started to wonder, who all was here, would there be some surprise guests? I wonder who Dan had told?

Janie and Beth were talking too, wondering who would be here, that they knew. We were all nervous, yet very excited.

I tried to talk Janie into going first. She wouldn't listen to a word I had to say! After ten minutes or so, Mark knocked on the door. I opened it.

"Hey ladies, I've figured it out, and I believe were ready for you beautiful ladies. What rotation have you all decided on tonight?"

Janie spoke, "mom is going first, Mark, then Bethany, I'll go last. So it's Raye, Bethany, then me, Janie."

"Sounds great ladies, Raye, if you're ready, please follow me." I nodded, and followed Mark to the front of the stage. I hadn't thought about it, but I was beginning to get butterflies. I could hear Mark, through the curtain.

"And now, coming back for her second appearance, please give a big welcome for Raye. I smiled, the curtain opened, the music began. The first song I had chosen, was Hot For Teacher!

I started to dance, and prance around the stage, after all, I was, The Teacher! My glasses, my hair in a bun. I had brought a yardstick, as a prop. The guys all started hooping and hollering. I snapped the yardstick, over my hand, CRACK!

I looked over the top of my glasses. I could see, the room was packed. As I looked out, over the room, I recognized several of the men, in the audience. Roger, from the restaurant, was there, along with several others I'd seen before.

But Dan, Ron and Kyle, were nowhere to be seen, they were probably part of the second shift. It was still, a very nice and noisy crowd. Lots of good looking men. Yummy!

Everyone, was in a good mood. I pointed my yardstick at Mark, then, cracked it again, across my hand. I then, threw it to the side.

I started to unbutton my blouse, when it was unbuttoned, I removed it, ever so slowly. I exposed my firm nipples, both, were peeking out, over the top of my shelf bra, bows and all. I continued to dance.

Just before the first song ended, I slipped off my skirt. As my second song started, I let my hair down, and put my glasses, to the side. The men, seemed, to be enjoying the show.

The music continued, I danced across the center of the stage, I removed my bra, letting it fall to the floor. I was starting to feel tingly again, I like the feeling.

I slid my panties over my thigh highs, and remembered, this was the very first time I had stripped without wearing a garter belt. The guys didn't seem to mind, in fact, they seemed to be enjoying it, very much.

As the second song ended, I smiled, curtsied , and waved. As I left, I bent down, to pick up my glasses, and clothes. The boys seemed to be pleased with my performance. That made me happy. The curtain closed.

Mark walked towards me, "hey Raye, that was great, I really like your thigh highs. You gave us a different look tonight. I believe the guys liked it too!"

I smiled, "thanks Mark, I'm glad you liked it. I felt a little more naked, then while wearing the garter belt. But as long as you, and the guys were happy, I'm pleased with my decision to change."

Mark smiled, "sometimes, change can be a good thing." I nodded.

As we walked backed to the dressing room, I caught Mark, looking at my butt, twice! "Shame on You," I said. Mark just smiled. I opened the door, "well Bethany, are you ready?" I smiled, and winked.

"Oh yes, aunty Raye, I'm soo ready." She said, while giggling. "Lets do this!"

Mark smiled, "ok Bethany, please follow me." I walked with them, I wanted to watch her preform. Just as I had Janie. I hid behind the side curtain. Mark walked out front, and announced Bethany.

"And now gentlemen, for her very first time, on stage anywhere, please welcome, our littlest angel, Bethany.

the curtain opened, the music started. She was grinning, from ear to ear.

Bethany, started to dance. I could tell immediately, the guys Loved her! She was floating around the stage, just like an angel.

Twirling and dancing, very sexy. She unhooked her dress, wiggled, letting it glide to the floor. Lots of cheering, and applause. Bethany was a natural.

When her second song began, Bethany slid her panties down, to the floor. Then it occurred to me, Bethany had decided not to wear her stockings.

I understood why, her legs were perfect, in every way. Some of the men stood up. I guess they wanted a better view, of this petite little darling.

She continued to dance, very provocatively, she unhooked, and removed her bra. The guys really loved her. As she danced, I found myself getting excited, very excited. My nipples were firm, my pussy wet, all from watching sweet little Bethany, dance, prance, and undress.

I shook my head, trying to regain my senses. As the music ended, the men, were all standing and cheering, I felt as proud, as a mother hen.

She was beautiful, and she had been wonderful, in her debut! I doubt there was a limp dick, in the house. When the curtain closed, I started to tell Beth that she had done wonderfully.

Before I could, she ran over to me, a gave me a big hug. "Oh aunty Raye, that was a wonderful! I really enjoyed that. I loved the attention, I think they liked me, didn't they like me, aunty Raye?" I laughed.

"They didn't like you Bethany, they fucking LOVED you," I said. "You were fantastic! Not as good as Janie, hell, you were Even better! You're a beautiful pixie, of a girl Bethany."

"OH, Thank you aunty Raye, thank you."

She held on to me, as we both walked back to the room, Mark came up behind, Bethany looked at him, he looked at her, "well Bethany, I believe we've all witnessed history here tonight. You were marvelous Bethany, simply marvelous. I am totally smitten! Thank you for deciding to join your family here tonight. We have been truly blessed."

"Aw, thanks Mark, that's so sweet of you." Bethany beamed.

I opened the door. Janie was still waiting to preform. Janie ask, "hey mom, was there anyone out there we know?"

I smiled, Kyle is not here yet, I'll bet Dan, Ron and Kyle, all are waiting for the second performance. Roger is here, and several other of the generous men from last week.

I guess we'll have to wait for the second show, to see if there is anyone special here Janie. And by special, I mean Kyle." I smiled. "Break a leg Janie." She nodded.

Mark ask, "are you ready Janie?"

"I'm ready Mark, as ready as I'll ever be." She winked. They both headed out to the curtain. I shut the door.

"Well Beth, was it as much fun as you thought it would be?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, aunty Raye, I prayed it would be a blast, it was even more than I had ever dreamed, yes, yes, yes. I'm so thankful, you and Janie allowed me to join you. Thank you!"

When she kissed me, she looked at my firm nipples, "Oh my, those are nice, very nice aunty Raye." she said, as she pinched them both. It felt good.

I could feel my heart pounding, I reached out and felt her lovely puffy nipples. "Umm Bethany, these are nice too."

She stepped back. "Shame on you aunty Raye." She smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. I reflected back, to seeing her laying across the bed, earlier that morning, while Dan had his finger, buried deep, inside her pussy. Umm, yummy.

We were both freshening up, when Janie returned. "Boy, we have a full house tonight. I'm not sure what you two did out there, but those guys are on fire."

"Yes, Janie, I think Bethany, started the fire, she is smoking hot! I'm pretty sure you did nothing, but fuel that fire, Janie, you look pretty hot too." I smiled.

"Thanks mom, you girls ready to hit the floor, and make some money?" We all stood up and opened the door, Mark was walking up, as we walked out.

"Well ladies, I'll give you about thirty minutes, with this group, then we'll have to bring the second group in. And Ya'll can do it all over again." He smiled. I believe he was thrilled to be standing here, with three totally naked women. Who wouldn't.

All three of us, walked side by side, through the curtain, and down to the floor.

I walked up to the first table, and ask if anyone wanted a lap, or table dance. I got three takers, I started to dance.

As I danced, it wasn't hard to tell. Bethany was a hit with all of the gentlemen. They were all looking at her. I had to admit, she was the entire package, beauty, sexy, a nice butt, perfect legs and boobs, Hell, I found her to be very desirable myself.

She danced, with an air of confidence, she really was enjoying herself, and all of the attention she was receiving. The men could tell, that's important.

We all continued to dance, I believe everyone was having a good time, not great, but good. I wasn't sure, if I had become bored, or if this group of men, just weren't interested in me, the elder woman of the trio. Most of the gentlemen seemed to be more interested, in the younger girls.

Hum, I thought, I need to spice things up. Mark was sitting at the table, where I was dancing. He had showed an interest in me earlier. I sat down on the table, I spread my legs, and allowed them to dangled on each side of Mark. I winked at him, took his hand, and placed it between my thighs. He caught on fast, pulling his chair closer.

Smiling he started to play with my clitoris, it felt nice. The table became quiet, Mark continued to fondle my sensitive clit. I looked over, to the other side of the table, Roger was there, I ask for his hand, and placed it on my breast.

No sooner then I had done that, a couple of other men, started to touch, to grope me. They really liked my nipples, and the bows.

Roger and Mark, each removed a bow, and placed them in their pocket. Souvenirs I'm guessing.

My nipples were firm, from the attention, and handling they received. Now, I was getting the attention I desired, this was much better.

As Mark continued to rub, to stroke me, I started to moan, writhe, it felt wonderful. I finally had their attention.

My body tingled, my clit was throbbing, and on fire! This, this was much better. When I reached the pinnacle of my orgasm, I moaned loudly, breathing deeply, and thrust my pelvis, high into the air.

Then, settled back down, upon completion of my orgasm. I looked at the fella's, "Thanks, thank you all." I said, as they helped me to sit up. I could tell, by the twinkle their eyes, everyone, including me, had enjoyed my orgasm.

They all thanked me, the money flowed freely. Mark helped me from the table. Soon, It was time to move on, to the next table. I had danced and made my way around four tables, before Mark told us all, it was time to get ready for the second shift, or show.

All three of us headed back to the dressing room, cash in hand, to dress, and prepare for our second performance. When we arrived, I started to dress, I knew this group would be better, I was looking forward to it. After all, Ron and Dan both, would be in this crowd of men.

As I finished getting ready, putting my clothes back on, Beth ask me, "aunty Raye, I kind of watched you, you know, that table of men that fondled you, and got you off. Well, I was wondering, if you'd mind, if I was to have uncle Dan, do that for me?"

I smiled, "no Beth, I don't mind, if the moment feels right, go for it."

She smiled, "thanks aunty Raye, I just might."

Janie smiled, "not if I beat you to it." Ah, I thought to myself, competition, It's a good thing.

As I was getting dressed, I decided to go with the nipple bows again. I knew Dan loved them, The guys at Jonesville did too.

I didn't ask Janie, this time, I did them myself. As I was dressing, I noticed My clit, and pussy lips, were still a bit enlarged from the previous activities. Oh well, I'm sure the boys won't mind.

Bethany, was just as excited as the first time. She couldn't wait, to undress again.

Janie was looking forward to seeing Kyle again, I hoped he was able to come.

Mark knocked on the door, the second group of men, were seated, ready for some action. I was first in line.

As usual, I followed Mark to the front of the stage, behind the curtain. "And now for your viewing pleasure, and easy on the eyes, I might add, the beautiful, and talented Raye!"

The curtains opened. The crowd was as large as the first group, maybe larger. As I scanned the room, looking for familiar faces, the music began.

I started to dance, to prance, and twirl. My skirt was way to tight to exposed anything while twirling. And, just as the first time, me and my yardstick, Hot For Teacher, played on. When I paused to unbutton my blouse, I found Ron and Dan and...Ah, along with my son Ryan, and my nephew Bradley...oh crap!

You know, I've never been a prude, I'm sure, both of these boys have seen me naked before.

But, never like this. Oh, what the hell, their men right. I removed my blouse, they could see the bows on my nipples, as they hung out, over my bra. Then, I removed my skirt.

My son continued to watch, looking a little uncomfortable. Bradley, didn't mind, he was totally into the show. His eyes were glazed over.

As my second song began, I removed my panties first, then my bra. The boys, along with everyone else seemed to enjoy my nipple bows, and my pussy. I let my hair down, and removed my glasses. As the music ended, my family table, all stood up and cheered. I believe my costume, and my nipple bows had been a hit, again. I took a bow, waved, and gathered my clothes, the curtain closed.

As I walked towards the dressing room, I thought about the look, on my son's face, then, Bradley's, Ron's and Dan's.

I believe I was a hit. I began to think about what the girls, Janie and Bethany would think, seeing, and undressing in front of their little brother's and cousins.

As I pondered the situation, it excited me, my nipples, and my pussy tingled, with anticipation.

I found all of this very stimulating. My last thought before entering the dressing room, was, I hadn't seen Kyle. Hum, I wonder.

I opened the door, Bethany was next. She was dressed, and ready to rock. As soon as I entered the room, Janie ask. "Hey mom, did you see Kyle?"

"No Janie, I didn't." I smiled, "but you girls have a couple other surprises, waiting for you out there."

Beth ask, "Who aunty Raye, who?"

Still grinning, I said, "You girls will just have to see for yourselves."

Mark knocked on the door, "Bethany, are you ready?"

"Be right out, Mark." Beth, still very excited, opened the door, she was on her way, to her second stripper performance. I wondered what she would think, when she saw her baby brother, and her younger cousin, along with Dan, and a few hundred other men. All waiting to see this nubile young pixie, of a girl, naked.

I wanted to see Beth dance again, and her reaction. I followed her out, and ducked to the side of the curtain to watch. I noticed that Janie was following me. I guess the mystery, of who all was here, had gotten the best of her.

As the curtain opened, Bethany danced. Janie peeked out of the side curtain, she immediately spotted Ryan, and Brad. Her mouth dropped. "Oh my god, mom, are you kidding me! It's Ryan and Bradley. Oh. and there's Kyle.

I hadn't notice, he must have come in late, he was standing against the back wall. I guess he was far more important then Brad and Ryan. I just shook my head, my little girl was so in lust!

I guess it didn't bother Bethany either, Her dress was off, she was already down to her underwear, and enjoying every minute! Soon, she was totally naked, dancing and prancing all around the stage. She was a natural. All the men were totally smitten by her body, her beauty, her perky attitude and her perky boobs. Just as she had for her first dance, there couldn't have been a limp dick in the crowd. Hell, I could tell, My son's dick was probably hard, the way he was starring... Before she finished dancing, the fella's were Hooton and Hollering. After Bethany, I wondered if I'd have to fight her for Dan's affection, and attention, let alone, everyone else.

When the curtain closed, I walked towards Beth, she was still dancing. She didn't seem to mind, that Ryan and Brad, had just seen her naked. She told Janie, "Hurry up, there are so many men, and so little time!" She smiled. Bethany's a hoot!

Janie was next, and she was ready, family and all. Mark announced her, the curtain opened, and Janie was dancing. I watched Janie, just as I had Bethany. It's funny. Janie is about a foot taller, than Bethany, and compared to Beth, Janie is an Amazon woman. Yet, they both had style about them, that's made each one of them unique, in their own way.

Bethany was full of energy, bounding from here, to there. floating like a butterfly, very pretty, and confident, and petite.

Janie, was slower, more finesse, smoother and sexy, almost elegant, and beautiful.

I know I look good, especially for my age. But the days of...Oh, what the hell, I can still fuck and suck, like a fish swims. heck, I'll do my best, to keep up with these two young darlings!

Just like Bethany, Janie was undressed in record time. Gliding and twirling, around the stage.

Graceful, she had the look of a classical dancer. Long legs, big boobs, nice buns, very pretty girl. When she was young, she had taken ballet lessons, I'll have to admit, I never really thought that she'd use her training, while being a stripper.

As Janie, completed her routine, I was proud of us all. It hadn't mattered, whether it was your little brother, your son, your cousin, or your nephew, all three of us had successfully danced and undressed, without as much as a hitch.

We almost acted like it was a turn on, added incentive, for preforming, at our best. I'll let you in on a secret...It was!

When Janie finish, she did her usual, bum, and pussy, towards the audience, bent over, and pick up her clothes. When it was all said and done, I believe, the boys were more proud of their, aunt and sister, then they were surprised.

When Janie had completed her routine, we all retired to the dressing room, for a short break. Both Janie, and Bethany were excited about the crowd, and their friends and family, that had come, to watch them perform.