Old Ladies, Thongs & Swimming Pools


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Doreen rubbed his tensed back as she melted into the bed. Her legs falling against the mattress, her head resting on the sweaty sheets beneath her, she lied there and caught her breath for a few minutes, recovering from the best fuck of her life. She kept rubbing his back, and her other hand rested against the married man's bare ass as he lied on top of her, out like a light.

"Good boy..." she said, gently swatting his ass approvingly.

Their sweaty chests stuck together, her body crushed beneath the well-built younger man, she wasn't going anywhere. The exhaustion finally hitting her, too, her eyes lidded over as fatigue overcame her.

* * * * *

When Greg's eyes opened wide an hour or so later, he was alone. On his back on the mattress in an unfamiliar bedroom, it took him a moment to get his bearings.

Then, it all hit him.

The pool. The teasing. The thong. The tits. The sex. Everything.

Fuck! He'd... he'd done it. He'd gone all the way. Holy shit! He'd cheated on his wife with Doreen! The thong-clad older woman who'd teased him all afternoon. He'd actually succumbed to her. He'd gotten his hands on her tits. He'd ended up in her bed. He'd... he'd fucked her. He'd fucked her brains out. He had the best sex of his life with her. He'd filled her up to the brim with cum. He'd...

Wait... the best sex of his life?

He shook his head. No. No. He couldn't think like that. Sure, it was good, really good, but it was the biggest mistake of his life. He'd betrayed his wife, and the vows they'd committed to each other. He'd cheated on her. And he'd done it with an old slut! Holy fuck! What the fuck was he thinking? Maybe If he hadn't been so horny. If it wasn't hot enough that his brains were a little scrambled. If that old slut hadn't been parading around topless. Jesus...

He'd fucked up big time.

He began to panic, suddenly desperate to get out of there. He lifted his head off the mattress, only to fall back almost immediately. Fuck... it was like he was hungover, his head hurt so bad. Maybe it was all the exertion. Maybe it was dehydration from the intense fucking. But even the slightest movements were agony, and it took him a few moments to work up the strength to reach a sitting position. And when he tried to stand up, he realized it wasn't just his head that hurt. His back was tightened up. His legs were sore. His butt was feeling the effects of the old whore's sharp nails digging into the cheeks for so long. He just felt full physical exhaustion. And sore. It felt like he'd been hit by a train. In unfamiliar territory, deeply worn out, the full weight of what he'd done hitting him, every fiber in his body was telling him one thing.


He didn't know where Doreen was, but he didn't care. She wasn't in his way, and that was all the invitation he needed to get the hell out of there. Moving on shaky legs, he stumbled to the entrance to the bedroom, stepping through the threshold and into the living room.

As he did so, he began thinking over what had happened. The more he remembered, the more he regretted. Sure, it was good in the moment... really good... but it was all a giant mistake. He couldn't believe he could be so dumb. His mind beginning to swirl with regret, the gravity of what he'd done now fully hitting him, he had to try and put his foot down to stop himself from wallowing and focus on the task at hand. He just needed to get out of there. He needed to escape.

But his mind just kept going over it all, and he knew for him to progress forward in the slightest he needed to first come up with a plan. And the easiest one seemed to be the wisest. He just needed to forget this ever happened. That's it. He couldn't let this affect him. Period. He just had to go on as if he'd never done this. He'd fucked up big time, for sure, and he'd have to live with that regret forever. However, the only way Doreen's scheme would work is if what they'd done together changed him. If the poison that had momentarily affected his system lingered beyond their encounter. He couldn't let the events of this day change him. For the sake of his wife, for the sake of the man he hoped he could be, he'd just have to bury it all, try to resume his life as normal with Molly and hope he could be as unaffected as possible.

But first, he had to extricate himself from the scene of the crime.

With his heavy, somehow still semi-hard prick swinging between his legs, he began searching for his long-discarded clothing. He kept one ear out for Doreen, as if fearing she was about to jump out from the shadows and rub her tits in his face. But luckily, he heard nothing. The only thing ringing in his ears was his internal monologue, 'Just get out. Just leave. Just forget about everything.' Finally seeing some of his clothes near the back entrance where he'd first entered the house, he moved towards the sliding glass doors. It was only when he reached down to grab his clothing that something beyond the glass caught his eye. Standing up straight, his eyes went wide as he took in what he was seeing.


She was back there, laying down on a deckchair by the pool, eyes hidden behind her sunglasses. And she was still completely nude. Lying on her back, her big bare tits were jutting upwards, her creamy smooth skin baking in the sun. It seemed to still be very hot out there, as a sheen of perspiration was coating her succulent naked flesh. Her long taut legs, her fit tummy, her shaved pussy... it was all just out there unashamedly. But knowing her as he did this shouldn't be a surprise. The older woman was sunbathing nude, because of course she was, and despite being on his way out, despite vowing to bury every memory of their encounter... the sight stopped him in his tracks. And despite those promises to himself, and despite every drop of cum having been emptied from his nuts, he felt his cock stirring to life at the mere sight of her.

His clothes slipping from his grasp, he found himself pulling open the glass door, stepping out into the heat once again, just as naked as she was. It took a few moments for her to notice him, and when she did, a huge grin crossed her lips.

"Ah! You're alive!" she said with a knowing laugh, sitting back like a queen examining her servant. She could see the marks of their furious fucking all over his body. Red marks, scratches and the like. His shaggy hair was mussed up, and she could still some streaks of their combined sex-juices coating his torso. He was a mess.

Greg just looked at her, his mind sluggish as he tried to comprehend the vision in front of him. Unlike himself, her delectable body looked no worse for wear. She'd undoubtedly cleaned herself up when he was out cold, but even so... he was the only one wearing the scars of battle. She looked unaffected by their encounter, as if her delicious frame was built to handle fucking of such ferocity. If she was feeling any wear and tear, she wasn't showing it. She simply looked pleased. Blissful. He found himself standing near the edge of the pool, staring at her.

"Well, lover..." Doreen began, that word causing all sorts of memories to flash across his mind. No! Forget it! Stamp that shit out! "You're free to go home now. I think we both got what we wanted here. And I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon..." she announced with a knowing grin.

'No! Never!' he told himself. 'They were done.'

"Although, you might want to take a dip in the pool before you go. Clean up a bit, hon. You look fucking wonderful, babe, but you're kind of a mess right now," she suggested, grinning.

Regardless of everything Greg was telling himself, he didn't move. He just kept gazing at the older woman's huge exposed tits, feeling like a dullard in his weakened, slightly hungover state. How could her tits still be affecting him so fucking strongly? How could the sight of them be that powerful? Despite himself, the sight of her massive bare breasts made his cock lurch ever so slightly. Her eyes flicked downward, noticing this.

"Unless..." she said, her voice getting husky, eyeing up the naked younger man. "Unless you want to stay for round two? Because there are parts of my body that you haven't fully explored yet..." she teased. At this, the older woman shifted her weight, moving to roll over on her deck chair. He watched as her massive, heavy, sweat covered tits shifted on her chest, landing one on top of the other as she moved onto her side, bouncing against each other heavily, one jiggling to a stop on top of the other. But he was unable to savor the sight for long as she continued moving, rolling fully over onto her stomach, an act that made those enormous fleshy tits of hers balloon outwards against the material of the chair. Now she was on her belly with her bare ass exposed to him again, but she was about to give him an even better look at her rear end. Keeping her upper half pressed against the chair, she raised her ass up, rising till she was fully up on her knees. This act pointed her big, round, firm ass directly at him, the smooth flesh coated with a light sheen of perspiration, her glistening skin making this view even better. For a moment, his eyes hungrily consumed the sight in front of him, the perfectly formed, juicy cheeks arresting his vision. Then, she did something that almost made his heart stop.

She reached back and pulled her ass-cheeks apart.

Greg gulped at this sight. The deep, dark cleft between her ass-cheeks was now exposed to the light, and he could see everything. The full expanse of the crevasse between her ass-cheeks, starting at her lower back and ending right near her pussy, was now visible to him. And with the angle she was positioned in, this meant that her bare asshole was now front and center, completely exposed to him for the first time. The clean, pink, extra-tight looking hole consumed his vision, her clenched asshole being exposed so lewdly that it acted almost like a hypnotic spiral, forcing him to gaze upon her tight asshole without being able looking away.

This was an image so lewd and so wicked that it would be forever burned into his memory.

"Mmm... I can tell you like what you see..." Doreen said, looking back at him with her face down against the deckchair.

Greg looked down at himself and his eyes went wide at what he saw. For someone who had vowed to move on, why was his cock as hard as steel again? Fuck! How could this be possible? He'd cum harder than he ever had before, exploding out what felt like a gallon of cum, and here he was as stiff as a board again so soon afterwards. Standing out proud from his fit body, it was pointed directly at her bare, waiting ass. His eyes followed where his cock was pointing, just in time to see her shake her ass ever so slightly, trying to tempt him closer. Unable to look away, he found himself staring at her asshole again, and he couldn't help but think about how tasty that fucking asshole looked. He'd never once considered eating a woman's ass, but as soon as he saw Doreen's tight asshole displayed like this, his mouth was watering. And it seemed like Doreen knew exactly what was on his mind.

"I'd love to feel what that mouth of yours could do to an ass like mine. Mmm... I bet you'd be really fucking good at eating ass! Just the thought of it is getting me excited baby! I'd love for you to work me up with that wonderful fucking mouth of yours before really showing my ass what that cock can do! What do you say, babe?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, her fingers still digging into her fleshy ass-cheeks, holding them apart as she tempted him closer.

The ass that had done its part to lead him into this predicament. It would feel proper to just fuck the living hell out of it after how much that rear end of hers had teased him. God... as wrong as it sounded, he really wanted to. Just being in her presence again was making him react. All his protestations to the contrary, that this whole thing hadn't affected him, were seemingly thrown out the window just seeing her like this.

But he wasn't as overcharged as he'd been before. His thoughts were just a little bit more coherent, his judgment not as clouded with need as it was prior. He recognized that this was a bad idea. He knew he couldn't spend much more time here and risk his wife coming home and discovering him gone. He had a lot more control over himself than he did before, so he shouldn't be as vulnerable to her wiles, despite how tempting they were. He should be able to make the right decision here and prove that the events of before hadn't broken him. But why was he still staring at this old slut's exposed asshole? Why was his cock throbbingly hard again? Why was he drooling at the idea of wedging his face between that older woman's ass-cheeks and worshiping that tight hole with his mouth? And then when it was nice and wet and ready, fucking the hell out of that perfect, juicy ass. Fuck... He just kept staring at that asshole, and it truly did feel like the lewd sight was hypnotizing him, drawing him closer.

Luckily for him, fate bailed him out.

Still a bit hungover from the furious fucking earlier, this additional hypnotic view of the older woman's asshole only added to his instability. So, when he took a step forward towards Doreen, he almost immediately lost his balance, tumbling over the edge of the pool, falling into its soberingly cool waters. Greg landed with a big splash, sinking beneath the surface. When his head rose above the water again, he heard the older woman laughing at his no-doubt ludicrous pratfall.

But the cool water immediately shook him from her spell. No! What was he thinking? He couldn't give in to that old slut again, no matter how tempting an offer she provided him. No matter how delicious and fuckable her asshole looked. Shaking his head, he remembered the vows he promised himself not to let this older woman affect him again. To move on. Rubbing the water out of his eyes, he made his way to the edge of the pool.

The older woman was now on her side, simply watching the younger man's current predicament with great amusement. Resting her head on her hand, her two huge melons stacked one on top of the other, her naked body was posed like a centerfold as she kept her eyes on the married man in the pool. And the best part was that she got a good show out of it. She suspected the cool water had cleared his head, but not all parts of him had forgotten her. Because even though cool water normally has a certain effect on men, that was not the case here. She couldn't help but notice when he used those young muscles of his to pull his naked body out of the water, his biggest muscle of all appeared to be in an absolutely massive state, looking even bigger than it before he fell into the pool. She enjoyed watching the water cascade down that long slab of beef as it swayed heavily between his legs.

Greg wasn't gonna waste a moment. Not wanting to fall under the older woman's spell again, he jogged back into the house, grabbing his clothes and throwing them on quickly, not caring that he was still soaking wet. Sobered up enough to know not to look back, he practically ran out of her backyard, escaping her clutches and heading back home. The older woman simply smiled and laid back, stretching out and relaxing, a pleased grin across her plump lips as her luscious body took in the heat.

He actually thought this thing between them was done.

She knew otherwise.

* * * * *

Greg made it home without incident. Once there, he took a shower, threw his clothes in the wash, and did everything he could to clean up the evidence of his betrayal before Molly got home. He wanted to get rid of any sign of what had happened to him, not only to cover up what he'd done, but to be rid of it. To leave it behind for good.

The guilt hit him hard when his wife did eventually get home. She was so smiley and happy to see him, rubbing his shoulders to help ease his stress. But whereas before, his stress had been caused by the move and writer's block, this time... it was the guilt of betraying her with the old slut down the street. Luckily, in the moment, Molly couldn't tell the difference.

It was all he could think about for the rest of the night. He just kept replaying it in his head over and over again. What the fuck had just happened to him? He'd cheated on his wife! With a much older woman! A woman older than his mom. What the fuck was he thinking? How could he have fallen so easily to that old slut's charms? It was the heat, for sure. Had to be. And the stress. And the lack of sex, which was from all the craziness of the move. No, not at all. Thinking with a much clearer head, he couldn't believe how stupid and wrong-headed he'd been. It was a weak moment... a mistake... it wouldn't happen again. Never! He could not afford to be that stupid and reckless again. It was the biggest mistake of his life, and he couldn't let it happen twice. He knew he had promised to move on immediately, but he allowed himself the rest of the night to process what had happened. He hoped by the time morning came, he could start fresh.

Fortunately, Molly didn't seem to notice anything overly amiss the whole evening. He was usually a bit introspective and moody, so him being lost in his thoughts wasn't a huge change in behavior. Luckily, she couldn't read his thoughts, or else he'd be in big trouble. He felt terrible seeing how smiley and happy she was. He shouldn't be getting away with this so easily, but perhaps it was just because she trusted him completely. And she loved him with all her heart. She really was a great wife, and he did love her despite what happened earlier, which only made his guilt worse. Sure, their romantic needs weren't quite aligned at the moment; now thinking upon it with a clear head, he couldn't hold that against her. It was a crazy time. Of course their regular schedule might suffer. But they would work through it. They always sorted out their issues quickly. Because they were a great couple.

The guilt went in waves. It felt like for the rest of the afternoon into the evening, he was in a daze, still processing what had happened, still feeling the after effects of such intense sex, barely taking in what was around him, simply going over it again and again.

He'd never experienced anything like it. Such intense, full-bodied sex. Fucking so good it rocked his world. And after taking part in such raw, physical exertion, it felt like all his senses were extra attuned. It was as if he'd been sleepwalking for years, and suddenly, he was awake. He was alive. His system had been shocked in a way it so desperately needed, and his mind, his body... it all felt like everything was now working as it should. He'd been shaken out of his slumber, and despite his regrets about everything, he couldn't deny that some of the after effects were positive ones. But even though his senses felt stronger, that only meant that the guilt felt even more pronounced.

Although, after going over and over it again for hours, he realized he was somewhat going in circles. He felt like he'd wrung out everything pretty dry, and he didn't see the sense to keep torturing himself so actively. He finally felt like he'd reach the dividing point, where he could leave it all behind and move on to rebuilding. Doreen, and everything they had done together... it was gone now. It was over. Buried. It was time to move on. Time to forget her, and not let what they'd done together affect him any further.

As the day faded into night and they cleaned up after dinner, his thoughts, shockingly enough, actually returned to his writing. After his fit earlier in the day, he didn't know when he'd be up for trying to write again. But suddenly, it began to feel like his mind was moving. The urge to write was rising to the surface. The block in his mind was seemingly gone. Ideas were starting to hit him, and they all seemed promising. So, at the point where they were supposed to be settling in for the night... he found himself at his desk, his fingers clicking away at the keyboard. Because when inspiration hits, you'd better not waste it, as it doesn't always come around often.
