Revenge Sex


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Ted rolled, again pulling Kaylee atop of him and kissed her. They lay there in an ecstatic haze, their bodies nearly merging as echoes of their explosions reverberated between them.

"I hate to be a spoil sport, but we're getting close to shore and the Admiral says it's time for everyone to get decent." Carol smiled and held out Ted's shorts and Kaylee's bikini.

Kaylee waited for Carol to start back aft before she attacked Ted one last time with her lips. She pulled her bikini back on, amazed how less risqué it felt now than it had in the morning. She followed Ted aft to the cockpit, playfully grabbing his tight buns when he slowed.

The others were standing around the cockpit when Ted and Kaylee reached it. Lauren and Cindy immediately surrounded Kaylee. They wrapped her in their arms, their warm bodies tight against her.

"Now where could you have been all this time?" Lauren had a mocking tone in her voice.

"Details!" Cindy said in a false whisper. "We want all the details."

The three burst into laughter.

"Gawd it was simply wonderful!" Kaylee finally said. They sat down and traded questions, answers and mirthful gibes while they watched Ted, Carol and Jack dance about the deck lowering the sails and setting the anchor.

All too soon they were bobbing at anchor and the launch was drawing up beside them. Ted hopped down off the cabin roof, where he had been stowing the mainsail, landing next to Kaylee. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and hard. Kaylee was breathless by the time he let her go. They walked back to the launch arms around each other.

"I really hope that you'll come sailing with us again." Ted said.

"I really hope that I can. It's been a fantastic day. I really enjoyed it." Kaylee pulled his lips to hers one last time.

Soon the launch was entering the harbor. Kaylee stood at the stern watching Ted and the Miss Bea disappear behind the low white sand dunes.

The launch docked and, once again, all the men stopped and stared as Kaylee, Lauren and Cindy strutted by. Kaylee tried to maintain her cool catwalk façade, but inwardly she wondered if the people could see what a fraud she really was. They got to their cars. Kaylee shared a long warm hug and a quick kiss good by with Cindy. Jason then took Kaylee into his strong arms and gave her a long passionate kiss.

"If you get tired of Max and Lauren's place, you know that you have a home with us. We'd really love to see you again. And remember that no matter what's happening, always follow your heart." Cindy squeezed Kaylee's hand as she made the invitation.

Kaylee and Lauren waved as Jason and Cindy drove off, then got into their car. They were headed toward the condo when Kaylee heard a chirp coming from her bag. She fished out her cell phone. It showed that she had a missed call from Helen and a message. Kaylee dialed her voicemail.

"Kaylee sweetie, it's Helen. I hope you're having fun. The good news is you've got your job back. The bad news is it's gone to hell here. No one has seen Jeff or Emily since Friday, Ida's out sick, Jeanie is on vacation and Junior's in jail for driving drunk on Saturday. Please, please please! We need you to work on Monday. Thanks sweetie, see you then."

Kaylee put the phone back into her bag. She could feel the ground shaking as her dream world flipped back to reality.

"Bad news dear?" Lauren saw the vitality draining from Kaylee.

"They need me back at work tomorrow. I've got to go as soon as we get to the condo and I can get changed." Lauren felt the sadness in Kaylee's words.

When they arrived, Lauren helped Kaylee out of the car and hugged her tightly. Max came around and drew both of the women into his strong arms. Kaylee felt a difference in their embrace. Before his touch had instantly kindled a hot flame in her core. This time his touch was warm, enveloping, secure like she was a little girl again, back in her father's arms.

"I knew that it had to end sometime." Kaylee said softly.

"It may be midnight dear, but that doesn't that your party is over." Lauren held her while they walked to the condo.

Once inside, Kaylee quickly shed her bikini, walked to the bedroom and began stuffing the rest of her clothes into her beach bag. She looked at the bikini and paused before tossing it in. She knew that she would never be able to wear it at home. That phase of her life was over. She saw Lauren's laundry hamper and tossed the bikini into it.

"Lauren liked it and it will look great on her." Kaylee thought.

She stepped into her blue tub top dress and heels, forgetting that just three days ago she would never have left the house without a bra and panties. She Max and Lauren shared long loving kisses at the door and then she hurried to her car trying to hold back the tears. She drove into the darkness, knowing that she had seen her dreams and resolved to accept her real life.

She arrived home long after midnight. The house was dark and empty. Emily must have come back after Kaylee left. The shattered trophy had been cleaned up and her bed linens had been washed and the bed was freshly made. Kaylee looked in Emily's room and saw that her bag and some of her clothes were missing. Kaylee couldn't help but to hope that she was okay.

Exhausted, Kaylee pulled off her clothes and fell into her bed. She was soon in a deep sleep; her dreams filled with images of the sea and dolphins with piercing, storm gray eyes.

The alarm rang much too early. She would have loved to roll over and go back to sleep, but Helen's frantic voice echoed in her memory. Kaylee dressed feeling the layers of social conformity returning as she layered on her clothes. She drove to the supermarket and clocked in. Her co-workers stared at her with a mixture of pity and suspicion. Helen came over, Kaylee held back from giving her a kiss.

"So tell me all about your weekend." Helen said with a smile.

"Gawd Helen I'm so confused, I don't even know where to start. I do know that I don't want everybody here to know about it. Why don't you just grab a bottle of wine and come over tonight and I'll tell you all about it."

She worked her shift and on the way home stopped at the liquor store and bought a bottle. She wondered what she was doing. She had never brought a bottle into her house before. She got home and stripped out of her clothes. She was in the kitchen pouring herself a drink when she remembered that Helen was coming over. She went back into the bedroom and slipped into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt,

There was a knock on the door. Kaylee opened it, Helen was standing there with a box of white zinfandel in her hand. Helen looked at the drink in Kaylee's hand.

"Looks like I'm late for the party." Helen said with a laugh.

Kaylee lead her into the living room and poured a glass of the wine.

"Okay sweetie, I can tell that something has changed. Tell me what happened. Did you get a little revenge?"

"Helen you're not going to believe the revenge that I got." Kaylee was unsure about telling the truth even to her best friend. She started with the story of the bar.

"You're not telling me that you did it with three college boys!" Helen was wide eyed.

"No! No, I was wasted and this nice couple, Max and Lauren pulled me away before anything bad could happen and took me home." Kaylee was unsure how to continue.

"So you didn't do the three guys. Where did you get your revenge?"

"Well I don't know how it really started, but Lauren and I sort of got hot and then Max was there and he and I sort of... and then the three of us..." Kaylee looked at the shocked look on Helen's face.

Helen drained her glass and refilled it.

"Oh my Gawd Kaylee, you did a guy and his wife? I always thought that you were miss prim and proper, but you're making me look like a nun."

"That's only the half of it. Yesterday we went out on this big yacht owned by the Admiral, well Bob and his wife Alice, they're really nice, rich folks who've been everywhere and are friends of Max and Lauren. They introduced me to Jason and Cindy. They were really nice too and, well... we sort of ended up doing it too."

Helen drained her glass again.

"Girl when I said to go get some revenge, I had no idea that I was launching a tidal wave of sex! You had two guys and their wives, now that is a whole new definition of revenge sex." Helen clinked her glass with Kaylee's and started to giggle.

"Yeah. Then there was Ted."


Kaylee spent the next twenty minutes describing Ted and how they had made love. She told Helen how Ted was a crewman working for the Admiral in between his jobs on the freighters. How he had traveled the world and had seen all the things that she wanted to see.

"It sounds like he was more than just a revenge bonk." Helen was suddenly serious.

In her heart Kaylee knew that Helen was right, she also knew that her world and Ted's were different places that would never meet again.

"I knew that the party had to end." Kaylee said trying to convince herself as much as Helen. "I'd never fit in their world. They're all rich and smart: I'm just a cashier in a little hick town. I'm sure that Ted could pick from hundreds of beautiful girls all over the world. He's probably with someone else already."

She fell into Helen's arms and silently sobbed. Helen held her rocking slowly and gently stroking Kaylee's hair. They sat that way, locked together in the quiet, for what seemed like hours.

"Come on sweetie, tomorrow's another day...and for us that means being at work at seven. Let's get you to bed. Things will look better tomorrow." Helen helped Kaylee stand and held her while they walked to the bedroom. "I can let myself out, you get to sleep. Sweet dreams sweetie."

Kaylee watched her walk down the hall then stood and walked to her closet. She pulled her nightgown from its peg and held it before her. Shaking her head she hung the nightgown back on the peg, stripped off her shorts and tee shirt and walked naked to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Kaylee was swimming lazily in the turquoise sea. The sun flashed off of the waves as if they were diamonds. In the distance seagulls chided each other as the waves softly rolled onto the pure white beach. Kaylee leaned her head back, floating, eyes closed, in the sea's warm tranquil embrace. Suddenly something big and muscled brushed against her backside. It was big enough that it pushed her forward in the water and it brushed her legs from the center of her butt almost to her knees. Her head snapped up. She treaded water and looked around. She gasped as a fin sliced through the water less than ten feet in front of her. Looking back at the shore she knew that she could never hope to reach it. The fin turned and began to head straight for her. She gritted her teeth and put her arms out to fend off the attack. She felt the snout against her hands. With a splash the head rose out of the water and she found herself staring back into its huge storm gray eyes and a beak that was curved in a dopey grin. The dolphin slowly slid in until its snout was nestled between her breasts. Kaylee bent forward and wrapping her arms around the warm, satiny body kissed it on the tip of its nose. The dolphin began to slowly swim, pulling Kaylee through the water. The current pushed her closer against his hot muscled body. Kaylee wrapped her legs around his body. Each time that he arched his body in his swimming stroke he would bump against her sex sending exciting waves through her body. Kaylee felt something hard and hot between her legs. The dolphin rolled onto its back and surged ahead. Kaylee slid down its belly, screaming in ecstasy as she was impaled on the beast's shaft. He was all hot muscle covered in silk. Each stroke of his tail drover her higher and higher.

"OH Gawd! Yes! Yes! Oh Ted Yes!"

Kaylee awoke panting. She had thrown the covers off of the bed and was laying spread-eagled, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Her fingers were deep in her dripping tunnel. She was amazed. She had never had a dream that was anything like that, had never played with herself in her sleep. She slowly ran her hands up and down her body stretching cat like as little jolts of pleasure echoed through her body. She finally rolled on her side and looked at the clock. It was ten minutes until it would go off.

"Damn!" She thought.

Kaylee slid out of the bed and padded into the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker and then to the bathroom to shower.

She quickly fell into a pattern of work, diner alone, some TV to try and distract herself and then to a bed filled with dreams of the sea, Ted and dolphins. None of the dreams were as vivid or fulfilling as the first night, but she began to dread the alarm's intrusion into her paradise.

The next Monday Kaylee was stocking shelves when she heard a commotion from the front of the store. Looking down the aisle she saw Jeff and Emily surrounded by the rest of the girls. She walked toward them not knowing what she would do.

"...and then we got to Biloxi and got married in this pretty little chapel and then spent our honeymoon in the IP Casino Resort. It was sooo wonderful...." Emily froze when she saw Kaylee.

Kaylee stopped and looked at Emily and then Jeff. Emily flinched when Kaylee wrapped her around her sister.

"Emily, I'm really happy for you and Jeff. I hope that you guys are really happy together." Kaylee kissed Emily on the cheek, squeezed Jeff's hand and walked away leaving them in shocked silence.

Things were back in their traditional rut. Except for Kaylee's nightly forays into fantasy, everything was back to how it had been before what she considered her wild weekend.

It had been almost two weeks. Kaylee was bagging Mrs. Johnson's produce when she heard the loud bang of a car backfiring from the parking lot in front of the store. The rusty car shook for a moment then died. The driver stepped out and headed for the supermarket door. Kaylee's breath caught. There was no mistaking the tussled ash brown hair, the storm gray eyes, the dopey grim. He was still wearing his striped tee shirt and baggy shorts, adding only a pair of Tevas to protect his feet from the hot pavement. Kaylee glanced back at the office. Helen was beaming, her thumbs held high up in approval.

"I've been searching all over this area for the woman who I met wearing this bikini." Ted held up the two pieces of black cloth. Several of the women gasped, Helen burst out in laughter. Ted stuffed the suit into his pocket and quickly walked up to Kaylee. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"Kaylee, I had to call half the Winn Dixies in Alabama to find you. We're leaving with the tide this evening for Barbados. Please, I can't think of going without you. I can't think of anything as bad as having to live without you. Will you please come with me?"

Kaylee couldn't speak. She kept hearing Lauren and Cindy saying "Follow your heart."

She nodded, wrapped her arms around Ted and crushed her lips to his.

Kaylee took off her smock and handed it to Helen, who kissed her and then kissed Ted.

"You'd better take good care of my little girl here." Helen tried to look stern.

"I promise I will."Ted said solemnly. "Come on Kaylee we don't have much time and you may need to pack a few clothes for when we make landfall."

They ran hand in hand out to the car. It rattled and smoked as they drove off. Emily stood next to Helen, both had tears in their eyes.

"They'll be lucky to make it to Opp in that old piece of junk." Jeff said sourly. "I'll bet she's back here broke and pregnant in a month."

"I don't think so." Helen smirked. "Frank out at the airport called just before Ted got here. That car is the airport loaner. Frank said to tell Ted, the Admiral's son, that his pilot had finished fueling Ted's G-4 and was ready to leave as soon as Ted and Kaylee got there."

Helen chuckled as she nearly skipped back to the office, leaving the others in shocked silence.

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PlayswellwithotherswifesPlayswellwithotherswifesover 4 years ago
Roll Tide

If she went to Alabama there should have been a Roll Tide in the story somewhere. Also did she finish college? I live in Alabama and it is along drive back to the real world from the gulf. JAMES

GoodhueGoodhueover 7 years ago
GREAT Story!

A wonderful story about reality,dreams and crossing over to where the dreams become reality. Revenge,hot sex,dreams,& romance,this story is a good one!

blue_eyed_dudeblue_eyed_dudeover 12 years ago

Definitely need a sequel, they're going all over the world. Tropical setting, natives, lots of sex everywhere.

You can do it.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
oh so logic

you get hurt by your love and what are you doing or course you let fuck anyone with a dick or without one. really logic

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Loved it. Please give us a sequel!

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