Thanks for the Memories


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"I need to come. They haven't made come yet. I can feel spunk dripping down from my pussy."

"Go on," he said.

"I'm sucking him. I'm getting him in really deep. He keeps holding my head. I am using one hand to stop it from going too far and making me gag. I'm playing with myself, trying to get there."

Julia's left hand had involuntarily moved down between her legs and John could see that she was concentrating her rubbing on one tiny area.

"His friend has said something to him. He wants me to stand up and suck him. Oh! The other one is trying to fuck me at the same time. They're really pleased with themselves. They're calling it a spit-roast. It's… it's happening at last! I'm coming!"

So was John Reynolds. He had never, ever ejaculated into his underwear like this before.

"Oh my… there's come everywhere. So much, it's coming out of my mouth, out of my pussy. Ohhhh!" Julia ceased rubbing herself and her limbs fell back into place, her arms by her sides, her legs straight.

"What's happening now, Julia?" he asked.

"I'm going home. I'm through the front door. I've hung my raincoat up. Now I'm taking my make-up off. I'm showering. I'm climbing into bed."

"How do you feel, Julia?"

"Fucking marvellous!"

"Thank you Julia. Just wait there a moment would you." He paused for breath and to consider his next actions. It was very important to get this right, for the sake of his client. He stood up, aware of the wetness in his crotch and straightened Julia's dress.

He decided that Julia needed to know what had happened on that night, but to save his own embarrassment, not what had happened this evening.

"Julia, I'm going to count backwards from ten. When I reach one, you will awake fully. You will remember everything that you have related to me tonight, but you will not remember precisely how you told me. Do you understand?"


"Ten, nine, eight. You're starting to come out of your sleep now. Seven, six, five, four. Your body is waking up. Three, two, one. Wake up."

Julia's eyes opened, they then opened wider as the memory returned. Her face turned a delicate shade of beetroot. She was speechless.

"You need to go home now and rest. If you need anything, anything at all, at any time, then call this number." He handed her a card. "I suggest that you come back next Monday evening and we can discuss where you go from here."


Chapter 4

Julia walked home in a daze. It wasn't so much what had happened that worried her. After all, she knew that she had had sex that evening, but not the exact circumstances. No, what concerned her was the fact that she had clearly enjoyed the experience.

Life continued as normal. Julia returned to John's office and arrived promptly at 7pm.

"Hi Julia, come on in." He offered her a chair and then sat down behind his desk. "Now, how are you coping with last week's revelations?"

"Well, I guess it was no more than I had expected. It was a bit of a shock that it happened in such a sordid way though. Do you know why I did it though?"

"Very simply, I'd suggest that it was pressure of work combined with sexual tension. Both built up side by side. Once the pressure was released at work, the sexual pressure needed release as well."

"Can we do anything about it?" she asked.

"Well, I'd rather not give you an answer straight away. Not until we've investigated each of these episodes individually and checked that it all fits together in the way we think."

"So, what now then?"

"We go back to the second incident," he suggested.

Julia slipped under quickly and was soon relating in a monotone the events of eighteen months ago.

"I've arrived home, eaten my dinner and I'm now sitting, wondering what to do." Julia stopped talking.

John waited for her to continue, but she didn't. She seemed to need prompting to continue. "Continue," he said.

"I have to go out. I've got to get ready. I'm shaving again. The men will like that. I'm choosing my outfit now. I'm dressing in a black skirt, black blouse and black underwear. It's a mild evening, a jacket will do. I'm leaving the house now."

"Where are you going?"

"To find someone," Julia replied.


"It doesn't matter. I just need someone with a hard dick."

Although used to language of this nature, hearing it coming from Julia's lips seemed to have an impressive effect on John. His own dick was hard again.

"I've found a wine bar. It's very crowded and loud, but I manage to find my way to a seat at the bar. It doesn't take long before somebody hits on me and asks me if I'd like a drink. I'm sipping my drink and making small talk. He may be boring, but I'm not paying attention. I'm just thinking about what he has in his trousers.

"Now his two friends have joined us. They're not a bad looking bunch, but they're trying to outdo each other, trying to impress me. There's some question as to who is the best kisser, so I'm going to find out. I'm kissing each of them in turn, using my tongue to play with them. I think I've hooked them now.

"Joe has got his hand on my knee and is lightly rubbing it. The way the three are standing, nobody else in the bar can see as his hand wanders up my leg. 'What are you hoping to find up there, then?' I ask."

Julia was getting turned on by the recalling of the events. She was wearing a skirt and blouse – possibly the ones she wore that night. John couldn't stop his attention wandering to her gradually opening legs. As she began to writhe the skirt rose and her panties came into view once more.

"He tells me that he's heard that there's a pussy that needs stroking. He's sliding his hand higher. It's nearly there. My legs are open for him. He's telling me that my pussy must have been thrown into the canal, because it's sopping wet."

"Are you drinking alcohol, Julia?"

"I've finished one and I'm on my second. I'm not going to finish it though; Jerry has suggested that we should find somewhere quieter. We leave the bar and head down the road. We find another bar. It's in a basement. It's very dark and dingy, not many customers. They lead me to a booth at the back, somebody is getting drinks. We're almost on our own in this place. Nobody can see us.

"As soon as the drinks arrive, Joe's hand goes straight back up my skirt. He's playing with me through my knickers. I'll come if he keeps this up much longer. Jerry is trying to find my nipples through my blouse and bra. He wants me to take the bra off. I can do that. I can take it off with my blouse still on. He's happy now. He's pinching them quite hard. Ohhh! That feels good!"

Julia's hands had moved to her breasts and she was tweaking and pulling at her own nipples.

"I'm feeling sorry for Sam. He's sitting opposite, but he can't join in because there's a table in the way. I've kicked off my shoe and I'm playing with his crotch using my foot. I'm having trouble concentrating now. I've realised that Jerry has undone the buttons on my blouse and Joe has pushed my skirt up to my hips. He's using his other hand to pull my knickers down. Oh! He's ripping them off!"

Julia gasped and made a sharp intake of breath as her own hand reached between her legs.

"His fingers are inside me. I'm coming." She slumped back onto the couch and went quiet for a moment. "Sam has changed sides and is keeping watch in case anybody comes along. Jerry is unzipping his trousers. He seems to be struggling to get his dick out. It looks big, hard and shiny. He's pulling my face down to it. He wants me to suck him. Mmm, he tastes so good.

"Joe has pulled my skirt up. I can feel the air on the skin of my cheeks. What? He… he's got his cock out and he's pushing it into me. It's too much for Jerry; he's exploding into the back of my throat. I haven't finished swallowing yet and Jerry and Sam have swapped places. Come on Sam, get your dick out! I want it in my mouth. Mmm, that's better."

John was struggling to cope. He daren't even move. The slightest touch would make him orgasm – his cock was that sensitive now.

"We've got to stop. Somebody's coming our way. I've managed to do up one of my blouse buttons, holding it together. We're leaving the bar. We're walking along the street, turning the corner. We're stopping at a car.

"Jerry is driving. Joe and Sam climb in the back seat with me. Their hands are all over my body. I'm coming again. Joe is climbing on top of me now, pushing his dick in. He hasn't shot his load yet. He's really pounding me hard. I can feel the car suspension bouncing beneath me. He's breathing very hard. He's grunting. I can feel the heat as his come shoots up inside of me.

"I haven't got any clothes on now. There are three dicks around me all the time. While one is fucking me another has his cock in my mouth. I've come so many times myself I've lost count.

"My blouse and skirt are back on now. They're driving me home."

With a husky voice, John asked, "Is that where the evening ends?"

Smiling, Julia says, "No. They keep me on the boil all the way home. They finger-fuck me until we pull up outside and don't let me go until I've come again. They all kiss me goodnight. I'm going indoors, showering, getting ready for bed, going to sleep." Her voice faded to a whisper.

"OK Julia, I'm going to wake you up now. I will count backwards from ten. When I reach one, you will awake fully. You will remember everything that you have told me tonight, but you will not remember precisely how you told me. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she whispered. He tidied her clothing once more before continuing.

"When you open your eyes you will feel calm and relaxed. Ten, nine, eight. You're starting to come out of your sleep now. Seven, six, five, four. Your body is waking up. Three, two, one. Wake up."

Julia had thought she was embarrassed by the revelations of her last session. This time however, was far worse. She wondered what her therapist had heard. Had she told him everything that she now remembers?

"Did I tell you what happened?"

"Yes Julia. But I suppressed your knowledge of how you told me, so you could concentrate on the plain facts. How do you feel about your memories now? Do you feel satisfied that you have retrieved them?"

"I guess so," she said, unconvincingly. "It's just that… well, I'm wondering about the other times."

John spoke sympathetically, "I understand. But we have to take this slowly, one step at a time. Can you make it on Thursday for your next session?"

"I think so, yes."


Chapter 5

Somewhat perversely, Julia found she was enjoying her sessions with John. The idea of telling such filthy secrets to such a handsome man left her very turned on. When she arrived home, she had to change her panties because they were so wet. Having taken them off, she lay back on the bed and masturbated. It didn't take very long and she felt contented afterwards.

These visits to the hypnotherapist even seemed to be helping at work. There were a number of situations that could have caused stress, but she felt she was able to rise above it, to become detached yet in control.

Thursday arrived and Julia was feeling excited by the time she got home. Even the mild fear of what she was likely to find out this evening started to thrill her. She dined and then looked for something to wear. Momentarily, she considered trousers, but then dismissed this. A wet crotch to her panties was one thing, but the idea of walking along the street with a damp patch in her trousers was out of the question. In the end, she plumped for a black wrap around skirt with a peach coloured jumper.

Julia arrived at John's office and fell very quickly under hypnosis.

"How are you feeling today, Julia?" he asked her.

"I'm fine. Really, really good," she murmured.

"Good. Now, I want you to go back about thirteen months, to the third time that you lost your memory. Go back to the day before you woke up. You're at work and it's coming up to home time. Tell me what's happening."

"It's not been a good week - lots of problems. I've finally sorted them out and I'm going home now. It's bright outside and the sun is shining and feels warm on my skin. I don't want to go home yet."

"Why don't you want to go home, Julia?"

Julia frowned. "Because it might happen again. I might black out again."

John made a note on the pad. Julia had clearly begun to realise what contributory factors led to these episodes at a very early stage, but was unable to prevent them. "What are you doing instead?" he asked.

"I'm walking, just walking. I want to do something, but I don't know what. I suddenly remember that I have a complimentary ticket for a Health and Fitness Centre. I'm going to take the opportunity to try it out.

"It's a new building, purpose built. A woman is taking my details and asking me about my lifestyle. She's telling me that it's important to tailor a programme around me. She's suggesting that for this first visit I should have a swim, try the spa pool and then have a sauna. I'm telling her that I haven't got a costume with me. But it's OK. They have them for hire, or I can buy one there. I grab a red one." Julia's brow furrowed. "I don't know why, but I've chosen one a size too small.

"I'm putting my clothes in a locker. The swimming costume is a bit more revealing than it should be. The material keeps rising up over my bum cheeks and I have to continuously pull it down. My boobs are almost spilling out of the sides.

"The water is warm and soothing. I've been swimming for a while now and my arms are starting to get a little tired. It's time to try the spa pool. There's another woman in there at the moment. She's smiling and chatting with me. The bubbles feel fantastic; they're stroking my body. If I move ever so slightly one of the water jets is pulsing against my pussy."

Julia's legs began to open again. The wrap around skirt parted almost to her waist, revealing white lace panties that left very little to the imagination. John's erection was almost immediate.

John had to get back in control. "Is the centre very busy?"

"No. It's one of their quieter days."

"What's happening now?"

"Judy – the woman in the spa with me is suggesting that we go into the sauna now. We have to shower first to remove the chlorine from our bodies. She's taking her costume off. Wow, she's got a terrific body! I'm taking mine off too. She's giving me an appreciative look.

"We've taken towels from the pile and wrapped them around ourselves to go into the sauna. It's hot and there's nobody else there. Judy is ladling some water onto the stones. Now she's thrown her towel onto the bench. She's laying down right next to where I'm sitting. I can't stop myself looking at her hairless pussy. The lips look… delicious.

"Judy is suggesting that I won't feel the benefit of the sauna with a towel wrapped around me. I'm taking it off. She doesn't seem to be at all embarrassed by our nudity. She's even talking about my body, asking if my breasts are real or enhanced. She tells me she's had surgery on hers and sits up. She's moving closer to me, sliding along the bench, but instead of swivelling her legs to the floor, she's left one on the bench. I'm sitting between her legs now.

"She's taking my hand and telling me to feel the difference. I'm holding one of her breasts and one of my own. She does the same. Judy's taking a long time to compare, but I'm enjoying her touch. She has both her hands on my breasts now. I'm looking down at her hands kneading my tits, playing with the nipples. I'm looking down past her hands. With her legs spread wide, I can see the lips of her vagina pulling apart. I can see a drip of juice collecting at the bottom of her slit.

Julia's hands were on her breasts, almost re-enacting Judy's actions that she was recalling. John, meanwhile, had stepped into territory outside of his professional experience. He couldn't help himself. At first it was just a desire to do something, anything, so he unzipped his flies. But then his hand slipped into the gap. He was expecting to feel his penis through his boxer shorts, but instead his cock had raised itself through the gap in his underpants. Feeling the hot rigidity of his manhood he pulled his hand back out of his trousers – still clutching his erection. He began to rub his prick, while listening to Julia and watching the dark stain on her knickers widening rapidly.

Meanwhile, Julia continued with the memory, "I'm touching the drip, catching it on my fingertip. My fingers are slipping into her and she's gasping. She's pinching my nipples really hard." Julia winced, remembering the discomfort.

"My fingers are slipping in and out of her very easily. I'm playing with her clit, using my thumb. She's moaning and panting. She's telling me to finger-fuck her, telling me to do it harder. Judy's had to let go of my tits. She's coming. My hand is getting very wet.

"She's kissing me now. Kissing my lips and opening her mouth and using her tongue. She's pulling me up and leading me back to the showers. We're getting dressed and leaving. We're going back to her flat."

"Do you want to go back to her flat?" asked John.

"Of course!" she replied. "I want to fuck!"

"You're not concerned about her being a woman? Have you ever had sex with a woman before?"

"No, I've never been with a woman before. But I badly want to now."

"What happens when you get back to her flat?"

"We've gone straight to her bedroom. She's pulled the bed covers off so that we can lie down on the sheets. We're both stripping off; she's ripped a couple of buttons off of her blouse in her haste. I've just taken off my bra when she finishes. She's grabbing my knickers and yanking the down. I'm falling backwards onto the bed. Judy's head is between my legs. Ohhh! Her tongue is pushing into my cunt!"

By now, Julia was writhing upon the couch, remembering her ecstasy. John was caught out as his cock suddenly began jerking and pumping. He had no time to grab a tissue, but had to hold his other hand around the head of his penis to prevent it spraying everywhere. It took a few moments to recover from this and find three tissues to mop up the stickiness in his hand. He had lost concentration and had missed some of Julia's recollection.

"She tastes wonderful. I've always liked the taste of my own pussy juices, but I really love Judy's. We're both coming again, ohhh!

"We're resting next to each other on the bed. I'm telling Judy that I still desperately need cock. I'm saying that I'm going to have to leave to find it. She's telling me to wait, to close my eyes and get onto all fours. I'm waiting, but I don't know what for. Mmm, it's a dick! She's wearing a strap-on one and she's fucking me with it."

Julia's hips were bouncing up off of the couch. Although he had dressed himself, John was still hard and getting even harder. His head was spinning with arousal. He wanted to be pounding his cock into Julia. He wanted to be the one making her orgasm.

"We've been using the dildo all evening on each other. We're both exhausted, but I have to go home now. Judy wants to see me again. I'm telling her that we'll see each other at the Health and Fitness club."

As Julia finished her story and lapsed into silence once more, John's hand was moving towards her crotch. Her legs closing together again, just before his hand reached its goal, brought him to his senses. It took a few minutes for him to recover his senses – and lose his hard-on. He brought Julia around and asked if she was OK.

"Yes, but more than a bit surprised really. I never knew that I was… well, that I had… those tendencies."

John needed to end this session as soon as possible. "Monday?" he said.