The Audio Cuckold


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There was raucous laughter from all of them after that comment. Just then, Stacy, their daughter, had come home. She said hello to the group, and they had a short chat about school, before she disappeared upstairs to her bedroom.

The interruption ended the conversation about last night's escapades. Liz was now talking excitedly about a pair of boots she'd bought, as the topic of conversation moved onto fashion. Ron hit fast forward a couple of times, but the talk remained on fashion and cosmetics. He was almost through 3/4 of the whole recording, and he was starting to think there wouldn't be anything else of interest to listen to. Then, the conversation turned towards work.

There was some talk about the project they were working on, some kind of book convention. Trish abruptly changed direction and said,

"So, Stef, I see that you and Ryan have been getting closer at work. Seems like he's all over you like a rash."

There was some giggling before Stef replied,

"Look, we're just good friends. And we're both working on the seating arrangements."

"So, there's no attraction there?" Asked Liz. Stef paused, then replied,

"Well, of course I'm attracted to him, and I'm not the only one. I mean, let's face it, Ryan is gorgeous. Every girl at the office is drooling over him."

"So, what is it that you guys are always talking so quietly about?" Asked Trish, eagerly.

There was another pause as Ron's fingers drummed the table as he impatiently waited for her answer. Eventually, Stef replied,

"Ok, I wasn't going to say anything, but you are my besties. Anyway, he keeps asking me out. I told him I was married, but he just said, "He doesn't have to know." He must have asked me out about 10 times since then. I swear, the man is relentless. Although, I must admit, it's a huge turn on and ego boost."

"Yeah, and I bet you don't want him to give up?" Asked Liz.

"Well...I guess not. It's kind of exciting being pursued like that. Honestly, Ryan hits on me everyday. I've never had a man chase me like that. And definitely not a hunk like Ryan," Replied Stef. Ron could tell that Trish wanted to stay on this subject, as she said,

"Yeah, I've noticed how he looks at you like you're his prey. And your relationship's become touchy, feely."

Stef giggled softly, and then defensively said,

"Did you see something? I haven't done anything wrong. Ok, so we flirt a little, but it's nothing serious. He pats my ass when no one's watching, or even has a good feel."

"And I bet you love it?" Chuckled Liz.

"Well, yes...I mean, he's just being friendly. I don't encourage him...but I don't tell him to stop, either. I know it's wrong, but I get this thrill whenever he's near me," Replied Stef, sounding a little panicked.

Trish seemed unsurprised by anything she'd heard, as she said,

"Relax, Stef, you haven't broken any marriage vows...yet. Besides, if hubby isn't taking care of business, what's a girl to do? If Ron doesn't fix his shortcomings, your out of control libido will drive you crazy."

There was a long silence, before Stef sighed and said,

"I know, but what can I do? Ron's never been a great lover. It didn't really bother me before I met you two. But now, it's like there's a fire between my legs. Jesus, I'm even fantasizing about Ryan."

Ron was dumbfounded by everything he'd heard. He had no idea Stef felt like that. And this business with this Ryan guy sounded more dangerous than he'd first imagined. Especially with those two bitches encouraging her. He realized now that the spying equipment had been a good idea, and not a moment too soon. Before the subject changed, the last thing he heard Trish say was,

"I've got a book I want you to read, Stef. You'll enjoy it."

Later, Stef was in the bathroom, when Ron spotted a book on her bedside cabinet. He wondered if it was the one Trish had given her. He quickly walked round and picked it up. It looked like a cheap paperback. The title was 'The Married Vixen'. He read the back cover and information about the author inside. It was an erotic novel. There was a warning on the cover, so, he presumed it had hardcore descriptions. Apparently, it was about a married woman who has an affair with a younger stud. It was definitely the book Trish gave her.

When Stef got into bed, Ron started to get frisky. He wanted to show her there was no need to worry about his performance. Stef seemed pleasantly surprised he was feeling amorous. He pushed his dick in all the way and began thrusting into her. He suddenly saw Stef jerking off a male stripper with a big cock. His own dick started throbbing. He closed his eyes and tried to push it from his thoughts. But the stripper became Ryan. Ron grimaced and ejaculated.

Stef didn't say anything as he rolled away embarrassed. She was wondering if he'd cum even quicker than last night. She got up and headed to the bathroom. When she didn't come back after 10 minutes, Ron knew she was masturbating. He didn't know what was going on, or why those images made him cum so quickly. He wondered what Stef was thinking about as she masturbated. He knew it wasn't him.

On Thursday, Ron arrived home just as Stef was preparing to leave for the gym. She usually went there on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He walked into the bedroom as she was zipping up her bag. He stopped abruptly when he saw what she was wearing. A sports bra that did little to hide her big breasts, and left her midriff exposed. Her leggings were so tight they looked like they'd been sprayed on. He could see the humps of her ass jutting out sexily.

Ron was about to say something, but she picked up her bag and said,

"Hi, Ron. Sorry, I'm late, gotta go."

She gave him a peck on the cheek and was gone. Ron could only imagine how the other gym patrons would react to her. Not to mention Trish and Liz, who she was meeting there. And he knew from experience that they dressed similarly, perhaps even more provocatively.

That night, when Ron came into the bedroom, Stef was propped up on her pillow reading Trish's book. He watched her as he got undressed. She didn't look up once. She seemed completely engrossed in the book. As he was about to get into bed, he could see Stef's nipples poking through her nightdress. Clearly, she was aroused by what she was reading. He got into bed and closed his eyes. He wasn't surprised when he heard her get up and head to the bathroom, 10 minutes later.

The next day, Stef seemed upset about something. Ron asked her what was up, but she gave him the brush off. He assumed it was something to do with work. She didn't even pick up her book, which she'd been religiously reading every evening. At times, Ron even thought she looked angry. He figured he'd find out about it on Sunday.

On Sunday, Ron had retrieved both recorders and rushed upstairs to his office. Stef had gone outside to see Trish and Liz to their car. He quickly plugged in the headphones and hit play. He had to forward it a few times before he heard anything interesting. Trish was saying,

"Anyway, Stef, what happened to you on Friday afternoon? You seemed upset when you left."

Ron was pretty sure Trish already knew the answer. One thing he'd noticed about her was her ability to take in vast amounts of information around her, even over short periods of time. Stef finally replied,

"This is going to sound stupid."

"Don't be silly, Stef. You can tell us anything," Said Trish, sincerely.

Stef sighed heavily, before she replied,

"Something happened that really pissed me off. Ryan asked me out twice in the afternoon. I just kept saying maybe. Then, I saw that whore Sally talking to him. They disappeared at 4.45pm and didn't come back. I felt like fucking killing her. I was furious. I had to get out of there."

"You should've stuck around, Stef. They were in the manager's office. She did try to put her moves on him, but I spoke to him in the parking lot, and he said he wasn't interested. He's got this thing for married women and big tits," Said Trish, with a little humor in her voice. Ron could literally feel the relief in his wife's voice as she said,

"Thank God for that. I was seriously thinking about scratching that whore's eyes out on Monday. I don't know what's come over me."

"Well, if you play your cards right, Ryan could be cumming over you," Trish shot back. There was some giggling before Liz said,

"It seems to me that you've become possessive over Ryan. Subconsciously, you consider him to be your property, even though your conscious mind tries to deny it and makes up excuses for your attitude. And any woman that threatens that becomes your enemy."

Ron was impressed by her amateur psychology. Liz wasn't exactly the brains of the outfit.

There was quiet as Stef was mulling it over. Then, she said,

"Honestly, I don't know how I feel. I thought it was men who couldn't stop thinking about sex. I can't think about anything else. Jesus, I'm masturbating everyday. On my way back from the gym on Thursday, I even had to pull the car over to bring myself off. I can't stop thinking about Ryan. And I've got so much energy since I started working out. I feel like I could have sex 3 times a day, maybe more...definitely more."

Even Trish seemed a little taken aback by Stef's sudden outburst.

"Wow!" Was all she could say. Stef appeared to be on a roll, adding,

"And that book you gave me is making things worse. I can't believe some of the things Veronica did. Having an affair with a well endowed stud. Taking his big cock in every orifice. Making her husband eat cream pies. And the climax, making her husband watch as her lover fucked her all night long. It was sooo hot."

"That could be you, Stef. Unless you want to go back to being the dowdy Mrs Cuckridge, non complaining wife and mother. A husband who has a skinny, sub 5 inch dick, your words. You'll never be sexually fulfilled. And let's face it, you can't put your exploding libido back in the box. And 15 years from now, you'll regret it, and you'll ask yourself, why didn't I take that chance?" Trish said, solemnly, harshly listing all the facts. Even Ron was depressed by her cold assessment.

Stef sounded like she was in a confused state as she replied,

"It's not as simple as that, Trish. We've been married for 16 years, and what about Stacy? Also, this situation with Ryan is dangerous. It's not just physical, I have feelings for him. I can't help it. Everything you said was true. I can't go back, and wouldn't want to. After Stacy was born, my breasts went up to a double E. I always thought they were a nuisance and tried to hide them. But since I started working out, they're down to a perfect pair of double D's, and I love them."

Ron became aware of his throbbing dick. His wife had become a horny, milf, sex bomb. It was both exciting and scary. She went on,

"Now, I love showing them off. I love showing off, period. I love guys staring at my jugs, or my legs. I love it when we go out and I get hit on all the time. I was a chubby wallflower in college. But now, everything's changed. It's like, I have sexy, female superpowers, and I have to use them. It feels like I'm at a crossroads in my life."

After a quiet period of thought, it sounded like the girls were doing some feminine support and bonding. The conversation turned to more mundane topics, like planning their shopping trip on their next day off, and all the slutwear they were going to buy. Ron was amazed at how Stef had embraced her inner slut, slutwear and all things slut. It was no longer a derogatory word, more like a badge of honor.

He switched to the kitchen recorder when there was nothing of further interest in the garden. There was only 16 minutes recorded. Less, when Stacy came downstairs and talked with her mother. As the recording neared its conclusion, Ron noticed the absence of any sounds from Stef or Stacy. He realized they were not in the kitchen. This was going to be just Trish and Liz for the next...2 minutes."

Liz sounded like she was eating something as she said,

"Seems like Stef's on the precipice of taking that final step."

"Hmmm, but that's the biggest step. She still needs our guidance. I'm pretty sure she won't be thinking about much else," Replied Trish.

"I can't believe she's come this far. She's wasted on that limp dicked husband," Said Liz, humorlessly.

"I know, but he is her husband. Now that she's in our sisterhood, we have to break him gently, before we completely crush his manhood. Can you believe the guy cums after a minute? He's going to have a midlife catastrophe, not crisis," Replied Trish with venom. The recording ended, and Ron realized that Trish was a lot more intelligent than he'd first imagined. She'd been pulling the strings from the word go. To manipulate Stef like this, she would need knowledge of psychology, sex, and even human biology.

Later, Ron was going upstairs, wondering how he could wreck Trish's plans. Stef had been doing her yoga workout, and had gone to shower. As he opened the bedroom door, he saw Stef, already showered with a towel around her hair. Apart from the towel she was completely naked. Ron hardly ever saw her naked. She'd always been embarrassed about being seen like that in the past. The lights had to be turned down, or off.

He hadn't seen her naked body for a while, not in the light, anyway. He stared in awe as she turned towards him. Her body was fucking unbelievable. How could her huge breasts jut out like fake tits? Her ass and legs looked perfect. He couldn't see an ounce of fat where it shouldn't be. Stef saw him and froze as they looked at each other. Ron was expecting her to quickly cover up. Instead, she seemed amused by his slack jawed expression, and picked up her hairdryer. Evidently, she was no longer shy about her naked body.

As they got into bed, later, Ron suddenly asked,

"So, what was that book about that you couldn't put down?"

Stef appeared to be thinking about her answer, before she replied,

"It was about this married woman who has an affair with a younger stud. He has this big cock and he knows how to use it. The woman gets so carried away, she gets her husband to eat her lover's cum from her pussy...without his knowledge."

Ron got the impression she was enjoying telling him, using her newly acquired profanity. They used to be called, penis, vagina and sperm. His dick was hard again, even though he'd jerked off, earlier. He was suddenly annoyed...annoyed that she wanted to cheat on him, annoyed with her obsession with anything that was slut, annoyed with that look on her face. He pushed her nightdress up and lined up his dick after he'd pulled her panties aside.

Stef still had that strange look on her face as Ron entered her. Even if he lasted 10 minutes, she knew she probably wouldn't cum. It wasn't just his lack of length. His dick was only marginally thicker than her thumb. She stared at his red face and suddenly said,

"A big fucking cock."

Ron let out a long groan and then came.

He rolled away, more embarrassed than ever over his reaction.

"Lick my pussy," Blurted Stef without thinking. Ron looked at her in the low light. Surely she wasn't serious. He was still panting as he replied,

"No way! I just came in you. Besides, you know I don't do that."

Stef nearly exploded. She closed her eyes, trying to remain calm.

Eventually, she opened her eyes and said,

"Big deal, it's your cum. You blow after one minute for the fifth time in a row, but you don't want to get your wife off with your tongue."

Ron didn't answer. He'd never eaten her pussy and she knew that. She'd never asked before tonight. He turned his back to her, remembering her scathing comment about 5 in a row.

Stef got up and walked to the bathroom. She was still pissed with Ron. If he wasn't going to eat her pussy, what good was he? Her moral compass had just swung 180 degrees. She wasn't going to put up with a frustrated sex life. She locked the bathroom door and sat on a chair as she began rolling her clit. She felt clear about her future, and she came after only 5 minutes. She didn't stop, picking up the long handled back brush.

Stef was soon easing the handle inside her pussy as her finger flicked her clit. The handle was going in deeper, almost to the brushes. She'd never had anything penetrate her so deep. It was a definite improvement on Ron's dick. Stef felt another orgasm rip through her body as she leaned back and humped the handle. She quietly cried,


She wanted more orgasms, but decided against it. In fact, she was going to stop masturbating for now. She wanted to keep herself as horny as possible.

Things started turning sour for Ron on Wednesday night. He wanted to have sex, but Stef pushed him away and said,

"Look, Ron, you might enjoy jackhammering for 1 minute, but what's in it for me? What about my needs? I'll give you a handjob for now. But you need to have a serious think about our love life."

Just over 2 minutes later, as Stef was jerking off his dick, she said,

"The stud in that book could fuck all night."

Ron's eyes went wide as he started gasping. He suddenly squealed,

"Oh, Godddd!" As his hips thrust upwards and he ejaculated over his stomach. Stef put the boot in as she asked,

"Why do you always cum so quickly?"

Ron just shrugged. He thought he detected some derision in her tone.

On Sunday, Trish and Liz arrived at just after 1pm. Ron came back in from the garden and sat in his armchair. Trish nodded and said,

"Hiya, Ronald. Is it true you and Stef were trying for another baby when Stacy was 5?"

He thought, "What business is that of yours?" But he replied,

"Yes, we tried for a year, but it didn't happen."

Trish stood in front of him, looking down at him as she said,

"You should've sought medical advice. You've probably got weak spunk. And small balls hold small loads."

Ron was turning beet red. Trish's long legs in her tiny jean shorts were hard to ignore. He couldn't think straight. And why did he have an erection?

He glanced at Stef, who looked amused, as did Liz. He finally blurted,

"We don't know why Stef couldn't conceive."

"Hmmm, yes, who can say?" Said Trish. She looked back at Stef and added,

"But it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with your wife. She looks like a healthy and virile young woman. You, on the other hand, look like old age started at 30."

Ron made his excuses and left the room. He had to get out of there. He was starting to feel like a cornered animal in his armchair. Like the girls were ganging up on him. He made himself a strong drink and went upstairs. He could observe them in the garden from the window of the spare bedroom.

The girls had been sat in the garden for 20 minutes as Trish said,

"Oh yeah, Stef, I've got another book for you. It's all about the psychology of cuckolds, and the kind of men suited to it."

As she bent down to retrieve it from her handbag, a red blink caught her eye. She looked closer and saw the black object taped to the table. It took her all of 2 seconds to figure out what it was and who had put it there. She decided to keep this information to herself for now.

Later, Ron was in his office, forwarding through the recording as he searched for some juicy talk. He was over 30 minutes in when Trish turned the conversation to work as she said,

"So, what happened on Thursday, Stef? You and Ryan stayed late to finish the Billings party. You couldn't get that smile off your face the next day."

Ron remembered how she'd been in such a good mood.

Stef was giggling like a schoolgirl, before she shyly replied,

"I can't believe what happened. We finished up the last details. Then, Graham went home, and Ryan and I were the only people left in the office. I was doing a final summary when I felt Ryan behind me, pushing his crotch against my ass. I felt this exhilarating rush go through my body. I could feel his hard cock grinding into my ass. And the cocky little shit knew I was enjoying it."
