The Girl Who Likes Tall Boys


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Eventually, human noises resumed -- Simone had been adjusting some settings on a console inside, and the balcony was inundated with introductory notes of Walk the Moon's "Shut Up and Dance."

Sarah opened her eyes to see Simone stripping off her robe and getting into the hot tub. Her pristine green one piece was glistening even before it got wet. It displayed ample amounts of cleavage and thigh; the top of her enhanced breasts glistened with sweat and/or steam as she descended into the jacuzzi. The water level rose a few inches when the bulk of her submerged, and Sarah and Katrina were both forced to sit up to keep their chins above the surface.

"Well, good evening!" Katrina exclaimed as she watched Simone climb in.

"Welcome to my hot tub after dark!" Simone exclaimed, spreading her arms. Following her view, Sarah realized she was emphasizing her view of Portland at night. Two of the four directions were primarily obstructed by high rise buildings - the dorm (with lights on) and what looked to be an office building, which was mostly dark. While the north and west views were primarily obscured by the higher floors of Simone's building, looking up the streets still provided a good impression. If you followed the street gaps, the east-facing view featured the Willamette River and east Portland; the southern view showed some of the Forest Hills with lights in conspicuous places based on where the houses, businesses, or the hospital on the hill and its tram were.

"Hell of a skyline. How the hell did you afford this place?" Katrina asked. Sarah winced a bit.

"My ex's lawyer sucked. As soon as the good lawyer I hired got a glimpse at who my ex had hired, he knew exactly what he could get. And he did."

Sarah balked. "Did you ... bleed him dry?"

"No," Simone responded. "He owed me money, but I'm not completely heartless. He's irresponsible and stupid, but his salary was definitely what gave us the means to afford his last place. This condo wasn't even a tenth of that place. When he got traded, he was happy to give me enough to get this place plus some to get me through college."

"That's great!" Katrina exclaimed. "You took what you needed, but didn't expect him to pay for you forever."

"Seemed like a fair trade." Simone responded. "I never got off birth control, which is more than I can say for the two gold diggers who he knocked up on the same road trip. I mean, the dumbass had free reign to do whatever he wanted so long as he didn't make any permanent mistakes. I mean - how hard is to wear a fucking rubber?"

Katrina looked at Sarah. "Did he wear a condom with you?"

Simone bust out laughing and looked at Sarah. "I see you haven't kept a lot of secrets."

"Well, I didn't see the need to keep secrets until she decided to meet up with you and expose everything."

Simone wasn't mad. "No, he didn't wear a condom, no, but that's why I had him stick it up her ass."

Katrina raised her drink to toast. "Cheers to that!"

All three women clinked their glasses together and took a big drink after which Simone turned to Sarah. "So, whatever did your hot blonde secretary say to you the morning after we did it on your office table?"

Sarah was caught off guard, and strained to remember the events of the evening. "What? I don't... nothing? I mean - when she left, everything was perfectly normal. Why would she say anything?"

Simone wore a sly grin. "Wait, what? She never said anything?"

"No. Why would she?"

"Because she watched us go at it."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You sent her off when we got there, but she came back for some reason. Dee was balls deep inside you, bending you over the table. All the while you were eating me out like a champ. Good job at that, by the way."

Sarah was too stunned to respond.

"Anyway, after you made me come, I rolled over and looked out the hallway, and she was there, checking the whole scene out. We made eye contact, and she looked horrified. I motioned for her to come in and join us, but she shied away. Too bad."

Sarah was still stunned. "Allison did what?"

"Allison!" Simone exclaimed. "That was her name! I never could remember it." She paused. "Anyway, eventually you rolled over, and I had him put it up your ass, and he went to town. I pretended not to notice your secretary still watching us and playing with herself at the same time. Eventually, she quit pretending I couldn't see her, and I made eye contact with her as she came."

"Allison did that?" Sarah was flabbergasted. "She was just fresh out of the Mormon church at the time. What possessed her to ... do any of that? I would have thought she would have run away in terror."

Simone laughed. "She did no such thing. She enjoyed the show, she diddled herself good and proper, and ran off pretty quick after she came."

Sarah was stunned. "I've been working with her for years, and she never mentioned it. How ... that doesn't make sense."

"Dunno, blondie, but it happened."

Katrina broke into the conversation. "That's hot as hell." She looked at Sarah. "You should definitely talk to her."

"Talk to her? How? Why?"

"Not like, angry like, just take her out for drinks and see what she was thinking."

Sarah was flummoxed. "She got her realtor license now; I don't know how that would work exactly. And that was years ago, why would I bring it up now?"

Simone was the one who responded. "Just ask her out for a drink after work. Then ambush her." There was a twinkle in her eye.

Sarah wasn't sure how to respond, so Simone continued. "I mean, she seemed cool. Better her than that Kate Gosselin type we first saw."

"Charlotte?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, that lady. Not ugly, not too old, but man, was she a spitting image of a "Karen" off the internet. How many managers do you think that lady has talked to in her life?"

Katrina burst out laughing, but Sarah was still confused. "Wait, wait, just a wait a second." She was trying to pull up several year-old memories. "You told my boss that Charlotte was racist and that's why you didn't want to work with her. But the way, Charlotte made it sound, she just didn't want to perform sexual favors."

Simone positively cackled, for long enough that both Sarah and Katrina had the time to take drinks.

"All of the above is true."

Sarah frowned. "That's not cool."

"Sure," Simone said. "Let me explain. First, little miss happily married with middle schoolers was perfectly fine to suck big black cock to make a sale."

Katrina and Sarah both stared at her. Sarah was trying to picture Miss Suburbia 2012 Charlotte Ward sucking dick for a sale, and was having a hard problem doing it.

"Bitch loved it, I was actually really impressed. She wanted to pull off and not get it in her mouth, but I held the back of her head, and she swallowed like a sorority pledge. Problem was, she didn't want to go down on me. I mean, if he gets some, I should get some, right? She'll whore herself out for dick, but not for pussy? I mean, what's the fucking difference at that point? You're good with being a whore but still a priss?"

Still stunned, Sarah looked briefly at Katrina, who wore a similar incredulous expression.

Simone eventually asked Sarah, "Was that not what you heard?"

Sarah sputtered a bit. "No, not in the slightest. I mean, she said some things that implied she knew what I had done, but ... no. Our boss said it was ... racial. I ... I don't know how to say this, but please tell me that you didn't play the race card because she wouldn't eat you out."

Katrina jumped in. "Yeah, I'm as sex positive as anyone, but that's bullshit... if that's what happened."

Simone gave a reassuring smile. "That ain't what happened. It wasn't going to keep us from buying the house; we weren't expecting anything sexual from anyone about that, but that was the game that he and I had at the time. He liked to see what kind of sex he could get just from having money. It wasn't something I was a fan of - you know, morally - but it was what got his rocks off. Can't pretend I didn't enjoy some of the sex, but it wasn't my idea most of the time."

Sarah and Katrina exchanged a skeptical look.

Simone saw their glance and continued. "What really was the last straw was when Karen - sorry, Charlotte - forwarded an email about the house and the expected utility payments. But the dumb bitch didn't bother to remove previous replies, and if you scrolled down far enough, we found an exchange where she referred to us as, and I quote "Spades with NBA Money," and that's why we decided to find another broker for the same house when she was on vacation. Because fuck her, that's why."

There was a long silence as Sarah took a big drink but eventually coming up with a response. "My boss - Maggie ... Margaret - mentioned that you thought there was a racial issue, but didn't give specifics." She looked Simone in the eye and asked "Why wouldn't she have said something?"

"I sent her the whole damn e-mail. She probably didn't say anything because the fewer people that knew exactly what was said, the less likely she was to get sued. You can't have your employees referring to black people as "spades" without getting, at the very least, sued. And probably bankrupted. Charlotte might not have ever realized we saw her e-mail, and probably just assumed it was because she didn't dine at the Y. My assumption is that she truly believes that nothing is her fault."

Sarah put her head down for a good minute, and nobody spoke while she gathered her thoughts.

"So, let me recap to make sure I've got this. Charlotte sucked your boyfriend's dick, but didn't eat pussy. And you were going to move forward with the purchase regardless. Until you got an e-mail from her where she referred to you using a racial slur. Then you called me."

"Mostly. We didn't call you specifically. Mrs. Talk to the Manager had made it very clear she was going on vacation to the French Riviera or something so we had best buy quickly. So, we called at almost closing time on a Friday when we knew she was out of the country because we figured it would be someone who could use the commission more than John and Kate Plus 8. Bonus points that you were a hot blonde who put out."

"But you didn't purchase the house because I sucked your boyfriend's dick, or because we all had sex in the conference room."

"Correct. You treated us with respect and like people, regardless of skin color. Remember all those e-mails I asked from you? And all those bullshit questions I had?"

Sarah nodded.

"I wanted to make sure you were a good person, and weren't talking shit about us behind our backs. And your boss didn't tell you because she sure as hell didn't want to tell the staff one of her top realtors had referred to African American clients as a fucking playing card."

Sarah was stunned. "So, I didn't earn that sale just because I put out?"

Simone laughed. "No. But it didn't hurt. You still would have gotten the sale, but you wouldn't be in my hot tub right now."

Sarah was silent for a moment or two until Katrina interrupted her thoughts. "Um, there's someone in your apartment!" She was anxiously pointing into the apartment.

Simone and Sarah both followed her gaze. There was a tall black man moving through the kitchen. He was wearing a tight blue, sleeveless shirt, and blue jeans. He was clean shaven, and small round eyeglass frames gave his appearance an intellectual look.

Simone looked surprised but not worried. "Oh, that's Marcus, my roommate. Wonder why he's home?" She got out of the hot tub, and reached for her robe. The back of her suit was a thong, and Sarah couldn't help but check out her ass. She caught Katrina doing the same thing, and there was a shared nod of mutual admiration. Katrina and Sarah were in the far corners of the hot tub - the side nearest the condo door was empty.

Simone put on her robe, and headed into the condo. The other girls watched as she had a brief conversation with the man. He looked out at the other two women in the hot tub, and gave a little wave. He headed into the other door off the living room, which likely led to the second bedroom that Sarah hadn't been in.

Katrina asked a rhetorical question that only Sarah could hear. "She does like 'em tall, doesn't she?"

Simone grabbed the blender (which was still full of mixed beverage), and brought it back out to the hot tub. "Marcus' plans got cancelled," she said as way of explanation. "He's going to change into his suit and join us. Hope that's OK."

The other two looked at each other and shrugged. They held out their glasses as Simone offered a refill. Simone kept her robe on as she filled their glasses, but didn't get back into the club as she took a large sip of her own drink.

"Marcus is a great dude, a little serious at times, and he doesn't party much, but he's a good guy and a great roommate."

He came out a few minutes later, wearing only dark blue swim trunks and flip flops with a light blue towel thrown over his shoulder. He was clearly in shape, although not overly so - his abs were visible but not defined. His facial features were quite attractive, and his round glasses emphasized the right features. Sarah guessed he was in his mid-twenties.

"Girls, this is Marcus. Marcus, this is Sarah -" she indicated who was who via pointing - "and Katrina. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go pee." She slid open the door to the condo again and headed inside.

Marcus nodded at both. "Evening, ladies." He carefully set his flip flops down on top of his towel, and climbed into the hot tub. His suit was loose enough that Sarah couldn't tell if Simone's earlier proclamation about the size of his manhood was correct or not. He sat in the corner closest to the condo door, nearer to Sarah than Katrina.

Katrina stood up and extended her hand, which he shook. Sarah noticed the water dripping off her well-developed figure; she could only assume Marcus did as well. Sarah also extended her hand, but without standing up; Marcus shook that one as well.

"Simone said you were out for the night; what happened?" Katrina asked.

"The guest speaker gave her talk; she was good. But the friend I was going to crash with in Salem got sick. We grabbed food at the Ram, and I came home. We were going to play some disc golf tomorrow, but that's out, too."

"What was the speaker about?" Katrina asked.

"The title of the talk was 'Ramifications of Social Media on Political Partisanship'."

"That sounds interesting, I guess. What did she say?"

Marcus perked up a bit - this was clearly a topic of interest to him. "Her concern was that the ability of social media platforms to control the algorithms that determine what we see on our feed was pushing unwitting people further and further into their own political bubbles, increasing partisanship. There is also an increased likelihood of manipulation of this algorithm by bad actors, both foreign and domestic. This is likely to lead to more identity politics and a rise of populism; we're seeing signs of it already. Kind of a scary thing."

Sarah thought she understand most of that. "Simone said you're a political science major?"

"Graduate, actually. Just got my BS in June. Started graduate classes a couple of weeks ago."

"Cool. Going to be a lawyer?"

"Most likely. Possibly a lobbyist."

"What do you think of this Donald Trump running for president thing? Complete joke or what?"

Marcus hemmed and hawed a bit. "I mean, based on his lack of credentials, you would think, but I think that - if he wins the Republican nomination - he's actually got a chance."


"There's a significant yet currently unquantifiable number of disenfranchised working-class Caucasian voters out there, particularly in Midwest states, that might respond to his message. The speaker tonight mentioned something about this - Trump's populist message is the exact kind of thing that is more likely to succeed in the social media era. Convincing enough people that the other side is evil allows you to focus the message on what the other guys are doing, and push the notion that so long as you are pissing off the other guys, you must be doing something right. And if you're the person who pisses off the other side the most, you must be the right guy for the job."

"Boooooring!" Simone declared as she reemerged onto the balcony, carrying an Igloo cooler. "Can we talk about something other than politics? Anything?"

There was silence for a good ten seconds before Sarah finally came up with something. "So, uh, how tall are you, Marcus?"

Katrina burst out laughing. "That was the best conversation opener you could come up with?"

'Well, I was wondering. Seems like a reasonable question. You got something better?"

"Sure," Katrina chirped with a sly smile. "Your cramps all better, Sarah?"

Once again, Sarah was caught off guard, before briefly remembering her complaints on the Facebook PM. "Um yeah, all is good. Wasn't a fun week, though. Good news is that the timing is such that I won't be on my period for my birthday."

"When's your birthday?" Simone had been looking at the door windows across the street, but rejoined the conversation, as she set down the cooler and got back into the hot tub, sitting immediately to Katrina's left, and effectively on Marcus' right. She handed Marcus a can of PBR as she did so.

"Next Friday."

"Oh, nice! We should do something fun!" Katrina exclaimed.

"Well, my birthday is rarely fun."


Marcus had done the mental math. "Because your birthday is September 11th."

Sarah nodded. "Yup. Not the best day to have a birthday. The worst part is, my 21st birthday was actually September 11, 2001. People were willing to drink, but nobody was in a good mood to do so. I had the most somber twenty-one-er ever."

"Oh, that's really unfortunate." Marcus said.

"Yeah, I haven't had a birthday party on my actual birthday since I was 20. Nobody wants to party on September 11th."

"Well, we should do something fun to celebrate, regardless." Katrina said. "I mean, we had a hell of a lot of fun on my birthday."

"Oh yeah, I might have heard something about that." Simone stated. "You should share the details."

"I'm surprised you didn't tell her everything already," Sarah told Katrina.

Katrina shrugged. "Didn't want to share without your permission. Can I tell them now, though?"

Sarah looked at Simone and Marcus - they were both quiet but attentive.

"I guess." Sarah waved her hand in her general direction as she took a big gulp of her drink.

"So ... I had this fantasy about directing a porn film. I had a friend dare me to act that out. My friend got a bunch of video equipment from his work, and we set up a porn set. Sarah agreed to be my star."

"To be clear," Sarah clarified, "I didn't know this was happening ahead of time." She was also pondering which of Katrina's friends had dared her to do it. Ryan, maybe? Seemed unlikely. Maybe someone else she had heard of? Harper, perhaps?

"True, but she definitely agreed when the cameras rolled," Katrina continued. There were three guys there, and they all went around the world on her."

Sarah nervously looked at the others for their reactions. Simone looked impressed; Marcus was taken aback, although whether that was in a good way or a bad way was indeterminable.

Still, Sarah felt the need to elaborate. "Yeah, but I wasn't the only one who took them all on. Once they finished on me, I pulled Katrina in front of the camera, and all three of them ended up running a train on her ass. In her ass, actually. Three different guys came in her ass in about a ten-minute period, one after another."


Katrina was beaming, not ashamed or embarrassed in the least. "Sarah was a champ. She took on all three guys in all three holes, she took three loads of cum on her face at the same time, she went down on me, she did ass-to-mouth ---"