The Girl Who Likes Tall Boys


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"I did what?"

"Yeah, with Steven right off the bat. I expected you to push him away or off, but you went for it."

"I...I...completely forgot." Sarah paused. "Welp, good thing I had that colonic!"

"For sure. Would have made for a shitty movie. Hah! But for the last couple of weeks, I've been editing the video into a full porn scene. It's probably going to be about thirty minutes long. Might have a watch party at my house when it's done."

This statement concerned Sarah, but before she could respond, Simone asked "How do I get an invite?"

Marcus had recovered from the overload of explicit information just enough to respond with a very simple "Yeah, what she said."

Katrina paused for a second, deep in thought. "Oddly, I never thought about that. I guess the only right answer is: you don't, unless you're in one of my films."

"You have a number of them?" Sarah asked. Sarah realized Katrina was making this up as she went along, but didn't stop her as she continued.

"Nope, it's my first one. But only the cast gets to see my work. That way everyone's on level ground as far as exposure goes. Nobody gets to see someone else's porn unless they're in it themselves."

Simone pondered. "Seems fair, I guess." She turned to Sarah, "So did you know all these guys?"

"I knew one of them. The other two Katrina just invited over to ... fuck me, I guess."

Simone turned back to Katrina. "So, you can just invite Blondie here over and she'll fuck any guy you ask her to?"

Katrina looked at Sarah for a moment, deep in thought. "I guess so. It's not just limited to guys, though."

"Wow," Simone muttered. "You could make money off that, you know."

"I mean, I already put her in a film."

"Yeah, but you're not going to sell it. I mean, she would probably literally let you rent out her ass for money."

Sarah was stunned. "What? Like a whore?"

"Yeah." Simone stated. "I mean, there's no shame in sex work. And you're clearly willing to do whatever Katrina asks you to do. I did some stripper work once upon a time, and turned a trick or three when I first started hanging around ballers. Not passing judgment, just saying someone should take advantage of your willingness to do these things. If you're not going to, that is."

Sarah was still dumbfounded. "What are you saying exactly?"

Simone ignored the question, but turned to Katrina. "Tell me you never stripped or hooked."

Katrina paused. "Never as a job, although I did some stripper like things at spring break parties and college frat houses. Oh, and this one time in Tijuana, I did some... things ... but I didn't come home with any money, so ... maybe? Kinda, I guess? You've really never done anything like that, Sarah?"

All three of them turned their heads to look at Sarah in unison.

Sarah sputtered, equal parts flabbergasted and outraged at their assumptions. "Never. Never have I ..." Sarah paused and recollected her thoughts. "... ever done any stripping or escorting or any kind of sex work!"

Katrina and Simone both keyed in on her wording and exclaimed "Drink!" at the same time. They then laughed together, clinking their glasses together and taking a large sip of their beverage. Then laughing together again.

"What was that about?" Once again, Sarah was frustrated that she missed a reference.

"You phrased it like a round of Never Have I Ever... Since we'd done those things, we drank."


"Actually, that's a great idea!" Simone exclaimed. "We should play. We can just go around the hot tub, and each do our own Never Have I Ever and if you've done something the other person hasn't, you drink."

"I'm in," Katrina said without hesitation.

Sarah was briefly nervous, but upon further reflection, she realized she was likely to get the better end of this game, at least with the two women; she didn't have any idea how Marcus was going to fare. "Fine."

Marcus chuckled. "I'd have to be a fool or gay to say no to dirty drinking games with the three of you."

Katrina started. "Well, Sarah just went, so we'll go clockwise, which means I'm next. "Never have I ever..." she paused dramatically "been to Washington D.C."

"Boo!" Simone said, between sips of her drink. "How boring!" Sarah and Marcus had both taken their own sips.

"These games always start boring, then get fun fast," Katrina retorted.

"Fine," Simone said. "I've never been a personal trainer."

Katrina stuck out her tongue and drank. Nobody else did.

Marcus paused for a moment. "I've never rented a car."

Simone and Sarah both drank. Simone rolled her eyes and mouthed the word "boring."

Sarah thought. "I've never programmed a website," she said, looking at Katrina.

Katrina shot Sarah a look of approval. "Good memory!" she said while she (and Marcus) drank. She then added "I've never had sex with a black woman."

Simone nodded as she, Marcus and Sarah drank. "I've never had three dudes fuck me in the ass in the same night."

Sarah and Katrina both drank, toasting their glasses before they did so.

Marcus had one prepared. "I've never sucked a dick."

The other three went to drink before Simone paused. "Wait. Not even your own? God knows you're big enough, and every guy I know tried to suck their own dick in high school."

"Let me rephrase: "I've never sucked someone else's dick."

"Nope!" Simone declared. "You don't get to revise - you said what you said. You just have to drink, too. And twice as much since it was your own question."

Marcus read the faces of the others and realized this wasn't a legal argument that he needed to win. He did finish off his beer with that drink, so he reached over the edge of the tub and went fishing in the Igloo cooler, coming back with a fresh can of beer.

Sarah thought for a moment. "I've never been to a Swinger's Club."

She was surprised when nobody drank. "Huh."

Katrina was ready with hers. "I've never been 'airtight'."

Marcus seemed confused, but Simone shook her head at a him while Sarah took a drink. Simone pulled the blender out of the cooler, and refilled the beverages.

Simone countered with "I've never done a DP."

Sarah rolled her eyes, thinking she was going to be the only one drinking, but was surprised to see Katrina drinking as well. The brunette was looking out the corner of her eye with a wry smile at the blonde.

"But -" Sarah protested "you told me you had never done it, not even two weeks ago!"

"I hadn't," Katrina responded. "But things change."

"DP? You?"

Katrina nodded, laughing.

"With two actual cocks?"


"Guess you owe me a story."

"Sure do. Too bad for you this isn't Truth or Dare." Katrina retorted, then looked at Marcus. "Your turn."

Marcus shook his head at her. "You guys are all sex fiends."

"And proud of it!"

He thought for a minute. While he did so, Sarah noticed Simone appeared to be waving to someone behind Sarah, likely in the dorm. She started to turn around to look, but that was when Marcus spoke up.

"I've never been to a strip club with male dancers."

All three ladies drank. Some drinks were reloaded.

Sarah had one chambered. "I've never been in a wet T-shirt contest."

The other two women drank while Marcus smirked.

Katrina gave Marcus a curious eye and responded with "I've never judged a wet T-shirt contest."

Marcus looked surprised. "You caught me! Frat life was fun." He drank.

Simone looked back at Katrina. "I've never won a wet T-shirt contest."

Katrina drank. And then drank again. And once more. "One for every victory!"

Marcus nodded approvingly. "I can see why."

"Oh hey," Katrina teased "The future lawyer has a horndog side."

Marcus blushed a bit.

Katrina egged him on. "Your turn."

"Oh, um, I've never ... no, I've totally done that. Um, I never had sex in front of a video camera."

Sarah was ready again. "There's never been a sex tape of me on the internet."

Only Katrina drank, but she giggled as she did so. "That you know of!" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. She noticed Sarah's look of suspicion, and reassured her. "I haven't, I promise. Yet. No, I won't. Unless you tell me I can."

After a second of Sarah deliberately not giving a response, Katrina recovered enough to come up with "I've never had sex on the beach. Not the drink, actual sex."

Nobody drank, so Katrina drank again. "First strike out."

"I've never made a sex tape at all," Simone said, looking back and forth between Sarah and Katrina, who both drank.

Marcus paused. "I realize this scales us back a couple rounds, but I've never kissed a man."

As all three girls drank, Sarah noticed Simone again was looking at the dorm behind them but she pushed forward with her own entry. "I've never been fucked with a strap on." Katrina and Simone both drank.

"I've never ..." Katrina frowned as she looked at the other three. "I've done a lot. What have you done that I haven't? Um...oh! Never had sex with a pro basketball player!"

Simone and Sarah unsurprisingly both drank, as Katrina had planned.

Simone thought for a few seconds. "I've never had sex in a public pool."

Katrina and, surprisingly, Marcus both drank. Marcus remained deep in thought for a few seconds.

"Well, this is basic as hell to you crazies, but I've never had anal sex."

While all three women drank, Katrina was the most surprised. "Giving or receiving?"

He looked surprised to be asked this question, but answered "Either."

"Really? That is pretty vanilla. Why --?"

Simone cut Katrina off. "I told you he's got the biggest cock I've ever seen. Nobody who's not a Grade A porn star could take that monster up their tailpipe."

"I bet Sarah could!" Katrina exclaimed, gleefully.

All heads turned to Sarah.

"What -" Sarah stammered "I - how would I know? I've never even seen it."

"Easy way to solve that!" Simone exclaimed. "Marcus, drop your shorts."

"What? No. There are people in the dorm." He pointed across the way.

"Nobody's looking! You see anybody even glancing this way?"

Sarah and Katrina turned around; there were significantly fewer lights on now. The few students they could see were studying. The football player was no longer in his room. The gay kid was on his bed, watching something on TV. The anime kid was watching anime. The cheerleader's window had gone dark, although maybe there was movement in there somewhere. The neckbeard was visible, but appeared to be wrapped up in his own studies.

"I'm going to be a lawyer! I can't risk that."

Simone sighed. "You're fifty feet away. Nobody's going to see you. And if three gorgeous women all want to see your dick, you'd best play along."

Marcus laughed nervously as he took the last drink of his current beer. He looked around at all three women, none of whom were laughing, but all of whom were looking expectantly at him.

"You serious, Simone?"

"As a funeral."

He looked at Katrina who nodded, and then Sarah, who shrugged and smiled. He returned the shrug, stood up, tucked his thumbs underneath the elastic waistband of his dark blue swim trunks and slowly - almost theatrically - lowered them.

Sarah was expecting to see pubic hair, so when there wasn't any, she was startled when the shaft started to emerge. It looked as big around as her wrist, and it wasn't even hard. By the time he finished taking his suit off, Sarah found herself expecting to see the glans at least two inches before she actually did. Once the tip was finally revealed, the uncircumcised penis swung heavily, reaching half way to his knee.

Katrina let out a low whistle. Sarah was speechless, her mouth agape.

"Is that real?" Katrina asked, incredulously.

"Hard to believe, right?" Simone was the one to respond. "First time I saw it, I asked the same question."

Marcus started to pull his trunks back up, but Simone stopped him. "No, no, now that the horse is out, might as well leave the barn door open." She grabbed the side of his suit and pulled them all the way down. Marcus shrugged, sat back down, and extracted his suit from under the water, throwing it onto the patio. Simone slid closer next to him.

"I've seen things like that in porn, but ... holy shit." Katrina was still staring at his crotch, which was under the water but whose profile was still vaguely visible through the jets. "That's amazing."

"Thanks," Marcus seemed embarrassed, "but I don't need compliments. I had nothing to do with it. It just grew on its own."

"Have you thought about doing porn?" Katrina asked.

Simone interrupted, "I've been trying to talk him into that since I've known him, but ..." She trailed off to let him finish.

"Sure, I think every guy has on some level, but that would really screw up my actual career. It has gotten me a lot of extra attention from women once they hear about it. They all want to see it, and many of them want to play with it."

"I mean, who can blame them? But how many of them can actually take it? I'm not sure I could."

"Most of them can take the girth if they're warmed up enough, but I just about always bottom out."

Simone piped in. "He's eleven inches long, fully erect. He hits my cervix just about every time. I need to be on top, or it hurts. Good news is that he doesn't necessarily get quite as hard as smaller guys, so that helps a bit."

"That's not actually a compliment," Marcus protested weakly.

"Oh hush, it's not a bad thing. It's good to have a little flexibility when you're dealing with...that."

Sarah noticed that Simone's hand was in his lap while she was talking. She finally found her voice. "Is that the only downside to having a dick that big? It doesn't get super hard?"

"No. TSA agents at airports make me nervous, I'm worried they're going to think I'm smuggling something. Sexually, as I said, a lot of girls can't take it at all. No deep throating, some can't even get the head in. Other limitations. But the absolute worst of it is when I'm sitting on the toilet and it hits the water. They call that Poseidon's Kiss. It's awful."

All three women laughed. There was a period of silence while everyone watched Simone's arm move up and down in his lap. Simone was kissing on Marcus' neck - she eventually asked, "You guys want to see it hard?"

"Yes," Sarah and Katrina said in unison.

Simone whispered something into Marcus' ear. He stood up hesitantly, and struck both visitors speechless. As it breached the surface, drips of water fell off of it like a leviathan rising from the deep. Simone couldn't quite get her hand all the way around it; she was stroking it slowly and deliberately, even as it was emerging from the surface of the jacuzzi.

Katrina was the first to speak. "I have no idea how I could get that in ... anywhere."

Simone chuckled. "Just need to be properly warmed up." With that, she leaned over and took the tip of Marcus' cock into her mouth. She managed to get it a few inches deep, paused for a second or two, and then pulled back out. She looked over at Sarah and Katrina, and then went back to work.

Sarah was not surprised when she felt Katrina's hand on her thigh while they watched. She looked at the brunette, who leaned over and gently kissed her while Simone kept sucking Marcus' cock. Katrina's hand slid over to Sarah's crotch, found her slit through her suit, and rubbed her finger up and down along it. Sarah reached over to Katrina's lap and returned the favor. After a minute or so, Katrina's hand moved to Sarah's back and unhooked her bikini top. Then she reached up, pulled up the top, and tweaked one of Sarah's nipples.

Sarah let out a little squeak, and Simone turned to see what was going on. "Oh! Someone's getting into the spirit of things." She didn't stop stroking Marcus, but kept an eye on what the other women were up to.

Katrina leaned over and licked Sarah's nipple, returning her hand to the blonde's crotch. After a few seconds, she angled her head up and engaged Sarah in a deep tongue kiss. There was an intensity there, and both women got caught up in the moment. Eventually, Katrina broke the kiss and stared at Sarah with lust filled eyes.

After another passionate kiss, Sarah looked at the other couple and noticed Simone was, once again, looking behind them at the building across the way. Once Simone realized Sarah was looking at her, she spoke.

"Ladies," Simone asked, "does anyone else want a turn at this monster?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Katrina didn't hesitate. "Trade me spots?"

Katrina slid across the hot tub into place, and took Marcus' shaft in both hands, since neither hand could reach around the entire thing by itself. Even placed end to end, it was longer than the width of her two hands put together. She stared at it for a few moments, intimidated, while stroking it gently.

Simone cozied up to Sarah; she started licking the blonde's already erect nipples, while trailing a hand down her thigh. She leaned in for a kiss, and their tongues met. It was a harder kiss, but less intense and emotional than the one with Katrina had been. It occurred to Sarah that they hadn't kissed the first time they had been together; it was odd that, given all they had done, that this was their first kiss.

A gagging noise interrupted them, as Katrina had taken it as far into her mouth as she could.

"Holy shit, I would love to meet the woman who could deep throat this thing," Katrina gasped.

"Me too!" Marcus chimed in.

"See, this is why you should do porn, Marcus," Simone said. "There are women who can do that, and a lot of them do porn."

Simone's hand had wrapped its way under the waistband of Sarah's bikini bottoms, and was tugging at them. Sarah pulled the green shoulder strap off Simone's strap, pulling it down to expose her right breast. It was too dark to see much, but Sarah found her nipple and she began to suck on it. Due to the implant, the breast was firmer than Sarah remembered, but the nipples were still as perky and sensitive as Sarah remembered.

Katrina was still bobbing up and down on Marcus, leaving large trails of spittle behind, despite her best efforts to clean it up. She paused to stretch her jaw, and Sarah thought she might need a respite.

"Want me to take over, Katrina?"

"Yeah, I think. Gonna need to call in reinforcements to get this job done."

Sarah slid over next to Marcus, and - like the two other women before her -wrapped her hands around it. Her hands were a little bigger than Katrina's, but still not big enough to get just one all the way around. Foreskin was something she wasn't used to it; the whole package was very intimidating. Two very different thoughts occurred to her, the first of which was that she hadn't touched a black cock since the last time she was with Simone. The second was that she was about to try and take this comically large penis into her mouth on a balcony of a building in downtown Portland. The absurdity of it all hit her.

You can't make this shit up, she thought to herself.

She licked his tip, trying to penetrate the opening with her tongue. Then she kissed all around the head, and opened her mouth and took him in. Like both Simone and Katrina before her, she couldn't engulf even half of his length before her throat refused to take more. She knew better than to try and force it, so she worked with what she had. She kept the first three or four inches in, then used both her hands to try and make one smooth motion along the entire length of his wet shaft. Water wasn't usually the best lubricant for this kind of thing, but it worked for now. As she developed a rhythm, she heard his breathing start to get heavier. She took that as a sign that she was going about this the right way.

She heard kissing and light moaning behind her, and felt someone pulling her bikini bottoms down to her thighs to slip a couple of fingers inside of her. She didn't know who it was, and didn't really care at this point. The hot tub wasn't the best place for optimizing the pleasure of penetration, but it was still very tantalizing.