The Perfect Date

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Hot blonde secretly gets fucked in the middle of her date.
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I have more than 20 stories in my drafts dating back months ago and this mindless smut story, which I just started writing the day before yesterday, is the first one finished.

Please send help : /


In a bustling amusement park, under the neon glow of the lights — a man and woman were standing by a machine, watching people play. Or at least, they appeared to be watching. In reality, they were stealing glances at one another.

Sometimes, she looks. Sometimes, he looks. Yet strangely their gazes didn't meet once.

Stacy and Austin met each other a year ago —

In the lively halls of their school, amidst the young chatter of uneasy freshmen like them, Stacy and Austin made an instant connection. They were both quiet people — from different friend groups.

But somehow words came easily when they talked to one another. For the next few weeks following orientation, the two frequently shared glances and greetings from across the room.

Fortunately, they had the same classes. During free periods, Stacy often found herself staring at Austin's back.

He looked nice, sure, but what really piqued her interest was his warm demeanor. The woman was convinced she had never met anyone as sensitive.

Likewise, Austin couldn't help but notice her. Everyone in school does.

Still, he knew there was something setting her apart from the rest. Her inner strength, maybe. The type of quiet that grew up in an environment where she didn't need to be loud to be heard.

Well, that and her impossibly huge appeal.

Stacy looked like the perfect poster girl for the perfect poster family — like one of those celebrity family magazines his mom browses through.

Blonde-hair, green eyes. A little on the taller side — he was just ahead by a few inches.

Surprisingly humble, straightforward. Amazingly intelligent, if a little sheltered.

She had rich parents who were actively present in her life (you'd be surprised how rare that is).

And she dressed well too. Austin knew nothing about fashion, but even he knew she had a great fashion sense, which served her well because she wanted to be a cosmetologist — despite majoring in Psychology with him.

More than that, she gets along with everyone. And he means everyone. If you needed something from a club or a faculty member, she's the one you went to.

All that and more rendered Austin incapable of tearing his eyes away from her.

Unbeknownst to him, the feeling was mutual.

Their eyes would always dart across rooms until they found each other. It came to a point where their friends knew what was happening before they did.

It was only until a few months later when they themselves started to catch on. It was during Independence Day. Red, white and blue colors decorated the campus just as much as crowds did.

Trying to get away from all the excitement, the two found themselves working together on a project in the library.

Quite possibly the most stressful and rewarding thing Austin has ever experienced.

The incessant flirting despite the nerves that gripped them, the words that hung in the air because neither of them dared to voice out their feelings — it was all overwhelming. The occasional silence made it even more unbearable.

When the few people that were in the library finally left, Stacy finally found the courage.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" she asked, her voice hushed and steady despite her racing heart.

Austin looked up, his eyes meeting hers for the first time that day. "Yeah, sure."

"I've liked you for a long time," she confessed, her voice barely audible despite the total silence in the room.

His jaw dropped. "Come again?"

Stacy stared at him seriously before laughing uncontrollably. The look on his face was priceless.

Austin grumbled, "Is this a joke? Because it's not a very funny joke."

She shook her head.

"I'm not joking. I've liked you for a long time — and I heard from my friends that you might like me a little too. Is that true?" she asked.

Austin took a minute to get over his shock before shaking his head.

"I don't."

Stacy looked down, visibly disappointed, "Oh..."

"I like you a lot."

She stared up at his eyes again before rolling her eyes. "You know, you could've just said yes."

"I'm sorry. I just had to make sure you knew how much I liked you," Austin sincerely replied.

And boy did that make her blush.

The words poured out of their lips much easier after that.

Amidst the silence that made them think louder and the occasional giddy laughter, they found comfort and peace in the honesty of their feelings. The unspoken words for the past few months were finally spoken.

Their initial awkwardness slowly faded too, replaced with this... palpable anticipation. They discovered their shared interests — the things they believe in, and the things that wake them up in the morning.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months and their bond only grew stronger. They finally decided to try dating a month ago.

Today was their third date, and unlike the previous two where there was so much pressure to make it romantic, Stacy and Austin seemed to have found a little balance, relaxed and nothing but themselves in this neon world of casual whimsy.

"We should go somewhere else. It's getting a little hot in here," she said, glancing at the crowd gathering around them. It was understandable, really. The men playing in front of them can shoot those golden hoops really well.

The boyfriend nodded. "Okay."

Children's laughter echoed through the theme park as Stacy led Austin by the hand and skillfully maneuvered through the crowd.

She grew up with four unruly older brothers, so she knew how to manage chaos.

Especially after she invited Austin to the house for the first time — they only stopped bothering the two when the sun literally set and Austin had to leave.

Thankfully, Warren, her brothers' friend, reined them in a little. He was also a senior from her school — majoring in Business, though. So Austin and him didn't see much of each other.

She was broken out of her thoughts when she felt her boyfriend suddenly taking the lead. "Hey, let's go there. I want to get you something."

She followed his eyes, which were fixed on the crane machine. She never really had the penchant for stuffed toys, but her heart skipped a beat at the thought of getting one from him.

With a steady hand, the man led her to the machine and inserted a few coins.

"Do you have anything you like here?"

"Not really..."

Before she could explain, Stacy's eyes stuck to a yellow Minion in the far left corner — was he the one named Bob?

Austin followed her gazed and chuckled, "I figured as much."

She elbowed his chest and pouted at him. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

He grinned. "I'm just saying you don't exactly have the most normal taste."

Without wasting another second, the claw moved according to his will, attempting to snatch the unassuming yellow plushie.

It successfully took a hold of the body, but the grip was too weak and the plushie fell before it could be pulled up.

"That's okay, Tin. We should go. Everyone knows these claw machines are a scam."

A grin pushed past the man's lips and her heart skipped. "Let's just try two more times, okay?"

She nodded blankly.

Austin tried again, but failed. She could tell he was a little frustrated now.

"That was actually better than the last. I'm impressed," she said, trying to ease the mood.

He chuckled before inserting another coin — his last chance. Beyond the two's expectations, Austin actually got it the third time.

"Yes!" he cheered.

"No freaking way! I can't believe you did that. I've never seen anyone win at these!" Stacy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with astonishment.

He looked at her, taking the plushie out before giving it to her. "It's all thanks to the way you were looking at me," he said.

Stacy's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. She held his hand and chuckled.

"Well, in that case, I'll take the credit. Teamwork, right?"

Their playful banter filled the air as they walked toward the rides. Usual attractions, really. A teacup ride, bumper cars, a rollercoaster — oh, and a ferris wheel about 80 feet off the ground.

"You want to ride that? The line is a little long, but it should be fun."

She looked at the line. Little was an understatement.

"Yeah, of course. That sounds great. Let's go."

If she was being honest, the rollercoaster seemed more like her thing. She loved the adrenaline rush. Quite thrilling.

But she's never ridden a ferris wheel with a boyfriend before.

It's like one of those cliche couple things you see in movies and books — which she absolutely adored experiencing.

So she agreed.

The two walked towards the ferris wheel, fingers still intertwined. However, as soon as they were about to get in line....

... Stacy's phone vibrated. It was a text.

She looked through it.

Austin, focused on the line, did not see the shift in her expression.

It wasn't until she tapped his shoulder that he realized something was going on.

"Hey, um. Do you mind if we... postpone it a little? My stomach feels a little weird. I think it's the ice cream.

He nodded, concern painting over his eyes. "Yeah, of course! Do you need someone with you?"

"No, no! I'm really fine. Just... you don't mind waiting here?"

"Not really. I could hold the line for us."

She nodded, seemingly in a slight trance. Her eyes were unfocused, clearly thinking about something else.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Austin held her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

Stacy gazed back before leaning in and kissing him. No tongue, just lips connecting. It was supposed to be innocent.

But it didn't feel like it at all.

He shivered. The boyfriend couldn't pinpoint it, exactly, but something... something was different with this kiss.

Their lips separated as she answered, "It's nothing. I'll be back soon, all right?"

She smiled at him and Austin could only nod in response, still speechless over the kiss.

Before he could think more on it, his beautiful girlfriend already turned her back — walking away from him and the ferris wheel....

The boyfriend shrugged it off. He was probably just being a horndog.


With her heart beating out of her chest, Stacy headed to the restroom.

What was strange, however, is that given the choice between the men's bathroom on the left and the women's on the right, she went left....

No, this wasn't a mistake. After making sure no one saw her, Stacy purposely entered the men's bathroom.

With the cold air assailing her figure from all sides, she tugged at her blazer for some warmth. How she missed Austin already.

But thoughts weren't allowed in his vicinity. Not even thoughts of Austin.

She stared at the man in front of her; he was casually leaning on one of the stalls, seemingly waiting for someone.

The real reason she left... was the man in front of her.

"Hey, what took you so long? I thought you stood me up."

"Warr, I told you not to call me when I'm on a date...." she said indignantly, pouting at him.

He chuckled, "My bad, Stace. I just really need to empty my balls right now. You understand, right? I haven't had sex in two days — can you imagine?"

Stacy blushed. She didn't have to imagine. Until now, she's only done it six times with Austin. On average, that's like once every month.

The truth is, she's had sex with this guy exponentially more. Ever since she turned 18.

Warren was her first... and second.

Third. Fourth. Fifth.

She could barely count anymore.

It's his fault that her body is so...

"Becca canceled at the last minute because her boyfriend saw one of our videos. Pretty sure he's a closet cuck, though. I'm sure it'll work out."

"What are you trying to say, Warr? That I'm a back up? I can't believe you!"

To Becca? The nerve of this guy. She's way better than that bitch —

The girlfriend shook her head. What was she actually mad about?

Seemingly aware of her thoughts, Warren looked at her and slowly grinned, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Oh, Stace. Are you jealous?"

She said through gritted teeth, "You're insane."

Warren caressed her cheeks. "You don't have to pretend with me, you know? We can skip on this fake act for your boyfriend and I won't think less of you. I prefer jealous girls anyway. Now, what excuse did you give what's-his-name?"

She fumed once again at his audacity, "Oh, here we go again! It's been a year, Warr! His name is Austin — you could be a little bothered to remember it."

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, clearly not listening as he properly eyed her body.

She shivered. Under the man's (admittedly) beautiful eyes, Stacy always felt like she was a product to be assessed — with her curves and her body reduced to numbers.

It was something she never quite felt with Austin. Even despite their eye colors being too similar.

"By the way, do you have a condom? Left mine back at the house," he asked.

Stacy knew her answer, but she hesitated to say it.

Warren grinned.

"You do."

"Shut up! It's not like that."

"What's it like then, Stace? 'Cause it's definitely not for your baby-dicked boyfriend."

"I... saw it in the house... and I grabbed it in case this happened. Nothing more, all right?"

"Then why do you look ashamed?" he pointed out humorously.

That's because she was. Stacy kept her head down. She couldn't bear to see the judgment in his eyes.

But Warren only looked at her silently before kissing her earlobes. "Don't be. I love prepared girls."

His compliments shouldn't make her feel giddy, but it did. It never really helped that he was so intimate.

Like a magnet, her body leaned in and kissed him back, hands unconsciously inching towards his lower body.

"Someone's excited," Warren whispered teasingly before he pushed her against the door, cornering her inside one of the stalls. The bathroom might be currently empty, but he couldn't guarantee no one would come in. He only hoped people would get the gist and leave. Because he couldn't promise silence.

On Stacy's behalf, at least.

Stacy moaned as Warren started to bite at her neck and fondle her tits. The man grinned at the lost expression on her face.

Stacy liked to pretend otherwise, but she's always been hardcore. Essentially nothing was off the table since her first — and he wondered if she thought that was his fault.

Because he would certainly deny it. Ever since he met her, Stacy was a born and bred A-class pervert.

It didn't matter that her brothers were right in front of her — she eyed him up like a piece of candy every time he visited.

She probably thought he didn't notice the furtive, dirty glances from those beautiful green eyes.

But he did. It drove him crazy for months.

In the end, he couldn't control himself. Mostly because he realized he didn't have to.

The slut obviously wanted it. Twirling her hair, flirting with him when her brothers aren't looking — she loved being seen as a woman.

He was positive she would love feeling like one even more.

So one day, when he realized no one was home, Warren swept her off her feet and fucked her like a woman.

In her room. Then her brother's room.

And from that moment on, Warren knew he had met his match.

If she had asked to date him, he probably would've said yes. He'd drop his fuck-buddies in a second too.

But she didn't.

Oh, she called him for a fuck every day, but she never once expressed her interest in that way.

"Give us a kiss, Stace," he ordered gently.

And now he was stuck playing this sick game of control and jealousy.

She nodded before unbuckling him skillfully. The sooner she could go back to Austin, the better. This bastard had a lot of nerve treating her like a second choice. And it was shaping up to be a perfect date with her boyfriend too.

She didn't know which of those two made her more angry.

But Stacy opened her mouth anyway and took him in. Warren was a monster — she keeps forgetting that fact until she takes his cock inside her throat. Almost triple the size of Austin, she thought Warren was the norm because he was her first.

It was quite a shock when she realized Austin — and most men in general — don't have half of what Warren was packing.

"Oh, fuck. Your mouth feels amazing, Stace. You could barely take in three inches during your first time. Now you're deepthroating almost half of my cock in the first minute. Jesus, they grow up so fast, don't they...?"

He lightly stroked her head and licked his lips.

She grinned, aroused by the look of nostalgia on his face.

He gently brushed her hair to the back before suddenly changing his tune — moving his hips as he held her head with both hands. By the time she realized what was happening, Warren was already smoothly fucking her mouth.

Like she was a sublime assembly of a fleshlight.

"Oh, shit. Fuck me! Right there, yes! Oh, Stace. You're the best! Tighten up the back even more — uh-huh! Fuck....!"

Lightheaded, Stacy gradually felt the world spin as she bobbed her head on Warren's entire length. It's like all of the air was being fucked out of her and the only way to survive was to suck in his cock and hope a little bit of oxygen comes along with it.

She wondered how her parents, how her brothers would react to seeing her like this. Their perfect little girl getting her throat fucked like a professional.

Their prim and proper Stacy inhaling their best friend — her school senior's cock like she loved it more than air.

She felt like a fraud. Her values, her temperament — everything in Stacy's life always felt less important to her when she's with Warren.

She couldn't explain why or even justify it.

The attraction she held towards him... was beyond any drug she's read about.

He had broken her down beyond repair, so much so that she would agree to cheat on someone she genuinely loved during their romantic date.

If she was going to be this easy, maybe she should date him instead — Stacy thought blankly.

Nah, that's crazy.

"Oh, Stace — fuck. I love the way you suck cock. God, I trained you so well."

He really did. After their initial hook-up, Stacy didn't go through a day without sucking him off. Her petite young body was subjected to Warren's daily humiliation rituals and hardcore pounding.

In the process, she even learned several things most women even double her age couldn't do. She learned how to deepthroat and put her legs behind her head for him. She learned how to ride him for an hour straight without getting tired. She's even sucked his cum straight out of another girl's ass — and passed it around with two other women like it was a sport.

The Butt Nut Olympics, he called it.

There wasn't a sex position she saw in a porno that she didn't immediately attempt with him. In fact, he forced her to watch his favorite videos and reenact them.

And over time, she learned to love these little viewing sessions. She hated that she loved it.

The truth is, she loved her time with Warren almost as much as she loved her dates with Austin.


With her soft hands holding onto his thighs, Warren shoved his cock deeper as she relaxed her throat.

It wasn't until her lips were on the literal base of his cock that he paused and she was able to breathe.

"Ooooh! Fuuuuck.... I'm all in, Stace. Do you mind, baby? Just the usual."

She knew what the usual was.

Another thing she learned from him — how to simulate gagging. Stacy never really had a gag reflex so it didn't come naturally to her, but Warren taught her how to artificially "gag" to compress her throat through breathing.