The Family: Ceremony of Unveiling


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Heather dressed more innocently than her mother. This was the way of The Family. Daughters dressed conservatively in public when in the presence of their mothers and fathers until they were married with children of their own. Her dress was feminine, playful and cute. It was a white cotton dress adorned with a checkerboard pattern composed of thin red lines. The neckline was high and the hemline was low. It gathered at the waist and her shoulders were covered. It was made of thin enough material to tempt Jason to catch the sun back-lighting her dress, making it see-through.

Both ladies wore high heels; Heather's were dark red peek-toe pumps and Meg's were strappy sandals that matched her dress. And, although they were hidden from view, both wore a delicate set of matching bra and panties.

The four enjoyed a cocktail and casual conversation before sitting down to a fine meal. Robert sat at one end of a cozy six-place dinner table. Meg sat at the other, and Jason and Heather sat together on one side, nervously keeping their distance until the conversation turned to the matter of their love for each other.

"Mr. Evers.......Robert," Jason said earnestly, and in a manner that indicated the statement had been rehearsed many times. "Heather and I love each other and I've come here to ask you for her hand in marriage."

As he spoke, Heather's hand went to his. Their fingers intertwined on top of the table, left hand with right. Heather remained silent, moving the very tip of her finger up and down Jason's ring finger and awaiting her father's reply. Meg smiled and gazed at her daughter's face, full of pride and excitement.

"Is this true, Heather? Do you love Jason?" he asked.

"Yes, I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him," she replied.

"Jason... Meg and I respect our daughter's opinion. She's the most intelligent young lady I know and her taste is impeccable. You must be quite a catch for Heather to be so enamored of you," Robert said.

Jason was a proud man. Until he met Heather he had been used to being the one that was chased and courted. Girls swooned over him and because of it he never felt a respect for them. Then, Heather came along and changed his life. He wanted her. He wanted her more than anything he has ever wanted.

Jason thought of how Robert had not said yes, but had not said no, and he chose his words carefully before he spoke. "Robert, I don't know about being quite a catch and all that. What I do know is that I've never met a woman like Heather before. She's the one for me. I've treated Heather with the utmost respect. If you say yes, I won't disappoint you."

Heather chimed in, "Father, I've remained chaste. And, Jason has been the perfect gentleman every time we have been together."

Meg spoke up, "Heather, we have never worried about you losing your purity or moral compass." She looked into Jason's eyes, "Robert and I were very much like you two when we fell in love. We know the feelings and lust-filled emotions that are consuming you both. We also know that Heather will not give in to those emotions until her wedding night."

"I know mom. I just want you to know that we want to do this the right way. We want dad's permission," Heather replied.

"And, you will have it," he said. "But, it must be done according to the ways of The Family."

Robert motioned toward Meg. "Meg, would you?"

Meg excused herself and retrieved a leather bound notebook from the study. She gave it to Robert and he extended his arm to Jason, giving it to him.

"Jason, the ways of our family are of utmost importance to us. If you want Heather's hand in marriage you must earn it. And the measurement of your worth will be made according to The Family's traditions and practices," Robert stated.

"Just give me a chance to show you I'm worthy," Jason replied.

Robert paused, took a healthy drink of wine and told him, "Inside the folder you will find a non-disclosure agreement. You're a lawyer. Take it back to the cottage with you and study it. I believe you will find it to be air tight."

"A secrecy agreement?" Jason asked with surprise.

"Yes," Robert replied. "Your signature will result in a series of three classes instructing you on the ways of the family. The first two will be taught by Meg. The third by me. Your successful completion of all three will result in my approval of you and Heather's engagement."

"And, if I do not bring it back to you signed?" Jason replied. Heather held his hand tight. She knew this agreement was necessary and she had known it would be proposed to Jason tonight. But, she didn't tell him about it. The Family wouldn't allow it. The traditions must be upheld and the tradition was for the father to explain the agreement to his daughter's suitor.

"If it is not signed, there will be no classes and without the classes there will be no engagement," Robert stated as Heather pulled herself closer to Jason. She reacted emotionally to hearing those words and she fought to hold back her tears.

"I love you, darling," she whispered to him and squeezed his hand. "It's the way it has to be. You have to prove yourself worthy of me."

Jason turned to her and gave her a gentle, loving hug before turning again toward Robert with a question. "About the classes. May I ask what they consist of?"

"Suffice it to say, they will prepare us both to make the final decision as to whether you become a member of The Family. Nothing more needs to be said until the agreement is signed," Robert replied.

Heather continued to cling to him as they finished their conversation with her mother and father. Meg offered some advice and counsel. After that, Jason was escorted to the foyer.

Robert spoke up with a last word of advice. "Jason, my gut is telling me I'd be proud to have you as my son-in-law. Heather obviously loves you dearly. Give this a good night's rest and come to a decision. Will we see you for breakfast?"

"Yes sir. You will," he replied, shook Robert's hand, kissed Heather goodnight and made his way down the path to the guest house. He felt a sense of pride about the possibility of being a member of Heather's family and he smiled to himself at how traditional they were. They won't even let me stay in the same house with Heather, he mused to himself. He liked that. He liked their sense of modesty and concern for appearances.

He was also a bit mystified by their concern for secrecy. He didn't understand why a nondisclosure agreement was needed. But, he'd made up his mind to sign it before he reached the cottage.

"Will Jason sign it?" Heather asked nervously as soon as the front door closed.

"Yes, he will. He loves you, Heather. That's easy to see," Robert answered.

"Oh, daddy," Heather exclaimed after hearing his answer. She exhaled a deep gush of air and felt a weight releasing from her now that her father's initial measure of Jason was complete. "You were wonderful. Thank you."

Heather knew this evening was going to be full of emotions and her trust in Robert to handle it was well founded. She was still emotional and it had been quite a long day for her.

Robert and Meg gave her a loving hug and as the three of them held each other and looked into each other's eyes Heather spoke. "Father, can I join you and mother in your bed tonight? I need to cuddle. It's been so long and the excitement of the evening has overwhelmed me. Please, say yes."

Robert pulled her into his chest and ran his fingers through her hair. Meg knew the answer would be yes. "Let's take a bottle of wine upstairs," Meg replied.

"I'll get it and meet you in your bedroom," Heather replied and scurried toward the wine rack.

"We'll wait here for you, honey," Robert replied.

On Heather's return they all walked holding hands up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Meg and Heather helped each other out of their dresses as Robert casually undressed and climbed under the covers to await his beautiful wife and daughter.

The next morning, Jason showed up at the main house promptly at eight for a Saturday morning breakfast with the Evers. He handed the signed nondisclosure document to Robert.

"Very good choice, son," Robert told him and pulled him in for a manly hug. The tension was broken.

Heather was relieved beyond belief. She couldn't stop smiling, touching Jason, kissing and hugging him.

The Evers and Jason Van Eckles spent the remainder of the day together, enjoying the property and taking an afternoon cruise on the yacht. He and Robert spent some time together discussing his schedule and determining when he could take the three classes.

Robert told him that each of the first two would require six hours each. Testing was required at the conclusion of each lesson. The testing would be proctored by Meg, and Heather was not allowed to be present during the classes.

"And, the third?" he asked.

"The third class will be much more informal. You, Heather, Meg and I will all be involved. It will be conducted over dinner and a quiet evening in our home. You will be tested, and you will be measured, but not in the way you might suspect."

It was decided that Jason's first class would be conducted the next morning and early afternoon before he and Heather returned to Georgetown. The second class would be on the following Sunday. Robert had some conflicts in his schedule so the third class would have to wait two additional weeks.

Jason popped out of bed the next morning, excited about getting started. He thought of how if all goes well, he and Heather would be announcing their engagement in less than a month. Jason loved Heather and if he needed to prove himself by taking a few required classes, then so be it.

The instruction started after breakfast, promptly at nine o'clock. Robert had a round of golf scheduled with two of his important friends and clients. One was a U.S. Senator from Texas and the other the president of a Wall Street brokerage house.

Heather gladly went with him to fill out the foursome. It would give them some time together to go over the events of the weekend. She had played golf with her father and his clients many times before and Meg had taught her to always wear something feminine, but not overly revealing. So, she put on a pair of pink shorts and a form fitting white top with a matching pair of golf shoes. The shorts showed off her legs and behind very nicely each time she addressed her ball and because of it, she kept Robert's friends off their game and helped her father win.

The first class centered on family history. There was nothing complicated about it. But, it was important foundational work that would give him a proper base of knowledge from which to draw on as he proceeded through classes two and three.

By three that afternoon Jason and Meg had finished and Robert and Heather had returned from their round of golf. All said their goodbyes and Heather and Jason left for the long drive back to Georgetown.

"That wasn't too bad," he told Heather as they sped out of sight up the freeway. "Your family has an interesting history. Not many families can date their roots to the Revolutionary War. But, it's nothing you wouldn't want the whole world to know. I still don't understand all the secrecy."

Heather understood it. But, she wasn't about to tell him. It wasn't her place to tell him. It wasn't The Family way. "You'll know part of it by the end of the next lesson. That's all I can tell you, honey," she replied.

It was a busy week for everyone. Jason had to work through Saturday at the law firm where he was an aspiring junior partner. He had big plans for himself and Heather. He knew her family was rich and powerful and that it would be a benefit to his career plans. But, that wasn't why he wanted to marry her and he was anxious to prove it to her parents.

It was decided that Heather was not going to accompany him on the trip.

Knowing how hard everyone had worked during the week, Robert told Jason to forego the five hour drive. He sent one of The Family's aircraft to pick him up. It wasn't a corporate jet. But, it was a medium sized twin-engine turboprop and it comfortably delivered him into the small private airstrip on the outskirts of New Salem.

A sedan was made available to him and as he drove from the airport to the Evers home he decided to make a point of stressing to Meg that he wasn't marrying her daughter out of greed to get rich.

Meg found Jason to be dressed appropriately when the butler brought him into the study. He wore slacks and a nice shirt. She wore a dark blue, form-fitting skirt and a long-sleeve white, button-up-the-front shirt tucked tightly into the skirt, with the top three buttons undone. It was just transparent enough to show the outline of her white bra underneath and with the third button unhooked, it gave him the chance to see her bra each time the shirt fluffed out. Her ensemble was completed with white stockings and dark blue high-heel pumps that seemed an inch too tall for the occasion.

Jason's first impression of her outfit was 'librarian or schoolmarm', and the truth was that Robert and Meg had intentionally chosen her clothes to provide the very impression he held. In any case, she was feeling much more comfortable with her future son-in-law and greeted him with a hug when the butler announced his arrival.

"Jason, it's so good to see you," she said as she pulled back from him while holding both hands in her own and surveyed him.

"And you, Mrs. Evers," he replied with a big smile. The truth was that he was feeling more comfortable as well. He liked Heather's mom and dad. They were a decidedly fun and interesting family to be around and he looked forward to being a part of it.

"Meg to you, Jason. It's almost noon. If we get started now, we'll be done by six," she stated.

Jason let her know that he was eager to begin. They started the first lesson in the study, where the maid brought them a cool drink and closed the door behind her. Privacy was important during these lessons, especially from the hired staff, and Meg was keenly aware of it at all times.

They sat side-by-side in hardwood chairs pulled up to a matching wooden table. Meg sat on Jason's right, pouring through her lesson plan with Jason writing notes as fast as he could to keep up.

With her gaze still on her books, she casually lifted her left hand and touched his arm to get his attention. "Now, Jason. You can take notes during our lesson," she said without looking up. "But, you won't be able to take them with you."

When he felt her flesh touch his, a tingle ran through his arm and he turned his head to her, giving him a view across her chest and under her schoolmarm shirt. Meg's right elbow was resting on the table clicking a pencil against the hardwood, and her shoulders were turned slightly toward him. She was leaning forward, still looking down, and this posture forced her shirt to open up and fall away from her bra, and her bra to open up and fall away from her breast.

It was as if a little bit of heaven opened up to him. Jason's eyes fixed on the velvety soft skin of the supple orb as it rested in the undersized cup of her white half-shell bra. The top half of her areole and puffy nipple was exposed. His cock stirred and he tried to look away, but he couldn't for long. He had to look back, again and again, even if only for short glances. But, they were short glances full of eroticism and he found himself struggling to focus on her instruction instead of the creamy white skin of her breast unintentionally exposed.

Several times he had to divert his gaze quickly, before Meg caught him looking and he felt embarrassment each time it happened. But, still he couldn't stop himself from admiring her breasts and he even managed to catch a few glimpses up her skirt when she pivoted in her chair or got up for various reasons.

He didn't know it was all planned. How could he have imagined?

All he knew was that he was catching glimpses down his future mother-in-law's blouse and he could have played this game for hours. But, there was much to learn that day and after a fashion, Jason managed to controll his impulses and Meg, now satisfied that he had finished admiring at her bosom, finished the instruction.

The class centered around two very important pieces of information. First, The Family's inner structure. Who's who information and more importantly, who are the decision makers and which reigns of family power they hold.

Jason was starting to see why all the secrecy was necessary. And, in case it was somehow lost on him; Meg reminded him of the document he signed several times during the afternoon.

Jason was interested to find out that Robert was in the inner group of power players within The Family. The Family name for it was the Council of Elders. This group of men made binding decisions for The Family. And, they didn't just consider financial matters.

"They also decide on personal family unit matters," Meg told him.

"Such as?" he asked.

"You will find that out in the third class," she answered.

She continued explaining the makeup of the Council of Elders. She talked about each member and gave Jason a personal bio on each of them. "They don't get initiated onto the council by living to a ripe old age. Instead, they are invited onto the council because they have displayed wisdom, maturity and selflessness."

Jason thought of Robert as she was talking. "Wisdom, maturity and selflessness," he thought to himself and agreed that Robert seemed to possess all three.

The second half of the class centered on the financial structure of The Family, the various family businesses, and how Jason would fit into both.

This is where Jason made his point of not desiring to marry Heather out of greed.

Meg thanked him for making his point and let him know that she and Robert have a very good feeling about his intentions.

Jason felt much better after hearing her reassurances and he relaxed even more from that point on. "Such a wonderful and interesting family," he said to himself and felt a sense of pride for being involved with them. "I'm such a lucky man," he thought.

Meg explained that all daughters in The Family are encouraged to marry ambitious men. She clarified her statement. "Ambition is a very positive attribute in the eyes of The Family. However, it must be tempered by the needs of others. And, it must be channeled for the good of The Family. Let me explain further."

She spent the next two hours instructing Jason on this topic.

Every man in The Family, either a son by birth or a son-in-law by marriage, was expected to be successful in his chosen field. The Family would not attempt to control his future. However, it would nurture him into success. And, it would help him in any way it could. They would open doors for him and clear his path from overly burdensome obstacles if and when they arose.

"However, you must prove yourself," she told him earnestly. "You must prove yourself outside of the center of The Family's power. The center is here in New Salem. You are not allowed to live in New Salem until you do."

She explained that all members of The Family that live within the New Salem community have already proven themselves to be successful in their chosen field. She counseled that it's not all about money. Some are world renowned doctors and some are famous artists. Some are the heads of academia. "But, all are successful," she said.

She then revealed to him that once he was considered successful, he would not only be allowed to move her, but also share in the wealth of The Family. Each individual family in New Salem held a share.

"The current share is beyond your wildest imagination," she said.

"How long does it take to prove to my success?" he asked.

"That is ultimately in your hands," she replied.