The Family: Ceremony of Unveiling


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"I assume the Council will make the decision?" he asked.

"Yes." she said.

"I understand," he said.

"There is one more piece to this," she added.

He tilted his head, indicating he was ready to hear her continue.

"In addition to achieving success in your chosen field, you and Heather must also champion an issue concerning social injustice. You must make a difference to the greater community of people. You must find an injustice in this world and work to reverse it."

He asked if it was up to him to chose the social injustice issue he would champion or would it be assigned by The Family.

"It cannot be determined for you, Jason. You must find that on your own. Talk to Heather. Find out which issue moves you emotionally. When you discover that, you will know what cause to grab onto," she told him.

On the plane ride home, Jason thought of everything he had learned that day and pondered his and Heather's future. He couldn't wait to meet up with her for lunch the next day.

They met at a coffee shop close to the university. When he saw her, he broke into a big smile. They hugged a hello and sat down to talk.

"Your mother gave me so much information, Heather. I had no idea how complicated your family is," Jason admitted.

Heather blushed, dropped her chin and smiled. "We do have our moments. Do you still want me?" she teased.

"More than ever, baby. More than ever before," he replied, and although he wasn't proud of it, the thought of wealth beyond his imagination crossed his mind as he spoke. He leaned into the table and Heather mirrored his movement, closing the distance across the table between them so they could talk with privacy.

Jason cautiously checked out the room before he returned his gaze to her and spoke again. "I understand now. About the secrecy agreement, I mean. I understand why it is needed," he said. He then rattled off several of the secrets and family ways that were disclosed to him by her mother, as Heather listened patiently.

"Of course, you already know all of this don't you?" he asked.

"Yes, everything that has been disclosed to you I already know. Mother and father have been instructing me on the ways of The Family since I was eighteen. Even though I got a late start, I've learned quickly."

Heather couldn't share everything with Jason that she wanted. There was a time and place for everything and this wasn't it. But, she did tell him more about her personal story than he had previously known and she went into a great deal of detail on how she and the Evers had found each other. It took quite a bit of time to retell the story, but he clung intently to her every word.

As she neared the end he broke in, saying, "So, even though you weren't adopted until last year, they taught you the ways?"

Heather looked down at the table. "Yes," she replied and then looked into his eyes and explained that she and the Evers had bonded when she was still a young girl. "They were like family to me," she told him. "And, they considered me their daughter even though I wasn't biologically or legally theirs. Jason, I'm so lucky they found me. They brought me out of a darkness. They rescued me. Robert and Meg always told me that I couldn't be more like them if I was made of their ribs.

She continued, "So, yes....I know the ways of The Family. And, you have much more to learn in your next class."

"What will I learn, Heather. Tell me, what will I learn?" he replied in an insistent, excited tone.

The urge to tell him everything raced through her mind. "Blurt out all of the secrets to him and just get it over with," she told herself and came very close to giving in to her frantic thoughts; only to hold back at the last minute, bite her tongue and trust in her mother and father.

She reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "You will learn whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with me," she replied.

He threw his hands into the air and leaned back into his chair. Jason couldn't imagine what she meant. He already knew the answer to that question. Nothing could be taught to him in the next class by Robert that could possibly cause him to question his love and commitment to her.

The following two weeks leading up to their Saturday tip to New Salem went by excruciatingly slow for Jason and Heather. Both stayed busy trying not to think about it. He, working hard in the law firm. And her, attending classes and required events. But, nothing could take the thought of Saturday evening's upcoming lesson from their minds.

Again, Robert sent the twin engine turboprop to pick them up Saturday afternoon and deliver them to New Salem. They arrived at the house as the sun was dropping below the horizon and were met by Robert and Meg.

"Hello sir," Jason said and extended his hand to Robert.

"Good to have you again, son," he replied.

Hearing Robert refer to him as "son" eased the tension and made him feel wanted. He gave Meg a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

She smiled at him and as he kissed her she squeezed his arm and whispered, "We've missed you. We're glad you're here." Meg was wearing one of her conservative business suits. It was charcoal grey with lighter pin stripes. The skirt was pleated, modestly short and had a matching jacket. The only really unusual thing was that she wore a silky and totally see-thru blouse, which was on top of a thin white camisole and hidden under the jacket.

Heather was in a fun, cute light green summer dress with white polka dots. The dress's hem was below her knees and buttoned up the front, completely covering her chest but left her shoulders exposed. She wore a pair of wedge high heel sandals with the outfit and like her mother, she wasn't wearing panties.

The butler picked up Jason's luggage for delivery to the guest cottage as Robert poured drinks for all four. Robert addressed him before he shut the door. "Mr. Johnson, give the staff the evening off. We'll prepare our own dinner. I'll expect all of you to be gone from the grounds within the hour."

"Thank you, sir. I'll see to it," he replied and left with Jason's bags.

The two couples gathered in the kitchen, talking about their busy week as they shared a couple of drinks and prepared dinner. It was fun for them and they enjoyed each other's company as they went about their tasks; Robert cooking the steaks on the indoor grill, Jason helping Heather with the salad and bread, and Meg preparing the vegetables and drink.

As they sat down for their meal Robert began the last of the three lessons. "Jason, before we begin we need to once again lay out some ground rules."

Jason gave Heather a furtive glance before looking back to Robert. "Certainly," he replied.

"If you speak of anything you learned during your classes with Meg to anyone outside The Family, the Council of Elders will meet to determine the consequences. Most likely, the Council would decide to ruin you."

"I don't understand," Jason replied and took turns looking at all three of the Evers.

"The consequences of any betrayal of trust on your part would be your ruin. By that, I mean you would live the remainder of your life without a career, without any wealth, without a steady job and without a family. Your good reputation would be taken from you. It would never be regained. Your mother and father would suffer financially. All because of your betrayal of our trust."

Jason stopped chewing his food. The look on his face turned serious and he turned to look at Heather. She nodded her head slightly and pressed her lips together, indicating her knowledge of the rule as described by Robert.

"Once again, do you understand, Jason?" Robert asked.

"Yes.....Yes, I understand."

Robert spent the remainder of their meal summarizing what had been taught to Jason during his first two classes. Based on Jason's replies, Robert was satisfied that he had paid close attention during Meg's instruction and had a good grasp of The Family history, its structure and The Family way of conducting business and rewarding success.

As they finished their meal and prepared for the remainder of the evening's conversation Robert suggested the ladies change into a more sophisticated attire and join he and Jason for drinks. "We'll clean up here and meet you in the library," he said.

"Of course darling," Meg replied and escorted their beautiful daughter upstairs.

Meg had placed both hers and Heather's dresses in the master bedroom. She had bought them the previous evening, just for tonight's ceremony. They tenderly helped each other undress until each was naked and then each, in turn, applied scented oils and lotions to the other's body.

"Oh, Mom. I'm so nervous my tummy has butterflies," Heather admitted as she stood in front of the mirror, watching Meg caress her legs with scented oil.

"Now, now, darling. We've talked about this night so many times," Meg replied as she swept her hands up Heather's inner thighs and back down again. Meg slid her slippery hands into the crevice of her daughter's behind and then down into her crotch, carressing her private area between her outer labia and the tenders at the top of her legs.

Her mother's massaging always felt calming to her. But, tonight she was too nervous for even her mother's touch to completely alleviate her anxieties. "Yes, I know. But, now it's for real. I've found the man I want to share my life with and we're about to do the Ceremony of the Unveiling. Will he accept our family's customs and ways? Tell me he will, mother."

Meg stood up, turned Heather around and applied the oils to her chest. Heather raised her arms, lifting her firm breasts up with them and let out a sigh as her mother's hands caressed them. Meg could sense the anxiety running out of her daughter's body and spent extra time kneading her youthful orbs.

"You have to trust us, Heather," she told her. "Jason has to prove himself to you. Not only tonight, but every day until you are married and beyond. He'll always be proving himself to you. The Family's ways have never failed us, darling," Meg told her.

"It's just that my heart is so tender for him, mother. I couldn't stand for it to be broken," she said.

Meg helped her into a pair of white, completely sheer, full-back panties and as Heather wiggled them onto her behind Meg tried to console her. "I remember my unveiling," she said with a comforting voice. "It's like it was only yesterday. Robert and I were so much in love and I was nervous....just like you are now. My mother had selected a dress and lingerie for me. My father was with Robert downstairs and as she helped me dress I couldn't keep my mind from worrying how Robert would react to my unveiling."

Heather took a great deal of comfort from Meg's admission. She realized that this same scene had been played out many times. "Trust The Family ways," she whispered as if trying to build up the courage to make it through the ceremony.

"That's right, sweety. And, trust your father," Meg replied.

"I know mother. And, I do trust you and father completely. To be honest, I wouldn't want Jason if he couldn't embrace our ways." Heather paused for a moment then admitted, "But, I'm still nervous!" She giggled after her admission and Meg giggled with her.

As Heather slipped the white silk dress over her shoulders she asked if Robert would show Jason how to discipline her.

"Yes, he certainly will," Meg replied. "Jason will learn a great many wonderful things tonight."

Now it was Heather's turn to help prepare Meg. After she applied lotions to her mother's body, she rolled Meg's black stockings slowly and gently up her legs, taking special care to make adjustments as she went along. Heather enjoyed the feel of the expensive silk stockings between her hands and her mother's soft skin. After finishing, she laid her face against Meg's inner thigh and pushed gently up her leg. Heather stopped just inches from her pussy and she could smell her mother's sex and she sighed. "Mmmm, you smell so good mother. Will you let me pleasure you?"

"Not tonight, Heather. We don't have time," Meg said, and brushed Heather's hair back from her face.

"It's just that I'm so sexually nervous...And, you're so pretty," she replied with her head looking up from between Meg's legs and her eyes making contact.

"Thank you, honey. We'll drive the boys crazy tonight won't we." she said giggling. "Now, let's get into those sexy high heels."

Both were finally ready to present themselves to the men and just as they were reaching the stairs Meg stopped. "Let's make sure your nipples are poking through your dress," Meg said. She extended her arms, grabbed each of Heather's nipples between her thumb and forefinger, and gently tweaked them until they lengthened and stiffened.

"Oh, Mom. As if I'm not already aroused enough," Heather teased and flittered impatiently, stepping from one foot to the next until Meg finished.

Robert took the opportunity of being alone with Jason in the library to once again discuss the issue of trust.

"Jason, I've spoken to you of the consequences of speaking about family ways with non-family members. Now, I want to make sure you are aware of the consequences of disclosing what you are to learn tonight,"

Jason Van Eckels sipped from his glass of scotch and listened intently.

"Quite simply, Jason. The consequences would be your demise. You see, The Family reacts vigorously to any hint of scandal. We deal with it swiftly and aggressively."

Jason decided to forgo the next sip and gulp the remainder of his drink. He paused a moment as the liquid burned its way down his throat.

"May I have another, sir?" he said with a raspy voice.

"Please do," Robert replied.

As he filled his glass with expensive single malt he asked Robert if any such measures have ever been needed in the past.

"Jason, The Family ways have been practiced for over two hundred years. They are the reason for our success. They are the glue that holds us together. Our need for secrecy concerning them is of utmost importance and we will spare no effort, nor treasure, to protect them."

He continued, "We have had to terminate the source of scandal many times. We do not enjoy it. We do not issue the edict lightly. But, we also will not shirk our responsibility to protect The Family. All such edicts have been accomplished successfully. Since I have been on the Council we have issued a decision to terminate only twice. One man, like you not yet a family member is buried in a cold, wet marsh far away from New Salem."

"And the other?" Jason asked.

"The other was a member in good standing until he betrayed our trust. He is buried in The Family plot."

Oddly, the conversation only served to fuel Jason's desire to become a member. "Sir, I want to learn and I want to be wanted as a family member. I won't betray your trust, or Heather's."

The ladies were descending the stairs as Jason was speaking and Meg left one of Robert's robes draped over the edge of the banister as they reached the bottom step. Just as he finished, Meg and Heather walked into the room and received well deserved compliments on their ensembles.

Jason had never seen Heather dressed so alluringly. Back at Georgetown, she always dressed conservatively with her body covered up. The way she presented herself now was very different and exciting to him and his manhood reacted instantly. As his cock stirred, his eyes gazed up and down.

He couldn't help himself from admiring her body decorated by the white silk dress. The dress had halters covering her breasts and small spaghetti straps holding them up. Her shoulders were bare, as was most of her chest. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. The skimpy silk material was too thin for one and the way the halter molded to her young, supple globes and allowed her nipples to protrude would not have been possible with a bra.

Heather's figure is perfect; not an ounce of fat was on her body. The dress clung tightly to every curve of her tummy, waist and hips. Jason could see the slender muscles of her abdominals and could even see the protrusion of her pelvic mound above her sex and he could make out the small thin lines of a delicate pair of panties.

She stood in delicate strappy silver sandals with stiletto heels. Her feet and toes were beautifully pedicured and her legs were so velvety soft and shiny that she didn't need to wear stockings. She oozed healthy sexuality.

He had never seen her look as lovely as this, standing in her high heels, delicate panties and a very skimpy, body hugging silk dress.

He had always imagined seeing Heather this way, but never dreamed it would be tonight.

'Heather," He said. "'You look magnificent, just incredible. The white dress really suits you, and you look so beautiful."

"Thank you," blushed Heather. "Do you really like it?" Her tanned skin showed on her bare arms, shoulders and face, and she had applied her make-up with care, as always. Her dark blue eyes always sparkled, but with eye-liner and a little mascara and pink lipstick her innocent but sexy look was complete.

"I love it, darling," he answered.

When Jason's eyes went toward Meg he felt a sense of guilt for desiring her too. Against his will, his cock was hardening and he felt uncomfortable because of it and hoped he could get his mind off of his future Mother-in-Law.

He battled against undressing Meg with his eyes but he couldn't seem to stop. Meg stood beside her daughter looking more womanly and sexual. Her hips were shapelier, her breasts larger, and her face more sexually mature.

If it was possible, she was dressed even more risqué than her daughter. She wore strappy black high heels and black stockings covered her long, firm legs. Meg decorated her figure in a black wrap dress with a plunging neckline and a hemline that opened to reveal her inner thighs and the tops of her stockings with each step she took.

For the first time, Jason thought of how much he wanted to fuck Meg.

As Robert began, they all sat around an richly decorated coffee table. Meg sat on the sofa beside Robert. Across the coffee table from them, Heather and Jason sat in high-back cushioned arm chairs positioned next to each other, with a very small table only large enough to hold their drinks between them. The room was lit by several floor lamps placed next to chairs and end-tables and because of them the room was cast in shadows and uneven light. Two of the walls were floor to ceiling bookshelves. A bar took up most of one wall near the entrance to the room.

"Jason, tonight's lesson really isn't a lesson at all. It's a ceremony. The Ceremony of the Unveiling," Robert informed him.

Again, Jason looked to Heather for her reaction, which came as a nervous smile and fidgeting in her chair.

Robert continued, "Tonight, The Family's ways will be revealed. Heather, your future wife, will be unveiled in ways you've never thought possible."

Jason's mind was filled with wild curiosity of what was to come. Suddenly, for the first time in a very long time, he was unsure how to react. The one thing of which he was certain of was that he wanted to learn more. He wanted to hear and see everything. And....he wanted to marry Heather.

Robert continued, "The Family depends on clear roles for the husband and wife. As the head of each individual family, the husband provides his wife and kids much needed leadership and guidance. He accomplishes this through his emotional commitment and discipline. Whenever he is needed, he responds... Always.

Meg joined in the conversation. "Jason, the wife provides a nurturing and supportive environment. She is the teacher of her children, the partner of her husband and the face of her family."

Jason and Heather held hands, their thumbs intertwining as Meg and Robert talked.

Meg spoke. "The Family produces in all their girls the perfect feminine."