Those Days of...Ch. 20-25


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Hearing that, he reached down and as I felt his hand fumbling with his cock I lifted myself higher, feeling the hot hardness of his shaft against my inner thigh then his cock-head probing and finally pushing into my sex. When I felt it slipping home I pushed myself back on to him and we both groaned with pleasure as it went further and further up inside me.

And by comparison with what I was feeling right then as his cock opened and filled me, even the wonderful thrills his tongue had just given me seemed like mere tickles.

Using his hands to spread my arse-cheeks wider, he slowly pressed it deeper and deeper and as I accepted more and more of his cock I found that in that position I could actually feel it throbbing and pulsing, I got the impression that it was actually still growing, getting even longer and harder, stretching me wide open. Then his hips gave a sudden, sharp forward jerk, I heard him give a deep satisfied grunt and that plus feeling his thighs pressing against my bottom told me I finally had all of him inside me.

'Oh God! That feels good, so unbelievably good!' he moaned. But the incredible mass seemed to have driven all the breath out of me and - 'For me too!' - was about all I could manage.

After a short pause his hands gripped my hips and he began to move slowly back and forth, again, as he had the previous night, at first using just short, almost tentative movements. As my body responded I began to push myself more firmly backwards on to him, trying to let him know I was all right and wanted more than that. The combination of what he was feeling himself, plus the encouragement I gave him obviously gave him confidence and I got even more excited when I felt his strokes getting more powerful, penetrating deeper.

Whether it was because he had been getting aroused during the day by thoughts of the previous night, or simply the thrill of having me so spontaneously, from what I could feel going on inside me I felt sure he was going to come very quickly, and very, very powerfully. And I'm sure that the thought that I had been able to turn him on so strongly speeded up my own response because I felt my own climax approaching just as quickly.

In fact we came together, or maybe he was just a split second ahead of me. I was just about to, when I felt his cock surge, heard him cry out, then felt the first load jetting hard into me, and at that moment my own orgasm began too. He grunted as he continued thrusting and, forgetting his earlier caution, he slammed himself up against my arse as he exploded over and over again. I heard my own voice crying out from the force of his pounding cock, and felt my contractions tightening my pussy, as though it was trying to grip the slippery, pistoning shaft, trying to urge every last drop from him.

When he finally stopped he lay forward and, with his cock still jammed hard up inside me, he hugged me tight, passionately kissing the back of my neck.'

Recounting that episode appeared to be as disturbing for Barbara as hearing about it was for me, though in completely different ways of course. She was recalling an event that had been not only physical but emotionally powerfully too, I was simply imagining an experience, my brain providing the pictures, my cock responding in the only way it knew. The quivering length of it was becoming extremely hard to ignore, and I had to cope with the almost overpowering urge to get up, flip Barbara over on her stomach and provide her with a repeat performance of the fuck she had just described.

But even as I struggled with those she continued, and again I fought down my natural instincts as I listened to the drama she was unfolding for me.

'We stayed locked together like that until long after we had both stopped shuddering but as I felt his cock finally shrinking, he slowly relaxed his hold. Then, as we parted and straightened up I felt the warm sticky mess leaking from me and running slowly down the inside of my thigh. He turned me, took me in his arms and kissed me again, even more passionately, on the mouth.

'Are you all right?' he asked nervously when we eventually broke apart.

'Of course I am, I'm not that fragile.' I said, smiling at the look of concern on his face. 'A bit sticky at the moment though.' I added, lifting my skirt and looking down at the stuff trickling its way down my leg. 'Would you get a damp cloth and a towel from the bath-room, so I can clean up the mess we've made.'

He looked down at what I was talking about, his jism, thinned by its mixing with my own juices, had left a shining trail all the way down my inner thigh and was still moving slowly downwards over my calf.

'Not much of it is there. It felt as though I was being drained dry.'

'There's quite a bit still inside me I think.'

'You are on the pill aren't you?' he suddenly asked, anxiously. 'I remember Helen, Mum saying she had agreed, just in case, some while ago now.'

'Yes, no need to worry about that. But I do think you'd better get that cloth for me please.'

He not only got it, he used it, he'd soaked it in warm water and the sensations he created as he knelt in front of my and slowly sponged me clean and then patted me dry were really very nice. He did my lower leg first, then my thigh, then had me lift one leg so that he could reach up and gently but thoroughly clean my pussy too, taking far longer than was really necessary and obviously enjoying doing it just as much as I did having it done to me.

When he was finally satisfied he gave his cock and balls a quick rinse before slipping his shorts back on again, but when I went to step into my discarded panties he stopped me.

'Leave them off for me, please.'

I grinned cheekily and said. 'Are you hoping for another session soon then?'

'Maybe not immediately, but it's nice knowing you don't have any on. I can touch you can't I?'

'Any time, you know that.'

'Well, it's nice to be able to feel you properly.'

'What about me?'

'What do you mean?'

'Don't you think I like touching you too?'

'Do you?'

'Come on, you know I do.'


'So, if you want me to leave my panties off for you, what about you leaving your shorts off for me?'

'Would you really like that?'

'Why wouldn't I?'

'I don't know, I thought women thought differently about that.'

'Maybe some do, maybe with some men I would, but with you, I like to see you, watch your reactions, see when you are getting, well, let's say, getting interested.'

He grinned back at me. 'O.K. - if that's what you want.' Then unzipped himself again and stepped out of his shorts. 'Do I leave my shirt on or take it off too?'

'You're not cold are you?'

'Heavens no.'

'Off then.'

'O.K. but you have to take your blouse off in that case. Leave that bra on though, it's about the sexiest looking thing I've ever seen.'

'I thought you would like it, I bought it specially for you, you know.'

I guess we'd have been a peeping-tom's delight, padding around like that, Luke completely naked and me in just a skirt that barely covered my bottom and a bra that did more to draw attention to my breasts than it did to cover them.

We had a glass of wine each, then while we waited for the coffee to brew, sat and had desert. Afterwards we left the dishes for the morning and went into the lounge-room and half watched a movie on TV. I'd covered the cushions on the settee with a large towel and while we watched, and especially during the commercial breaks, we both took advantage of the availability of each other's body. There was a lot of exploring, gentle caressing, kissing, nibbling and well before the end of the movie when I thought I simply couldn't stand any more teasing, he slipped off the settee and, kneeling on the floor between my legs, pulled me forward so I was lying half off it, then buried his face between my thighs and began to lick my pussy.

I completely lost track of time and the thrills he gave me were so indescribably strong that I didn't try to keep a count of the number of times I came but the towel soon became saturated by the amount of fluid that literally flowed out of me.

When finally I just couldn't take any more of it I managed to weakly push him away but when he stood up, grinning like a mad thing, the lower half of his face glistening with pussy juice, I saw that his cock looked more than ready to take over from his tongue. And, much to my own surprise I found that just the sight of it in that condition gave me renewed energy, so when he helped me to my feet I took hold of it and led him to the bed-room.

I knew exactly what I wanted, I wanted to ride him again, as I had the previous night. In control, being able to watch what was happening to him, seeing the changes reflected in the expressions on his face. As my immediate needs had already been taken care of this time I would be able to concentrate on giving him pleasure, and take as long about giving it to him as I wanted to.

That's exactly what I did, and if his reactions were anything to go by, I truly think it must have been one of the best fucks of his life. Even though by then I had seen him come quite a number of times and I distinctly remembered the words he had said only the previous night. - 'That was absolutely the most incredible experience of my life Barbara. You are simply an unbelievable lover, men would kill for what I've just experienced.' The explosive intensity of that climax, when I did finally let him come, made his earlier one seem like a damp squib in comparison.'

Chapter 23

Finale and Fantasy

She looked across at me, our eyes meeting for only the second or third time since she had begun her story and I could see that there were tears filling them as she said.

'I think that was the cause of what followed. I think it was just too strong for him, his reaction to me I mean. If I'd just given him a bit of fresh excitement it might have been all right, things might have turned out differently. But instead of creating a loving relationship between the three of us, as I had wanted to, I triggered something incredibly powerful inside him, something he couldn't control and maybe didn't even understand, something that instead of creating love between us all became unbelievably destructive instead.'

I got up and went over to her, not with lust as I had earlier wanted to but with sympathy and concern. But of course I had forgotten my cock and it hadn't had time to subside from the arousal her descriptions had caused. It was only when I saw her tear-filling eyes drop that I remembered it and looking down I saw that it was poking, almost vertically, out between the two halves of my bath-robe.

Maybe the sight of it like that helped her over the sudden feeling of remorse that had swept through her, bringing her back from those traumatic memories to the reality of the world around her. Perhaps the outburst had been caused by the fact that she had been forced to bottle up inside herself many of her thoughts about Luke's death, she'd been unable to express them to anyone.

But when she looked back up again I was relieved to see that through her tears her familiar, mischievous grin had returned and ignoring the feelings that still surged deep inside myself I sat beside her and gently held her.

'I don't really think that's what happened Barbara, I think it was just an over-reaction to his feeling of guilt, guilt brought on by the social pressures against that kind of relationship. No matter how logical you try to make your wish for a shared, loving relationship between the three of you, society just wouldn't tolerate it and, if you're completely honest with yourself, you know that's true, don't you?'

She didn't look me in the eye, just nodded. 'I suppose so. But he didn't have to kill himself!'

'Maybe he didn't, maybe he did. That was really up to him, it was his choice. But try to think how your mother felt about it, after all she had nothing to do with any of it, she was just the innocent victim of what happened, and had to cope with losing both of you, her husband and, in effect her daughter too. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself try to remember how incredibly difficult it's all been for her.'

She suddenly started to sob and as I pulled her closer she began crying quite uncontrollably, I held her but did nothing to stop her, feeling it best to finally let her get it all out of her system. Later, when she had regained her composure, I made some fresh coffee and also poured a solid drink for us both and sat beside her on the settee. After she had a fair-sized sip of the drink she seemed much better and I risked returning to the subject.

'Do you want to tell me what else happened, that last day together I mean, or would you rather forget it?'

'No, I'd rather finish it. I'm sorry about the crying bit, I haven't been able to do that before, it's all been bottled up inside me for so long now. But talking about it is making a difference. I really feel so much better Roger, you don't know how much you've helped me.'

'I've only been listening, and at the same time getting jealous.' I responded with a grin.

'Jealous? What of?'

I could tell from her tone that she was genuinely bewildered by what I'd said.

'Of what you were talking about, that it wasn't me on the receiving end. Your descriptions were very detailed, and created very vivid and stimulating pictures Barbara. As you saw when I got up a while ago.' I reminded her.

'But you've known for some time that I was attracted to you, and you've made love with me now, you know you can again, any time, any time you like, you sweet, silly man. Why on earth would you get jealous of something that happened a long time ago?'

'Just a male response Barbara. Try to put yourself in my place, there's this incredibly attractive male, wearing virtually nothing at all and every time he moves you can see various, exciting parts of him. He's giving you a minutely detailed account of a series of intensely exciting sexual encounters he's had with someone else. If you were in that position don't you think you might get sexually aroused, and a bit jealous?'

'Yes, of course, silly of me. I seem to miss the obvious sometimes don't I.' She rested her hand on my thigh, her fingers curling down over it, squeezing slightly as she looked deep into my eyes and asked. 'Do you want me, or would you like me to take care of you, now?'

'I can't think of anything I'd like better Barbara, but let's get the story over with first, then see how you are feeling. O.K.?'

'O.K. - but if you get that excited again just remember that you don't have to put up with it, I love getting you off, any way you like, or you think you might like, anything at all.'

It was obvious from the way she said it that she meant every word of what she said, and that knowledge alone was enough to re-arouse me, the fact that she left her hand where it lay on my thigh, added to the slow rise that I felt starting up inside me again as she continued her story.

'Well, where was I? Oh yes I remember, I'd got to where I'd given him that phenomenal climax. After that of course we both fell asleep and slept like logs until mid-morning on the Saturday.

Over a sort of brunch type breakfast we agreed that with Mum coming home the following day it would be better if we got all the chores done that afternoon, so we could feel free to enjoy the evening together, and that's how we spent the next few hours. Contrary to what I had half expected, I found Luke was obviously feeling extremely sexy, I had thought that he would be feeling tired, drained but it was quite the reverse and he grabbed a kiss or a quick feel whenever he got the chance. It was as though what we had done together had stoked rather than dampened his inner furnace, and I certainly didn't object to finding that he felt like that.

It came to a head while I was busy scrubbing the kitchen floor. I'd got pretty hot and sweaty in the process and as I was wearing my usual in-door gear, shorts and T-shirt and hadn't bothered to wear a bra under it, the perspiration had made the T-shirt cling pretty tightly to me. I had just about finished when he came in to get a cold drink, then stopped in mid stride and just stood there looking down at me. I could tell from the look on his face that he was burning up and realised that it was the way the shirt was clinging to my breasts that had finally got him so aroused. To cut a short story even shorter, he made a grab for me and before I really knew what was happening he'd got my shorts and panties off and I was lying on my back on the kitchen table. A couple of seconds later I felt his cock being jammed hard up inside me and after a few minutes furious fucking he'd pumped several more massive loads of semen inside me.

That seemed to quieten us both down for a bit and we actually got the rest of the house cleaned, the shopping and the washing done and by about five o'clock were pooped but pleased with ourselves. We were having a cup of tea when Luke suggested that rather than start cooking, we go out for something to eat. I was thrilled, not just at not having to cook and then wash-up but with the chance of going out with him, as a woman rather than as his daughter.

As he didn't want us to go to one of the local restaurants we sometimes visited, in case we bumped into someone we knew, he made a booking at a place he knew from work. I asked him if he'd like me to make myself look particularly special for him. When he said he would I said that in that case I didn't want him interrupting me while I got myself ready, as he had a couple of hours earlier. He said he wouldn't, but of course he did, as I thought, and had really hoped he would. But although I was more than happy to let him grab a quick feel or a kiss, at least before I had finished my make-up, I wouldn't let him go too far, not just because I thought that once we started we'd end up running out of time but also because I wanted him really fired-up for later. I wanted a repeat of the power I had felt the previous night.

Obviously as we were going to a restaurant I couldn't flaunt my body in the way I had been able to for him at home, so under the black cocktail dress I had decided to wear I put on the sexiest pair of undies I had. It was black, the bra no more than a pair of half-cups that exposed everything from just below my nipples up, and as the panties were really just a tiny g-string I decided not to wear any panty-hose. From his immediate reaction when I let him catch just a brief glimpse I knew he was going to find it difficult to wait for a really good look.

We chatted easily and shared a few laughs during the relatively short trip to the restaurant and as we sipped pre-dinner drinks while we looked over the menu together. But once the waiter had taken our order, even though we continued chatting I saw that his eyes were constantly flickering down, unable to stay away from the show my breasts made. Admittedly the dress was designed for girls with something to show-off and the kind of bra I had on under it only lifted and accentuated their firm roundness even more. As I was determined that later on we would have an even more spectacular session together than we had enjoyed the previous night I was quite happy to know that his sexual tension was rising from simply looking at me.

I noticed that he wasn't the only one in the restaurant who was getting an eyeful, apart from a couple of younger guys quite nearby, whose girl-friends obviously weren't impressed with the way they kept looking over in my direction, the poor waiter was having a real problem. It had started when we first walked in, got worse when he had helped me to my seat and went downhill from there on. Every time he came by, with the menus, to take our order, to check if things were all right, to top up our glasses, to re-check that things were all right - and so on an so on - he ended up staring straight down my cleavage.
