Wives of a Feather


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The dinner concluded after a sedate period and we were soon at a fancy nightclub, having put an already sleeping Yusra to bed. The place was quite occupied even though we had arrived relatively early. Resham was all energy as she checked out the environs, decided on a table to occupy, and then pulled me onto the dance floor.

We must have really lost track of time or maybe I was too occupied with the angel accompanying me. As the music blared, she was game to try every type of rhythm, move and step. When a salsa number piped up, she had no problem with the intimately close body positioning. And as the club slowed down things with a romantic song, her arms went around my neck in an instant. It was well past 2 a.m. before we called it a day and headed out.

"Let's just walk home," she suggested after we had waited a while for a taxi, "it is only a few blocks away."

Those few blocks took the better part of an hour but she sportingly matched my step as we headed to her apartment. Just about fifty yards from her place, however, Resham caught her heel in a crevasse on the footpath and would have gone down on all fours if I had not managed to get my hands around her in time. As I helped her back up, I realized that while my right hand was firmly around her waist, the left had a firm grip on one of her breasts. I half expected to get slapped, but instead was surprised as she squealed "ouch" in a low tone and curled her knee upward to indicate a hurt foot.

I half dragged, half carried her up to the apartment, holding her now divested heels in one hand. She was in obvious pain and I went about seeing how to help after placing her on the sofa and elevating her hurt foot. There were signs of swelling but she did not want to go to the hospital, since the neighbour had left and Yusra was asleep. The answer was a soak in a hot foot bath and a massage.

"Can you help me with this dress?" she asked as I prepared the water. It was a genuine request, not an overt sexual indicator. I helped her to the bedroom and, as she turned her back to me, I brought the zipper down all the way to her waist and lifted the dress over her head. She was wearing a nude shaded set of bra and panties, which hardly left anything to the imagination.

"So is the rest of me as nice as my legs?" she suddenly turned around and asked me. As I searched for an answer and stared at her nearly naked body, Resham grabbed a nightgown from the bed and slipped it on. Things were not going any further than where they were at the time.

I soon had the partly swollen foot in a bath of hot water, salt, oil and some herbs, a remedy my mom had taught me years ago. As she soaked her foot, I began to massage it. Resham moaned with both pain and pleasure and instinctively put her unhurt foot also into the small tub. I needed no further advice and started to massage the second foot too. I had already noted how pretty her feet were. Almost by instinct I brought the top of one foot to my mouth and kissed it. Resham stiffened for a bit but did not say anything. I did the same with the second and she said nothing again. My next act was to suck at her toes and take small nibbles of her digits. She giggled with pleasure rather than objecting to my actions and allowed me the liberty as I also continued to massage and soak the hurt foot. Her robe had opened up and every so often my hands caressed her legs to points as high as I would dare and that she would allow, which in this case were almost near her privates. She did not object either to my more than occasional kisses moving up from her feet to her calves and up to her thighs. I balked, however, at going the extra two or three inches to be able to put my lips on her cunt, that would have been too forward and had the potential to be misconstrued, a risk I did not want to take.

I must have kept at it for a while because dawn was breaking as the water cooled down and the swelling receded. I could have gone on for hours more. Once I had disposed of the used up liquid and cleaned the floor area, Resham hobbled with me to the front door, offering her hand. I thanked her for a wonderful evening and a memorable farewell.

"Not yet all that memorable," Resham unexpectedly said, placing her knee on the side of a sofa to gain some height and giving me a quick kiss on the lips, "but definitely so now!"

I had no recollection of getting home, but I knew that there was definite chemistry between us that was coming into play. Still she was my friend's wife and I was leaving in a couple of days. It took me weeks to get her out of my mind.


"I'm on a trip to Abu Dhabi for the next three days," I let Nasir know once I had arrived at the rather opulent Sheraton Hotel in that city.

"That's great, we'll pop by and see you after you finish your dinner with the distributor," he sounded happy to hear from me, "say around 10 pm in the lobby."

It had been nearly three years since my last meeting with Resham. Nasir thought that she would be delighted that I was in town, but he would leave it a secret till they came over. I imagine she must have said a lot of good things about me. The fact also remained that I had accommodated his visitors and helped resolve a potentially serious spat between them.

My transfer had been quite smooth and Riyadh had been home since I left Zurich. While he was in the European office, I had a number of occasions to talk with Nasir. He surprised me about one year after I had left with news of his resignation. He had found a much higher level job as the Gulf markets head of the biggest international food company, based out of Abu Dhabi. No wonder I was delighted when our distributor in the UAE needed a visit to go over some new market ideas.

I was curt and short and to the point with all my discussions throughout the day, perhaps insulting some of the local Arab management in the process. Dinner, which was originally planned to be at a desert safari site and lasting through to midnight, was instead taken at a Tony Roma's and I was back at the Sheraton by 9 pm.

The next hour was one of the longest I have ever spent in my life. Sitting on the plush sofas was somehow not comfortable, and walking about did not allow time to tick faster. Finally the large clock over the reception area chimed for 10 pm. They were late and I was on tenterhooks.

Suddenly conversation at one end of the lobby completely died off and shortly afterwards it appeared that everyone had completely stopped speaking. There was a damn good reason for the occurrence. Resham had walked in to the hotel with her family. She was wearing a form fitting scarlet-red jumpsuit, which allowed the top of her breasts to be visible due to the lowish cut, left her arms bare and had a bold curve exposing much of her back. She had paired it with fashionable heels. Other than a small bangle on her arm, and the ring on her finger, she wore no jewellery. Her finger and toe nails were simply done in light silver. The crowd in the lobby was totally spell bound by her and all eyes headed in the same direction.

The first person to run up to me was Yusra, now a bubbly four year old who jumped up into my arms. I was very surprised when a second small form appeared and wrapped itself around my left leg. Nasir unhitched the two kids, giving me a bear hug in the process. I was sincerely hoping for a hug from Resham, but she simply held out her hand and shook mine.

"Let me introduce our latest model, Miss Naazish Nasir, she arrived not long after we landed in Abu Dhabi," Nasir explained the little person, who had once again decided to curl around one of my legs. If I had been enchanted by Yusra's antics in Zurich, I totally lost my heart to the younger one. Frankly I would have preferred another female, about twenty-some years older to be hanging on to me, but the kids really brought me the sense that I had been accepted into the family unit.

"Omar how come you are still single," Resham joined the conversation, "do you want to be unmarried as you get old and wither?" It may have been a simple optical trick, but I could have sworn that the opening on her front had widened a half inch to expose more of her breasts.

"To be frank my mother is looking about, but it is not easy to find the type of woman that I have been searching for since joining the company," I honestly replied, concurrently conveying that my wife would have to measure up extremely well to the goddess sitting across the table.

"Nasir, you should have told me he was looking around," she complained to her husband, "my sister was single till getting engaged six months ago!"

"Come on, you went for dinner and dancing with him," he responded, letting me know that there were no secrets, "perhaps you should have mentioned your sister to him at that time." I sensed Nasir was not too keen on the sister-in-law. I recalled seeing a picture of her family at their apartment and could tell that the girl was pleasing to the eyes, but with way less than fifty percent of Resham's striking looks. I also hoped that Resham had not mentioned the foot massage, the kiss or the other small intimacies that had transpired between the two of us on the night.

"Perhaps I should ask him to repeat the favour while he is here," she came right back, "I know that he has always been a complete gentleman!" I wondered what was troubling the two of them.

"Why don't you all set yourself up for a family portrait?" I suggested, and received a lukewarm sort of agreement from the two of them. I had been dabbling in photography for years and always had a nice camera on hand. The family photograph I took became a major display piece at their homes, not only in Abu Dhabi but in many other cities afterwards.

"Omar, unfortunately I have an office meeting and dinner engagement tomorrow and will be out all day till very late, otherwise you would be most welcome at the house," Nasir was truly apologetic, "but since the two of you know each other socially, perhaps you will not mind Resham's company for dinner or exploring the city."

I could not believe that he was so trusting of me and felt like a heel while concurrently elated that she would be all mine, if only for a few hours and probably not with anything socially immoral happening. Looking forward to next day gave me the ability to bid them goodnight and watch as Resham exited the hotel. Interestingly, the low toned conversations all around returned to their normal pitch.

Resham showed up at five pm, the sun brightly shining, driving a sporty car. I was really disappointed to note that she was not in a skirt or other revealing outfit. Rather she had opted for a very fashionable, but also all covering, Arabian abaya, along with designer heels and shades. That she looked amazingly desirable was not in question, the fact that little of her body showed was!

"So how do you like my new local look?" she chided me as I got in on the passenger's side, "Nasir appreciates me being a little covered when out on my own."

"You're not on your own," I blurted out, unmindful of the situation.

"Oh so you prefer me in a naked sort of state," she retorted, "and here I thought you to be a real gentleman and that you would treat me like a sister since I am your friend's wife!"

"I've certainly never kissed my sister on the lips or gone nightclubbing with her," I parried back.

"Okay let's just be friends in that case," she responded, lifting up the flaps of the abaya and baring her legs, "did you really think I would let you return to Riyadh without a pleasant memory?"

I noted that she was wearing only a tank top blouse and hot pants underneath. This was ideal wear for when she brought me to a beach area. Because of the weekday and heat it was relatively deserted and we were able to walk barefoot on the sand, by the water, after she had removed the abaya and pumps and I had divested of my jacket, shirt, tie and footwear.

"Happy now," she said, twirling and then kicking some water up at me.

"Yes and no," I responded, "it's nice that you wore this outfit especially for me, but on the other hand we are at a beach and you should be in a bikini or nothing at all!"

This got her really excited and she pushed me forcefully right into the water. I reached out and she evaded my hand with ease, running off along the waterline. I followed at a fast clip and instinctively jumped, taking her into the surf along with me. We rolled over a couple of times, till I came up on top. As she lay there catching her breath, my mouth automatically descended upon to hers and we had our second kiss, a fair bit longer than the first. My tongue entered her mouth and in a split second hers pushed back into mine.

"Oh, I am sorry, I did not mean that," I pulled away.

"It's okay, we are even now, after all I kissed you without warning in my apartment," she replied, her body still under mine, "but that really was a good kiss, Nasir hardly ever kisses me and never like that.

"What should we do next?" I asked cryptically as I helped her up, kissing her a second time in the process, and wondering if she was okay to takes things a bit further.

"Oh, dinner and dancing of course, I had such a good time in Zurich so we have to do it again," she perked up, "and maybe you can give me another lesson in kissing like the one from a moment ago!"

"But you are not dressed for an evening out and I have ruined your clothes," I could see that her shorts and shirt were drenched and muddy.

"Just take me to your hotel room and I'll fix everything," she casually replied. That sounded rather interesting to me and all sorts of scenarios ran through my mind.

We were back around 8 pm. Asking that I wait downstairs, Resham took my room key and hurried off with a small package from the car. She had told me to come on up in half an hour, and at 8:30 pm I knocked and found the latch open. She was inside, squatting in a rather short dress to pick up a locket that had fallen to the ground.

Resham looked smashing. Wearing a shimmering black mini-skirt, that had a low neckline, and high heels, with a minimal amount of jewellery, she was a vision to behold. The neckline allowed her breasts to prominently show. I could tell that she had foregone the bra and that they were only held up by the construction of the dress. In addition, her gloriously long legs were where my attention was riveted, even though in her squat the dress front revealed a lot more of her assets.

"My God Resham, you are stunning," I truthfully spoke, "You are so way out of my league!"

"Thank you so much sir," she retorted, "but keep on the straight path and you never know which league you could aim for!"

Dinner turned out to be a two-hour affair at a seafood restaurant in one of the finer hotels in town. Resham hardly touched her food, which was a real waste, as we had ordered plenty from the fish market type set-up. What was great was that we had a private cubicle that was curtained off.

"So why are you not yet married?" she leaned in and spoke, "most men already are dads at your age." We were sitting in a curved booth which allowed her to sit close and converse. As she addressed me, her leg came into contact with mine and her hand landed on my knee.

"I guess my mother has not found anyone like you so far," I was very honest, my hand dropping to grasp hers.

"Oh dear, you are going to die a bachelor, if that is the case," she responded, "I think I am the only one of my kind!"

"Well, I must say that mom has asked me to be in Lahore next month as she wants me to meet a prospective bride," I took some air out of Resham's balloon.

"That means I need to make the most of your company before I have to share you with others!" she kept surprising me.

"So why is Nasir not with us and how come he is so open with our being out alone?" it was a very pointed and serious question.

"Frankly he finds my interest in shopping, dancing and making friends to be a bother," she explained, "you already know he is a workaholic and nothing, not even my fine looks, can break through to him."

"But you told me that he had been very passionate with you after I had helped house your brother-in-law and friend," I replied, "and I do recall him solidly kissing your mouth at his birthday party."

"Oh he is up for having sex, once or twice a week, and public displays of affection" she was very open, "but since that night when he fucked me on the table, we have not had another such romantic evening." I could not believe her choice of words, but she really made her point.

"Perhaps you need to create a situation, after all that evening was about making up after a fight," I suggested.

"Oh not at all, Nasir was turned on because he could see the desire in your eyes to possess me, the fight was a day-to-day occurrence!" the response almost tongue-tied me.

"You have to be kidding, why would he even think like that?" I stammered, knowing well that she was 100% correct about my lust.

"I am often an object to display to others," she went on, "and to then use when my husband's ego about possessing me is tweaked; sometimes I wonder if I am what you may call a trophy wife."

"But he surely does not let you go out with all and sundry," I wondered, "and I do hope he is not using your sexuality for advancement.

"No way on both counts, you are the only one allowed this courtesy and because he knows you will not be a cad, though he knows you have the hots for me," she shot back, "and even if the idea of using me to gain a promotion was there, I would not be game!"

"So are you saying that he is going to ravish you tonight for being out with me?" I just had to ask.

"Quite possible," she leaned in and whispered, "so why do we not stay at the discotheque till real late and let him have a case of intense waiting without reward, I think you call it blue balls!"

"Won't he get upset?" I was concerned that she was stretching her liberty a bit much.

"Oh he certainly will but he deserves to be," she shot back, "and tonight you can hold me to your heart's content and I will enjoy it a lot more than his ten seconds of slam-bam sex if it does happen." With that she brought the hand still holding on to her own and placed it right between her breasts allowing me to confirm that there was no bra over them. My hand automatically moved under the flimsy garment and came into full contact with her orbs. Upping the ante, I slipped her dress straps aside and pulled her top down a bit letting both pop out. She let me have an extended look and cop a long feel, and then pulled the dress back up. I was thankful for the curtained enclosure as she sat there topless for a long moment.

We danced through to closing time. As we held each other close, she commented on my nether regions warming up and my penis being hard. Her facility with colorful language continued to surprise me. I was wondering if she would put her hands onto my dick, but Resham refrained from that, even though the appendage came into direct contact with her privates all night. For most of the night, I was unsure whether to pull her into a secluded space and have a go at her pussy, but every time an opportunity presented itself, the thought of Nasir being betrayed meant that I backed off. At one point though, as we both made a trip to the restroom facilities and were returning, I found a small side room open along the pathway and pulled her into it. Her arms were around my neck and we had a deep, extended kiss, with her not minding the fact that my hands were feeling her up everywhere. By now I had convinced myself that Nasir be damned, I wanted Resham. Noticing a small desk, I lifted her onto it, so her legs hung down, while our kissing continued. My hand reached under her skirt and hooked into her panties. Expecting the garment to come off and Resham to lie back and be fucked, I was deflated instead when she stopped my forward progress by grabbing my wrist just as I had pulled the slight piece of lacy cloth down to almost her knees.