Wives of a Feather


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"No Omar, not tonight," she whispered, "I really do like you, but let's not break any taboos that cannot be undone."

"But all night you have really sent me all kinds of signals," I protested, confused at things.

"Do excuse me, I got carried away too and you are a wonderful guy, but it is better if we do not go much further in our intimacy," she drew a line, "and certainly not in this dingy and dirty place, I deserve no less than the Ritz Carlton!"

"Oh Resham, now you are giving me a case of blue balls!" I kept trying to win an uphill battle but to no avail. I would have settled for a hand job at the time but she fixed the panties and her hair and led me out to the parking lot.

"Go get happily married," she told me as we drove up to the hotel, "I'm sorry if I have turned you on quite strongly tonight and not offered the type of relief that you may have been expecting!"

"Would you like a nightcap or an early coffee?" I asked hoping to extend her stay with me.

Surprisingly she agreed. As we walked into the lobby, however, and thankfully with her having put the abaya back on, we found Nasir waiting. He did not seem angry or bothered. Rather he was delighted that our evening had gone well and that I may soon be getting hitched. Coffee was forgotten, and the long goodbye kiss that I had hoped for did not happen either. Resham, however, did flash her legs at me a final time while Nasir was distracted.

I went up to my fourth floor room and looked out. It so happened that the room overlooked part of the main parking area. Just as I was about to turn away, I noticed Resham and Nasir walk out to their car. In a flash, she had been turned around and bent down over the trunk of the vehicle. A few seconds later, the abaya was discarded and her dress was around her waist. Nasir pumped at her from behind with serious energy, but was done in a matter of seconds. Resham looked upwards and I wondered if she knew my room was located in their line of sight. As he redressed himself, she lay still for a moment and then walked to the passenger side, her dress still partly hiked up and the panty lying tattered on the pavement. A minute later they were gone from my life for another extended period.


I really was thanking my mom's foresight in making the selection. She had to half-threaten half-cajole me into accepting the match, but I had finally given in. The wedding had been the usual glitzy affair. Kanwal had entered my life straight out of college, at the ripe age of twenty. While not as strikingly pretty as Resham, she certainly was a beauty in her own right. I had concerns that she would be cold and uninspiring in bed. Those issues were, however, laid to rest on night number one.

Kanwal made the initial move in bringing her mouth to mine for a first kiss, she did not fidget much when I disrobed her, she helped me undress, and then was an active participant in the lovemaking that followed. After a few minutes of discomfort and the expected rookie mistakes, she had quickly realized that our plumbing fit together in a certain way. Though she bled profusely and was in obvious pain from being deflowered, Kanwal met me stroke for stroke and even left visible scratch marks all over my back. I was amazed that she kept making herself available every time I wanted a repeat, even though she had complained of being tired when we arrived at our hotel suite at well past midnight. We had finished round four by the time the call to morning prayers sounded and both agreed to get some rest and re-energize for the next night. I would say I made love to her the first two times, she then fucked me twice!

Everything had gone well with the wedding, except for one big disappointment. Two days prior to the event, I had received a call from Resham with the bad news that they were not coming as Nasir's father had passed away. I must confess I was thinking of her while screwing my new wife, something that would be repeated many times. I also noted that condolences had to be made with Nasir, but I did not have a number for him in Pakistan. On one hand Resham was just a few hundred miles away, on the other I had no way of connecting. And perhaps, with Kanwal all ready and willing, there was little reason for me to think of reaching out.

Kanwal was thankfully not the closed type and was ready to try things. She had been raised in an all-girl household, and the father had been very strict about any interaction with the opposite sex. Kanwal had, however, been an avid reader and learned a great deal from the Mills and Boon type books she devoured and many discussions with her friends and trusted family members. Having seen the marriage of a couple of friends fail due to incompatibility, she had decided to do most anything her husband wanted, except for activities involving cruelty, infidelity or blasphemy. Also tired of the restrictions on life imposed by her father, she had decided to live life to the fullest by breaking from his strict rules.

I was most surprised on our honeymoon in the Seychelles, when having found on arrival that she was overdressed, she took off to shop, and then showed me her new purchase at the beach later in the evening. It was a sensational one-piece swimsuit in blue and white, with a frontal zipper which Kanwal had not fully closed, thus letting some of her breasts spill out of. For a newly married Pakistani girl, she was sure learning fast how to keep me happy.

I was even more impressed by her boldness, when on the next day she came to the beach in a floral bikini. In the afternoon, noticing that most of the females were topless, she quickly divested the bra and let all check out her pert breasts, without my having said a word. Somehow she had read my mind and did not care about her body being on display as long as I approved. I did! After all, at her age everything was perky and pointy in the right places. As I saw Kanwal receive many appreciative stares from all the men and many of the women, I recalled what Resham had said about Nasir showing her off like a trophy wife. While Resham had a leg up on Kanwal in the looks department, she was decidedly second best where spontaneity and daring were concerned.

Things were definitely on the upswing when one night at the resort, we took a walk by the beach and came by a cabin used for changing clothes. I pulled Kanwal in and we locked in a deep kiss. Noticing an armchair in the place I pushed her down and pulled her panties off. She was still quite tight and the fact that my cock was dry made the process difficult. I looked about a saw a bottle of suntan oil. I rubbed it on, bared her body and lifted her legs. As I pressed forward into her cunt, she moved a bit unexpectedly and my penis, greased as it was, ended up partially imbedded into her anus. Kanwal screamed mightily, but I was tickled pink that I did not have to beg her for anal sex. Oblivious to her concern about the sharp pain, I pushed in all the way. She kept fighting me before suddenly clenching my cock in her bottom and pulling me close. Apparently I had hit some pleasure nerves or she just got turned on. Since I was butt fucking her while she was facing me, we easily were able to kiss with animal lust. Given that her rectum was incredibly tight, I was not able to hold my load for very long and shot off with high energy. We lay there for the better part of an hour before my cock retracted. I wondered if I would have a second go while still embedded, but she advised me of the need to visit the restroom. Kanwal got the hang on of anal penetration very quick and thankfully did not object to repeat performances in the days, months and years to come.

Two days later she began her schooling in the finer points of giving a blowjob. As we awoke on the second last day of our honeymoon, I simply put my cock in her face as she sat at the dresser getting ready for breakfast. She looked lost for just a moment and then slowly took it in her hand and brought her mouth around it. I guess she had definitely read about the act somewhere or had some friend narrate an account. The first go was not bad, but it was still an amateur attempt. She gagged a bit as my cock went down her throat and was at a total loss when I came into her mouth, making her pull back and let the jism go all over her face, body and hair. Within a matter of weeks, however, Kanwal was polished enough to suck a golf ball out through a garden hose, and was hardly spilling a drop of my cum whenever she did go down on me, which was often enough.

The last day, I had brought her off by licking her cunt till she begged for mercy and came mightily. Starting with her lying down, then continuing as she lay sideways, I finally had her lower her pussy onto my face and let her fluids run down to me. As can be imagined we were soon in a passionate sixty-nine embrace, a position that remains popular for our sexual antics till today.

Flying back to Lahore, and then ultimately to Riyadh, I could not keep my hands off her or get the fact that she had been sexual dynamite out of my mind.

"I hope you had a great time," I made small talk as she grabbed my cock under the blanket covering us and brought me off. A blowjob was out of the question and the bathroom did not look hygenic, even though we were in the first class section of a decent Asian airline.

"I did, but did you?" she smartly responded, rubbing the tip of her finger along the top of my penis and sending a shiver through me.

"I had no idea you would be so open-minded," I confessed, "and that you would surprise me by your willingness to try so many things out."

"Why thank you dear," she was truly happy, "I am so glad that you've liked my ways."

"So any specific reason why a very desi girl like you turned into a sex fiend?" I whispered in her ear.

"Well, first of all I really was sick of all the rules at home for so many years and appreciate that you have allowed me to be free and expressive," that sounded great.

"And anything else," I prodded her.

"I figured an internationally educated and experienced person like you would be open minded and like me to be active in our life and love," that was true too.

"And that's all," I kept going at her.

"You do remember your excellent statement the other night after we had fucked on the beach that you were not looking for a desi wife, but rather one that was more like your girlfriend in the daytime and thoroughly like a mistress at night!"

"And I certainly appreciate that!" Kanwal definitely had me on that score, even though I was glad she had taken my saying to heart.

"Finally I really did not want you to think that I was not as good as your past girlfriends," she responded, "and I have seen enough of your college photos to know you are no mullah!"

"Oh come on, why would I worry about my old friends, they are probably all married and done with!" I tried to recover lost ground, though she was right on the mark with her assertion.

"I wonder who Resham is?" she stunned me with the question, "you called me Resham, right after our first kiss, then while we made love on the beach, and finally a few nights later in your sleep you were asking her to not be so cruel!"

Right at that moment, my cock erupted in her hands. She had to go wash the gunk off and I was reprieved for the moment but not for long.


"Your girlfriend is in town," Kanwal did not sound upset but rather in a zestful mood.

"Which one are you talking about?" was my reply aimed at trying to make me sound like a stud.

"The one you keep muttering about in your sleep," she told me, "a Mrs. Resham Nasir, just moved to Riyadh from Abu Dhabi, as her husband is the new vice president of the region for his company."

"When did she call?" I was confused, "and why did she not call me?"

"She apologized for missing our wedding and looks forward to getting to know me," Kanwal was loving the exchange and winning all the points.

It had been nearly two years since our marriage and we were busy trying to cope with our nine month old baby boy, Junaid. Our sex life had essentially slowed to a snail's pace but Kanwal had made sure that we did have a sex night every week prior to the baby and then once he started being less trouble at night in his third month. More importantly she had told me outright that she looked and felt like a fat cow and was going to regain her looks and figure. That started within a month of the birth, and involved everything from gym to ballet to tennis, and at the present time, she had almost dropped all the weight gain, had seriously tightened her muscles and almost regained her pre-marriage figure. She had been very particular about use of stretch mark creams and ointments through the pregnancy and one would have to look very closely at her naked body to find evidence of child-bearing. And the only person doing that was me. I was happy that she was back to looking great and increasing the frequency of our fucking.

"By the way Resham and Nasir and their kids are coming to dinner tomorrow night," Kanwal stunned me, "so prep up the barbecue and get cooking.

"Are you sure you do not want a more formal menu?" I was concerned that the dinner would be too downmarket for Resham and Nasir.

"No, your girlfriend, or should I say mistress, said that you claimed to make great burgers and steaks and that is what she wants," Kanwal put my argument out of mind, "I will do the other stuff."

Ten minutes past the expected arrival time of 7:30 pm, the compound gate advised that visitors were on the way. I wanted to wear proper pants and a dress shirt, but Kanwal had outright vetoed that and instead picked out a smart set of shorts and a polo shirt. She reminded me that the more formal clothes did not go with the barbecue dinner at the pool.

My first surprise came when, just before the call from the gate was received, Kanwal stepped down into the main lobby and living / dining area. She had opted for a cut-off pair of denim shorts that barely covered her privates and had topped those with an open front denim jacket with folded sleeves. Instead of a full T-shirt, however, she had put on an abbreviated tank top that covered her bust but left her belly totally naked. I wondered how Nasir and Resham would react to my wife's incredibly bold outfit for the occasion. She had decided on a nice pair of heels, however, that helped accentuate her more than adequate legs.

The bell rang and the first two figures through the door were Yusra and Naazish, who had both put on some height and looked incredibly cute in matching frocks. Yusra was nearly eight and the younger one was five by now. They grabbed onto me and held on for an extended moment, before turning their attention to Kanwal. Nasir followed, holding a large gift-wrapped box. Putting it on a side table, he gave me a heartfelt hug.

I was surprised a second time when Kanwal moved forward and put her arms around Nasir's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Welcome to our home, Nasir Sahib, I hope you do not mind, I am a bit touchy feely about greeting nice people." A smile formed on his lips. He lowered his mouth and gave her a return kiss, intended for the cheek but landing on her lips as Kanwal moved ever so slightly. They broke their embrace and Nasir took a seat advising that Resham was delayed by just a few minutes getting stuff from the vehicle and was on her way from the parking area. I noted that he was wearing casual slacks, a polo shirt and Birkenstock slippers, the most undressed I had ever seen him.

My third, fourth and fifth surprises arrived together. Resham walked in pushing a stroller with a really plump baby girl, who was perhaps six months old. She was dressed head to toe in a full Saudi burqa that covered virtually everything. I could feel my expectancy deflate.

"Got you, ha, ha!" she suddenly spoke out, pulling the head cover off and dropping the gown. I could tell that she still had a bit of the weight to lose, and slight signs of multiple birthing were evident. Kanwal was, however, right about the undressed nature of the event. Resham was wearing equally short hot pink shorts and a black blouse that reached just below her bust line and had three of the six buttons open, one up top and two below, allowing a view of her breasts to be had every time she moved. Her bare legs looked as spectacular as ever.

Resham came straight over and put her arms around me, raising herself on her tiptoes and lightly kissing my lips. I smiled and similarly returned the compliment. Nasir did not mind, perhaps because Kanwal had already paid for the courtesy. In a second, Resham was in a tight embrace with Kanwal which also ended in the two locking lips for an extended moment. I had never seen a sexier sight than two relatively unclad babes like them exchanging saliva. I was surprised at the level of friendship given that they were meeting in person for the first time ever, but figured kindred souls do come together.

"So there are all sorts of new additions," Resham ventured, referring to her new daughter, my son and perhaps Kanwal also, "great to see a growing family."

Very shortly we proceeded outside to the patio and garden area, where I had a charcoal grill going and began prepping the burgers and steaks. Nasir took a seat on a padded bench, well away from the fire. I imagined Resham would join him. Instead Kanwal plopped down right next to Nasir and began to pepper him with all kinds of questions about how he knew me, what he knew about me, what were his likes and dislikes, was Resham a great partner, and so on and so forth. I had always known Nasir to be relatively quiet as far as conversation was concerned, but he seemed to have some extra pep and the two were soon discussing all sorts of matters.

"I see you are preparing dinner," Resham said, coming real close up to me, "but can I also assume you will then take me dancing!" I recalled the two previous dinners we had together ended in that fashion.

"I guess not, dear lady," I said honestly, "there are no discos in Saudi."

"Well in that case I hope you do like my outfit, I wanted to be sure you got to slobber over these legs you so admire," she responded.

"Actually I am more surprised at Kanwal," I confessed, "frankly I thought this was going to be a biryani and curry affair, not a partially clothed picnic."

"How's married life treating you?" she wanted real information, "and is Kanwal what you wanted in life?"

"She truly is awesome and I'm glad my mother had the vision to arrange things for us," I spoke with conviction.

"We decided on the menu and the dress code when I called yesterday," Resham let me know, "I figure you're appreciating what you were intently waiting for, which is my near naked body, and for a change Nasir seems enchanted by something or someone other than work."

"In that case, thank you very much," I responded, "but surely I can ask for a little peek at a bit more of you if at all possible." It was a naughty but wishful request I expected her to ignore or chide me for.

Instead, Resham smiled and moved around to the other side of the grille, making it and myself a barrier of sorts from her husband's line of sight. She slowly undid the remaining three buttons on her blouse and dropped it to give me an unimpeded view of her still very fine rack. I was impressed but she then went beyond what I had requested, pulling at a small zipper on the shorts and letting them fall to her feet leaving her threadbare, except for her footwear. Slowly she twirled around, letting me see her completely naked body, then posed herself lewdly a few times to enhance my view of her key assets. I was spellbound as she slowly rubbed various parts of her body with her hand. A moment later, she retrieved the two garments and was redressed as if nothing had happened.

I looked around at the others to see if anyone saw what had happened. The two older girls were watching over the sleeping babies while drawing pictures at a nearby table. Our spouses had no idea about what had just transpired. Kanwal had moved very close to Nasir and in fact I noted that, as they talked, he was laughing a lot and one of his hands was often placed on her legs, while the other constantly held one of hers. Her remaining hand also kept touching him in a friendly manner. I was happy they were getting along and impressed that Kanwal was so gregarious.