Wives of a Feather


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As conversation was flowing well among them, Kanwal simply sat down next to Nasir during dinner and their talk continued, ignoring the Pakistani custom of each spouse being seated next to their significant other. In fact the whole party seemed to be one big "fuck you" to Pakistani tradition and custom. Resham ate sparingly and soon after asked to see the house. Kanwal suggested I could take her since she was enjoying the discussion with Nasir.

"What was all of that about?" I asked Resham in a terse manner soon as we entered the house and shut the door to the patio.

Her answer should not have been all that unexpected, but I was taken unawares. She simply threw her arms around me and began to kiss my mouth with passion. I pushed her off as something was out of whack. A strange thought went through my mind.

"Resham I have no intent to wipe swap with Nasir tonight, so please cut it out," I forcefully stated my position.

"Neither does he, nor anyone else," she shot back, "I am doing this because I want to thank you for being my friend, in fact my only true friend, for so many years. I know you had a thing for me then and still do according to your wife. Let me remind you that the last time we met you stuck your fingers down my panties at the side room in the disco and wanted to take me on top of a rickety desk. I stopped you then, but in fact would have gone to your hotel room and fucked you if Nasir had not been downstairs. That said so far we have not done anything worth being truly ashamed about, have we, and neither has your wife nor Nasir!"

I felt sheepish and put my head down in a gesture of atonement. She reminded me of the house tour and I dutifully showed her around. When we reached the master bedroom, she playfully asked me how Kanwal was in bed. My answer, that Kanwal was a tigress, appeared to both impress and concern her.

"What's wrong dear, you are acting strange," I felt compelled to ask, "everything okay with Nasir and you?"

"No it's not," she sobbed, tears coming down her cheek, "the situation is getting worse by the day and I do not know how to fix it."

"Tell me how I can be of help," I was ready to do anything that was morally right.

"Perhaps later, but for now I think Kanwal may be able to provide me a lot more assistance," she replied as we headed back after I acceded to the demand to let her enjoy some hot kisses for a minute or two.

"I do, however, want to say that Kanwal is wonderful," I told her as we left the house ten minutes later having slobbered everywhere, "and that she would be hurt if I took advantage of your situation." It was an outright lie as far as not taking advantage was concerned, but doing so while Kanwal had been a total darling was morally wrong even if the opportunity cost was my forgoing a certain fuck with Resham.

Thirty minutes later the party concluded. Kanwal made Nasir promise to come back and visit in a couple of weeks' time. Resham and Kanwal laid out plans for the next two months, with one or the other visiting. Kanwal had no problem at all giving Nasir a big hug and a quick kiss on the lips. I got the same treatment from Resham. Then the girls really put their mouths together and kissed before the party finally broke up!

"There's a real incompatibility problem between those two," Kanwal told me as we prepared to go to bed. I had heard the phone ring while in the restroom and then Kanwal talking. I learned that Nasir had quickly fucked Resham upon arriving home and then gone off to play tennis at midnight with some colleagues, all within less than an hour after leaving from our place!

"You're not getting away with a five-second screw my dear," I was warned, "your friend turned me on quite a bit with all the touching of my legs and chest and what not."

"When did that happen?" I mused, "imagine it probably serves you right for putting on those shorts!"

"Oh probably when you were kissing Resham in the house," she said in a matter of fact manner.

"She was in a bad state and I was just consoling her," I protested.

"By depositing your tongue halfway down her throat, I guess!" she responded and clarified, "I took a little walk around with Nasir, and was able to see some action through one of the windows!"

"And what sort of walk was it?" I asked.

"The normal kind, except that he held my hand throughout and pulled me close a few times," she let me know, "and I know he also felt up my breasts and ass a bit."

"Seems like you are turned on by Nasir," I commented, "would you want to have a "just for fun" fuck with him?"

"Only if you "just for fun" fucked Resham also!" she quickly put me on guard.

"I'll be frank that while the opportunity may have been there on a number of occasions, I have never made love to Resham," I said, "the most I have done is kiss her or seen her undressed."

Kanwal elbowed me in the ribs and pulled at my clothes. Her passion was stoked and we were both naked in a jiffy. She came atop my cock and began to move with extreme urgency. I held her tight to slow things down and we brought the process to a mid-level speed. Finally I shot into her and she came with an audible moan. That was only the first fuck of the night.


Within a matter of months, Kanwal and Resham were inseparable friends, doing everything together, particularly discussing their love lives. Nasir received a promotion that added further responsibility and ensured he spent even less time with his wife. Resham kept kidding that Kanwal would have to share me so that there would be some equity in fucks received. However, two years since they had moved to Riyadh, no such eventuality had transpired. We all met each other a great deal and the usual story would be Nasir with Kanwal and Resham with me. However, there remained the unseen lines that were not to be crossed, even though both ladies would flirt like crazy with their counterparts' husbands.

Not everything was going well, however. My job was soon under threat as the Europe HQ decided to turn our division over to the management of the Industrial Unit in a large South Asian country. Within weeks, most other nationalities were replaced with worthless fuckers from there with little imagination or capability but prone both to strong political activities and butt-licking. My days were numbered and indeed six months later I found myself out of my job.

Kanwal consoled me as best as possible in the time of trouble, by being a sexual dynamo and getting me to express my desires for sex in all kinds of orifices, all kinds of locations, role playing, bondage and so on. The only area we did not broach was adultery though the option certainly was open. She would often find reason to cheer me up by appearing in sexy lingerie or other suggestive clothing. I did not do a great deal of work or job seeking for months, but had a lot of great sex. I really appreciated her efforts and enjoyed seeing her in this persona and lack of attire. But I needed cash flow and without a job all the good things in life were in danger of disappearing.

"Nasir called today," Kanwal told me one day when I returned from an unsatisfying meeting at a shitty company, "his regional president is coming here and he has arranged an interview for you." I was not very surprised that Nasir had called her, but I imagined the nature of the call would have merited his talking to me. Still it was a sign that I had good support in a first-class organization.

The interview went off better than expected and I was offered a position, reporting in to Nasir who was the Regional VP now. Importantly I would still remain in Riyadh. That was a big relief. I called Resham and thanked her for interceding with her husband. She surprised me by saying she had no clue what I was talking about, and that the idea must have been all Nasir's. I was in his debt and frankly was ready to let him have anything from me that day, including my wife, if he so desired. I almost wished he did!

That night Kanwal begged for mercy as I licked her to orgasm, then fucked her cunt, mouth and ass in that order. She confirmed that no one had mentioned anything to Resham concerning my losing the job. When Nasir had called to chat with her by chance, and given that I had not found a new position in months, Kanwal had told him of the problem. He had promised to see if anything could be done. Kanwal also let me know that she was unhappy that I had been treated so badly, and that if at any time, I needed the use of her physical or other assets to assist me in getting ahead, she would give it due consideration. There was one single exception – she would fuck Nasir, without reservation, should he ever ask this of her, not only because of his help in getting me hired, but because she thought he was quite handsome, was turned on by his being a man with corporate power, and lastly she felt that he found her equally or more desirable than Resham!

The first thing I did in my job at the milk and juice products company was fire everyone from that errant nationality in my department and ensure a few more were exposed for the frauds they were! It felt really empowering, particularly as I was able to tell the Ambassador from the particular country in no uncertain terms to take a hike when he showed up to advocate for his people on the recommendation of the same nationality's assholes at my prior company.

Four weeks later Kanwal advised me that she was pregnant again. Our second boy arrived just under eight months afterwards.

Nasir did not ask me for any sort of recompense, notably anything that involved his having sex with my wife. He did request that I perform at my absolute top level for the work. He stressed the continuance of our friendship regardless of our differing levels in the company. He insisted I remember to invite all of them for any future barbecue or pool type party. Finally he added a personal request concerning Kanwal. It was to be allowed to take her to an event at the French embassy the following week, since it was for couples only and Resham had gone to Pakistan for a two-month trip. The positive answers he got on all four accounts made him very happy indeed.


Kanwal was all excited about the embassy party and made a costly visit to the beauty parlour. She ensured that any unwanted hair was gone, off her legs, her pussy and elsewhere. She fretted a while about what to wear and I had visions of a large withdrawal in cash from the local banks since credit cards were not the norm in the country.

That problem was solved by the arrival of a package, through Nasir's personal driver. Inside were a most amazing gauzy two piece dress, high heels, and a box containing some fashion jewellery but thankfully not the real stuff. It appeared that Nasir did not want any complications with me, or more with Resham, by sending authentic jewels to Kanwal. Inside was a card explaining that Nasir had been on a trip abroad when Kanwal had celebrated her birthday and he would be honoured if she wore the belated gift to the event. My wife looked sensational in the dress. The blouse left her back nearly naked, due to the spaghetti back straps. The sexiness of the dress was enhanced by the fact that the front of the blouse reached just below her bustline and so much of her midriff and lower torso were uncovered. She obviously could not wear a bra as the straps would show. The skirt sat low on her waistline and had a slit which would allow her left leg to often be seen all the way to the panty line. The white colour and flimsy material of the outfit meant that I could make out the outline of her legs and tits through the garments. I wanted to rip the dress off and fuck her on the spot, but the doorbell rang just as I was contemplating the action.

There was the patter of many feet as Nasir's kids came running in, ahead of their dad. Since I was the only available parent between the two families, the babysitting role fell to me, although the Filipino maid also came along on account of the youngest. Nasir's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw Kanwal in the rather sexy outfit and he was even happier as she went through her now usual routine of welcoming him with a kiss to his mouth, though one that lasted somewhat longer than normal.

"We'll be back by midnight," he promised and they headed out just after Kanwal gave me a quick peck, suggesting I have a good time with the kids. I noted that he had brought the second car, and they would not be taking the driver along. I figured that was because the kids could return home earlier. The other likelihood was that his chances of getting cozy with Kanwal would be severely inhibited by the driver's presence. On one hand I was happy that they were getting along so well. On the other, I could not but help feel a little pang of jealousy as they walked the fifty yards or so to the parking area, his arm around my wife's bare waist. There was nothing to be done given that Nasir had allowed me the same privilege with Resham a number of times. Luckily the kids got me involved in their games and dinner and TV till the maid told the girls to get ready to leave after 10 pm. Having put my son to bed also, I had a rather hard time getting through to midnight.

At 11:58, the doorbell rang and I found Kanwal and Nasir giggling and promising a repeat if another such opportunity occurred. While I could not surmise anything from their clothing, I did note that her lipstick was smudged in places and Nasir had a few pinkish smears on his cheeks and mouth. But that was expected and not something to fret about. Nasir accepted a prolonged kiss and departed. Kanwal sashayed into the house and threw her hands around my neck, asking to be treated like a very bad girl.

We had played the "bad girl" scenario a couple of times before, but never in this manner and rather for the purpose of elevated sex. I unfurled the sari off her body and helped her kick off the rest of the items. I wondered if she was drunk. Kanwal was open to imbibing alcohol, but quickly told me she had responsibly not taken a drink from the embassy open bar on account of her very early pregnancy.

She did not head to the bedroom but lay down on the living room couch, crudely spreading her legs in a lascivious manner and asking for punishment. I had to pull her across my knees to spank her. Once her bottom had reddened enough she was game for a real screwing. And did I give her more than what she expected, prolonging my release by going slow after a furious bit of pumping. I must have unloaded a barrel into her as fluid leaked profusely from her pussy onto the couch. We were looking to buy new furniture anyway and the stains gave us reason to speed up the purchase.

"So tell me about the date," I was dying to know, "how was the party?"

"It was a really nice event with music, great food, booze and dancing," Kanwal replied in a dozy manner.

"And what about your hot date? Was he a gentleman or did something interesting happen between you two?" the question on my mind finally came out.

"Will you be disappointed if I say he was a total gentleman, even though Nasir really has no clue how to dance?" I could relate as Resham had told me the exact same thing, "still he was a real sport and tried as best as I could coach him, kept apologizing for stepping onto my feet, and even had to give my toes a rub after a particularly bad step onto them!"

"And that was all that happened, nothing at all else?" I wanted to know if she had fucked him or not.

"Let's put it this way, I believe he is very attracted to me," she was honest, "and you know that I have high regard for him." That statement was neither a confirmation nor a denial.

"But was he a good fuck?" I pressed on without thinking about what I was saying.

Kanwal went absolutely still for a moment and then erupted, "before you screwed me tonight, did you get the feeling that some other person had also been in my cunt today?"

"Um, ah, oh, no," I stammered, not expecting her very sharp response.

"I told you some time back that if Nasir ever wanted to fuck me, I would gladly spread my legs and let him do it in my pussy, ass or any orifice else, and for however long he wanted, and wherever he wished, whether at home or in a busy, wide open space like the embassy courtyard!" Kanwal was burning mad and I had just stepped into a load of shit, "and since you are so happy for getting the job through his help I bet you probably would have celebrated my fucking him as a most proper thank you!"

"Come on I see the way that you interact with him," I was losing the battle fast, "and made a likely assumption."

"Do you ever wonder how a desi girl like me became so liberal?" she suddenly changed tack, "Do you know that I changed my entire personality since we got married? I did it so you would not think I was old-fashioned and unable to interact with your friends. I did it so you would find me attractive and forget past girlfriends. I did it because you appeared to like the tigress in me, rather than the meek lamb I used to be. I did it because I was scared that Resham would steal you from me, knowing that you are dying to screw her. And I am still doing it because I think I now have her husband hooked and there is nothing she can take from me of a higher value."

I was floored by that outburst, immediately going to the ground and holding up my hands, palms joined in a gesture of seeking mercy.

"Get back into bed," she ordered, "it so happens that I do like the new me, it so happens that the new me is independent and can think for herself, it so happens that I like that you enjoy the change in me, I love Resham as a friend, and it so happens I will fuck Nasir if he ever wants but not only because you my husband have a debt owed to him, but because he is a fantastic guy and his wife is sort of my rival."

"I am sorry, very sorry," I said, "this will not happen again."

"I was going to tell you about the evening, except you perverted the whole thing," she scolded me.

"If you are up to it, I would love to hear what happened," I said softly.

She narrated, "I must say I tried every trick in the book to reward Nasir for the help with the position. At the entrance gate there was a long line due to security checks. I made sure my body was tightly held up against his as we moved along and his hands were on my bare waist. At the venue there seemed to be some initial issue on chairs available. I simply had him sit down and placed myself firmly on his lap with my arms around his neck till table space was fixed for us. During dinner, I fed him small morsels from my food and let him put titbits in my mouth from his plate. While dancing, I held him real close, getting my feet stomped in the process. I even told him that my blouse had come undone and that he needed to tie it back, but first had to retrieve the string which was stuck inside the front side of the garment. Without thinking he put his hand around my breast from behind searching for the string, finding it and tying up the blouse correctly. You already know about the toe massage, but not that I complained about a leg cramp and let him put his hands under the skirt and rub my left leg to well up beyond the knee and quite near my vagina. As he finished, I thanked him with a nice kiss. You know we won the best couple award, perhaps because we were so lovey-dovey. There are two tickets to Paris that are in my bag for us courtesy of Nasir. As we left I remarked that if Resham had been in town, he would have definitely taken her straight home from the very romantic evening and made love all night. He smiled, said he had loved my company, but needed to be at the office early the next morning. Surprisingly, however, he was quite okay with sitting in the car with me for a good fifteen minutes within the parking lot, sharing conversation. He kept telling me he was so happy that I had accepted the invite and that you had been a trusting husband and friend. In fact he apologized that he should have let you go in his place, but the invitation was by name only as per embassy protocol. I told him that I was happy to be his date and showed my appreciation by giving him a long, drawn out, open mouth smooch. I tell you that short of physically taking his cock and shoving it into my pussy, I did just about anything to get him interested." I wondered if his lack of interest in taking a chance with her would mean he was out of her system or whether it would redouble Kanwal's resolve to seduce Nasir.