Daddy's Little E-Girl


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After years without the glory of sex, having an uninhibited, passionate partner who was so clearly thrilled by his body delighted the brokenhearted man. As Evelyn began to ride his cock, Balder stroked her body with increasing confidence as she took obvious pleasure from his hands. Massaging and groping her small breasts incited them both, the girl writhing as she rode his cock, the big man squirming his hips eagerly to match her movements.

Evelyn's small hands groped the huge shoulders and arms of her older lover, the muscles making her quiver with pleasure. Stuffed full at the bottom of each plunge onto his huge manhood, she understood there were still inches of him left she had no chance of taking in, but still she tried as her body shuddered with the power of her oncoming orgasm.

The sordid situation teased her conscience, yet something within her mind was converting guilt into lust as fast as she could generate the former. The familiar living room seemed horribly inappropriate for the grunting, squishy sounds they were making. Everything she looked at reminded her of the wrongness of fucking Balder, but the physical sensations grew more delightful in direct contrast. The familiar smells from childhood mingled with the acrid smoke of marijuana and the musky tang of sex. Thrilled to be acting like a wanton slut, she ground her cunt onto her new Daddy's manhood, acutely aware of how deeply everyone in her life would disapprove of what she was doing and how she was behaving.

Powerfully incited by the taboo scenario Evelyn began to climax.

Juddering, deliciously impaled, the feverish girl quaked with fervid ecstasy as the debauchery of what she was doing impelled the most wonderful orgasm of her young life. Filled with more cock than ever before, she squeezed him hard with her inner muscles as Balder continued to move in and out of her clenching core. When his big thumb found her clit and began to rub, she flinched, but his other hand gripped her by the hip and held her still as he doubled the impact of her orgasm,

Bucking and seeking escape, she wriggled, causing more pleasure to bloom in her erupting pussy. As she squirmed atop his thick pole, the tormented girl rubbed her body on him and pressed somewhere deep inside where she felt an emptying gush suddenly flow. As her helpless pleasure swept her away in a tidal rush of climatic waves, Evelyn felt herself release fluid from her vulva in a spastic spurts.

Suddenly sober with shame, she apprehended that she was still riding the huge cock, but that she was a rag doll Balder lifted on and off of his erection by sheer strength. Looking down she saw her cum dripping from her sopping pussy, soaking Balder's massive cock and spattering his chiselled abs and powerful thighs. The sight of his muscular arms manhandling her and the insistent invasion of his glorious cock pummelled her with another cascade of bliss. The ravished girl lost her senses in another crash of rapture and was lifted away on the crest of pleasure once again.

Deliciously filled, stimulated beyond endurance and overwhelmed by where and with whom she was having sex, Evelyn trembled and whimpered with extremity. As orgasmic rapture enslaved her to obey its command to keep driving toward a never-reached horizon of total satisfaction, she continued to climax in looping cycles. There was always more pleasure to be found beyond the next orgasm, Balder's majestic body drove her further and further, seeking greater stimulation.

Then, at last, the huge man achieved his own orgasm. The already massive cock swelled larger, stretching her insides and the heat scalding her sensitive vagina. Then the gush of hot cum spread within her clenching depths, the feeling of his sperm pumping into her detonated the most dynamic, explosive orgasm of them all.

Flopping forward, Evelyn felt the wondrous sensations of being wrapped in Balder's powerful arms as he held her to his chest. Burying her face in his neck, she wrapped her arms and legs around him while his enormous member wedged even deeper into her clenching sex. Another climax shattered her resistance and she mewled like the lost kitten she was.

Balder held the girl tight as he continued humping his hips, driving himself deeper and deeper into her as she accepted his sperm. Some atavistic, animal part of him goaded him to ensure as much of his seed went as far into the fertile, vital young woman as possible. The joy he took in her youth disgusted him, but it was a large part of her allure, his body was proving that to him. Balder's climax went on and on, pent up emotions spilled from him as tears, sperm, grunts and a clenching grasp on the slender form clinging to him.

The intensity of the others' climax translated through their intimate contact and provoked an echoed response in both partners. Feeling him squeeze her tight and bellow as he thrust up into her detonated an orgasm in Evelyn. When the girl whimpered pathetically into his neck and her sweet pussy clenched around his swollen manhood it activated a pulse in his cock that lashed him with bliss. Which in turn set her off again.

Balder collapsed first, his pleasure weakening him to the point of slumping back and dropping his arms. Released from the delightful prison of his massive arms, Evelyn allowed herself to tumble to the side on the sofa and disengage from him. The slide of his softening member as she moved sent shivers of bliss along her nerves as well, but the tumble to the soft sofa distracted her from the almost painful return to normal inside her overworked sex.

The big man lay one huge hand on Evelyn's hip as she lay slumped on the cushions, but other than that both of them simply caught their breath and pondered what the hell they had just done.

For Evelyn, she suddenly understood that if she could gain Balder's approval she might be able to have the ideal life she had been dreaming of for years. At last she might have a safe, kind home-life, a man who could and would take care of her, and the most amazing lover she had ever dreamed of. Not only was Balder physically ideal, his amazing cock exceeded expectations. The gentle way he had held her and pushed her pleasure far past where she would have ended it thrilled along her nerves still.

Desperate to seal the deal before he could have regrets and, in the post-orgasmic guilt phase, reject her, Evelyn scrambled around, placed her head in his lap and proceeded to bath his softened, but still substantial penis with her grateful mouth. Licking her abundant cum from his entire groin was a lewd, depraved act, but it was a mortification well worth it if she could achieve the life she was so close to acquiring.

The girl's slavish adoration of his cock enchanted the love-starved man in the midst of mid-life-crisis. Years of slowly being squeezed out of the deepening friendship developing between his wife and daughter, the sexless partnership with his wife and the increasing stares of other woman as he rebuilt his body into a more attractive vessel all culminated in Balder feeling entitled to the worship Evelyn heaped upon his sex.

Balder also knew how pathetic that was, but her veneration was being freely given, as he saw it, so he accepted it gratefully. A man could get used to this, he thought.

Evelyn noticed that the older man had fallen asleep after she rubbed herself to climax, masturbating as she suckled his semi-erect prick. Mildly offended, since she had put on a sexy show of how much she enjoyed sucking him, it hadn't made enough impact to keep him awake.

Then she remembered the weed, beers and two climaxes. And he was old, mid-forties.

Naked, sperm-stained, sweaty, bruised and fatigued from multiple orgasms the thin girl smoked another bowl and gazed at the space she fiercely desired to be her new home.


Balder awoke confused late in the night.

The big man found himself on the sofa, naked underneath a blanket, filled with the physical relaxation of half-remembered intimacy.


Nearly sober, the memory of what he had done with the teen-aged girl caused a physical reaction in his body. Guilt, horror, pride and lust all surged to life in his body. The physical severing of one of his marriage vows resonated through him with finality. The repulsion he felt from violating his daughter's friend and the primal, masculine feeling of dominance from rutting with the a ripe female swirled in his blood, filling him with adrenaline. Jumping up from the sofa, he scanned the room for Evelyn. The girl had tidied the room, shut the curtains, cleared away the refuse from their meal, packed away her paraphernalia and his beer bottles.

The huge back pack and all her clothes remained beside the sofa.

Balder found her in his bed, which she had made before she climbed in and lay on the side he usually used. When she sensed him watching her sleep, the girl pulled back the coves revealing her alluring nudity. Then sliding over to the other side, his wife's side, she whispered.

"Come to bed Daddy."

The word elicited a throb from his cock. The smell of soap filled his nostrils telling him she had also showered after their sex. Either he went to sleep elsewhere, or he joined her. Both choices spoke volumes, and he wasn't ready to commit to either.

"Please, Daddy."

Evelyn didn't mean just come to bed.

Balder climbed in and pulled the sheets over himself as the tiny girl wrapped herself around him and snuggled close, making him the very large little spoon. Neither moved once they were settled comfortably. Neither fell asleep for a long time either.

Somehow though, morning arrived and Evelyn awoke from a fitful rest. Glorious August sunlight spilled around the curtains and Balder big-spooned her instead, his massive arm draped over her wonderfully. Evelyn had never woken up with a lover before and it felt comforting knowing someone powerful enough to protect her from almost anyone was doing so with his giant body.

"You awake?" he asked.

"No. I'm dreaming. I'm in the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in, for the first morning in my life I have a man wrapped around me and I don't have to work today. My life can't actually be this good."

"How do you feel about what we did last night?"

"May I show you, Daddy?"

Without waiting for an answer, Evelyn threw the blankets off them both and knelt down by his knees. Engulfing his half-hard penis into her nimble mouth, she sucked his cock until he filled her mouth with his cum. Evelyn's blow-job was gentle and sensual, the girl made sure he was watching and saw just how much she adored his fabulous manhood and how much pleasure she took in sucking cock. Long, languid licks of his shaft, swirling slurps around his knob, bathing his balls for long moments, sucking him as deep as his enormous girth allowed, Evelyn did her utmost to please him completely. As Balder's orgasm approached she jacked him and slobbered over his knob while rubbing her clit where he could watch.

"Give it to me Daddy, please let me taste your cum."

Murmuring filthy, sordid things between moments of devouring his knob, Evelyn encouraged him to fill her mouth. When he did, she held it all until he finished then she showed him how much she loved the taste, swallowing ostentatiously, only to resume kissing his member until he relaxed and went limp once more.

"That's how I feel about last night" she smiled. "I want more. I'll do anything for you Daddy." Her sincerity frightened Balder a little. So Evelyn let her little vixen persona slip in around the edges. "I love your sweet cock, I hunger for your cum, and I want to please you, Daddy"

The older man didn't know how to react to the sensory and emotional assault. It felt like there was some sort of cultural divide between them he couldn't understand. Evelyn spoke like no woman he had ever been with. The intensity of her role-playing overwhelmed him. He knew her well enough that he saw she was performing, but what she was offering was real.

Sensing her choice to play the waifu slut wasn't working either, Evelyn relaxed her gambit, but at her core she was a submissive baby-girl who loved that role.

"I need a place to stay, and I find you unbelievable sexy, so forgive me for working too hard to combine those" she said in her own voice, no artifice in her demeanour. Evelyn saw the effect that had on Balder immediately. The big man's face relaxed, and he even smiled slightly.

"I'm not going to put you on the street. You can stay. I just want to have time to work out the arrangement before we get too deep."

"You were really deep last night" she quipped, hoping to lighten the mood, but he winced.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Are you kidding? You have the biggest, best cock in the world. I fricking love how deep you were. That feeling of fullness! Wow!"

Recognizing the unaffected, honest glee in the woman he had known for most of her life confused Balder with the complex reaction he had. Knowing her so well from a different period in her life activated bittersweet memories even as her enthusiasm for him and his manhood stroked his ego gratifyingly.

"Okay, point taken. I guess I'm not sure about this whole Daddy thing."

"What are you unsure of?"

"Is it... safe? Mentally?" It was very difficult to say, Balder was essentially questioning Evelyn's sanity while trying not to let her know it.

"Safe?" The girl pondered his question, gazing deeply into his light blue eyes with her dark blue. "I have a huge emotional hole right in the middle of my being. I've been rejected by the two people who were supposed to protect me." The raw hurt of that crept into her voice and her eyes grew moist. "I'm fucked up mentally, that's the truth. Will submitting to you sexually for a place to live fuck me up even more? Probably, but if you treat me gently and let me adore you it might actually work out. I think we can do it, but I guess it depends on whether you have any hatred against women- your wife and daughter... Are you gong to take it out on me in my vulnerable state?"

"Fucking hell you really go for the jugular, Evelyn."

"Does that mean you do?"

"No! I don't hate them, or any women. I have no interest in hurting you. I feel terrible about what your father has done and I'm stunned your mom hit you."

"Ok." Evelyn flopped down on the mattress and snuggled against Balder where he still remained after her fabulous blow-job. "Then the rest can be worked out as we proceed."

Proceeding meant Balder taking a deep look at his finances, anticipating his wife taking half of everything, supporting his daughter and likely paying alimony. Meanwhile, Evelyn went home with an empty backpack, looking to fill it with more of her belonging.

Balder and Alicia plus one other partner were the majority owners of a thriving business. Their divorce was going to affect the business deeply, Alicia was essential to the accounting of their business. Balder thought she might agree to stay on remotely, but if they had to buy her out it likely meant the end of the company.

The personal assets they each had were actually fairly even divided already. Historically, Nordic people were generally not prone to rely on others after a brutal campaign by the Catholic church to end blood feuds in the Middle-ages. The house was paid for and Balder could probably buy Alicia's half. After that, depending on alimony, Balder thought, if the company continued running, he would be able to continue paying for Arwen's school and have enough to help Evelyn go to a community college, if she wanted.

The instinct to take Evelyn on as his responsibility was powerful, immediate and absolute. There was no question in his mind that Evelyn was now his to protect and nurture. The only question was should he continue a sexual relationship with the vulnerable girl.

Evelyn's mother was at work when the girl in question stealthily slipped into her childhood house. The familiarity enveloped her without her conscious awareness and, utterly certain of what she was doing, she gathered more belonging. This time adding a rolling suitcase full of belongings as well as everything she could stuff into her backpack. The vast majority of things she took were clothes, but many sentimental items made it, as well as all her video recording equipment.

Instead of sadness, Evelyn felt lightness and release from anxiety as she left her mother's house perhaps for the last time. If her mother changed the locks, Evelyn had everything she needed from the house, but she would pillage it for more things if the opportunity arose. Understanding that her mother's judgment, harshness and authoritative barking were no longer going to be her daily experience thrilled the young woman. As Evelyn rushed back to the Thorsson home where kindness and gentle speaking had always soothed her jittery nerves, she felt anticipation for her new life.

When she saw that Balder was working in his office, she began rummaging through the kitchen and found what she needed to make breakfast. The smells eventually pulled Balder from the numbers on his screen and they ate while he revealed his plan. Evelyn shared that she had some money put aside for school, but that her mother had already taken her off the shared accounts where Seung and her family had been saving for Evelyn's schooling.

"You keep your money. I think this will work. It just depends on whether Alison will remain a partner or not. I'm going to call Able our other majority stakeholder and see if he will talk to her."

"May I move into a room?"

"Of course. Would you like the guest room you used to stay in?"

"I would love it, thank you."

Once again they split up to work on individual goals.

Balder had known Able since University, so the big, heart-sick man revealed almost everything about the dissolution of his marriage to his old friend. When Able understood the details he needed to, Balder left the other man to attempt to convince Alison not to leave the company.

When he went looking for Evelyn he found her putting the finishing touches on a film studio. All her clothes were in the closet, many lights and cameras were pointed at the bed, which now had all the most interesting pillows and blankets from the house closets strewn artfully across. The room looked like a photographer's version of an opium den.

"You've been busy"

"Do you like it?"

"What's it for?"

"More of this."

Evelyn felt a delicious flutter inside as she finally showed Balder the site where she posted photos and videos for money. They sat on the bed as he scrolled though the site. Evelyn had a great eye and was a good photographer. The high school photography department had been excellent and she had learned from two former professional photographers, one portrait expert and one nature. Both disciplines had informed her work and Evelyn's photographs had the careful composition of portrait work with the wild frenetic energy of nature shots.

"These are fantastic" Balder whispered, pleasing the girl deeply.

"Thank you" Evelyn looked up into his open, kind face. "Will you help me take more?"

The big man simply nodded and they began to kiss.

Before they got carried away however, she stopped and began to teach Balder how to use the cameras she had set up. For an hour they played with the lights and cameras before she stripped down to take some pictures. They only took a few before Balder couldn't help himself and he dropped between her thighs and began licking her sweet pussy.

Before he finished sucking her clit and massaging her insides, Balder had made Evelyn climax to the point of exhaustion. Slumping onto the bed, she shuddered and gasped for air while he smiled and wiped juices from his mouth. Then the big man retrieved the camera and took several shots of her languid, sated and draped artfully across the photo-ready background.