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Silly of me really - it should have been obvious that a woman with tastes as varied and perhaps as unusual as Vicki's were, would have experimented with the alternative pleasure source - it had just never crossed my mind. But there they were, or at least some of them - and one or two of them were even more spectacularly put together than Vicki was herself.

One in particular, an obviously tall, statuesque woman, part negro I should think judging by the colour of her skin and mass of jet black hair, had the most unbelievable pair of breasts I have ever seen photographed. And of course I had certainly never seen anything even vaguely like them in real life. So big that it would have taken both of my hands to hold just one of them, yet obviously, from the way they jutted out from her, really firm, with only a slight crease where the vast undersweep of them rejoined her rib-cage.

Then there was one who was her complete opposite, quite tiny, doll-like - I wondered if she was a ballet dancer, she had that almost fragile look about her that many dancers seem to have.

Vicki appeared with some of both the men and the girls, so as someone else must have taken those shots, there must have been some threesomes, or perhaps even groups but none of those were pictured, all the photos were either of a man or woman alone or one plus Vicki.

Some of the pictures were posed, most were not or at least didn't appear to be - far more 'action' shots than 'studio portraits'. The woman with the incredible breasts was posed, presumably to get the best angle for her phenomenal attributes and a few of the shots of some of the men were also - usually with their massive erection as the focal point of the picture - and in those cases I mean 'massive'!

But the vast majority and the really interesting photos were, as I said, action shots - and included every action I could think of, many that I hadn't thought possible and some in positions that I would have thought only professional acrobats could achieve!

Cocks in cunts, arses, mouths - between breasts, thighs - under arm-pits - in hands, feet, hair - and those were just the simple shots. An incredible range of gadgetry, from store-bought equipment to home-made and natural - fruit, vegetables, household items of every description, shape and size and things that wouldn't have occurred to me in my wildest imaginings.

There was a set of two I particularly remember. The first showed a guy with his erect cock immersed in a small aquarium - I've no idea what he had put on it but the goldfish obviously liked it because he had half a dozen of them avidly nibbling on it. The second showed the moment of ejaculation, his sperm forming a great milky plume as it jetted out into the water, the fish just starting to dart away from his cock as it pumped. I imagined the kick that Vicki would have got out of setting up for those pictures - and wondered if the fish liked semen in their drinking water as much as she said she liked it in her coffee.

While I had been looking through the pictures I had been aware of the steadily increasing size of my cock and, as I sat looking at those two, thinking about what Vicki would have been doing to get the guy's cock into that condition, I felt it lengthening and stiffening until I knew I had a full erection. I was still looking at them when Vicki brought in the meal she had prepared and as she carried the plates across to the table she saw what I was looking at.

'I thought you would like those, good aren't they.'

'They're certainly different.'

'Do you find them arousing?'

'Yes, for some reason I do.'

'So do I, there is something about them isn't there.'

'Who was he, someone special?'

'No, funnily enough I can't even remember his name now, it was two or three years ago. He was a guy I met on holiday, I only knew him for a couple of days - but we found we had a lot in common, sexually at least.'

'Where did you get the fish?'

She laughed. 'Those poor fish, they didn't like what we did to them. The hotel he was staying in had small fish tanks in some of the rooms, the photo makes it look bigger than it really was. I don't remember whose idea it was to take those, we did a lot of crazy things that week-end. Anyway, come and eat - it's all right, it's not fish!'

As we sat and ate I told her how I hadn't expected to see women included in her collection, adding that obviously there was no reason why there shouldn't be, it just hadn't occurred to me that there would be.

'I go through phases, I guess that I sometimes drift off into a relationship with a woman - for a while at least. It never lasts very long, I'm certainly not a confirmed lesbian - far from it!' she added with a laugh. 'But neither am I solely turned on by men - it depends on the circumstances. I don't suppose you've had a relationship with another man, have you?'

'No, I never have - and I must tell you, the thought doesn't do anything at all for me.'

'No I thought as much. Somehow it seems easier for a woman to have a dual sexuality than it is for a man - I've only met a couple of truly bi-sexual men. I don't know if it's in their basic make-up or if it's just the social pressures on being manly that make the difference. But I've met quite a few women who, while being essentially normal, in that they like sex with men, find it quite easy to have a casual fling with another woman, when the time and circumstances are right of course.

But even though sex with a woman can be very sweet, very pleasurable, nothing really takes the place of the feeling of fullness that comes from having a nice hard cock inside me.' she added with a meaningful smile.

'From the look of some of the cocks in your book you must have been filled to overflowing on several occasions - and I seem to remember you saying something about the fact that I needn't worry about the 'competition', my cock's nowhere near the size of some of those.'

She laughed. 'Yes a couple of them were spectacular weren't they - but I meant what I said about you not being concerned about your size. You have a gorgeous cock, both in size and shape - and you use it very efficiently too.' she added slowly.

'But size isn't that important you know, if all other things are equal, large is better than small of course - but the difference between normal and big isn't what it's all about. It really is how you treat a woman, not the size of the thing you end up pushing into her that makes the difference between good and bad sex - and though my attitude to sex is a bit different to many women's, that's still true for me too. I guess those really big cocks are similar to that woman with the fantastic tits - you couldn't have missed her picture in the book.' she added with a grin.

I grinned back at her, nodding 'I know the one you mean.'

'Well, you might fantasise about having sex with her, just to experience her tits - but if she turned you off in some way, or even failed to turn you on in spite of her shape - you wouldn't be bothered going back, just for the tits, would you?'

'No, that's true - I think.'

She laughed. 'Believe me, you wouldn't. Anyway, it's the same for a woman - no woman is going to stick around a man simply because he has big equipment - or throw over another just because he hasn't. It's more complex than that.'

'So, are you saying there has to be some level of emotional involvement for sex to work for you?'

'Not in the normal meaning, no. I mean it would be foolish to say that I am emotionally involved with you for instance - but the sex we have had together has been fantastic. But I do have to be comfortable in a man's company - or at least believe I will be, as I did the first time I met you, here with Kay and Lauren. If I hadn't felt then that you were someone I could like as a person, I'd never have even tried to start anything - and let's face it, at that stage I had no idea what sort of cock you had.'

'It didn't take you long to find out though did it.' I responded, recalling the way her hand had explored me while I was fixing the fuse.

'True, I've never believed in wasting time - life's too short. But you know what I mean. I'm sure you wouldn't have responded to me the way you did if you hadn't felt that you could get along with me too, you wouldn't have risked your relationship with Sue just for the sake of a quick fuck, would you?'

'With you, maybe.' I said, smiling. 'But of course I know what you mean and agree with you. I was curious to know how you felt, you have such a different approach to ensuring pleasure that I wondered if you had a different attitude. Anyway,' I continued. 'Where are the pictures of me? There weren't any in the book.'

'I wanted you to have the chance to see them first. But before that, I wondered which one of me you liked best.'

Although I had been more curious about the unusual photos I had obviously had a good look at the many that included Vicki, whether on her own or 'in action' - and there had been a good number of those! As we had by this time both finished eating I said. 'I'll need to refresh my memory - why don't we clear these things away then I can have another look and give you a better answer.'

We did just that, piling the dishes in the kitchen, taking our unfinished glasses of wine and the scrap-book over to the sofa and settling down beside each other. My erection had of course faded away during the meal but just sitting close beside her was enough to make me aware of its first, faint stirrings and as I opened the book and began to re-look at the pictures of Vicki I quickly felt it coming back to life.

There were plenty of her for me to choose from, some quite innocuous - fully clothed that is, presumably taken either before or after one of her adventures - she photographed well, and to be honest there were a couple in which she looked absolutely beautiful, whoever had taken those really knew how to handle a camera. But there were also plenty of the other type of pictures too - Vicki naked, in a variety of positions, some coyly sexual, some blatantly obscene. Vicki with a cock, a tongue, a hand, a variety of instruments - in various places. Vicki in control, Vicki submissive. Vicki with men, with women.

It was hard to choose - and I got harder while I was doing so. Finally I narrowed my selections down to two photos, one had been taken by whoever it was that handled the camera expertly - of Vicki fully dressed, wearing a light, summery blouse and skirt. The blouse showed off the full shape of her breasts and the photographer had positioned her so that the sunlight angled in from behind and to one side, silhouetting her legs through the thin material of the skirt. A light breeze ruffled her hair, which had been longer then and she was trying to keep it out of her eyes with one hand, laughing into the camera as she realised that in spite of her being unprepared, the photo was being taken.

The other was a close-up, looking down at her face and breasts - her nipples, swollen and erect, indicating her own arousal - her full lips, wet and gaping - her fingers grasping a very erect cock, its glossy head just about to slip into her mouth - her eyes, staring directly up into the camera lens, gave me the feeling that it was my eyes she was staring into, that it was my cock that was about to be taken between those succulent lips.

'These two.' I said finally, flipping the pages and pointing out my choices.

'I like your choice John. Rather conservative, but very flattering to me all the same.'

I grinned and said - 'I hadn't realised I was taking some kind of psychological test.'

She looked up smiling. 'No test - but obviously your personality is reflected in what you like, that can't be helped. Anyway, as I said, to me your choice shows that you see me as a person, not just as an object - and that's nice. Now I suppose you would like to see your own photos.'

'Yes please.'

She leaned over the arm of the sofa and picked up an envelope from off the floor, opening it she took out almost a dozen pictures and handed me just the top two. They were the ones taken unexpectedly, when I had been carrying the tray of coffee in from the kitchen. The first was the better, in the second my eyes were clenched tightly shut after the blinding flash of the first. As Vicki had been sitting down, my cock was level with the camera and she had caught it from side-on, I had never seen myself like that before and have to admit that the angle of the picture did make it look very big.

I glanced across at her and saw that she was staring at the picture but, sensing my movement she looked up hurriedly and there, in the depths of her eyes I was sure I saw just the faintest tint of green.

'I like that John, that's just how you looked as you came through the door - and maybe now you can see what I meant when I said that you didn't have to worry about the competition. You're very big!'

'It's partly the angle of the photo Vicki - but I agree it makes it look impressive.'

'That's what it looks like to me - and let me tell you that it isn't just that it looks big, it feels big when it's inside me!'

As she spoke she reached out one hand and slid it up my thigh until she found the hardened length of me and as her fingers closed around it I again caught a glimpse of the green fire flashing in her eyes.

'That's nice - I'm glad that this afternoon hasn't completely exhausted you.' she said with a grin, then added as she handed be the rest of the photos. 'But if you think those pictures make you look big, wait until you see some of these.'


Chapter 9

Getting His Own Back

They were spectacular - and even though I felt very odd, looking at myself as I had been that afternoon, strapped and belted, tied to the tree, it was very apparent from the look of my cock that I had been enormously aroused by the situation. The harness-like straps that Vicki had put around and beneath my cock and balls supported and lifted them and the angle she had used for some of the shots exaggerated things even more - but, even allowing for that - I was still massive. Then I remembered that in fact all the photos had been taken before she had left me alone, with the scarf draped over me - and, recalling the effect the combination of it, the anticipation of what was to follow and what had actually happened later had had on me. I wondered just how big it had been by the time I had fucked her.

As if reading my thoughts she said. 'I only wish I had been able to get a photo of you just as you were about to do it to me - you were even bigger by then John.'

'That's not really surprising, given what you had done to me by then Vicki.'

'I only left you alone for a bit - and remembered to protect your undefended cock from insects or sunburn.' she answered with a wicked grin.

'Obviously knowing exactly what the scarf was going to do to me.' I responded.

'I thought you would like that, I'm glad I was right. As I said, I'm only sorry I didn't stop to take another picture but I was so hot for you by then that photos were the last thing I was thinking about - I just couldn't wait to have you.'

'That's not like you Vicki, I thought you said that anticipation was the thing.' I said mockingly.

She laughed. 'Fair enough - but then you have to allow for the fact that I had been 'anticipating' all morning. And I think you'll agree with me now, the anticipation did make it better, for both of us, didn't it.'

'No argument about that - it was phenomenal.'

Her fingers had continued to hold and, from time to time squeeze my cock and that, plus the memories of the afternoon's events and sensations had by that time given me, as Vicki could obviously feel, a full scale erection.

'John, fair's fair - I've now got some great pictures of you, would you like one of me?'

It was the last thing I expected her to say - but the thought immediately appealed to me.

'Yes, that would be nice Vicki. I'd have to be careful where I kept it though wouldn't I. Do you have some for me to choose from?'

'I thought you might like to take your own.'

Again she caught me off guard. Though I was no expert with a camera, the thought of being able to pose her as I wanted to brought a host of ideas pouring into my head, many of which I immediately realised were either physically impossible or simply impracticable. Still, others weren't!

'That sounds interesting.' I answered. 'Did you have anything particular in mind?'

'Well, that's up to you but you could take them in my bed-room if you like. You'd have to decide what you would like me to wear, unless of course you don't want me wearing anything at all.' she added cheekily. 'As I said, it's up to you really.'

'Give me a few minutes to think about it - I might just have another look through your book, see if I get any ideas from that.'

'O.K. - there's one condition though, you have to be stripped, so I can look at you while you're taking the photos.' she said, giving my cock another squeeze. 'But -' she added as she got up off the sofa. 'just to give you an idea of course, you might like me to wear something like this.' Having said that she moved a few paces away from the sofa - then, turning her back to me, unzipped the house-coat, stepped out of it, turned back round to face me and then walked slowly round in a small circle so that I could see her from all angles.

All that time, underneath the house-coat she had been wearing the classic outfit of male fantasies. Black silk and lace with small touches of red here and there, a bow, a piece of threaded ribbon. The bra, half cups that lifted and supported the weight of her breasts yet left most of them available. The panties, a minute triangle that barely managed to cover the fleshy bulge of her delta and a g-string that left the full globes of her buttocks naked. A series of thin strips of black lace and red ribbon formed a suspender belt that served to highlight the smooth whiteness of her thighs as well as supporting the sheer, black nylons that covered the rest of her long legs.

I felt her eyes watching as she paraded for me, taking in my every reaction to the exciting sight of her, reactions that made my mouth dry, my hands damp and my cock even more uncomfortable within the confines of my pants. Then, after a minute or two of that she took me by the hand and said. 'Come on through to my bed-room.'

As I followed her across the room and through a door-way my eyes were fixed on the rolling sway of her naked arse-cheeks, the sight of them instantly bringing back the memory of how it had felt when I'd had my cock plunging deep between them that afternoon.

Her room was furnished and decorated in pink and white, with touches shading down to dark rose colours. The enormous bed took up a large proportion of the room and immediately gave me ideas about the two of us soon, I hoped, being spread nakedly over it. In addition to the usual bed-room furniture there were mirrors everywhere, reflecting other parts of the room and the image of us standing there hand in hand. Mirrors on the walls, mirrors included in the furniture - I looked up, half expecting to even see a mirror on the ceiling.

She let go of my hand and walked across to the window then, looping the draw-cord of the full length curtains tightly around her wrists she turned and, spreading her legs wide apart, lifted her arms high above her head and stood back against the curtains. Their reflected colour made her skin appear to glow and I saw that the red cord around her wrists matched the decorative bows and ribbons on her skimpy outfit.

'I thought you might like something like this - just an idea of course John.' she said in a husky voice. Then, freeing herself, she sprang up on to the bed and spread-eagled herself, so that I was staring directly up between her legs, to where I could clearly see outlined by the thin silk, the pouting shape of her pussy-lips 'Or maybe you might like to tie me down like this. But don't let me influence you, it's your choice.' she added with a knowing smile.
