Elaine on the Run Ch. 02


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Kristy was hot and ready.‭ ‬This was turning into a great start to the day.

‭"Roll over, slut," Kristy told her submissive pet.

‭"Yes, Mistress," Elaine obeyed and Kristy could see the tears running from her beautiful blue eyes.

Kristy climbed up on the bed then put one leg on either side of Elaine's head and began rubbing her pussy into Elaine's mouth.‭ ‬Elaine had not planned on having her day started by being spanked then having another woman's crotch shoved into her face,‭ ‬but she was enough of a slave to be able to adapt.‭ ‬Elaine opened her mouth and began licking as Kristy fucked her face.‭ ‬Elaine's hands reached up and cupped Kristy's tight ass,‭ ‬she felt the muscles ripple as Kristy ground down on her.‭ ‬Elaine looked up and saw Kristy's large,‭ ‬firm breasts bouncing in time to her motion.‭ ‬Elaine was a slave and this was how slaves started their day.

Kristy grabbed Elaine's hair with both hands and came with a loud cry of grunts and obscenities.‭ ‬She ground her wet pussy into Elaine's mouth a few more times and finished.‭ ‬Finally,‭ ‬she stopped,‭ ‬smiled down at her captive and climbed off.

‭"You know, Elaine," Kristy said as she wiped her crotch with a hand towel, "I think I could start every day like this". Elaine did not answer, she had just woken up and had already been forced to pleasure Kristy. It did not bode well for her day. "I am going to go do some things, you are not coming along," Kristy said as she dressed. "I will be doing some things to you later, so be ready for me."

"Yes,‭ ‬Mistress.‭" ‬Elaine answered.‭ "‬Mistress‭?"

"Yes,‭ ‬slave‭?"

"I'm hungry.‭ ‬May I please go eat‭?"

"Didn't you just eat‭?" ‬Kristy taunted.‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬of course you may get some food,‭" ‬Kristy pulled out a couple of‭ ‬20s and a room key and left them on the dresser.‭ ‬Elaine had her own money,‭ ‬but she knew that this was another little ploy by Kristy to remind her who was in charge.‭ "‬As soon as you get back,‭ ‬get naked and wait for me.‭ ‬I want that hot little body ready.‭" ‬Kristy blew Elaine a kiss and left.

Elaine took off her collar and took a shower,‭ ‬hot water this time,‭ ‬brushed her teeth to get the taste of Kristy out of her mouth then dressed in shorts and a blouse.‭ ‬She did not wear underwear,‭ ‬but she left the collar off.‭ ‬She thought it did not go well with her outfit,‭ ‬would attract too much attention and Kristy did not specifically tell her to wear it.

Elaine had a quick lunch,‭ ‬she hit the food court rather then the coffee shop.‭ ‬She did not want to get bogged down in the buffet line or at one of the high end restaurants and did not want to risk running into anyone at the coffee shop who might remember her being led in on a leash.‭ ‬She ate well,‭ ‬but hurried back to the room.‭ ‬She did not know how many people had seen her last night and wanted to sink back into her anonymity.

Back at the room,‭ ‬she stripped and decided to take another nap.‭ ‬Being Kristy's fuck toy was tiring and she needed her rest.‭ ‬Before she lay down,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬she got all her stuff together.‭ ‬She did not know how long Kristy intended to keep her before she was let go,‭ ‬but Elaine wanted to be ready when that happened.‭ ‬She found her clothes in the duffel along with her purse.‭ ‬Kristy had left her phone,‭ ‬money ID and credit cards in there.‭ ‬Elaine turned the phone on,‭ ‬checked for a message from Roy and turned it off disappointed when there was none.‭ ‬She was still on her own.‭ ‬She curled up under the covers and dozed off.

The phone rang and Elaine quickly awoke from her sleep.‭ ‬She bounced up and,‭ ‬still groggy,‭ ‬answered it on the fourth ring.

‭"Hello, slut," it was Kristy. Elaine had no idea who else it could have been. "I assume you were sleeping and resting up for what else I plan to do; or in this case, have done to you. Listen up. You are naked, if not, get naked and I will punish you later. Put on your collar, nothing else, no shoes, nothing but your collar. Got it so far?"

Elaine's heart was racing.‭ ‬She was afraid and turned on at the same time.‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬Mistress,‭ ‬collar only.‭"

"Good.‭ ‬You're a bright little piece of ass.‭ ‬Leave your room key on the dresser.‭ ‬Go out the door‭; ‬yes,‭ ‬naked‭; ‬go to the right.‭ ‬Go to the stairwell.‭ ‬Come up to the sixteenth floor and go to room‭ ‬1614.‭ ‬You will be here in five minutes.‭" ‬Kristy hung up.

Elaine took a deep breath,‭ ‬was she really going to go through with this‭? ‬She started putting on her collar while she thought it over.‭ ‬She could just run now,‭ ‬but Kristy had the valet check to the car and she needed the car,‭ ‬both for mobility and for the box she had to take to Monon.‭ ‬She had to stick around and see this through so Kristy would give it back to her.‭ ‬Elaine knew the other reason she was going to do this,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬She was going to do this because she was a slave and this excited her.

Elaine tried to calm herself,‭ ‬but it was no use and she was wasting time.‭ ‬She set the key down on the dresser,‭ ‬like she was told, and walked to the door.‭ ‬First,‭ ‬she looked out the peephole:‭ ‬no one right in front of the door.‭ ‬She cracked the door and stuck her head out:‭ ‬the coast was clear.‭ ‬Slowly,‭ ‬trying to be as quiet as possible,‭ ‬she stepped out into the hallway.‭ ‬She held the door from closing,‭ ‬got her last bit of courage up,‭ ‬and let the door latch behind her.‭ ‬Now she was committed.‭ ‬She was naked in the hallway and had no way of getting back into her room.‭ ‬She sprinted for the stairs,‭ ‬her bare feet making no noise on the carpeted floor.‭ ‬She heard one door start to open,‭ ‬but was through the door to the stairs before anyone came into the hallway.

Elaine counted floors as she ran up.‭ ‬She was glad she kept in shape,‭ ‬but when she got to what she thought was the right floor,‭ ‬she saw that she was on‭ ‬17.‭ ‬That's right,‭ ‬she thought ruefully,‭ ‬casinos always skipped unlucky‭ ‬13‭ ‬for their floors.‭ ‬Elaine ran back down a flight to‭ ‬16,‭ ‬opened the door a bit and peaked out.‭ ‬She could see‭ ‬1614‭ ‬down the hall,‭ ‬it was clear to there,‭ ‬but past it a couple of men were talking outside another room.‭ ‬Elaine wanted to wait,‭ ‬but they did not seem like they were going anywhere soon.‭ ‬She had to go,‭ ‬she was running out of time.

She took another deep breath and ran down the hall,‭ ‬trying to cover herself with her hands as best she could while still running.‭ ‬She was at the door to‭ ‬1614‭ ‬before the two men noticed her.‭ ‬While she was relieved,‭ ‬she thought that their obliviousness was funny.‭ ‬Here was a beautiful,‭ ‬naked woman running down the hall and they barely saw her.‭ ‬She knocked on the door and it opened a little,‭ ‬Elaine pushed her way inside and the door closed behind her.‭ ‬She was done with that part,‭ ‬but what was next‭?

The room was much like their own,‭ ‬but Elaine could tell from the smell and the clutter that this was a man's room.‭ ‬The curtains were closed and the room dark,‭ ‬but she could see two men sitting on the couch,‭ ‬staring at her.‭ ‬Kristy was beside her,‭ ‬holding the handle to the door and looking at her watch.

‭"Just in time, slut," Kristy said. "Elaine, meet Frank and John. They are married, but what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. They saw me leading you around last night and found me playing blackjack. It turns out both of them are a little kinky, but their wives are not. They asked about you and I told them I had this delicious piece of ass they could have a good time with. I want to watch you get fucked, slut. I've seen you suck cock and get used by me, but I want to watch these guys take turns on you." She turned to the two men. "Frank and Roy, this is Elaine, but you can call her 'slut' or 'slave', both are accurate. Wear condoms, I don't want you guys leaving a mess in my slave. And leave her mouth alone, that belongs to me. Don't forget to fuck her in the ass, she loves that."

Elaine looked at the two men.‭ ‬Both were in their early‭ ‬30s and both were about‭ ‬6‭' ‬tall.‭ ‬Frank had blue eyes with short,‭ ‬wavy red hair‭; ‬he had his shirt off and Elaine could see red chest hair,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬She got a little wetter at that,‭ ‬Amanda had conditioned her to go for redheads.‭ ‬John had brown eyes and short brown hair.‭ ‬Both could be considered handsome,‭ ‬but since they were going to be fucking her anyway,‭ ‬Elaine did not think it mattered.‭ ‬Both looked like they spent a lot of time working out,‭ ‬they were ripped.‭ ‬John was wearing a tank-top and his arms were covered with tattoos.‭ ‬Neither had a beard and both were staring at her with undisguised lust.‭ ‬Elaine wanted to run,‭ ‬but she knew she could not and she knew she was getting wet just thinking about what was going to happen to her.

‭"See, slave, this is what your life would be like with me," Kristy held Elaine's collar. "Lots of eating my pussy then I'd find random men to fuck you. Doesn't that sound like fun?" She hooked the leash on and gave it to Frank. "Have fun, guys. Don't be gentle, she likes it rough."

Frank pulled Elaine to him,‭ ‬he held the leash with one hand while his other grabbed her ass.‭ ‬Elaine looked him in the eyes as he pawed at her.‭ ‬She tried to understand him,‭ ‬to get some feel for him as a person before he violated her.‭ ‬He roughly played with her ass,‭ ‬spreading her cheeks and grabbing a handful of her flesh.‭ ‬He kept his grip on the leash,‭ ‬but pushed her back far enough to paw at her breasts.‭ ‬He kept muttering to himself‭ "‬hell,‭ ‬yeah‭" ‬while he fondled her.‭ ‬Elaine stood there and took this,‭ ‬not responding and not fighting.

Frank could not believe he was getting to do this.‭ ‬He and John came to Las Vegas one weekend a year,‭ ‬ostensibly for a‭ "‬guys weekend‭"‬,‭ ‬but really just to screw around on their wives.‭ ‬Frank loved his wife,‭ ‬but she was such a little prude and he had appetites that went beyond missionary position.‭ ‬So he and John came to Vegas,‭ ‬sometimes they picked up women,‭ ‬sometimes they paid prostitutes,‭ ‬but they were going to get laid while they were here.‭ ‬Last night they had struck out with a couple of cute cousins from Florida and it looked like the weekend might end up in prostitutes again.‭ ‬He and John had both watched with amazement when they saw Kristy leading her beautiful slave around the casino on a leash.

This morning they saw Kristy come down to the casino and do a little gambling.‭ ‬Frank had approached her and asked if she and‭ "‬her friend‭" ‬might like to have some fun.‭ ‬Kristy had smiled and said that she did not normally get into men,‭ ‬but she might be interested in letting them have some fun with her slave.‭ ‬Frank thought she was going to ask for money,‭ ‬but she just wanted to make sure that he and John were going to be rough enough with her.‭ ‬She refused money,‭ "‬she's a slut,‭ ‬not a whore,‭" ‬Kristy had explained.

The three of them went back to Frank and John's room.‭ ‬John was still a little skeptical that Kristy could deliver and kept pestering her.‭ ‬Finally she said‭ "‬I guarantee you I will have a naked woman you guys can fuck here in five minutes.‭" ‬Kristy made the call and a few minutes later Elaine arrived.‭ ‬John shut up.‭

Frank let go of Elaine and handed her a condom.‭ "‬Put it on,‭" ‬he told her.

‭"Yes, sir," with trembling hands, Elaine opened the wrapper. She was helping him get ready to violate her body, she was a participant in this. She unwrapped it, rolling it down his cock. He was good sized, not huge, but above average.

Frank smiled after she finished.‭ ‬Suddenly he picked her up and threw her on the bed.‭ ‬Elaine started to scramble away on her back,‭ ‬but he grabbed the leash.‭ ‬He was on top of her and rammed his hard cock into her tight pussy.‭ ‬He grabbed her shoulders and started fucking Elaine.‭ ‬He was fast and rough,‭ ‬hammering away at her.‭ ‬She yelled out as he took her,‭ ‬forcing himself on her.‭ ‬Behind her she heard John urging him on,‭ "‬fuck that slut‭! ‬Fuck her hard‭!"

Elaine could barely catch her breath as Frank used her.‭ ‬He kept it up and Elaine was gradually able to get wet enough that it did not hurt as much,‭ ‬but she was still sore from Kristy.‭ ‬Frank slowed and stopped and turned to Kristy.‭ "‬Give me those handcuffs,‭" ‬he said to her.‭ ‬Kristy brought them over but kept them while Frank continued to slowly fuck Elaine.‭ "‬I like‭ '‬em tied up.‭"

"How do you ask‭?" ‬Kristy chided him.

‭"Please give me those hand cuffs so I can tie this hot little piece of ass up," Frank answered.

‭"That's better," Kristy smiled and handed him the handcuffs.

Frank slid out of Elaine,‭ ‬tears ran down her face as she looked up at the man who was savagely using her body.

‭"Turn over, slut," he ordered. "On your knees, face on the bed, hands behind you."

Elaine did as she was told and he cuffed her hands together.‭ ‬He rubbed her ass for a minute.‭ "‬Wow,‭ ‬she's branded‭!" ‬Frank commented.

‭"Yeah, her owner did that," Kristy said.

‭"So she really is slave?" Frank asked.

‭"Why don't you tell him, Elaine?" Kristy answered.

‭"Yes, sir," Elaine said, her voice muffled by the bed, "I am a slave."

"That is too fucking hot,‭" ‬Frank said and bored back into Elaine.‭ ‬He grabbed her hair with one hand and fucked her harder now,‭ ‬each thrust pushing her face into the bed.‭ ‬She moaned and came,‭ ‬surrendering to this violation like she had all the others.‭ ‬Frank grunted,‭ ‬dug his fingers into her hips,‭ ‬slammed a few more times into her and came,‭ ‬too.

No sooner had Frank pulled out of her then John took his place.‭ ‬He was not as big as John,‭ ‬nor did he last as long,‭ ‬but he gave Elaine another good,‭ ‬hard fucking.‭ ‬He smacked her ass and hips as he pounded away at her.‭ ‬All the while he kept saying things like‭ "‬take it,‭ ‬slut.‭ ‬Gonna fuck you hard,‭ ‬you little bitch.‭" ‬Elaine bit the covers to keep from crying out as he roughly took her.‭ ‬She looked over to Kristy,‭ ‬she stared at Elaine with a smile on her face,‭ ‬enjoying every second of Elaine's debasement.

John finished with a flurry,‭ ‬jack hammering into Elaine's sore,‭ ‬wet pussy and cumming with a low,‭ ‬sighing moan.‭ ‬Elaine glared at Kristy as John pulled out of her.‭ ‬Kristy was making her do this,‭ ‬making her be a fuck toy for these two men neither had met more than a few hours ago.‭ ‬How much worse could Sam be‭? ‬she wondered.‭ ‬She sighed deeply,‭ ‬she missed Roy.

John and Frank were standing and chatting with Kristy,‭ ‬laughing about what they had just done to Elaine and getting ready for what they were going to do next.‭ ‬Elaine stayed the way she was on the bed,‭ ‬face down and ass up.‭ ‬Her butt and hips stung from John's spanking,‭ ‬her pussy ached from what had been done to it since Kristy had taken her.‭ ‬She rested,‭ ‬she knew that they were going to do her ass next and even if she resisted,‭ ‬they would force her.

They were having some drinks,‭ ‬it looked like gin and tonics while they chatted.‭ ‬Kristy was telling them about how she first met Elaine,‭ ‬naked and waiting to be collared.‭ ‬She gave them graphic details about how she raped Elaine and how Elaine came when she did.‭ "‬The next day her owner was so mad at her,‭ ‬he made her eat my pussy again.‭ ‬She's a hell of a muff diver.‭ ‬After that she blew him then he took her off to a gang bang.‭"

Elaine could see both men were getting hard again.

‭"Where's her owner now?" Frank asked.

‭"Oh, somewhere," Kristy answered with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry about him, though. He likes letting other men fuck her. So, are you guys ready to fuck her in the ass?"

"Yeah‭!" ‬Frank answered.

‭"Hell, yeah!" John seconded.

They started back towards Elaine.‭ ‬She tried to scoot away from them but Frank grabbed her by the collar.‭ ‬She felt John get in behind her when Kristy stopped them.‭ "‬Boys,‭ ‬our little slave needs to get lubed up first.‭ ‬Uncuff her hands.‭" ‬John was a little disappointed but he took the key from Kristy and removed the handcuffs from Elaine's wrists.

Kristy sat down beside Elaine on the bed.‭ ‬Kristy kissed her captive then handed Elaine a bottle of lube.‭ "‬Get yourself ready,‭ ‬slave,‭" ‬Kristy told her.‭ "‬Both of these men are going to take you from behind.‭ ‬I want you to lube yourself up for them.‭ ‬If you don't do it right,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬you know what will happen.‭"

Elaine was shocked.‭ ‬She had been raped in the ass many times,‭ ‬but she had never had to get herself ready,‭ ‬someone else always did that for her.‭ ‬Now she was being asked to be a willing,‭ ‬active participant in this.‭ ‬She was tempted to refuse to do it out of principle,‭ ‬but she knew how much more it hurt to get dry fucked,‭ ‬J.J.‭ ‬had reminded her of that.‭ ‬She took the bottle of lube and lay down on her stomach.‭ ‬She was not even sure of the best way to do this.‭ ‬She saw John and Frank,‭ ‬their cocks hard and at attention,‭ ‬waiting for her.‭ ‬Elaine reached back and squirted some lube onto her rectum,‭ ‬her aim was not perfect and a lot of it slid down her crack.‭ ‬She squirted some more on her fingers and stuck two of them into her ass.‭ ‬She tried to remember what it felt like when she had been stretched and lubed well.‭ ‬She squirted more in and rubbed it in.‭ ‬It took a couple of minutes,‭ ‬but she thought she was as ready as she was going to be.

‭"All set, slut?" Kristy asked her.

‭"Yes, Mistress."

"Okay,‭ ‬who's first‭?" ‬Kristy asked the men.

A quick game of rock-paper-scissors ensued with John winning two out of three with a rock to Frank's scissors on the tie breaker.‭ ‬The way they did it without saying a word told Elaine that they had done this many times before to settle arguments.

Kristy pulled Elaine off the bed by her collar.‭ "‬Now,‭ ‬get him ready,‭" ‬Kristy told her.‭ ‬Elaine saw the lube and a condom on the dresser.‭ ‬She got on her knees and unrolled the condom,‭ ‬slowly,‭ ‬until it was all the way down his shaft,‭ ‬the shaft that was soon going to be inside her.‭ ‬She opened the lube and squirted some on his cock,‭ ‬spreading it and rubbing it with her hands.‭ ‬He closed his eyes and enjoyed the hand job he was getting for a moment.‭ ‬Elaine was hoping to finish as much of the job as possible this way,‭ ‬but John was having none of it.‭ ‬He pulled her up by the collar and turned her around,‭ ‬facing the wall.‭ ‬He pushed her against the wall and put her hands against the wall above her shoulders.

Kristy leaned on the wall next to Elaine,‭ ‬her brown eyes intently studying Elaine's pretty face.‭ ‬John gripped her collar with one hand and with the other guided his cock to Elaine's soft cheeks and the small brown hole between.‭ ‬Elaine tried to relax,‭ ‬to open herself to him as she felt the pressure build.‭ ‬She started to rise up on her toes,‭ ‬but John pulled the collar down.‭ ‬He pushed and Elaine felt her resistance give way as he pushed inside her.‭ ‬She moaned,‭ ‬closing her eyes and tilting her head back as he slowly slid the rest of the way into her.‭ ‬Kristy kissed Elaine on the cheek and caressed her neck.

‭"Goddamn, she's fucking tight, what an amazing ass," John said as she started to fuck her slowly, feeling her ass clenching on his invading cock. He shifted his hands down to her hips and began speeding up. Elaine moaned in pain as he started to really pound her ass. He started to lift Elaine off her feet with each powerful thrust.

Kristy was beside Elaine,‭ ‬intently studying her face as she was violated.‭ ‬The brunette began sliding her hand down Elaine's chest,‭ ‬over her stomach and found her abused pussy.‭ ‬She briefly fingered Elaine's wet slit,‭ ‬but only to get her fingers wet enough to attack Elaine's engorged clit.‭ ‬She squeezed and rubbed the little bud as John slammed into her over and over.‭ ‬Elaine did not even try to resist,‭ ‬she welcomed the orgasm as some reward,‭ ‬some relief for taking John's cock up her ass.‭ ‬She came before he did,‭ ‬but Kristy was able to prolong the orgasm until John's last,‭ ‬violent thrusts were done.