Les Vampyres


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What a stunning moment it had been. Jane was left mute and dumbstruck. Her husband Eric was speaking. Her husband was introducing Jane to Tony, but Jane had drowned her husband's words out.

Jane only meant to say hi and then move on. It was going to be quick hello, nice to meet you and then it was going to be over. Jane intended making a move on the 19 year old later on, once everyone was drunk and their critical skills were impaired. The first meeting, however, was neither casual nor quick as far as Jane was concerned. She locked eyes on Tony and was struck dumb. She finally dragged her gaze off Tony, turned to Eric and grinned at her husband a few silent seconds later.

Jane watched her husband's lips move, but Eric was speaking meaningless gibberish to her. Jane turned back to the young man standing in front of her. Tony was grinning. Tony and Jane were looking at each other and then back at Eric. The gibberish pouring from Jane's husband vanished. Eric was silent though his mouth continued to form words. The background noise coming from the party guests disappeared. The music stopped. It was just Jane and Tony standing there and watching each other.

Tony laughed at Jane. She broke into a grin. Her face felt hot. She dropped her eyes and noticed Tony had offered his hand to her. Jane played with her hair. She thrust her own arm out and took Tony's hand in hers. A visible jolt ran through her as skin caressed skin. Tony's eyes lit up. Tony laughed again.

Jane smiled. Tony was looking at Eric. Tony and Jane were still holding each other's hand. Tony turned back to her. Jane gazed up at Tony as she unconsciously stroked his fingers with her thumb.

How beautiful, Jane thought to herself, finally regaining her mind. Tony had short dark hair, large black eyes and a beautiful smile. Jane wasn't sure how tall Tony was. He stood at least two feet taller than her. Tony was a stunning male with tanned skin and a strong, well built body.

Tony actually waved his free hand in front of Jane's glazed eyes. Tony got her attention. Jane let go of Tony's hand.

Jane happened to cast a sideways glance at her husband. Eric had stopped talking and was looking at his wife with a grin on his face. He was shaking his head. Jane suddenly left her dream world and came back to earth with a soft thud. The noise from the party assailed her ears once more. She gently gasped. Her manipulative mind raced.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jane softly stated, while Tony and Eric burst into laughter, winked at each other and then turned back to her. "I'm a bit scatter-brained and vacant right now - did you say your name was Tony?"

Eric and Tony broke into more laughter. Tony nodded. Tony stepped in, reached out and ran his hand over Jane's bare shoulder and arm. Eric's eyes lit up. His beautiful wife was entranced by the big 19 year old man opposite her. It was a bold move. He was touching her. Jane grinned at Tony.

"That's right, my name's Tony," he softly said, while Jane smiled and watched Tony's hand slide around her waist, before she looked up into his eyes as he took another step forward.

"Mmmm, nice approach, Tony," Jane said. "You're certainly not shy around women. I really like that."

"Thanks, I like the ladies."

"Yeah, so I've heard."

Jane licked her upper lip with the tip of her tongue. She was breathing in a shallow way. She looked up at Tony's handsome facial features with a calm 'let's go somewhere and have sex' expression on her face. He gazed down at her. Jane instantly knew Tony wanted her. Jane wanted to fuck Tony and Tony wanted to fuck her. She knew Tony was only 19, but she didn't care. She knew she was married to Eric and was a mother of two, but again she didn't care. Jane wanted to fuck Tony and that was that. Jane was going to have Tony one way or another. Hopefully Jane could convince Tony to become her lover and then the father of her third child. Eric was going to get what he wanted. Jane took a step forward. Tony reached out and softly ran his fingers through her hair. Jane smiled up at him. Eric's eyes lit up again.

Eric looked around. He noticed a few of his guests watching Tony and his wife playing together. Brad and Brad's beautiful younger wife, Christine were watching the flirtation between Jane and Tony. Eric could see Christine slowly running her eyes over Brad's good looking youngest son. Eric knew Christine wanted her stepson. Eric also noticed Tony's oldest brother, Darren and his sexy wife, Jacqui. Tony's sister-in-law was also showing a lot of interest in the 19 year old. Eric felt light headed. All the blood in his body seemed to race towards his small dick. Could it be possible? Did all three women really want Tony? Was Jane right: would the three females arrange to go to bed with Tony all together at once?

"Lucky damned kid," Eric hissed.

"You smell so good, honey," Jane whispered up at Tony, before slowly inhaling his scent. "You're such a man. I love your aroma."

"You as well, Jane," Tony softly said, inhaling her perfume and her body cream. "You smell good enough to eat with chocolate sauce and sprinkles. You look like dessert."

Jane laughed. Eric laughed. Tony was more confident and seductive than Jane first imagined him to be.

"I'm glad you approve, honey," Jane said. "Do you like my hair pinned up like it is now or do you think it should be down?"

"I like it up," Tony replied, "it looks beautiful and elegant pinned up. You look divine, you look sophisticated, Jane."

"And do you like my dress, Tony," Jane asked him, gently breaking free of him and then turning from one side to the other.

The horny 19 year old guy ran his eyes over the 42 year old female in front of him. Jane was wearing a short, tight cocktail dress. She wore sheer stockings and heels. Her face was beautifully made up. Her jewelry flashed. She was gorgeous.

"Well, what do you think," Jane asked, stepping in and inviting Tony to drop his eyes and run his gaze between the tops of her pale breasts.

"We may need to cut this short: everyone in the room, including Brad and Christine is watching," Eric hissed in his wife's ear, after leaning in. "You can butter him up and arrange a first date later on."

Jane nodded. Her eyes were still on Tony. The horny 19 year old was running his gaze over her cleavage just as she intended. She had her arm around Tony's waist and was thrusting her boobs out. Jane stood up on her toes. She whispered in Tony's ear.

"I'm not wearing any underwear tonight, honey."

Tony softly gasped and grinned. Jane withdrew from his ear. Their lips were so close. Tony only needed to advance a few inches and he would have been able to kiss Eric's hot-wife. She was watching his mouth and he was watching hers. Tony looked befuddled and overwhelmed. It was the ideal time to desert him.

"Oh my God, okay, okay, c'mon Jane, time to move on, stop drooling," Eric stated, while taking his wife's hand in his. "C'mon Jane, there's more people I want to introduce you to."

"For sure," Jane said, "and you, Mister handsome 19 years old - I'll talk to you later."

Jane turned her head and stared at Tony as her husband ushered her off towards the bar. Tony really was such a gorgeous young man. She sighed. Tony grinned and slowly ran his eyes over her body. Jane noticed Christine and Jacqui as she passed by them on her way to the bar. All three women grinned and blew kisses at each other.

"Ladies, we have to catch up," Jane said, smiling, motioning in Tony's direction with her head. "We have a lot to talk about and arrange. I'll grab a drink and join you soon."

"Absolutely," Jacqui said, while Christine nodded. The two women turned back to Tony after Jane passed by.

"Honey, that young man has the hots for me, big time," Jane stated as Eric directed her away. "I'm going to have him no matter what and that's a promise."

"Yes, yes, definitely, we'll make that happen, Jane."

"Good, darling, I appreciate your support," Jane murmured, and then she sighed happily.

Jane was suddenly brought back to earth. It was the present. She was sitting on a stool, at a bar, in a luxurious five star hotel in downtown Manhattan. The barman was speaking to her. He was still polishing glasses.

"You know, if this fool of a guy doesn't show up, then maybe you and I could have a drink together. I finish work in less than an hour."

Jane grinned. She sipped her scotch. The barman was a hot young black man half her age. Jane liked his look. Jane was so horny. The barman did come across as a more than acceptable consolation prize if Tony didn't show up.

"Maybe, we'll see, honey," Jane softly said, smiling, then finishing her drink and continuing to speak, "but for now how about pouring me another scotch."

"For sure," the bartender stated with a grin. "Of course, I'll pour you another double Glen 18...," the barman said, searching for the beautiful white woman's name.

Jane softly laughed. He was attractive.

"Yes, please, and my name is Jane and...," she replied, searching for the black barman's name.

"It's Jerome."

"Okay thanks, Jerome, lovely to meet you," Jane said, offering her slim hand to the sexy black guy for him to softly shake.

The drink arrived. Jane picked it up and sipped. Jane slipped back into her memories.

Jane remembered standing at the bar with Jacqui and Christine. She was at the same party. She had pointedly ignored Tony most of the night. She had spoken with her husband's other guests and not looked in Tony's direction even once. Jane knew he would seek her out. Tony wanted her. Jane was sure of that. The young 19 year old now needed to make the effort.

Jane was standing at the bar and talking with Jacqui and Christine when Tony appeared. Jane didn't turn her head, but she knew Tony had arrived. Jane could sense his presence. She was hyper-aware of him. He was standing right next to her after pushing his way through the throng. Eric was elsewhere. Jane's husband was standing in another part of the room amongst a crowd of noisy people. Jane assumed they were talking about work. Jane turned her head and watched her husband as she drank. Tony was right there by her side. Eric was watching her. Eric was watching Tony. He motioned at Jane with his head. He was pointing out what Jane already knew - Tony was there.

The beautiful 42 year old turned slightly. Tony was behind her. Jane took a short step back. She came into contact with the 19 year old male. She was still chatting with Jacqui and Christine as she did it. She was still drinking her glass of vodka and orange. She was pressed right up against Tony. The three women continued chatting, but all three females were aware of Tony and sensed the 19 year olds sexual hunger.

Jane was laughing loudly. She grew animated. She gulped her drink down. She reached out and ran her hand over Jacqui's arm as they shared a joke. Tony's sister-in-law stepped in closer. Jane wondered if Tony was watching Jacqui and Christine as well. She assumed so. Eric was grinning. Jane noticed the look on her husband's face. Eric knew his wife was game playing. He noticed that Jacqui was joining in as well.

"Oh my God, that's so funny, Jac," Jane exclaimed with a grin on her flushed facial features, while she pressed and rubbed her body up against Tony's hard cock, "I remember that so well!"

Tony softly sighed. Tony reached out and placed his free hand on Jane's hip. She didn't move. She didn't change her tone of voice or the subject of conversation. Tony wondered if his hot looking stepmother and his sister-in-law noticed the body contact between Jane and himself. Jane was laughing and enthusiastically chatting. She was nodding her head as if she was enthralled by the jokes she was sharing with her two female friends. Tony, meanwhile, was pushing his hard dick into Jane from behind.

Tony carefully reached out and placed his hand on Jane's shoulder. Eric noted the move and smiled. Jane watched Jacqui and Christine. They were suddenly silent. They were both grinning and watching Tony. Jane wasn't speaking. A soft smile spread across Jane's face and her eyes lit up. Jane refused to turn around for a moment. Eric was the one who was watching Tony.

"Give me your phone number, Jane," Tony whispered directly into her ear from behind, his hot breath flooding her and making her tingle.

"Excuse me, Mister gorgeous 19 years old, I'm speaking to your stepmother and your sister-in-law right now," Jane replied, talking to Tony over her shoulder, while Jacqui and Christine stepped in closer.

Tony put his drink down on the bar. He placed the palms of both his hands on Jane's hips. She continued to rub her body against the 19 year olds cock. He took a firm hold of her moving form. He pressed his hard erection into her.

"C'mon, stop teasing me," Tony insisted, "and give me your number."

Jane grinned and sighed as the 19 year old grinded against her. Jane finally turned and looked up into Tony's face. He was standing so close to her. He was now stroking her dark red hair. She was running her hands over his chest. She was still pressed right up against him. It was noisy. People were swirling all about them. Most of the crowd was drunk. Nobody was really paying attention to the big male and the beautiful older woman standing at the bar talking to each other. Soon enough, Jacqui and Christine joined them.

Jane sensed correctly that Tony was a real horny type; Jane got a strong sense Tony loved older attractive married mothers. The 19 year old was young, but he seemed like the sort of guy who knew his way around women and he was determined to have as many lovers as possible. Jane was so attracted to him.

"C'mon Jane," Tony tried again, "let me have your number."

"What's going on here," Christine asked Tony, fixing her beautiful gaze on his mouth. "Are you causing trouble here, Tony - I've been told you can be a real trouble maker, mister."

"Yes, I've heard the same thing," Jacqui added, running her hand around Tony and stepping in close.

"He's trying to get my number, girls," Jane said, caressing Tony's shoulders through his shirt. "I think he wants to ask me out to dinner or just wants to get me somewhere so he can undress me and do me a whole lot of harm."

"Oooh yummy," Jacqui softly enthused, while Tony watched her with a horny look.

"Wow, you like your women older, do you, Tony," Christine stated, stepping in closer, causing Tony to turn and back up into the edge of the bar.

"Hey, watch who you're calling much older, Chris," Jane stated, pretending to be offended, while the three women followed Tony, surrounded him and pressed themselves up against him.

Christine poked her tongue out at Jane. The three married women burst into laughter while they ran their hands over the horny and distracted looking 19 year old guy. He had nowhere to go. Jacqui discreetly reached out and placed her hand on the bulge in his pants. Tony gasped. His eyes grew wide.

"C'mon Jane," Tony tried again, desperately, a moment later, "please give me your phone number."

"Wow, he's so persistent," Jacqui said, while tickling his cock.

"Sure is," Christine added, resting her vision on Jacqui's moving hand and the underlying bulge in her stepson's pants, "he's a big horny guy with a big hard dick."

"Hmmm, I don't think that's such a good idea, Tony," Jane said, feeling overwhelmed by Tony's height and size. "I don't know where it would end. It could lead to a whole lot of sin and more than a touch of trouble for both of us."

"No, no, no, c'mon, Jane, there's no harm in it, there's no trouble at all," Tony said, whispering in Jane's ear, "I just want to call you and maybe we can go out sometime. Eric would never need to know. Eric may not even care."

"Oh, my husband definitely wouldn't care or mind, but please answer this, honey: go out sometime, like to dinner?"

"Absolutely Jane," Tony softly said with a horny smile, "I can think of a few things we can get up to after a great meal at an expensive restaurant."

There was a burst of laughter from the three women. Tony stared at Jane, Jacqui and Christine with a hungry expression. All three females gave him back the same carnivorous look. Jacqui was caressing his balls through his pants with her tender fingers and thumb.

"I want all three of you," Tony softly hissed. "I want to date all three of you. I want to fuck all three of you."

"Mmmm, I heard that, I'll have to remember that, Tony," Christine whispered in his ear. "That's very naughty and desperate."

There was more laughter from Jane, Jacqui and Christine.

"Oh, really, like what, honey," Jane asked him with a seductive grin, picking up the sexy conversation, between him and her, after the laughter had ended, while making sure Tony could look down her plunging top if he wanted.

"I think you can imagine, Jane," Tony said, staring at Jane's pale cleavage, like she hoped he would. "It's not exactly dancing or going to see some chick flick I have in mind."

"Yes, I believe I can imagine, I'm sure your plans involve you and me shedding our clothes and jumping into bed together somewhere - right," Jane asked, looking up at Tony with a bright and horny expression.

"Sounds just about right to me, Jane - I would love to see what's underneath that sexy dress you're squeezed into."

"I bet you do, Tony. Do you like dating and fucking married women," Jane asked, smiling, before sipping her drink.

"Absolutely," Tony enthused, while Jane swallowed.

"You want my underwear as a souvenir?"

Tony softly gasped and grinned. Jacqui and Christine watched him silently. Jane waited for the 19 year old to respond. He was horny and confident when he spoke to her, but he was still quite young. Jane wondered how many older women spoke to him like this - so brazenly and obviously.

"Yes, I would keep your bra and panties and add them to my collection," Tony softly stated in Jane's ear.

"And what if I never wear a bra and panties?"

"Maybe I would just add you to my collection then - body and soul."

Jane, Jacqui and Christine laughed again. Tony grinned. He wanted all three of them for sure, Jane happily noted.

Jane smiled back up him. He was playing with her hair. He was pressed up against her. Jane was drinking her vodka and orange. Jane wasn't sure if Eric was watching her or not. She hoped he was. She knew her husband would just love this. He always enjoyed watching Jane butter up a new guy. Jane smiled at Tony. He looked so horny. He really did want to get into her pants. Tony burst into soft laughter. They were watching each other's lips and eyes. Eric's beautiful wife was pressed up against him. Her hand was caressing his broad chest through his shirt and her other hand was stroking his lower back.

"I can tell you're a horny type, I can see you're a womanizing sex addict in the making, Tony, so maybe you should ask me for my number again."

Tony softly gasped. He laughed. He was smitten with lust. Jane was gazing up at him with a ferocious expression on her beautiful mature features. Tony could see she was a predator, ready to take full advantage of his love of women and sex. His mind and voice wouldn't work for a moment. Jane kept talking.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind having a promiscuous married mom ready to say yes to anything you want. I'm more than happy to satisfy every whim you have. I can even arrange for Eric to be there, watching us together in bed, if humiliating him takes your fancy."

"Oh God, I think I'm gonna...," Tony hissed.

"What cum," Jacqui whispered up at him, before finally pulling her hand off his genitals.

Tony softly laughed and nodded. Jane wore a brazen leer on her facial features. She slowly and crudely ran her tongue around her lips. She grinned at him in such a sleazy way. Tony imagined streaking and glazing her face in his semen. Jane stood up on her toes. She gushed in his ear.