The Girl Who Wants to Live a Little


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On the bed were two people having sex - a thin, pale woman was riding cowgirl on top of a guy. While she couldn't see the woman's face, she recognized the purple angel wings tattoo covering her back -- it was Harper, the bartender from the Nook & Cranny. As Sarah moved further into the room, she was able to see that the man was Ryan. They didn't seem to notice Sarah at all.

Katrina looked up from the camera long enough to smile and wave at Sarah. Sarah raised her hands, questioning; Katrina pointed towards the couch, so Sarah took her suggestion and sat down. The couch was set up in a position to give a clear view of what was happening on the bed. She put her purse down next to her, pausing to turn her phone on to mute before doing so, and then turned her attention to the action on the bed.

Harper was using one hand to feverishly rub her clit while she slid back and forth on Ryan's cock. There wasn't a lot of deep in and out, but a whole lot of quick sliding back and forth. She whimpered and let out little squeaks every time she hit the front end of her slide.

Ryan reached up and grabbed one of Harper's small breasts and pulled her down to his face, sucking on one nipple and then the other. Harper didn't seem to notice - she was lost in her own world.

Sarah watched Katrina (and her camera) rotate around the bed as her subjects shifted positions. Although the camera likely had a great view of Ryan sucking on Harper's tits, Katrina moved back around the bed to approach it from the opposite side. When she shuffled past the fixed position camera, she deftly raised her camera's position so that one camera didn't get in frame of the other.

The couple on the bed were very focused on what they were doing, but at some point, Ryan noticed Sarah had arrived and gave a small wave.

"Ryan, we talked about this," Katrina chastised. "Just focus on Harper."

Ryan went back to doing just that. Harper never lost focus, although the speed of her oscillations of her clit had gotten more rapid.

From the couch at the bottom of the bed, Sarah could easily see Ryan's cock slide in and out of Harper's hairy, glistening pussy. The lighting was set up to showcase this area, making it even more visible to the camera; this gave Sarah a fantastic view of the action, as well. She could see individual droplets of sweat and other juices dangling on hairs and other parts of both participants.

Sarah sunk back into the couch, acutely aware that her nethers had quickly become very wet and ready to go. She'd already had sex with everyone in the room at one point or another, so she was tempted to jump right in. But this was Katrina's birthday and, apparently, they were following Katrina's script, so Sarah settled for just hiking her skirt up far enough she could gently stroke the insides of her thighs, occasionally brushing her fingers across her clit through her sheer panties. She wasn't trying to orgasm, but she would be ready to go at a moment's notice, as she didn't know when she was going to be called to action.

Eventually, Harper's squeaks and moans reached a crescendo. Her calf muscles tensed up and went rigid, she curled her toes, and she came with a loud scream that there's no way the neighbors didn't hear. She slumped forward, lying limp on top of Ryan. He kept thrusting from below, and with every pump, Harper let out a moan. They got softer and softer, and eventually she patted his chest and pleaded for him to stop. They kissed gently while Harper tried to catch her breath.

Eventually, Katrina broke the silence. "That was great!"

Harper gasped. "What time is it?"

Katrina checked her phone. "Seven o'clock."

"Oh shit, I have to go." Harper sat up, and started looking around for her clothes.

"Wait, we need the money shot!" Katrina protested.

Harper groaned. "Oh, right. Well, let me shoot Joe a text and let him know I'll be a couple of minutes late." Naked and covered in sweat, she hopped out of bed and walked over to the table with the equipment cases. She was almost there when she noticed Sarah.

"Oh shit, Sarah, hi! I didn't even see you come in." She picked up her phone and started sending a text message.

"Hey, Harper. How's it going?"

"Pretty fucking good, I just got laid."

"I saw that. I thought you didn't do sex with guys?"

Harper laughed as she put her phone down. "I probably said I don't do guys unless it's a special occasion. But it's Kat's birthday, and if that's not a special occasion, I don't know what is." Pointing at the lube on the nightstand, she continued "We used a fair bit of that. Don't worry, we saved some for you."

"For me?" Sarah asked, but Harper had sat back down on the bed.

Ryan had gotten up and was standing next to the bed. Katrina was moving some lighting around, but quickly got that resolved. Katrina pointed at the bed for Harper to lie down on the edge of the bed. Once she did so, Ryan was able to slide his cock into her mouth, and she sucked on it for a few seconds. Sarah had to readjust her position from the couch to the opposite side of the room, as she couldn't see quite as well. She still was gently stroking herself through her skirt and panties.

"You pretty close, Ryan?" Katrina asked.


"Then let's do it."

Ryan pulled his cock out of Harper's mouth and started stroking it himself, but only inches from her face, and pointed it right at her face. Harper reached out with her tongue and licked the tip, using her tongue to circle his glans and try to penetrate his tip as much as she could. As his strokes and breathing intensified, she pulled a little bit into her mouth. Loud, perhaps exaggerated slurping noise from Harper followed, and eventually Ryan groaned and grunted.

The first spurt almost hit Harper in the eye. She jerked back and giggled, and the second hit her chin and bounced off. Ryan got it back under control and, by the time he was done, several strands of white goo covered her face.

Ryan slumped back on the bed, and Harper licked her lips a bit while gazing into the camera, but didn't do much more.

Katrina again was the one to break the silence.


Startled out of the moment, Sarah looked at Katrina. "Oh, me? What?"

"Come kiss Harper and help her clean up."

There was a brief hesitation while Sarah tried to process the direction. It wasn't something entirely unexpected given her past experiences with Katrina, but still caught her off guard.

"Don't wait too long, you don't want it to get cold."

Sarah crawled onto the bed from the opposite side. She leaned down and gently kissed Harper on her very salty lips. Harper returned the kiss and their tongues danced for a moment.

"Now lick the rest off her face," Katrina instructed.

Sarah started with first stripe Ryan had made, licking as much as she could before fishing a drop out of the delicate corner of Harper's eye with her finger. As Sarah moved to lick up the rest of it, she slipped that finger into Harper's mouth. The other girl sucked on it while Sarah licked the rest of it all off her face, including some that had landed on her neck.

She didn't swallow it yet, though; once she was done, she returned to kiss Harper, and allowed it to flow between their tongues. It didn't all quite make it to its destination, so Sarah paused just long enough to lick up the spillage before resuming the kiss.

Sarah was vaguely aware of Ryan watching and Katrina filming, but she was much more interested in the girl she was kissing. Eventually, it had all been swallowed by one of the girls, or diluted enough to not be detectable any more. Sarah didn't stop this kiss, though; her hands began to wander down Harper's body, tweaking a nipple and then roaming lower while the kiss continued.

When Sarah reached the other girl's clit, Harper laughed and pushed her off. "OK, Sarah, I've got to go to work."

Sarah leaned back on the bed and laughed. "Another time, then."

"For sure, babe. For sure."

Harper got up and walked over to Katrina, who had set her camera down in one of the custom foam filled cases. She gave the brunette a big hug. "Happy birthday, you sexy bitch!"

They laughed and kissed gently for a moment. Sarah felt a twinge of jealousy -- she and Katrina didn't have quite that level of familiarity yet, she didn't think.

After breaking the kiss, Harper gathered her clothes out of a pile on the floor, and headed out towards the bathroom. "Going to take a quick shower in that amazing shower of yours before I go. Don't really need to show up at work smelling like sex and lube."

The other three said their farewells. Ryan got up and headed out of the room while Katrina continued to look at the camera equipment and adjusted lighting.

Sarah found herself lying on her back on the bed, watching the other woman work. Katrina was wearing a tight white T-shirt and yoga leggings, both of which did a good job of showing off her curvaceousness. Her shoulder length reddish brown hair was back in a ponytail, as usual. As Sarah watched the other girl almost glide around the room, she couldn't help but notice that every movement Katrina made seem graceful, seductive and practically oozed sex appeal. Sarah didn't know if that perception was a side effect of their previous trysts, or if everyone felt that way about her. Perhaps it was a little bit of both.

"So, you're really enjoying being a porn director, huh?"

"Yeah, it's a fantasy of mine."

"Question: are you focusing on the facials because you find them hot or because every porn movie ever has them? I always thought that was pretty much just a guy's fantasy. I think a lot of women find that degrading."

Katrina paused and looked up at Sarah. "Do you find it degrading? In the shower last time you were here, you seemed very into it."

"I guess, but I think I found it hot because you were into it."

"I'm definitely into it. I think it's hot and exactly the right kind of dirty for me. Both having it done to me and watching it get done to others. But, so long as I'm making a porn movie, it feels like a requirement, don't you think?"

Sarah mumbled some agreement, then asked another question that had been on her mind. "You've got to a lot of trouble to make a really high-end home sex tape. You weren't planning on doing anything else with it, were you?"

"Oh, fuck no. It's for my eyes only. And maybe yours and Harper's, if you want to watch it. Ryan might get to watch it as well if he's a good boy, but nobody is going to have the actual file except for me. I promise."

Satisfied with Katrina' answers, Sarah turned her attention back to her own situation, which was very wet and wanting. Eventually, she developed the courage to ask "So, you want to come over here and we can make our own movie?"

Katrina smiled. "Eventually, yes. But I've got other plans for you first."

"Oh really? And what might those be?"

"Give me a few minutes and I'll show you." With that, Katrina left the room and headed downstairs. Moments after that, Sarah heard the bathroom door open and Harper head downstairs. The bartender shouted a goodbye as she left through the front door.

With that, the room was surprisingly quiet. Ryan and Katrina were presumably still in the house, but neither of them were making any noise. Sarah was left alone with her thoughts, lying on a bed in a room that smelled like sex while the taste of cum was still on her lips.

The flood lighting was still on, and the bed was very warm, even given the relatively light clothing Sarah was wearing. She realized the fixed mount camera was still on, and presumably recording everything Sarah was doing in the bed. She gave it a little wave, and started to run her hands up and down her body. She was in the mood, and she didn't think Katrina would mind a little solo footage. Sarah's skirt had hiked up far enough that she was pretty sure the camera could see right up her skirt -- her underwear and skirt were the same shade of black, so she wasn't sure exactly what could be seen, but it was certainly a view that wouldn't typically be seen in public.

Sarah's mind was racing, trying to figure out what Katrina had in mind for tonight. While Sarah was a little disappointed that Harper had left early, there were still plenty of activities that the three of them could partake in. While there were a lot of activities they had already done, there was plenty more exploration they could do.

The previous two times that Sarah and Katrina had crossed paths, Katrina appeared to enjoy watching and giving pleasure as much or even more than receiving. The brunette had a penchant for watching Sarah receive anal sex, so that was probably on the agenda. Katrina had previously been very excited seeing Sarah take it up the ass, both with Ryan's cock and (on a separate occasion) an impressively sized sex toy. Katrina had confessed to enjoying the old X-rated videos Ryan had taken of Sarah and Ryan from years ago. The video equipment was far fancier than either Ryan's hand-held video camera or any of their phones, maybe an HD performance of that activity was Katrina's intention for tonight. Ryan had just come, but it wouldn't be too long until he'd be ready to go again, especially given the circumstance. That also might explain the intermission.

Perhaps they could combine Ryan's dick with a dildo for double penetration. Or maybe a strap on by Katrina simultaneously with Ryan inside her? Sarah would definitely be up for that. That would be a new experience for all of them, she was pretty sure.

As her thoughts got naughtier and naughtier, Sarah's hands had quit wandering aimlessly and become more focused. Her left hand had slid up her shirt and was playing with her right nipple through her bra; her right index finger was gently massaging her clit through her sheer panties. This was Sarah's most frequent masturbation position, and although calm and collected right now, it wouldn't stay that way for long.

Before long, she felt she was about to reach the point of no return when she heard an unfamiliar male voice call out from downstairs "Hello?"

Sarah paused, mid-stroke. Who was this?

Katrina called out something in response from elsewhere downstairs, and a conversation ensued. She couldn't quite make it out, but she could hear this new voice wander into the kitchen, presumably to chat with Katrina.

Sarah stopped what she was doing. Who was this? Was this a neighbor dropping by to borrow a cup of sugar? Probably not -- that person wouldn't have wandered right in. A friend of Ryan's from work? Maybe. A friend of Katrina's? Katrina's ex? Who could this be?

A few minutes of just-too-quiet-to-understand conversation floated up from downstairs, and then she heard footsteps coming upstairs. She adjusted her clothing, hiked her skirt back down and moved from the bed to the couch. In an effort to appear nonchalant, she pulled her phone out of her purse and pretended to surf her e-mail.

Katrina was the first one in the room with a tall, muscular blonde man right behind her. Katrina had a big smile on her face.

"Sarah, this is my friend Conner." Sarah began to say hello before realizing Katrina's sentence wasn't finished. "And this is another friend of mine, Steven." A second unfamiliar face followed Conner into the room.

Conner was a big guy - probably six-two or six-three. He was also broader than average -- his size and stature suggested an athletic build. He had a bit of a surfer vibe to him, with flowing locks that he probably needed to occasionally sweep out of his eyes. He was wearing a white Nike polo shirt, blue jeans, and sensible shoes. Sarah guessed he was probably about Katrina's age, maybe a little younger.

Steven was smaller and thinner. He was at least partially Asian, although his jet-black hair was spiked and had frosted tips. He wore a black track suit jacket, and had white basketball shorts on. His legs were thin and pale, although not unhealthily so -- he was just a man with a slight build. He did look rather young, though -- Sarah pegged him for early twenties -- perhaps he just hadn't quite filled out yet.

There was an awkward silence. "Hello?" Sarah eventually said.

The taller man strode across the room and shook Sarah's hand firmly. "Nice to meet you! I'm Conner!"

Steven followed suit, although less confidently so.

"Nice to meet you both," Sarah finally was able to speak.

"Sarah, Conner is a friend from the gym. He works for an advertising agency, so he brought over the video equipment; he was able to borrow all this from work." She indicated the cameras. "He came over last night to help me set it all up. Couldn't have done it without him." She giggled a bit, "Told him I'd make sure it was worth his while."

Sarah raised an eyebrow at Conner, who smiled warmly. Sarah wondered if "friend" meant the same thing it did when she referred to Harper as her friend at the Nook & Cranny. She thought it probably did.

"And Steven I actually met through my ex. Steven worked with the prick, but once Scott and I broke up, Steven kept in touch, trying to be just a supportive friend, but I'm pretty sure he's just been looking to get laid."

Steven looked mortified, causing Conner to chuckle as he sat down on the bed. Sarah noticed that Ryan hadn't come back into the room yet.

"Now we haven't gotten around to that roll in the hay yet, but I did invite him over here with something like that in mind."

Here it comes, Sarah thought.

"For my birthday, Conner and Steven were both more than happy to come over and double-team you while I taped it."

Sarah was silent.

"Conner doesn't mind guys in the same bed, and Steven -- well, he's pretty desperate to fuck me, so he'll do just about anything I ask. Won't you, Steven?"

Steven nodded, a little reluctantly, but he was definitely keeping an eye on Sarah to see how she was going to react. The other two were also looking at her expectantly.

"So, Sarah, are you willing to play your part?" Katrina pointed at the bed, next to Conner.

Sarah was torn -- part of her was a little insulted at the other woman's presumptuousness, but a significantly larger part of her was aroused. She had been fully expecting to come over and get laid, but she hadn't been expecting this. Random strangers she had never met or known who had been more or less promised that they could fuck her? Yes, she had very quickly jumped into bed with Katrina and then Harper, but that hadn't been quite so... pre-ordained.

Additionally, Katrina was expecting her to be the center of attention in a relatively high production value porno movie. There was a lot of pressure there -- she wasn't really an actress, and she didn't know if she had the sexual confidence to pull this off without looking like a fool. She figured she could probably handle it without the camera, but with the element of being recorded added a whole new level of pressure.

A series of thoughts ran through Sarah's mind. 'Katrina's the one with the sexual bravado. Why doesn't she do this? I can run the camera! She's younger and prettier and curvier than I am anyway. Why wouldn't she be the one doing this? Does she really want to watch me do this? Does she really think I can pull this off?'

That brought a hard stop to her thought process. Of course, Katrina wanted to watch her do this, and of course she thought Sarah could pull it off. Katrina had set this all up with this exact scenario in mind. She clearly had the confidence in Sarah that Sarah herself did not. This was a comforting thought, and allowed her to calm down.

Eventually she burst out laughing because she knew which side of her was going to win. "Could I say no even if I wanted to?"

Katrina smiled. "Of course, if you really want to. But... do you want to...say no?"

Sarah stood up. "Probably not. Just wanted to make sure I still had a choice."