The Girl Who Wants to Live a Little


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Sarah walked over to the foot of the bed and sat down on Conner's right, close enough that their thighs were touching. As she ran her hand up Conner's thigh, Steven took his cue and sat down next to her on her right, also very close.

"Now, since you are the director of this film, what exactly would you like us to do? Are these my cable repairmen? Plumbers? Frat boys that I am TA'ing for in Anatomy 101?"

Katrina was caught off guard. "Um, yeah, this is more of gonzo. Sorry, I didn't write any dialogue." She was retreating back towards the camera; once she got there, she started to push some buttons.

"What's gonzo?" Steven asked.

Sarah smiled and turned towards him. "I think what she means is that there's no story; she just wants to get straight to the action."


"However, I prefer to get to know my... co-stars a little better."

Steven looked surprised. "You do this a lot?"

Sarah laughed. Both of her hands were moving up and down the thighs of the men on either side of her. She hadn't quite reached their crotches yet, but it was only a matter of time.

"No, not regularly. Special occasions only, I suppose." She deliberately repeated Harper's words from earlier.

"So, how do you know our director?" Sarah asked.

"I was an intern for Intel last summer, since I still had a year of college left."

"Which school?" Sarah interrupted.

"U of O."

"So now you want me to fuck a duck?" Sarah jokingly asked Katrina, who smiled but remained silent; she had picked up the shoulder mounted camera and was changing angles. "Go on, Steven," Sarah continued, "How did you meet Katrina?"

"Well, Katrina was dating Scott, who was one of my supervisors at work; he had just moved in from California. We went out drinking a few Fridays after work and a couple of times, Katrina joined us. And, well, she's super-hot. Duh. I struck up a conversation with her both times, but I knew she was way out of my league. But Scott was such an asshole, she was way out of his league too, so I figured, you know, let's plant a seed for the future, because I knew they were going to break up eventually."

"And sure enough, they did." Sarah stated.

"Sure enough."

"So, then what?"

"Katrina and I kept talking on Facebook sometimes. It started with funny breakup/ex memes, but one night I sent her one and she started talking a little dirty."

"I was drunk," Katrina defended herself from behind the camera, "and Steven caught me at the right time."

Steven nodded. "Anyway, we started talking about sex, and dirty secrets and stuff. She's a naughty girl if you catch her in the right mood."

Sarah smiled. "Oh, I know." Her hands were resting gently on the inner thigh of each man, lightly stroking them. Conner's hand was on Sarah's lower back, rubbing it gently.

"Anyway, after I graduated in June, I got a full-time job at Intel, and I said we should grab a beer sometime. She's pretty busy, but we kept talking about things... mostly sex."

"Really? What kind of things?"

"Well, just... everything about it, I guess. Our experiences. Things we'd done, things we'd wanted to do but hadn't. What we liked, what we didn't like. You know."

"Come on, Steven, tell me something specific."

"Um...OK. For instance, neither of us had done anal."

Sarah gave Katrina a knowing look before she spoke. "And I suppose you volunteered to be each other's first? Probably in that kind of kidding but hoping she'll take me serious way."

Steven looked guilty. "Yeah, pretty much."

Sarah nodded. "Got bad news for you, Steven. You missed that boat. I watched that ship sail a few weeks ago."

Steven's jaw dropped. "You what now?" Even Conner's hand stopped rubbing her back for a few seconds before resuming. Behind the camera, Katrina was shaking her head and repressing a smile.

"Yeah, she did that already. You might still be able to get in on that, though. Who knows?"

As Steven was looking back and forth between both women, Sarah watched his mild disappointment turn to hopefulness. Eventually, she broke the awkward silence.

"Back to our current situation, though. What brought you here tonight?"

"Well, last week, she confessed that she wanted my help with something."

"Which was?"

"That her birthday was coming up, and she could use a hand. Well, not a hand but a...uh..."

Sarah grabbed his cock through his pants. "One of these?"

Steven stiffened up. "Yes, one of those."

"And what did she tell you?"

"Well, she promised I would get laid. If her friend... you, I guess... said no, she'd take care of me herself."

"So, do you want me to say no, Steven?"

Steven paused, not sure what to say.

"Think carefully -- there is a right answer here." She stroked his stiffening cock through his basketball shorts. It wasn't anything huge, but was perfectly fine, something Sarah knew she could work with.

"No, I don't want you to say no. But I'd definitely like to do you both."

"Both of us? You might have to go twice, because I think she's going to want a money shot." Sarah slipped her hand down the front of Steven's shorts, and gripped him directly and firmly. She looked at Katrina, and asked "Isn't that right, Ms. Director?" Katrina gave her the thumbs up from behind the camera as Steven replied.

"That won't be a problem. I haven't gotten laid in almost six months."

"Good, good." Sarah cooed.

Steven began to speak again, but Sarah put a finger from her left hand on his lips, while never taking her right hand out of his shorts. She began stroking him gently.

Sarah leaned in and gently kissed him. First just lips, but then just a hint of tongue. Steven started to move forward, but she pulled back. "I'll come back to you, Steven. But let's get to know Conner, shall we?" She turned her head away from Steven, leaving her hand where it was, doing its thing. As she did so, she saw Ryan come back into the room, wearing a fluffy white bathrobe, and take a seat on the couch.

"So, Conner, how do you know Katrina?" Sarah asked.

"I go to the gym she works at. I never had her as trainer, but she gave me a few pointers about my lifting techniques, which weren't good. My techniques, I mean; her pointers were fine. In exchange, I offered to buy her a drink. Although she was dating someone at the time, a month or so later, we were talking in the gym, and she asked me if the offer for a drink was still open. It was, and well, we became friends."

"Friends friends? Or friends with benefits?"

"Friends with benefits. It didn't take long to realize we both very much wanted to go to bed together, but both of us had just gotten out of relationships, so neither one of us was looking for someone serious. The sex was fantastic, but we never planned ahead to do it. It just kind of happened whenever we ended up at the gym at the same time."

Conner's laissez faire attitude towards sex with Katrina caught Sarah off guard. Gazing into his warm, friendly blue eyes, Sarah realized Conner was an extremely good-looking man. His arms were extremely well defined, and his thigh (which she was still stroking) was solid muscle. Sarah didn't think he would have any trouble getting laid from a variety of beautiful women. Perhaps Katrina may not have struck him as particularly extraordinary in the same way that she (and clearly Steven) was a little awestruck.

"And you work for an advertising company?"

"Yeah, we make TV & internet commercials. I do most of the videography. We didn't have any shoots scheduled for today, so I borrowed the equipment and brought it over last night. We did a test shoot and a dry run, showing Katrina how to work the camera, focusing on smooth zooms and transitions, as well as practicing not moving in front of the stationary camera while operating the hand-held. We also tested the microphones."

"Do you have a lot of experience setting up shoots for porno movies, Conner?"

"No. This is my first one, actually."

"Have you ever made a porno movie, Conner?"

"I have been on this side of a camera before, yes. But never professionally."

"You think you can perform on camera?"

"With you, I know I can perform on camera."

"Aw, how sweet." Sarah leaned in and kissed him softly. Her hand slid from his thigh to his crotch and she made full contact with his hardening penis. While she did so, she felt Steven's hand reach out and gently cup her right breast. She pushed back into it. Her other hand found its way off Steven's cock and began unbuttoning Conner's belt and jeans.

"So, Conner, are you going to be able to hold back long enough? It hasn't been six months for you, too, has it?"

Conner chuckled. "It hasn't even been twenty-four hours, actually."

Sarah did the mental math. "You were here last night, and got laid less than a day ago, huh? I don't think that dry run was very dry."

Conner laughed out loud, a pleasant and welcoming laugh. "You could say that."

"So...I think we're about done with the foreplay, don't you, boys?"

Without waiting for an answer, Sarah kissed Conner again, this time a little deeper. Steven's other hand cupped her other breast, threading itself between her and Conner. As her hands worked to undo Conner's belt, his jeans almost unzipped themselves, as his cock was trying to push through. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and she got her first feel and glimpse of Conner's burgeoning hard-on.

He was big. Not the biggest she'd ever had, but he was bigger than Ryan or Steven, for sure. Maybe seven inches long and quite a bit thicker than the others. Sarah reached her other hand back to stroke Steven's dick, and to confirm the size comparison. She broke off her kiss with Conner and returned to kissing Steven, never stopping stroking both of them.

One of them began pulling out her shirt from her skirt, trying to get his hands underneath. She didn't know who it was and didn't really care. As they worked on removing her top, she stood up, and took her shirt off herself, revealing her lacy black bra. She turned around, placing her back to the camera, and put one hand on the outer shoulder of each man, moving them into the position she wanted. Katrina scrambled to get a better view with the camera.

When the men were about a foot apart, Sarah dropped to her knee, placing her face just a few inches from both crotches. She leaned towards Steven and took his cock out of his shorts. He was completely shaven, although black stubble made a sort of X-rated five o'clock shadow. He already had a drop of precum on the tip from the attention she'd already given him, and he gasped as she made contact. She tickled the opening of his cock with her tongue, greedily swallowing that salty drop of precum. She knew here was more where that came from if she worked hard enough.

Katrina moved so she could film the scene from the side, recording Steven sliding in and out of Sarah's mouth with every bob of her head. Sarah realized it would make for a better camera angle if Steven was laying back on the bed, so she pushed him back into that position. She made eye contact with the camera, and worked up and down his shaft for a bit, listening to his groans and moans.

Sarah was still stroking Conner, but he wasn't getting her full attention. After a bit, she looked up at him; he was watching her suck on Steven's cock with intensity. She was playing with Conner with her right hand, but his jeans were getting in the way, and they were not going to be easy to take off with the one free hand she had available to her.

"Conner," she said. When he looked her at her, she commanded "Get naked."

He didn't have to be told twice. He kicked off his shoes, took off his shirt, and took off his jeans in five seconds flat. He was as handsome naked as he was clothed. He had a very muscular chest, well defined abs, and his large cock was sticking out from his blonde bush straight as an arrow.

Sarah shifted her attention to Conner and licked him from the top of his scrotum to the tip of his shaft. She stroked his balls with her right hand and ran her left hand up his chest. She was going to really enjoy this man.

"Steven," she said, forcing herself to pay attention to the younger man. "Your turn to take off your clothes."

Still in a haze of arousal, Steven wasn't as quick about disrobing as Conner had been, but it didn't take him long to catch up. Once he was nude, Sarah returned a hand to him and tugged on him as she stroked and sucked Conner. After a minute or so, she made her way back to Steven, and took him back into her mouth in one gulp.

"Oh god," Steven moaned. Sarah looked into the camera again while she continued to fellate him. She felt a hand at her bra clasp, and it popped open. Conner was now kneeling behind her, and slid his hands around to cup her breasts. Her nipples were hard and sensitive to the touch; little bolts of sexual electricity ran through her body towards her crotch. He slid her bra down her arms, and she moved her arms off of Steven as needed to allow it to come completely off. Conner threw it on the camera in a brief moment of levity before returning to more important things.

She continued to work on sucking off Steven, and she felt him begin to tense up in her mouth. She didn't think the camera was ready for him to cum yet, so she slowed down. She turned her head to look at Conner, and he kissed her passionately. Considering where her mouth had just been, this both surprised her and turned her on. His tongue showed no shyness or hesitancy about what he might be tasting.

Conner's hard-on had found its way between her legs, and she reached around back to unzip her skirt. Conner slid it off, revealing her black thong and garter belt to everyone.

Sarah heard a whispered "Nice!" but wasn't sure who had said it; she thought it might be Ryan. While kissing her, Conner had his hands on her hips and was grinding himself against her ass, now flesh on flesh for the most part. Sarah had taken Steven's member back into her mouth, and he was basking in the attention her hand was giving to him; Katrina had taken a couple of steps back to give the camera a wide picture of what was going on.

Sarah was wet and ready, and she didn't see any reason to hold off any longer. If she finished things faster than the director wanted, Katrina was welcome to jump in here and take care of things herself. On reflection, Sarah realized that was very much what she was hoping for. But first, she had to take care of the two men.

She pulled her mouth off Steven's cock, and kissed her way up his chest, licking his nipples. His reaction was exactly what she hoping for; she continued to slowly stroke his dick.

While this was happening, Conner had unclipped the four clips of the garter belt, allowing him access to her thong. He grabbed it from both sides and slid it down, exposing her sex. She lifted up one knee and then the other to allow him to get them completely off. She spread her legs a bit, expecting him to penetrate her, but he surprised her.

He pushed her legs open a little wider, not to make room for his cock, but for his head. He had laid down on his back and slid between her legs. As he slid in, he licked her from back to front, ending up on her clit, eliciting a tremendous shiver up and down her body. He started moving his tongue back and forth on her clit, making her already sopping pussy twitch even more. His hands managed to reach around and re-clasp her garter clips, leaving her dressed only in garter and stockings.

After a minute or so of this, she found her mouth craving cock again, and moved her face back to Steven's crotch, taking his rod into her mouth. Her movements were less consistent this time, as Conner was very, very good at cunnilingus. She found herself losing her rhythm, and when Conner slipped a finger into her pussy, she gave up trying to focus.

She kept stroking Steven half-heartedly, while occasionally kissing or licking part of his shaft. When Conner slipped a second finger inside her, the thrusting of his fingers, combined with the work of his tongue, pushed her towards the first of what would be the first of several orgasms of the night. Conner sped up his fingers, increasing her moaning, which further encouraged him to keep doing what he was doing. Steven's hard on wasn't going away, but she had completely quit caring about it. At this point, she found herself resting her face right on it, breathing heavily on it, while holding it by the base.

When Conner slipped a finger into her unresisting asshole, she lost it. She let out a loud moan, then a brief scream, followed by a complete loss of control. Conner slowed down the fingers, but didn't remove them, and let up on the licking for the time being. He slid out from underneath her and let her sink to the floor, giving her a minute to catch her breath.

"That was fantastic," Katrina said after a minute where the only sound was loud breathing. "Sarah, Conner, let's hop on the bed and have her ride Steven for a bit."

Steven burst out laughing. Everyone stopped and looked at him, confused, which made him bust out more.

"Sarah Connor, come with me if you want to live." Steven spoke in a heavy European accent. Everyone except Sarah started laughing as well.

Sarah recalled her conversation at lunch the previous day. 'Don't be afraid to live a little," Jocelynn had said.

"Want to live... a little?"

"What? No." Conner reached under her armpits and helped her up onto the bed. "It's a Terminator reference. Sarah Connor was the main cha---"

"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed. "I've heard that before. I just... was distracted."

Refocusing on the present, Sarah saw Katrina was clearly eager to get the action going again. As Sarah clambered onto the bed, she briefly stopped to suck on Steven's cock for a few seconds. It wasn't quite as hard as it had once been, but it bounced back to full form very quickly. She felt Conner's hands on her ass while she was doing this, but he wasn't reaching for anything in particular.

She kissed her way up Steven's body, leaving a trail of moisture up his leg. She spread her legs once their crotches met, and he easily slipped in with just some minor hip shifting. There was an instant sense of wholeness, as though there had been a vast emptiness between her legs that wasn't filled until just now. His cock, while not huge, was bigger than Conner's two fingers, and she took a minute to just bathe in the sensation of, sitting on it. Steven's cock was twitching but not yet throbbing; she was hoping he wasn't close to shooting his load.

Her serenity was interrupted by Conner sucking on her nipples; he was lying on the bed next to them. She began rocking her hips back and forth, and began kissing Conner intently. Her right hand found the back of his head while her left hand rested on Steven's chest. She found herself extremely attracted to Conner, and kissing him while having another man inside her was arousing and tantalizing.

She broke off the kiss to catch her breath, and saw that Katrina had once again moved around to the left side of the bed to get a different angle. Sarah realized the stationary camera at the base of the bed probably had a great view from directly behind her, so she leaned forward on top of Steven, rubbing her sweaty tits on his chest. She figured that would give the camera as explicit a view as possible; Katrina was likely to want a lot of footage from that angle.

Conner had backed off a bit, and was stroking himself while watching the other two in action. Sarah leaned over and kissed him again, while simultaneously reaching down to play with his cock. Steven leaned up and started sucking on her left nipple while she continued to ride him.

This felt good, very good even, but she didn't think she was going to come again this way, at least not for a while. And she thought Steven might, but she (and likely Katrina) had at least one more act in mind. It was time to switch things up.