The Girl Who Wants to Live a Little


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She got off of Steven, pushed Conner onto his back, and hopped onto him. He was quite a bit larger than Steven, and his cock hit places that Steven couldn't. As she got used to that, she saw Steven roll over onto his side, looking a bit disappointed but still very ready for whatever was going to happen next.

As she started to rock her hips on Conner, she looked at Steven. "You ready?"

"Yeah!" He paused. "For what?"

"Ready to give Katrina the shot she really, really wants?"

"Yeah!" Another pause, followed by a glance at Katrina. "What is that?"

"Well, I think you should grab one of those bottles of lube," Sarah said, pointing at the bed side stand. "Then cover your cock in it, get behind me, and fuck me in the ass."

"At the same time as..." he nodded at Conner.

"Yes, I want both of you inside me at the same time." She looked at Katrina, who gave a big thumbs up from behind the camera.

Steven reached over to the bedside, and Sarah closed her eyes, focusing on the penetration that was already going on. Conner was big, and she felt him very deep inside her. She was glad that she had chosen this configuration -- taking Conner in her ass on her first DP might be a bit much. She enjoyed rocking her hips back and forth with increasing speed, her pussy gripping Conner tightly, and she could feel herself loosening up to be able to handle him easier.

Eventually she felt Steven move behind her, and she felt a comically large amount of lube run down the crack of her ass. She looked back and laughed when she saw that the bottle of K-Y he was holding was half empty.

"Steven, you sure you got enough?"

He looked at her, almost embarrassed. "No, should I get more?"

She laughed out loud. "No, babe, you've got plenty. Just get more of it on you and in me than on the bed."

"Oh, OK." She went back to doing what she was doing, enjoying cowgirl with Conner. Conner increased his thrusting pace to coincide with her rocking motion, and things were getting very heated. More nipple sucking by him, and she was starting to get lost in her own little world again.

A minute went by with minimal contact from the back, although she felt the bed moving. She looked back again, and Steven was standing up, trying to get into some sort of squatting position to make the entrance.

"Steven," she exasperated, "What are you doing?"

"Um...trying to find the right position."

"Just put your knees on the bed and... aaaah... fuck me doggystyle."

Steven frowned. "But then he and I will be, like... awfully close to each other. If you know what I mean."

"So what?"

"Well, isn't that..."

"No, Steven." She looked at Conner, who just looked extremely amused. "Conner, do you care if you're rubbing thighs with him?" She pointed at Steven.

"If we're both balls deep in you? I'll do it all fucking day, man."

She turned back and looked at Steven, expectantly. Steven sighed and sank back onto the bed, wincing a little bit as the two men's thighs touched together. Sarah stopped rocking back and forth to give him an easier target.

"Now... put it in my ass."

His cock was still hard as a rock, so he was fairly easily able to get it to the general vicinity of her backdoor. He paused.

"Have you done this before?" he asked Sarah.

"Anal? Yes. Lots. Double penetration? Not like this, no. But Katrina's wanted to see this for a while now, and it's her birthday, so..."

Steven looked at Katrina for approval, who nodded. Sarah leaned forward, lying flat on top of Conner in order to give Steven the best angle possible.

"Now," Sarah demanded, "are you going to fuck my ass or not?"

Steven nodded, and rubbed the head of his cock against her backdoor. Both of them were extremely coated in lube, so she wasn't expecting much resistance. And after a few seconds of poking at the wrong place and nearly getting it in the usual place, which was already occupied, (how would that feel -- she thought for a second), he finally found his mark.

Just the tip penetrated at first. Sarah reflexively clenched down a bit, but although there was no resistance from her sphincter itself, her insides clenched up a bit. She was used to anal sex, but not in both holes at the same time, and certainly not when both penetrating objects were completely attached to other people.

"Slowly," she told Steven. He complied. For an inch or two, everything was fine, and then she clenched up again. She let out a little gasp, which made Steven pause. She was so full that it was hard to process. Her anatomy didn't really know how to react, and her anticipation of events yet to come was causing further anxiety.

"One second, one second." She whispered. "Conner, why don't you thrust a little bit and see what that does? Steven, stay still."

Both men complied. Conner pushing in her already filled up vagina caused things to shift a bit, and without Steven pushing at all, she felt him sliding deeper into her ass.

"There we go, there we go." Another pause. "OK, Conner, stop. Steven, push a little more."

Both men followed her directions. Steven pushed gently, slowly getting deeper, very slowly. Sarah realized that she'd gotten through the difficult part, and pushed back herself, sliding him all the way into her, not stopping until she hit the hilt.

"Wow," she said.

"Holy fuck," Steven said.

"Give me a minute, let me get used to this," she said to everyone in the room. She didn't think she'd ever been stuffed fuller. But holy hell, did this feel intense. And fantastic. Mostly intense. Nerves she didn't even know she had were now firing off with pulses of sensation. The membrane between her pussy and her ass was even making its presence felt. Each nerve ending she had between her waist and thighs was sounding off in a cacophony of feeling.

Steven and Conner were both holding perfectly still, although both of their cocks were unintentionally twitching a bit while inside her. Sarah looked over at Katrina, who had moved the camera off her eye and was watching her wide-eyed, although she still had the presence of mind to keep the camera pointed in the right direction. Behind Katrina, Ryan was sitting on the couch; he had opened his bathrobe and was absent-mindedly stroking his own semi-hard penis. He had begun to recover from his tryst with Harper.

As Sarah felt herself get used to the tingles that were running rampant through her loins, her breathing and focus stabilized. The nerves that were overloaded became accustomed to the situation, and she started to feel the pleasure take priority over the onslaught of sensation. Eventually, it became almost entirely pleasurable, and she knew it was time to move forward.

"Ok, showtime."

She smiled at the camera, and looked over her shoulder at Steven. "Ok, ready. Go slowly."

Steven listened well, and started cautiously sliding in and out of her. She was staring Conner in the eyes while it happened, and he was clearly enjoying watching her facial expressions. It didn't take long before she started pushing back a little with each thrust, and Steven took the cue to pick up the pace. It wasn't much more than a minute or two before he was thrusting hard and quick.

"Wow," Katrina said from behind the camera. Sarah looked at her and winked.

Sarah was still lying flat on top of Conner, but she propped herself up to give herself some air. This allowed Conner to move a little more, and he was able to do some gentle thrusting of his own. The two men quickly developed a natural rhythm where one slid in while the other slid out; Sarah's hips were doing some of the work as well. Unable to reach Sarah's face to kiss her, Conner settled for sucking on her nipples.

Once the steady rhythm developed, Sarah felt herself starting down the path to orgasm. Steven's hands had a firm grip on her hips, and Conner was playing with her one tit while sucking the other one.

"Oh Jesus," Sarah moaned. "This is so fucking intense."

"I bet," Katrina grinned. "Are you going to come?"

"Yeah, and I don't think it's going to take all that long. I'll probably be done once that happens, though. So, get the footage now."

"Way ahead of you."

Sarah wasn't kidding. It wasn't going to take long for her to climax, and she thought there might be a pretty good chance her body would kick out the intruders when that happened. Conner had quit sucking on her nipples, and his eyes were darting back and forth between her face and her swinging tits. Sarah closed her eyes, and she found herself biting her lip with increasing intensity.

She was completely lost in the moment when she vaguely heard Katrina's voice talking to someone that clearly wasn't her, and it took a couple of seconds for the words to sink in.

"Ryan, why don't you get in there and make her airtight?"

Sarah didn't quite realize what she said at first, and then didn't quite comprehend what that meant. It wasn't until she felt someone else get on the bed near her head that she opened her eyes, and found Ryan's fully erect six-inch shaft basically in her face.

"Seriously?" She looked at Katrina.

"You can handle it."

"I mean," she gasped as a particularly good thrust hit, "of course I can, but..." Another gasp. "Why the fuck not?"

Ryan legs were positioned next to Conner's head, so Sarah was easily able to reach him with her face while the other men continued doing what they were already in the middle of doing.

There was no foreplay to this blow job. She opened up and took him into her mouth, as deep as she could before she lost her breath with another thrust from Steven. She moaned onto Ryan's shaft as it slipped in and out of her mouth. Her moans continued while she continued to try and gag herself; they were just muffled a bit.

It was really hard to focus on everything she was trying to do here, and she had to sit up a bit to try and get some balance. She briefly stroked the newest cock with her hand while she tried unsuccessfully to get her breath.

Ryan's cock was only a few inches from Conner's face, but Conner didn't seem to mind in the least. In fact, when she took Ryan back into her mouth, she saw Conner licking his lips. She wondered what would happen if she offered Ryan's cock to Conner, and realized she really wanted to see what would happen; she was pretty sure she knew.

Just the that idea of that triggered the onset of her orgasm, and she lost the train of thought she had been following.

"Oh, oh, here we go." Sarah grunted. "I don't know if I can handle what's going to happen."

Steven picked up the pace and started pounding harder. Conner's movement slowed down to let the younger man do the work. Sarah just kind of let Ryan rub against the side of her face while she reflexively stroked him.

The pressure started in her toes, and they curled on their own. Conner started sucking on a nipple, and then nibbling it lightly. Then her thighs started quivering and shaking and an extremely loud series of outbursts came out of her mouth as her orgasm hit.

"Oh." Every muscle in her loins tightened up at once.

"My." Her pussy clamped down on one cock.

"Fucking." Her ass clamped down on the other.

"God." Her clit spasmed, running shocks through her body.

"What." Every part of her body that touched someone else was straight fire.

"The." The waves of her orgasm were hitting in time with Steven's thrusts.

"Fuck." Her vision blurred and she saw stars dancing around.

"Is." Synapses in her brain were on overload.

"Happening." She couldn't control any part of her body.

"To." She couldn't believe it was lasting this long.

"Me?" A scream tore its way out of her throat, louder than any sex sound she'd ever made before. She had completely lost control, and had no choice but to let herself go, riding overwhelming throbs of pleasure that she had never felt before.

Once the orgasm subsided, she collapsed limply on top of Conner, pinned in place by two men with her hand hanging off the third. A loud silence filled the room as everyone was staring at her, and what she had just been through. At least three jaws were open, and she couldn't see Steven to know if there was a clean sweep or not.

Sarah was borderline comatose, saying and doing nothing, lying limply on top of Conner. She got the impression nobody knew what to do or how to react. The only noise she could hear was her own heavy breathing.

"Holy mother of God." Katrina finally broke the silence. "That was unbelievable."

That stirred the room a little bit. Steven tried to thrust, and Sarah slapped him away.

"No, no. Off, off!" She scrambled to get away, there was too much going on right now, she couldn't handle any additional contact. Steven pulled out, and she rolled off Conner onto her back on the bed as she mumbled a general thanks to nobody in particular.

She was exhausted, and still recovering. She became aware that she was spread eagle, with a camera shooting right up her extremely well used crotch. It might not be right for a week, and she figured it probably looked like a war zone down there. Likely a well-dressed war zone, though, since it was framed by a Victoria's Secret garter and hose set.

After what seemed like an hour but was probably not even two minutes, she opened her eyes, and looked at Katrina first; she was still dutifully manning the camera. The three guys were stroking their cocks. Conner and Ryan were looking at her patiently and expectantly; Steven was examining his own member. It appeared to pass whatever inspection he had been performing, and then he resumed stroking it, watching her, and waiting.

Words eventually came out of her mouth, but they were ragged and uneven, periodically interrupted by breathing. "Well, that was nice. I think I might like to do that again sometime once I've recovered. So probably, sometime next decade." The others chuckled.

Sarah continued. "You should really give it a try, Katrina. I've never felt anything like it."

"After what I just saw, you don't need to tell me twice."

"Now what?" Sarah asked, her breath starting to get a little more under control. "Because I think I'm done getting fucked for a while."

"Once you get your breath back, it's time for the money shot." Katrina said.

"Money shot?" Steven seemed confused.

Sarah grinned weakly. "I just have to lie here and get jizzed on? That I can do."

"Yeah, mostly. They might like it if you loaned a helping hand...or mouth I suppose. And I do need you to slide around here for the camera."

Sarah sighed contentedly, and slowly spun herself around. She lazily slid over towards the base of the bed so she was flat on her back, with her head almost hanging off the edge. "Ok, boys, take it away. I'll help out when I can."

The three naked men gathered around her; they left an opening at the middle of the bed for the stationary camera to be able to get the best view of the action. Katrina reached out and moved Ryan to the side to give her camera a better angle, but for the most part she let the action in front of her flow naturally.

Sarah found herself on her back, looking up in the air, while cocks clouded her vision from three different angles. Still a bit wiped out, she opened her mouth and let one slide in. She had no idea whose, and didn't care.

After a bit, she took one of the other cocks in each hand, and started stroking them with an increasing level of enthusiasm, while continuing to suck on the cock in the middle. It turned out the guy in her mouth was Steven; he was the first one to take control over from her.

"I'm getting close," he moaned as he pulled out of her mouth and starting stroking himself just above her face.

"Oh yeah?" Sarah asked, looking at the camera, licking her lips and opened her mouth. "Give it to me. Come on my face."

A few grunts later, and the first shot hit her chin and right cheek. Steven adjusted his aim, and the second spurt landed mostly in her mouth, as did the third, before the last few dribbles trickled out onto her forehead.

Sarah swallowed what was in her mouth, making a show of it for the camera, before licking her lips to get a little more.

Steven got out of the way, and collapsed on the couch. Sarah had caught her second wind, and spun around, ending up in a sitting position with one erection in each hand. She was completely exposed to the camera at the foot of the bed, which was looking directly at her; Katrina was focusing in from a little off center. She looked back and forth between the two, enjoying her role as the center of attention.

She was gently stroking Ryan with her left hand, but Conner was closer to cumming, so she focused on him. Conner's dick was new to her, and the largest of the three. It was a very handsome cock -- straight, long, thick, and was well-proportioned. It glistened under the lights with her juices, and it smelled strongly of pussy. She licked the tip -- her taste on him was just as strong as her smell. The blonde curls at its base were either trimmed or naturally short; she wasn't brushing her nose against them when she took him as deep into her mouth as she could.

Katrina had the camera in closer now, since there was more room with two guys instead of three. Close enough that Sarah could see a reflection of her face in the lens. It wasn't clear, but she could see most of Steven's load still on her face, and was able to watch Conner's cock slide in and out of her mouth. She supposed she was staring right into the camera lens while watching this, making eye contact with the audience, which consisted entirely of Katrina at this point. After a minute or so of this, Katrina pulled her eye away from the viewer, and looked Sarah directly in the eye. Her face was flushed, watching the other girl work, and she licked her lips while they maintained eye contact.

"I'm gonna come." Conner got their attention back. He pulled his cock out of Sarah's mouth, and placed it above her face, continuing to urgently stroke it. Katrina adjusted the angle of the camera. Ryan moved out of the way in case he overshot. Sarah simply opened her mouth, licked her lips, and looked back up at Conner.

Conner had better aim than Steven -- his first shot went in her mouth. He kept grunting and with each grunt, a new spurt came out. He adjusted his aim a bit so that additional loads covered her face, a bit on each cheek, and she was pretty sure some got in her hair.

Sarah had tasted a variety of flavors of semen in her life, but this was practically ambrosia compared to most of the rest. Ryan's taste was inoffensive, which as far as cum went, was pretty fantastic. Conner's was actually good -- more sweet than salty, with maybe just a hint of citrus. How was that even possible? She swallowed greedily, and tried to lick more off her face, with little luck. There was a lot of it on her face, but the rest was going to have to wait a bit.

"That was the best tasting cum I've ever had in my life!" Sarah exclaimed.

"I know, right?" Katrina interjected from behind the camera. Sarah shot a quick look in her direction, as she continued to play with Ryan's shaft.

Conner sat down on the bed next to her, and laid back. "I've been told that before. The first couple of time I didn't believe it, then I tried to use it as a pickup line in college -- with minimal success, but now I like to leave it as a nice surprise."

"That was a great fucking surprise. Do you take reservations?" Sarah joked.

"Funny story about that..."

"Oh shit," Ryan interrupted. "Here I go."

Sarah leaned forward, assuming the same position for Ryan that she had for Steven and Conner. She actually felt Conner sit forward to get a better view.

Ryan wasn't kidding -- his first blast hit her square on the nose right as she got into position. The next one got her very close to her left eye, causing her to squint it shut. She laughed and adjusted, catching the next couple of eruptions in her mouth, before allowing the rest to gather on her face.