My Harem Complete Again


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Before releasing me, she took her shower and dressed, donning a floral print sun dress, spike heeled black pumps and a brief pair of black silk panties. Then she put my cock in the cage, leaving the stretcher in place. I looked down and saw my balls projecting sideways, deep purple, like plums ripe for the plucking. She removed the manacles, told me to get to work and that she would be inspecting the rooms when she returned. There would be punishment for any imperfection. She left.

In her absence my mind reeled. There I was, naked with my cock locked up and my balls stretched, adding much to the ache, on hands and knees doing menial and degrading chores for a woman I had only met in person less than 24 hours ago. How had I come to be so deeply under her spell and command? She had taken control at hello and ever since had everything exactly her way. And it seemed she was entirely accustomed to that and would settle for nothing less. For some time, I was overcome by shame and humiliation and felt the impulse to leave and forget the whole thing. I went to check the back door and found I could unlock and open it. I went to look for my clothes where I had tossed them when we first stripped. They were gone and nowhere to be found no matter where I looked for them. The closets and chests of drawers were both strangely empty as well. I was naked and trapped.

But my every indrawn breath carried her scent and with that came the memory of her sumptuous and irresistible body, her luscious and voracious pussy and I yearned desperately for her return. I sighed in resignation and admitted to myself there was nowhere else on earth I would rather be.


Jacob, sweet Jacob! Such tender and succulent prey for a cougar like me! Another man enthralled and under my dominance, fated to be my slave. That story about my being widowed was only partly true. He'll find out the whole truth by and by. The poor thing has no clue as to the kind of woman into whose clutches he has fallen. But we have only scratched the surface. He is like warm soft clay to be molded to my liking before he can take his place in my slave harem and make it complete again.

I know I was born this way. I came to see men as weak and inferior beings driven mostly by their lust. Why they are in charge of this world has always been a mystery to me. By the time I became a woman I resolved that matters would be different, at least in my own life. Despite my contempt for the male my desires were heterosexual, and I resolved that, one day, men would serve me and satisfy those desires.

I grew up in a small rural town. When I reached my teens, my sexual desires developed like they would in any healthy young woman, but the local boys were so pathetic I couldn't be bothered with them and remained celibate even though my desires tormented me. Being unusually bright, if I say so myself, and also strong and athletic, I turned to my studies and sports to get my mind off sex and my dreary life in that little backwater. My reward was a 4.0 grade point and my choice of full scholarships to several major universities. I picked one as far away from home as could be and never went back.

Then I was unleashed upon the world and my desires could have free rein. I knew what I wanted from men: submission, obedience and orgasmic pleasure. My sexual conquests were many though I remained a virgin. I wanted to satisfy my lust without having to let them come inside me. My strategy was simple: avoid the posturing macho football, frat boy types and seek out the shy and sensitive ones. They were always so gentle and kind and eager to please me. They would fall so hard! So, I would use them cruelly, make them eat pussy all night long and send them home with their faces smeared with my fragrant ooze and their balls aching. And all this taking place in the coed dorm.

By my junior year I was a coolly confident and artful seductress and predator with my own apartment. I would have four or five guys in my thrall at the same time. It never ceased to amaze me how the taste of my pussy could enslave them, though I must admit I became addicted myself to having a guy on his knees with his face buried in my crotch. I trained them to bring me to brutish orgasms and my anus got much tongue love as well. Both my appetite and capacity for orgasmic pleasure grew until coming perhaps a dozen times a day became the minimum for me. But I never failed to fall asleep satisfied.

Eventually I learned to use the reward of coming to get my enslaved ones even deeper my spell and control. I would make them kneel and jerk off while I watched and then order them to lick the cum from the hardwood floor as a condition of continuing our "relationship." Even better I would have them shoot their loads on my spread out pussy and make then lick it up and suck me to orgasm. They submitted to this degradation so willingly and my feeling of power was an aphrodisiac that brought me to heights of ecstasy.

I managed to juggle my assorted affairs, somehow not letting my lovers find out about each other, until one evening I was in bed with Tom, lying on my back naked with my legs spread and knees up to my chest while he wriggled his tongue in my anus. The door must have been left unlocked because Chris, another of my boy toys, barged into the bedroom with a look of eager longing on his face that changed to shock and hurt when he saw me there being eaten. I had made a rule against such popping in, but Chris was new and madly infatuated.

But I felt no guilt or shame. He was only a man after all. Instead I went on the offensive, seized the moment and was well rewarded. A whole new realm of pleasure was about to open up.

"Don't just stand there Chris! Get naked and get in bed!"

To my pleasant surprise, after some hesitation, he stripped and joined us. A wicked idea came to me. I rolled onto m side, raised my top leg high, exposing my crotch as bold as could be, bent the knee of my lower leg and barked orders.

"Chris! Eat my pussy! Tom! Lick my asshole!"

In a heartbeat I had them lying on their sides, chin to chin, as both tongues pleasured me. It was so delightful I had a shattering orgasm almost before I wanted to but then I just had them switch places and start over very gently, so I could enjoy the exquisite sensation and let my arousal build for a second climax. In a few minutes I came even harder, then made them switch again and start over. I came twice more and felt a depth of satisfaction I had never known before. I was limp and languid, unable to stand, and I just lay there for a while as Chris and Tom kissed me adoringly over my mount and ass.

When I could stand I made them follow me to the living room and I settled into my black leather recliner, raised the footrest and ordered them to each lick a foot. How meekly they obeyed! I realized then even I had no clue how badly I could pussy whip men.

I had five guys on a string at the time and I wondered: would it be possible to make each of them accept that he was just another one of my...slaves? I couldn't think of another word to describe them. And I wondered: to what other degradations could I make them submit?

One by one I introduced my slaves to each other. Next was Alan, who I invited over to pleasure me one evening. He arrived, knocked on the door and when I told him to come in her found me standing with one foot up on the arm of the recliner with Tom and Chris on their knees beneath me, Tom sucking my pussy and Chris doing my anus.

Alan's jaw dropped, and he started backing out the door with that same shocked and hurt expression on his face. But my sharp command compelled him.

"Get in here and strip Alan! Chris, back off! Alan, on your knees and get busy in my asshole!"

I felt arrogant delight at the way he obeyed me, kneeling, pressing his face between my cheeks, putting tongue to my anus with adoring passion. Soon an orgasm hit me so hard my knees gave out and I toppled into the recliner, passing out briefly, floating in a contented afterglow. When I recovered an idea came to me. I made Chris and Tom each lick and suck a nipple and put Alan to work between my legs with his tongue, having him give me rimming first. It wasn't long before the triple stimulation had me ready to come again and when I did it rocked my world.

Then I thought of a wicked way to "reward" my slaves. All three of them were erect, stiff as wood, as they always were when with me.

"That was great boys! Would you all like to come now?"

They all nodded, desperate longing on their faces.

"Okay then, kneel in a circle and jerk off, and not on the Persian rug!"

They moved to a spot on the dark hardwood floor and each grabbed his cock and began to stroke it. One by one they shot their loads into one big splatter on the floor. Then they knelt there staring at it with dumb looks on their faces. Impatient, I barked an order.

"What are you waiting for? Lick up your mess!"

They bent down to lap up the puddle of cum, forced to lick up each other's. The evening was yet young and each of them had a turn between my legs while the other worked my nipples or feet. And after each round I made them jack off again and lick it up. By midnight they had shot themselves empty. I made them draw straws for the honor of sharing my bed with me for the night and sent the other two home.

My other two "boyfriends" soon succumbed to enslavement as well and there were many long and delightful evenings. With five of them I had a tongue for my crotch, each nipple and each foot. They cooked and cleaned and ran errands for me and each also took a part time job to support me. I lifted not a finger, devoted my time to my studies and graduated with highest honors with degrees in accounting and finance.


I did my chores, doing my best to be sure everything was perfect and spotless. My balls ached severely, and I felt the longing throughout my being and I knew Marla had been right. I would have weakened and masturbated but for the cage. I went to the living room and could think of nothing else to do but kneel by a big armchair and wait for her.

Marla returned at about five o'clock. She stripped naked and, without a word of greeting, knelt on the armchair with her elbows propped on the back, presenting her behind. Then she gave stern a command.

"Lick my asshole Jacob! I had to use the restroom at a store and they were short on toilet paper."

I obeyed immediately, again feeling the compelling force of her will, and a sweet thrill of degradation ran up my spine as I pressed my face into the cleft between those lovely alabaster mounts and found her soiled orifice. Its taste was rich and sweet to me and I realized how deeply I had fallen into her thrall. Everything of Her was luscious and irresistible. With loving care, I licked her spotless as she sighed in pleasure from the tender ministrations of my tongue. I went to hard rimming to arouse her but instead she pushed me away and told me it was time to inspect my chores. She slipped into the spike heeled pumps she had worn on her shopping trip.

She went to the broom closet in the kitchen, took out a pair of white gloves, a mirror on a stick and, menacingly, a large riding crop. Then she ordered me to crawl behind her to the powder room, carrying bucket and rag on my back. The white gloves revealed dust in the corners of the baseboards and the mirror dirt on the back side of the toilet. She grabbed my hair and forced my face down into a corner to look at the small bits of dust there. Then the crop fell on me in stinging strokes as she ordered me to clean it again. I groveled about, redoing my work as she cropped, kicked, heel gouged and berated me.

Similar deficiencies were found in the master bath and kitchen and I was thoroughly chastised, groveling under her crop and kicks. When the cleaning was finally done to her satisfaction she propelled me, still groveling, with kicks and gouges, back to the living room, where she flopped into the armchair, grabbed my hair and pulled my face into her cunt. She was wet and aroused. The day had been hot, and her scent was strong after just a few hours with her cunt enclosed in the panties. I knew by then the signs of her readiness and put my tongue to her clit, getting her off within the minute. She cried out, shuddered, relaxed and, unbidden, I went down low to find her anus and caress it with my penitent tongue. I felt a strange sense of guilt at having upset her by not doing my chores properly and took it as my duty to soothe her righteous anger.

My tongue work on her orifice rekindled her arousal after a few minutes and she rolled her hips to direct me to her clit while pushing my hand down to let me know I should enhance her climax by inserting m finger into her behind. I added the tongue flutter of my own accord, and she convulsed through a sequence of orgasms that left her dazed and gelatinous in her satisfaction.

I rested my head on her mount, inhaling her animal perfume, the ache in my balls worse than ever. When her afterglow passed she sat up straight, put a hand under my chin and lifted my head to hold it to her breasts. I nestled there perplexed at how cruel she could be when angered and how tender once satisfied. She spoke kind words.

"Well Jacob, your sloppy work at your chores almost cost you your chance to come this evening. But that more than made up for it. I'm tempted to always find fault with your chores if it means I can come like that every time. Now I want you to make my dinner. There's a steak in the refrigerator and some salad ingredients too. Make a big salad and bake a potato. You'll find them in the wire bin to the left of the stove. And you know I like my steak rare and bloody."

The steak was a broad and thick porterhouse, a pound and a half at least. There was a countertop grill. I saved the steak's preparation for last and nuked the big potato a couple of minutes before putting it in the oven to speed things up. I served her the meal and she had me pour red wine as well. It was the same as at breakfast. She ate just over half of everything and let me finish the remains. Then she went to the living room and relaxed in the big leather armchair, watching an X rated movie, with her feet on the ottoman. I fetched her two bottles of wine and set them on the end table. Then I cleaned up the kitchen.

When finished I went to join her. She had me kneel to lick her feet while she continued watching the movie. Before long I could hear her breathing get heavier as the scenes on the screen aroused her and her hand strayed between her legs to fondle. In about half an hour the ottoman was pushed aside, and I was on my knees with my face pressed into her cunt and my tongue hard at work in her anus. Soon she had me shift to her clit and slip my finger in her behind. My tongue, the finger and the flutter soon set off a chain of orgasms that made her all but melt to the floor.

Minutes later I became the ottoman, on my hands and knees crosswise to her as she rested her feet on the small of my back. My balls ached beyond almost enduring and my erection strained painfully against the confines of the cage. I made bold to beg her for release, recalling her promise to let me come. Her answer was half a dozen sharp strokes of the cane across my ass and a stern lecture.

"Begging and complaining will only lengthen the time of your denial. I said I would let you come and I will. I had planned on around eight o'clock but now it will be midnight, to teach you a lesson. And your punishment will be another hour of rimming practice. The sooner you get that tongue up to speed the better."

She stood up and ordered me to sit with my back propped against the front of the chair and lay my head backward over the seat. Then she straddled me and sat back down, first rubbing her cunt over my face a couple of times, then pressing her anus onto my mouth. I ran my tongue in as far as it would go and wriggled it about, bringing a sigh of enjoyment as she settled her full weight down. But, inevitably, my tongue tired and the cruel cane fell on each of my balls in turn. Summoning a supreme effort, I pleased her for some minutes before again feeling the pitiless strokes.

Again, the hour seemed eternal, but the morning practice session seemed to have given my tongue more endurance and I was able to keep her happy for minutes at a time. Finally, she pressed her cunt over my face and had me bring her to orgasm to finish the session. Then I became her ottoman again as time ticked away. She made some phone calls to friends, chatting casually as I waited, enduring the throbbing ache in silence, fearing further punishment.

At last, she lifted her legs from my back, but then made me kneel facing the big screen TV to watch a lurid half hour porn video depicting women of her ilk having their way with their slaves. It was clear she wanted my torment to reach a zenith before granting me release. I could see the clock on the mantle, its hands approaching midnight. At five minutes to she had me turn to face her. She sat slumped in her chair with legs wide apart. She sat up, released my cock from the caged but left the cruel stretcher on, then lay backward again with her legs spread wide and draped over the arms of the chair.

Foolishly, I took this as an invitation to mount and enter her. All but lunging forward I nearly penetrated her before being repelled by a harsh slap across the face and a knee to my balls. I reeled backward, bewildered, doubled over in pain, and she put me in my place.

"You have a long way to go before I will even consider letting that thing of yours enter me Jacob. That time may come or not. Tonight, you may have release as promised. You will kneel there and masturbate and when you come you will ejaculate onto my cunt. Then you will lick up your mess and make me come as well. Now begin!"

I was no stranger to this act, having resorted to it regularly in my years alone but the thought of doing it while she watched made my face redden in humiliation. Nevertheless, I was desperate for relief of the dreadful ache in my balls. I took myself in hand and found my cock to be harder and longer than I had ever known before. After just half a dozen strokes I felt the welling up and the sight of her nakedness before me served as trigger. Another half dozen strokes brought a wave of hot and heavenly pleasure and I felt a surge through my constricted ducts as my semen spurted forth. A white creamy jet shot out and upward, not landing on her cunt, where I tried to aim, but shooting up over her belly and breasts. Another followed, and I feared her anger but instead she gave out bawdy laughter. Several more spurts followed, but weaker, and these, still generous in quantity, fell thick and rich upon her bush and labia. In blessed relief I collapsed to hands and knees, feeling wilted and shamed. Her cum splattered pussy was inches from my face. A creamy rivulet was flowing down the length of her labial crevice and over her anus. Her iron voice roused me from the daze of my release.

"You better not let that drip onto my rug!"

In haste, I went down low and cupped my tongue to catch the slithering wad just before it fell, and licked upward all the way to her clit, gathering in a mouthful of my cum. Though repulsed, there was nothing for me to do but swallow. Next, I turned my attention to the gobs that clung in her bush, sucking them in one by one. Then it was upward over her belly, lapping at the unbroken strip of splatter that continued all the way to her breasts. Each tit had taken a generous dousing. I slobbered up my copious leavings, amazed at the quantity I had produced. She was amazed as well and most pleased.

"Jacob! What a load you produced for me! I love it! I must really turn you on! Now suck my nipples. Get me horned up and ready to come again!"