My Harem Complete Again


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I signed up for two-hour sessions three times a week for three months and brought along one of my own slaves to each lesson to serve as test subject. Under Helga's rigorous tutelage I acquired arms of iron and finely-honed skills. And, I must confess, I became just a bit sadistic and sometimes would whip my slaves just for my pleasure even if they "deserved" no punishment. And Helga would also introduce me to a whole new circle of friends; but more about that later.


Wordlessly, Marla propelled me across the chamber with sharp kicks and gouges to where two heavy wooden beams were mounted to the wall, forming an X. Iron manacles were attached to the end of each beam and there was a wide leather belt at their juncture. She ordered me to stand and back up against the cross and raise and spread my arms, so she could clamp my wrists. There were foot rests at the base of each beam and she lifted each foot onto one and clamped my ankles, then tightened the wide belt around my waist.

How meekly I submitted to being bound, naked helpless and at her mercy! I was terrified, knowing great pain surely awaited me but had no will to resist. I had fallen so deep in her thrall I even felt contrite over my offenses and deserving of the punishment that awaited me. She went to where the whips were hung a selected two six-foot long slender and supple ones.

When she removed the dreadful device from my genitals and I felt relief for the moment. But my package hung free and hopelessly vulnerable and I saw her eyeing my groin with a cruel and lustful gleam in her eyes. She held forth on what was to come.

"The focus of your punishment will be on the offending organs. They are so tender and precious to you are they not? Even though your orgasm was not willful and deliberate it was still strictly forbidden and you will learn as we go along that I accept no excuses for any misbehavior. While you suffer you must contemplate whether the fleeting pleasure you had was worth the consequences. First I must deal with that erection!"

Indeed, despite my fear and my predicament the sight of my resplendently nude and voluptuous goddess standing with shoulders back, whip in each hand, big breasts jutting forth, bristling triangle of her pussy the focal point of her body had made me stiff as wood. I saw her eyes zeroing in on my projecting organ and, with a whirling motion of her right arm the whip was flicked in a lightning stroke that caught me square on the glans. A scream was torn from me and I withered and hung limp, whimpering from the torment of it. Then with a whirl of both whips a searing lash struck the inside of each of my thighs just fractions from my balls. She laughed at my howl of pain.

"Those lashes would have splattered your balls like ripe plums. The first one could have split your cock down the middle if I had wanted it to. I'm so tempted to reduce your junk to a pulp with my whips and your behavior warrants castration. But, as a eunuch, you would not serve my purposes. I don't want you docile and sexless, I want you to be aching and longing, serving me with passion and praying I will let you come again...sometime. So, a lighter touch of the leather will be applied!"

With that she whirled the whips again and a lash struck each testicle and my glans in the space of seconds. Though horrifically painful they were modulated with skill and just inflicted agony without destruction. Then the whips whirled in a blur and lashes fell with dire effect, most of them of the measured kind upon my organs but a few at full force perilously close to the mark, meant to add terror of unmanning to my ordeal. I blubbered apologies for my transgressions and pleaded for mercy until I saw the light of cruelty brighten in her eyes and I knew that had only incited her.

When I was reduced to pathetic, despairing sobs under her remorseless flagellation she finally stopped, and the whips fell from her hands. It was hot and humid in the chamber. She stood for a moment, eyeing me with lust and fondling herself between the thighs with one hand. Sweat ran in rivulets down her body. She approached me and loosed the bounds. I fell to my knees and then went to the floor, curled up and cradling my tortured organs in my hands. She gave me a kick and barked a command in an iron voice.

"On your hands and knees and follow, slave!"

I groveled behind her across the room toward the throne chair. She stopped me at the foot of the steps with a downward shove on my head and remained there with head bowed. I heard her bootheels on the wooden stairs as she mounted them and the sound of her settling into the chair.

"Look at me slave!"

I looked up, a chill running through me despite the heat after again hearing myself referred to by that word. She sat slumped in the chair with one leg draped over on of its arms, exhibiting herself lewd as woman can.

"Yes Jacob; no need to mince words. You are my slave. Now get up here and serve me! Let's see if you have learned your lesson or if another round of the whips will be necessary."

She lifted her other leg, so both were hung over the chair arms and raised her knees to offer her full crotch to my tongue. I clambered up the steps, bumping my knees painfully twice in my haste born of mingled terror and longing. I pressed my face deep into her oozing, lush tissues and went to serving her with equal parts adoring passion and dread of the whips. My cock hardened and the ache in my loins throbbed, both from desire and the lingering pain of the cruel flogging.

She wasted no time. Clearly aroused to fever pitch by her delight in my suffering she soon grabbed my hair and pulled me up, offering her clit. Orgasm rocked her with violence within the minute and her wail of animal pleasure echoed in the chamber. I knew my next duty well by then and went down low to lay my tongue to her anus. This time she slipped her fingers between herself and my forehead and used them to get herself off the second time, convulsing, giving out a primal shriek, gushing salt sweet juice that ran down her crevice and filled my mouth. I swallowed it down, sensing it was her wish, and felt yet another thirst for what came from her. Then she went all soft, limbs hanging limp, languid in her satisfaction.

Overcome with adoration I planted tender kisses on the silken insides of her thighs and lapped ever so softly at her crevice to gather more of the juices I craved. Afterglow was long. She slumped in the chair, even purring softly. Her hands cradled my head between them and she tousled my hair with tenderness. She recovered herself and lifted my chin, so I could look at her.

"That was wonderful Jacob. I was so angry and stressed by your behavior, but you made it all better. You must understand though, that more whippings lie ahead for you. You are my slave and mine to do with as I please. At times you will fail in your duties and you must suffer under the whip as a consequence. Other times I will whip you for the pleasure it gives me. Now it's time to put you to bed for the night. Follow me now. Hands and knees as always."

She rose from the chair and stepped from the dais. I groveled behind her. She led me to a place on the wall where there was a wooden panel floor to ceiling where whips were hung on hooks. She grabbed a hook and pulled. The panel revealed itself as a secret door opening onto a prison type cell. It was about eight feet square with a foam mattress and thin blanket on the floor in one corner and a shower stall with integral toilet in the other. I halted in the doorway, staring.

"You will spend the night here Jacob. I will return in the morning to continue your training here in the chamber. It will be a long and rigorous day. An alarm will sound one hour before I arrive. You will rise and cleanse yourself, then kneel before the door to await my arrival. I see no need to put the device on your organs because I'm sure they are sore enough that touching yourself will be quite painful. Now get inside and go to sleep. And from now on you will address me as Mistress."

She gave me a sharp kick in the behind and I crawled into the cell. The door slammed behind me with a thud and I heard a bolt being thrown. The cell was pitch dark. I crawled to the mattress and lay with my head across my arms, mind reeling, contemplating the fate into which I had fallen so suddenly. Within a week I had gone from living a "normal" life to being the slave of a woman who enthralled and terrified me in equal measure. I was locked in a dungeon cell with escape a hopeless proposition, yet I wondered if I would attempt it even if the door were open.

Lying on my belly hurt my tortured organs and I rolled onto my back, eyes still closed. Suddenly there was light outside my eyelids and I opened my eyes. The entire ceiling of the cell was a high-resolution screen and on it was a picture of Marla on her throne, legs apart, exhibiting herself lewd as woman can with a sultry and commanding look one her face and pointing to her cunt. Then it shifted to a rear end view of her as if offering her anus to my tongue. Another picture appeared and then another, a lurid slide show meant to torment me with longing.

Needless to say, the ache in my balls was worse than ever and her scent was strong from her poontang caked on my face from serving her. The ache worsened from the sight of her provocative exhibition. I covered my eyes but soon yielded to my desire and looked again. My hand strayed to my cock, but a mere touch made me flinch and withdraw it. I stared at the ceiling for who knows how long in a desperate state. Finally, I steeled myself, curled up lying on my side and pulled the blanket over my head. I managed fitful sleep between times spent gazing upward.

After lapsing into a sounder sleep for a while my eyes opened to darkness. Then a harsh life filled the cell and a loud buzzer sounded. There was no doubt it was time to rise and prepare myself for the day ahead under the rigorous tutelage of my Mistress. I went to the shower stall to clean and relieve myself. There was soap and a razor. I shaved meticulously, thinking she would want to feel a soft smooth face on the tender flesh between her thighs or cheeks.

I finished my ablutions and knelt before the door as ordered. After some time, I heard the click of heels on the hard floor, approaching. The sound stopped when close. I heard the bolt being thrown. The door swung open and there was Marla in her nude glory save for thigh high black stiletto boots; a small white porcelain bowl in each hand She set the bowls on the floor before me. One contained water, the other some kind of gruel or mush. She gave the day's first command: "Kiss my feet!"

I bowed low to place my lips upon her insteps, going from one foot to the other, back and forth until I felt her grip on my hair and she tugged me upward.

"Eat now, quickly, then we will begin! Be aware that you are still being punished for coming."

Famished and thirsty, I gulped down the contents of each bowl. Then she bade me follow her on hands and knees to a unique furnishing set along the wall. It was a kind of horse, covered in leather with knee rests along the sides. Depending from it were some leather manacles, set low, near the floor and a wide belt about two feet above that height. She ordered me to knee walk behind the horse and installed the manacles just above my knees. The belt she tightened around my waist, so I knelt upright directly behind the horse.

Then, a chill of fear ran up my spine as she clamped my balls into a steel vise with jaws lined with sharp studs. A long rod ran upward at an angle to beyond the front of the horse. It ended in a T handle. She mounted the horse, settling over it with a sigh of comfort, her anus and pussy inches from my face. The sight of her nether regions and her wafting scent inflamed me.

"Now Jacob, I am determined to get your rimming up to standard by Sunday evening. Get busy with your tongue. As always, if you are pleasing me you will not suffer. When you are not pleasing you will feel this!"

The vise tightened on my sore and aching balls, the studs bit in, bringing torment. She enlightened me further.

"The vise is spring loaded so. If I'm being served properly I will be so relaxed and lost in my pleasure I won't be able to turn the handle. Once fatigue sets in I'll be woken from my rapture and the jaws will clench until you please me again. Now begin! Use your hands to spread my cheeks so you can get your tongue in deep. I want to feel it inside of me!"

I pressed her cheeks apart with my thumbs and took a moment to look at her brown vortex. It flared and puckered in her anticipation. I leaned in and extended my tongue as far as I could stretch it, then pressed forward to get it in deep. She was a bit soiled and I knew by then I must clean her first. I felt her hole relax and I felt my tongue's tip pass the ring of her sphincter until I could feel the softness of her rectum. She gave a soft moan of delight and pressed backward to deepen the penetration. I set to wriggling my tongue about inside her while also slithering it in and out. Then there was a painful squeeze on m balls.


I heightened my efforts, but the squeeze continued.

"I said harder! You must fight the fatigue Jacob, or you will suffer more!"

I wriggled with all the might I could muster, and the pain ceased as she let out another moan of pleasure and seemed to soften and pass into a trance. Fatigue set in, but I steeled myself and focused all attention on my tongue's tip as it caressed a spot deep inside. that seemed to please her most. Minutes passed as she lay enjoying, purring softly, her anus clenching rhythmically on my tongue. She woke from her rapture and rolled her hips, rubbing her hairy wet sex over my face.

"Better Jacob! Much better! Now lick my clit! Make me come!"

I pressed my face deep in her oozing crevice, found her clit and went to my duty, my nose up her vagina. I worked it around inside her as I tongued her clit and it pleased her. She barked one last order:

"Your finger Jacob! Up my ass!"

The position was awkward, but I found I could reach over the top of my head and insert my thumb. This pushed her over the brink. She shuddered and let out a feral sound of brute satisfaction. A salty-sweet gush filled my mouth and I swallowed. She lay draped over the horse, limp and sated. I kissed her ass tenderly, awaiting her recovery. At length she stirred.

"You're learning Jacob. You make me gush when I come now. Major progress. I trust you swallowed it?"

"Yes Mistress!"

"Did you like it?"

"Yes Mistress. I loved it. It came from you!"

"That's what I want to hear Jacob. Now continue rimming. We are just getting started here!"

I parted her cheeks with my hands again, ran my tongue in deep as it could go and went to wriggling it hard in the way I knew would please her. She was languid, sighing softly in her enjoyment. Fatigue set in again, but I forced myself to go on for several minutes until my tongue just cramped and wouldn't move. The cruel vise clamped down in an instant and when I couldn't respond it clamped harder. I had no choice but to endure until my tongue recovered. I heard her muttered curses and she turned the handle even more, making me feel as if my balls were being mashed to pulp. With a heroic effort I got my tongue working again and she passed into rapture, the agony slackening.

A rolling of her hips signaled her readiness for another orgasm and I satisfied her quickly, knowing by then how to do it just right. My reward was another deep drink of her cum. Then it was back to rimming for two more such sequences, during which my balls were clamped harder yet. But, in the end, she was well satisfied, pleased with my progress and kind to me. She released me from my bonds and gently massaged my tormented balls to soothe them.

Then, she made me crawl back to the cell and go inside. She told me she had things to do for a couple of hours, slammed the door, locked it and left me to languish in the cell. The ceiling screen lit up again and I lay looking up at it, unable to tear my eyes away. My hand strayed to my cock, but the pain of the whipping was still sharp and reminded me of the dire consequences if I somehow managed to give myself relief.

After what seemed an eternity I heard the click of her bootheels on the floor and then the bolt being thrown open again. She stood in the doorway with riding crop in hand. Upon her sharp command I crawled from the cell and followed her to the middle of the chamber where she made me kneel.

"Jacob, it is inconvenient and annoying for me to have to give verbal commands when I want you to do routine things. I will now teach how to respond to hand gestures and body language. This, for example, means follow me."

She turned and made a sweeping gesture forward with her hand and strode away from me. I took her cue and groveled behind her as she made a walk around the circumference of the chamber and then back to the center. I stopped, and she turned to me, extending her hand with two fingers pointing. Then she bent them.

"This means kneel at attention."

I knelt upright, looking at her and her loveliness caused my cock to jut shamefully. A look of anger crossed her face.

"Did I give permission for an erection?"

She swung the crop in a wicked stroke that caught my still sore glans full on. The pain of it put me on the floor. She got my attention with a sharp kick and I saw her give the gesture she had just taught me. I rose to kneel and, luckily, remained limp. She continued her instructions, pointing downward with her index finger.

"This means lie on your back."

I obeyed, and she squatted over me with her cunt hovering a foot above my face. She held her hand, so her thumb touched her fingertips, forming a circle. Then she spread her fingers.

"This means open your mouth."

I obeyed again, opening wide, not knowing what to expect. She made another gesture, hand moving downward with fingers wiggling.

"This means drink from me."

She lowered herself, so her cunt was just above my still open mouth. There was a hissing sound as the urine poured from her ragged lips. Before I knew it, my mouth was filled with the salty-bitter pungent nectar I had tasted once before. I knew my only choice was to swallow. I gulped it down, spilling only a little bit but the flow continued. I managed to swallow as fast as it came until she finished. She stood and looked down at me.

"Not bad for the first time Jacob. But you did spill a little. That will add to your punishment later."

She gestured again, this time with two fingers pointing down.

"This also means lie on your back."

Then she made the "open your mouth" again.

"The meaning of the two fingers will be made clear to you another time, when I am ready Jacob. If you see me gesture like that you will know what to do."

She went on to teach me more signals. Her fist clenched with her thumbed poked between her index and middle fingers meant she wanted oral service, as did a tug on one of my earlobes. Her palm held outward and pressed downward meant for me to go down and kiss and lick her feet. If she showed a clenched fist, then extended her index finger it was permission to become erect. There were others of which I lost count.

The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to practice in responding to her non-verbal cues. She spoke not a word, but just used sharp strokes of the crop to punish forgetfulness on my part until I got it right. She also mounted me from time to time, either straddling of sidesaddle and rode me around the chamber in a dressage mode, wordlessly giving commands, putting me through my paces like a steed.

Finally, she strode to the center of the chamber and gestured for me to come to her and kneel. Above me hung a block and tackle with manacles depending from the end of the rope. She signed for me to raise my hands. Then, she pulled the manacles down and fasten them to my wrists. She stepped over to the wall where the rope was tied to a cleat, untied it and tugged me aloft easily with her strong arms until I rested on the balls of my feet. Her finishing touch was tying my ankles tight together with a thin leather rope.