My Harem Complete Again


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She went to where the whips were hung along the wall, perused the array for a moment, then chose a long bullwhip and stepped to a spot along a circle painted on the floor, seemingly marking the optimal distance for its use. She regarded me with a cruel leer of anticipation.

"To finish out the day Jacob, you will get a taste of my favorite bullwhip. You are still being punished for ejaculating, but I also just happen to feel like it. You are my slave and not entitled to any 'rights' or fairness."

The whip was coiled in her hand and she unlimbered it, then whirled it around, threw forward, flicked her wrist, making the tip snap sharply on my left nipple. I screamed at the tearing pain and hopped up and down in my bonds. A flurry of lashes followed, striking unerringly wherever she aimed them, and I hopped about and writhed in a futile effort to dodge them. She laughed.

"That's it Jacob! Do a dance for me! I call it the pain polka!"

I knew then why she had bound me that way, with just the balls of my feet touching the floor, so she could be entertained by my helplessness and humiliation.

The flogging went on and she added lashes that wrapped around my body and struck my organs cruelly. Pleas for mercy mingled with my screams until it became clear they only added to her pleasure and incited her cruelty. She continued until my pathetic sobs told her I was broken. Then, she lowered me, untied me and signed for me to grovel behind her to her throne. She settled in and spread her legs, draping her knees over the arms and signed for oral pleasure. Three seismic climaxes later she relaxed in satisfaction.

"It's been a very good day Jacob. Your rimming has improved significantly, you've learned my hand signals quickly and the song and dance you did under my whip was a joy. Let's get you locked away for the night and we'll start again in the morning."

She led me back to the cell and I crawled inside. The door was slammed and locked. I lay in tortured exhaustion, looking up at the ceiling and then the screen lit up and the lewd display began. I was riveted as before, the longing for intimacies with her luscious body still consuming me. My hand strayed to my cock, but the bullwhip's lashes had made it terribly sore again and I flinched and refrained.

Sunday was a reprise of Saturday, starting with rimming practice first thing in the morning. I found rigorous practice I had endured had given my tongue endurance and I escaped the clench of the cruel vise for half an hour before my tongue tired. This pleased her, and she said I was almost there. But the rigor continued until my tongue could move no more and my poor balls knew agony in the jaws of the vise.

Then it was more obedience training, learning new and more complicated signs. That took up the afternoon and she said it was time to send me home for the week. She gave the two fingered sign I had learned earlier and I went to my back on the floor and opened my mouth. She squatted over me and I gazed upward at her cunt and anus as she spoke.

"Look at my anus Jacob. You have become well acquainted with it but not as much so as you must be. When you return on Friday I will expect you to accept and swallow what comes from there. I expect absolute submission from you as my slave and by that act my total dominance and your total submission will be established."

I shuddered in terrified revulsion. Then she fetched the cruel and punitive chastity device and installed it on me.

"This will surely prevent any misbehavior. If you perform the act of ultimate submission on Saturday night you will be permitted to come. Now you must leave. The van is waiting in the garage."

Naked, I crawled from the chamber, then stood and walked to where the van waited. The ponderous device weighed down and stretched my organs, bouncing as I walked. The van's side door was open, and I entered, lying on the floor. The unseen driver put the vehicle in gear and the door slid shut.


Poor Jacob! Now he knows the depth of submission I demand. He will spend the next week in fear and uncertainty but in the end, he will submit as men always do when I have them in my thrall. He has no inkling of what will happen next Saturday day night and the circumstances under which he will be made to come.

Madame Helga introduced me to much more than the use of the whip as time went on. She had a back room reserved for her preferred customers and when I had gained her trust I was admitted one afternoon. What caught my eye immediately was an array of a dozen exquisitely realistic faux cocks and balls with bulbs meant for vaginal insertion attached at right angles to them. They were in graduated sizes arranged with the smallest on the right, the smallest being a more generous endowment than most men have. I wondered how any male could take the two largest sizes on the left. Helga enlightened me as I gazed in awed fascination.

"You seem quite taken with these and rightly so. These are instruments of pleasure that will evoke the most powerful and satisfying orgasms you will ever experience. That's because using one on a male will destroy and vestige of his "manhood" and make him come in a way that will enslave him with longing for your cock every moment of his life thereafter. Would you like to try one on?"

My eyes grew wide and my pussy warmed and wettened. "Yes! Please!"

"Undress then dear."

I stripped naked as Helga selected one of the middle-sized ones, a solid twelve incher by two in diameter. Thin straps depended from it.

"Now spread your legs a bit Marla. Do you think you need lubrication?"

"No." Ooze already ran from my pussy.

I stood with legs apart and Helga slipped the bulb inside me. It was a tight fit and made me shudder in already growing pleasure. The cock jutted forth from me firmly. The straps were almost unnecessary. Helga showed me to a full-length mirror and I thrilled at the sight of myself, big cock protruding, exuding ultimate woman-power, ready to reduce a male to a sniveling heap of emasculated wreckage and enslave him to my cock. There was a button on the strap along my right hip. Helga urged me to press it. A pulsing vibration began that weakened my knees and put me on the verge of coming. Helga explained.

"This is the latest and most advanced model. Women of high intelligence have designed and perfected it. Many tiny sensors in the shaft transmit tactile sensation to the erogenous tissues, the G-spot and the clit. You will feel his lips and tongue running along the length and the clutch of both his throat and sphincter as you take him. Inside the balls are some very powerful and long-lasting lithium batteries. I have ravaged half a dozen slaves into whimpering submission on a single charge. But it's said one picture is worth a thousand words? One demonstration will be worth a million I trust!"

She went to a table nearby, picked up a small remote and pressed a button. I heard a sliding sound to my right and a small door I hadn't noticed before slid upward. Out crawled a naked male with a cruel looking chastity device installed on his cock. He groveled to Helga's feet, bent low to kiss each of her boots and then knelt at attention. I gaped and pressed the button to switch off the vibrator lest I come prematurely.

"Meet my slave Robert, Marla. He has been subjected to the cock many times and yearns for it always. The cock you wear is one size bigger than he has been penetrated with before. He is ready to be introduced to the larger size, so he is, in that sense, a virgin. This will make it hurt a bit when you take him, which is as it should be. Would you like to use lubrication or just make him suck it first to get what lube he can from his spit? He gives great head, by the way, so help yourself to a blowjob if you like. Don't be bashful!"

My heart pounded, and I made panting breaths as a cruel lust took hold of me. I pressed the button and nearly came again when the vibrations commenced. Then I stepped over to Robert, grabbed his hair and pulled him toward me, forcing the cock's tip against him mouth. He opened willingly, and I thrust with my hips until the glans pressed to his gullet. He seemed eager to deepthroat it, but the larger size was a challenge. I was thrilled by his submission and eagerness to please me. And, I could indeed feel his loving caresses as though my cock were real.

Finally, he managed to take it half down and a thrust of my hips drove it home until his nose was in my bush. I hit the button and, again, my knees buckled, and I nearly fell. But threw his arms around my hips to steady me.

I was moved by his devotion to my pleasure, me being a woman he had never met. Grabbing his hair in both hands I rutted with abandon and he took it, giving out moans of what sounded like happiness. Orgasm welled up in me and spilled over. My knees went all to jelly but, ever dutiful, Robert held me up as waves of mad pleasure washed over me.

He held me until I recovered my balance, then, without being told to he, turned away and bent over to elbows and knees, offering his ass. I dropped to my knees behind him and aligned the thick glans of the cock with his hole. I heard Helga's voice.

"What do you say Robert?"

"Please mistress! Please fuck me!"

I needed no further encouragement. Taking a grip on his hips, digging my nails into his skin I threw my hips forward to drive the shaft home. It went in half way and Robert cried out and whimpered as his hole was stretched beyond what he was used to. A mad excitement took hold of me and I rammed the cock in deeper, this time all the way. He screamed and sobbed, and I drew the cock back and rammed it in again. It plunged in full length and Robert broke down, crying like a little bitch. I rutted on him like a stallion and soon, to my surprise and delight he started to like it, whimpering in pleasure rather than pain. It drove me to a frenzy and I felt the hot twinges signaling another orgasm was near.

Then Robert gave out a quavering moan of utter surrender and purest pleasure, a sound so sweet to my ears that an orgasm like I had never known before erupted within me. I let out a snarling shriek of triumphant ecstasy, feeling a strange new power.

Robert collapsed to the floor, sniveling, emasculated. I straddled him with the cock still in deep and rode him, rutting hard until I came again. I looked up to see Helga beaming, nodding her approval. I pulled the cock out and stood, raising my arms and whooping, unable to contain myself. Looking down I saw Robert, obviously a well-trained slave, was licking his puddle of cum from the floor without even having to be told. Then, I made him suck the cock clean. Helga had high praise.

"Excellent Marla! You really put it to him! Now which cock would you like to take home with you? I'll give you half off your first purchase."

"This one is too big, at least for starters Helga. But that third one from the right, the nine-incher should do the trick. One of my slaves in quite well endowed and that one is just a bit bigger than his. It is going to hurt them going in, but my cock should be the biggest one in the house, don't you think?"

"Self-evident my dear. I'll get one out for you, brand new in it's elegant case."

I took my new prized possession home. My lust had already rekindled at a fever pitch, but I managed to contain myself until after dinner and several tall glasses of red wine. Then, I made my slaves kneel in the living room while I went to the bedroom to strip naked and install my cock. I'll never forget the looks on their faces when they saw me step into the room with my big dick jutting from my bush.

That night I deflowered them one after another, taking them hard and hurting them, coming with mad intensity every time one of them gave out the sound of surrender and shot his big load onto the floor. After taking the first one I made the next lick up the cum before I took him and so on until all five of them lay wilted, shamed and unmanned, yet already longing for the next time I would fuck them.

The next day I donned my cock first thing and paraded about, supervising them in the boiler room, driving them to maximum efforts. And all day long each of them stole furtive glances at my big member and I could see both fear and yearning in their eyes. I set a goal of profit for the day, telling them the first one to meet it would be the first to be fucked. Needless to say, productivity soared. My cock reigned supreme thereafter and reduced my slaves to depths of submission I had never dreamed possible.

And my dear friend and mentor Helga introduced me to a whole community of like minded women who held it to be self-evident that the proper lot of the male was enslavement and subjugation by the female. Jacob would soon meet my closest circle of friends. But the community at large is far more widespread and pervasive than any of the male world suspects. The day of our ultimate ascendancy might lie far in the future but every day more and more women join the fold and more and more males succumb and surrender to the proper order.


I lay in bed that night torn and conflicted. I missed her, longed for the taste of her already so my balls throbbed and ached. But the perverse act she would expect of me filled me with horror and aversion.

One thing was certain. Going to work in the morning, or ever again, would be unendurable and I resigned myself to losing my job. I agonized the days away, tormented by the ache in my balls and the clutch of the cruel device attached to my organs. Wednesday my fear and revulsion somehow won out over my desire and longing and I decided to flee.

I knew not how I was to live in my sorry state. I just got dressed without even packing, got in my car and headed out of the city, going north to where the woods were thick and wild and the people few. After three hours I came to a little town with a seedy motel hidden behind a dense stand of pines. I chose to hole up there and try to plan my next move.

I went "downtown" and found a pizza joint and a liquor store and went back to my room with food and drink to get me through the night. My longing returned, and I was on the verge of going back, but strong whiskey put me under for the night and dreams of lying beneath her luscious womanhood filled my sotted sleep. Thursday morning, I stocked up on food from the grocery store and more whiskey and settled in.


I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I looked at my GPS tracker. Jacob! It clearly had not occurred to the poor foolish man that there would be a tracking chip in the chastity device he wore. He could run but he couldn't hide! As soon as I could be sure he was staying put somewhere I set out in pursuit. My protégé, Nandi, a tall ebony Amazon with a short Afro hairdo, who, among other things served as my driver, came with me. We tossed some necessary items into the van and took off for the backwoods with Nandi driving.

One would think I was angry but not so much. Instead I felt a thrill at the prospect of a man hunt and meant to prolong it and toy with Jacob, giving him false hope of escape before closing in for the capture. Jacob would be punished severely, of course, and I was much looking forward to that as well.

By mid-afternoon Thursday we had found the motel where Jacob was holed up. I sent Nandi around the back of the building to scout things out. The room had a rear window, a probable means of his escape. I sent Nandi around back again to watch and went to the room's door and banged on it hard.

"Jacob! I know you're in there! Let me in now!"

I heard some bumping and banging inside and then silence. Nandi came back and told me Jacob had slipped out the window and run off into the woods. He was naked and wet, as if he had been taking a shower. There was no need to rush off in pursuit. We went back to the van, went inside, stripped naked and put on hiking boots and black web belts from which hung handcuffs, some thin rope and an electric cattle prod. Then we gave each other a good dousing of insect repellant and each picked up a high velocity paintball gun and hung large packets of spare ammo on our belts. Then it was off to the chase.


It was agony of boredom as much as anything hiding out in that room and by Thursday afternoon my thoughts turned back to Marla and how I longed to feel her thighs clench on my head and to taste her pussy and anus. I thought a cold shower might help. I stood with the cold water pouring over me and then heard a hammering on the door and Marla's voice.

Panicked and bewildered at how she had found me I cast about the room until my eyes settled on the back window. It was sticky with age and hard to slide up, so I banged on it to loosen the old varnish and managed to open it. I ripped my way through the screen, climbed out and ran off into the woods. The chastity device was ponderous, and it bounced as I ran, stretching and hurting my organs. I must have run a quarter mile before my breath gave out and I stopped. Then the mosquitos made their presence known. I set off at a trot to shed them and about another quarter mile along I came to a shallow stream perhaps six feet across. I settled into the water to cool myself and soothe the bug bites.

After about ten minutes I rose to my knees to look around. Suddenly, I felt a sharp, painful sting on the left cheek of my behind and looked back there to see a splatter of what looked like my blood. Whirling around I looked up to see a tall and muscular black woman about fifty feet away, naked and wearing a wicked and gleeful grin. She held a paintball rifle.

In terror I bolted into the woods, taking another stinging shot to the ass, running flat out until I felt I had put some distance between us. I gingerly touched my behind and discovered I wasn't wounded and the "blood" was only paint. I moved on a bit, being bitten by my tiny tormenters until I came to a small grassy clearing. I rolled in the grass to soothe the bites and then stood to take in my surroundings. I felt another severe sting on my behind and turned to see Marla standing along the edge of the trees, also naked and armed with a paintball gun. She leered at me.

"You can run Jacob dear, but you can't hide! Please don't give up yet! This is such fun!"

I fled, taking two more balls to the ass, before I reached the cover of the woods. I don't know how long it went on. I would find a hiding place I thought was safe and, within minutes, feel the sting of a ball and see either of the women taking aim for another and I would run again. Finally, exhaustion set in and my organs were dreadfully sore from the burden of the device. I crawled into a thicket and lost consciousness.

I awoke when I felt myself being dragged by the feet across the ground. Marla and the black woman each had a grip on an ankle and they pulled from my hiding place. Marla rolled me onto my belly with her foot and the black woman cuffed my hands behind my back, rolled me back over and tied a thin rope to the device. Marla leaned over me with a lustful glare in her eyes.

"Game over Jacob! Now get up and follow!"

I managed to rise, and Marla set off at a brisk pace, giving harsh tugs on my junk to make me keep up. The black woman brought up the rear and would give me a jolt from her cattle prod if I lagged behind. We reached the van. The door slid open and Marla shoved me inside. I collapsed onto the padded floor, lying face up and she sat on my chest with her sweaty cunt inches from my face. Her scent filed the air and, in spite of myself, I strained upward to try and lick it. She laughed.

"You want it don't you? Sooner or later you would have come crawling back to me for another taste and you know it! You might think I'm angry about this foolishness of yours but actually I found it quite amusing. Your foolish resistance has only resulted in more suffering for you and more pleasure for me. I've told you before that you have been chosen. Your life will never go back to the way it was. You know you love me and all you need to do is give in and submit. You will know a happiness you could never imagine if you would just accept your fate. I promise. Now you can have your taste. This has gotten me so horned up I can't stand it!"